2 months, nothing

So I've been exercising on a regular basis, and still haven't lost anything in 2 months. My diet has been moderately good other than a few mishaps here and there, with upping my protein. I've actually ended up gaining 5 lbs, how disappointing. Possibly thinking stress and chronic insomnia are causing this. Was doing the Eleptical and strength training, now I think I"m going back to p90x.


  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    Your diary isn't open.

    Height, current weight, goal weight, calorie goal, current workout routine, etc would be useful information.
  • mslh84
    mslh84 Posts: 180
    I decided to close it because some days I forgot to write down or record what I eat. I'm 5'3, I was at around 215 ish, and gained 5 lbs some how now at 220...my ultimate goal is 130 ish, my mini goal is 175 right now. I'm at a min of 1200 without exercise with is usually like 1500 or 1600, I WAS working out with 30 mins of eleptical every day,

    day 1-arms
    day 2-abs
    day 3-legs
    day 4-rest
    day 5-arms
    day 2-abs
    day 3-legs

    I even stopped taking whey thinking that might be the problem and it wasn't. I bought a nutriblast and started doing at least one smoothie a day, that's not helpful either.
  • Shange_Gully
    Shange_Gully Posts: 106
    i'd start reverse dieting
  • Breezy3
    Breezy3 Posts: 52 Member
    I have no answers, but my heart goes out to you.

    I have walked a mile 5 days a week for a couple of weeks. Cut back on how much I am eating and have been eating healthy. Drinking 70 ounces of water a day and nothing. I can't imagine 2 months.
  • baileysmom4
    baileysmom4 Posts: 242 Member
    Not sure why this works for me but I cut down A LOT on sodium and upped my water intake a whole lot and other than a few weeks of stagnation been losing pretty steady. And if you like to drink alcohol, cut it way down or completely out. That kills my weight loss!
  • dwidepp
    dwidepp Posts: 4
    Just keep working at it. Have you noticed any changes in the past month? Do your clothes fit better? Make sure you are hitting your calorie marks, macros, and getting enough rest to let your body heal itself. Keep positive and it will come off.
  • mslh84
    mslh84 Posts: 180
    Okay if you noticed I mentioned that I have chronic insomnia. I gained weight so my clothes do not fit better, they are tighter...and again 2 months no changes other than gaining.
  • mslh84
    mslh84 Posts: 180
    Not sure why this works for me but I cut down A LOT on sodium and upped my water intake a whole lot and other than a few weeks of stagnation been losing pretty steady. And if you like to drink alcohol, cut it way down or completely out. That kills my weight loss!

    I rarely drink, and I don't eat much sodium. The only thing I seem to have trouble with are carbs, fruits, protein drinks, bread, everything! It's so annoying.
  • mslh84
    mslh84 Posts: 180
    I have no answers, but my heart goes out to you.

    I have walked a mile 5 days a week for a couple of weeks. Cut back on how much I am eating and have been eating healthy. Drinking 70 ounces of water a day and nothing. I can't imagine 2 months.

    I drink at least 64 oz of water just during my workouts. I'm just at a loss really.
  • smn76237
    smn76237 Posts: 318 Member
    I decided to close it because some days I forgot to write down or record what I eat.
    . . .

    You're probably eating more than you think unless you're weighing and recording everything you're consuming. Next 4 weeks, weigh EVERYTHING that passes your lips and then record EVERYTHING. If after 4 weeks of complete honesty in your diary and you haven't lost anything, go see a doctor.
  • foodfastfit
    foodfastfit Posts: 154 Member
    I've been on routines with 3-hour workouts and ones with 30-minute ones. When it comes to fat loss, it's mostly what you do in the kitchen. I recommend reading The 4-Hour Body by Tim Ferris if you want a quick weight loss routine to follow. The science is also explained if you're interested.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Start logging. Log everything, with food scale. If your clothes are tighter and you're gaining weight, and it's not just normal fluctuations, then you're not in a deficit. But we can't really tell you what to do until you've got an accurate food diary to pull from.
  • amandarawr06
    amandarawr06 Posts: 251 Member
    A friend of mine had a similar issue... although she initially lost 15lbs, she didn't budge after that for about 5 months... She went to her doctor and ended up having an issue with her thyroid. She's gotten that under control and have now lost over 50lbs.

    I'm not saying you have the same, but it could be useful to talk to a doctor about it, even just to see what he/she has to say.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Well, you are undereating for your size, so that could be one factor.

    Lack of sleep is another.
  • mslh84
    mslh84 Posts: 180
    I decided to close it because some days I forgot to write down or record what I eat.
    . . .

    You're probably eating more than you think unless you're weighing and recording everything you're consuming. Next 4 weeks, weigh EVERYTHING that passes your lips and then record EVERYTHING. If after 4 weeks of complete honesty in your diary and you haven't lost anything, go see a doctor.

    I'm not overeating. Actually my dad tells me I'm not eating enough, but he's chunky so he doesn't have room to talk. Just because I don't record it doesn't mean I'm not keeping tabs. I weigh everything, that's why I bought a food scale. Even down to the beef jerky I buy!
  • thedietguru
    reverse diet. calories should never be this low for your weight. it's caused severe metabolic slowdown and hormone issues. i know it's scary and you'll gain a few pounds back, but you need to be at over 2000 calories a day at the least (body weight x15 is a better place to start)... that's what kicks metabolism up and that's when the body lets go of fat.

    the further the deficit from your TDEE, the more the body creates an environment for fat storage. work on fixing the metabolism and then reduce calories by 15-20% max... never anymore, unless you're a body builder in the final weeks before a show.

    good luck.. don't get discouraged. you can do this but need a far better approach.
  • mslh84
    mslh84 Posts: 180
    I've been on routines with 3-hour workouts and ones with 30-minute ones. When it comes to fat loss, it's mostly what you do in the kitchen. I recommend reading The 4-Hour Body by Tim Ferris if you want a quick weight loss routine to follow. The science is also explained if you're interested.

    Thanks I will check that out.
  • mslh84
    mslh84 Posts: 180
    Start logging. Log everything, with food scale. If your clothes are tighter and you're gaining weight, and it's not just normal fluctuations, then you're not in a deficit. But we can't really tell you what to do until you've got an accurate food diary to pull from.

    I just recently over the last 4 or 5 days stopped recording, I keep track in my mind for the day what I eat.
  • mslh84
    mslh84 Posts: 180
    A friend of mine had a similar issue... although she initially lost 15lbs, she didn't budge after that for about 5 months... She went to her doctor and ended up having an issue with her thyroid. She's gotten that under control and have now lost over 50lbs.

    I'm not saying you have the same, but it could be useful to talk to a doctor about it, even just to see what he/she has to say.

    I've never been tested for thyroid problems, but i've fluctuated in weight like forever, I ended up losing 25 lbs then gained 20 lbs back, it's like I lose some and gain more back....and I do know that sleep can be a problem, but...my dr won't give me anything for sleep.
  • Vegpar
    Vegpar Posts: 6
    I agree with others. You should start logging EVERYTHING that goes in your mouth. Majority of us underestimate the calories and fat in everything. I would log everything for a few weeks and cut down on carbs and fruit; and eat lean protein and lot of veggies.