What was the moment?



  • mominstands
    mominstands Posts: 83 Member
    Recently looking through the pictures on my phone & finding a video my son had took several months ago of me standing at the stove cooking dinner. I had to look @ it twice to make sure it was me. I had no Idea I looked that big.

    Starting a great new job and not being able to fit into my spring/summer outfits & refusing to buy anthing a size bigger.
  • krystalc1986
    krystalc1986 Posts: 35 Member
    That moment for me has happened many many times before too many to count and each time I would lose a little and gain a lot. I guess this time what really did it for me was when I went to go pull out my summer clothes from LAST year (size 22) and discovered that I could no longer fit them I could barely get them up past my thighs! I thought to myself this has got to change. We have planned a family trip to Holiday World within a couple of weeks; which last year we did the same and I experienced the most embarrassing thing that has EVER happened to me. I could NOT ride a roller coaster with my child because I could NOT fit in the seat! Talking about depressing. It didn't change me last summer I kind of blew it off but this year I am determined to get on those roller coasters with my children. And be able to just enjoy as much of their childhood with them as I possible can and NOT allow my weight to control me any longer!
  • blbower2
    blbower2 Posts: 5 Member
    Several things hit me at once:

    Seeing a picture of my mom, sister, and I after a trip home-- I couldn't believe how I'd let myself go and not even noticed.

    Noticing that my uniform at work was getting quite snug and I was too embarrassed to ask HR to order me new ones.

    Taking a long, hard look at myself one morning while at home alone and smoking, eating last night's leftover pizza, and watching movie after movie. I had not left my house since the day before. Decided right then I needed to make some drastic changes...threw out the pizza, cleaned out the fridge, trashed my smokes, and went on a 2 mile walk. I never looked back.
  • blbower2
    blbower2 Posts: 5 Member
    Several things hit me at once:

    Seeing a picture of my mom, sister, and I after a trip home-- I couldn't believe how I'd let myself go and not even noticed.

    Noticing that my uniform at work was getting quite snug and I was too embarrassed to ask HR to order me new ones.

    Taking a long, hard look at myself one morning while at home alone and smoking, eating last night's leftover pizza, and watching movie after movie. I had not left my house since the day before. Decided right then I needed to make some drastic changes...threw out the pizza, cleaned out the fridge, trashed my smokes, and went on a 2 mile walk. I never looked back.
  • musycnlyrics
    musycnlyrics Posts: 323 Member
  • lisy28
    lisy28 Posts: 156 Member
    I hit 220 and thought i am not cute/pretty any more!!

    I felt disgusted in my self!! AND YES I AM THAT VAIN and not ashamed to admit it

  • jannessy
    jannessy Posts: 23 Member
    stepping on the scale and seeing 195 almost 200 !!!!
  • kganc001
    kganc001 Posts: 317
    I was on medication that killed my metabolism, but I didn't realize it until I had to start buying bigger clothes...which was really embarrassing for me. So I ditched the meds, dealt with my issues on a fundamental/base level, and busted my buns to get to where I am now with plenty of set backs to boot. But it's been so worth it. :)
  • clg07
    clg07 Posts: 1
    My moments were;
    1. My "fat pants" were now too small and my thighs were rubbing together so much that all my pants were getting holes where they touched together.
    2. My back was constantly hurting and was told dropping a few pounds would help.
    3. I tried on a swim suit and turning into a complete sobbing emotional wreck in the fitting room.
    4. I made peace with gaining a size or two and went shopping and couldn't get the shorts that were 3 sizes bigger than last summers shorts up past my knees.
    5. I have PCOS and was told that dropping as little as 5 lbs, but preferably 30, would help me to regain my fertility and finally be able to conceive.
    6. The final huge moment that pushed me into the gym again was when I was a bridesmaid stuffed into the least flattering strapless number that showed all the rolls underneath as well as the lovely armpit cleavage, quad-boob, and back fat hanging out all over the place.I saw those pictures posted online and was humiliated.

    Currently my weight is jumping up and down all over the place so I don't really trust the pound tracker, but my inches lost are huge and I just ran my first 5k this last weekend!
  • ClumsyArtist
    ClumsyArtist Posts: 40 Member
    Mine was trying on clothes in the same stores I've shopped at for years. I hadn't been clothes shopping in quite some time so when I finally did, I found that nothing fit! So frustrating! I knew it was time to change everything.
  • 4ever420
    4ever420 Posts: 4,088 Member
    -Going on a trip with friends and my husband (none of whom have ever had a weight problem) and being horrified that the seatbelt on the airplane was barely able to clasp shut! I had to do some weird maneuvers to get it to clasp and I know my friends and husband noticed. Humiliating.

    -Having to tell people I'm afraid of carnival rides when in fact I'm too embarrassed to tell them I'm terrified of not fitting in them. I love rides. :ohwell:

    -Having to also say that I get sick on boats for fear of the lifejacket not fitting and of how the boat will react to my heavy weight. As you can see there was a lot of making up lame excuses to avoid embarrassment.

    -The anestisiologist (spelling?) having difficulties freezing me when having C-sections with both children because of so much back fat.

    -Always having to worry in social situations where light physical exertion is required. I was always the one with a beet red face and sweating while everyone else looked completely comfortable.

    I'm sure there are many others I haven't even thought of. I'm down about 85lbs now and I can happily say that none of these would be an issue today. This weight loss journey has freed me so much and I feel like I can take part in life now instead of sitting out in constant fear of humiliation. Thanks for this thread, it really made me remember how much I don't want to live that way anymore. :flowerforyou:
  • geekman
    geekman Posts: 22 Member
    First day of really nice weather and out came the shorts, lovingly packed away last year. Except now they won't even meet, never mind fasten. I really looked at myself in the mirror and "saw" myself for the first time in too long. I've always prided myself on being relatively fit and really looking at the big mound of flesh I'm carrying around hit it home. I'm not at all fit & I haven't been for a long time.
  • DorothyR87
    DorothyR87 Posts: 113
    I used to always hate how I looked in pictures and was so unhappy with my appearance for a long time but what it finally took to make me want to change was when I realized I was missing out on dates with my husband. Whenever we were going to go out to dinner or a movie or pretty much anything I would try on everything I owned, but it would always end with me crying on the bed because I couldn't fit into any of my clothes. Not only did I develop low self-esteem, but I was missing out on so many fun memories that I could have had. I didn't want to continue living my life like that and missing out on things so I knew I had to make a change.
  • arlenem1974
    arlenem1974 Posts: 437 Member
  • DeenerN
    DeenerN Posts: 41 Member
    Great responses here! Oh and if anyone wants to add me I plan on being around for a while....:glasses:
  • joewalkerfan
    joewalkerfan Posts: 13 Member
    My jeans tend to get holes because my thighs rub together and the friction slowly wears the fabric down (and possibly because I'll wear my favorite jeans waaaayyy too often). So a couple of months ago my last pair of jeans became unwearable. I couldn't buy a new pair because I thought it would be a waste of money since I was planning on losing weight and I might as well wait until I'd lost at least a couple of kilos. But that didn't happen, so now I've been forced to wear leggings, tights, shorts and dresses for ages, during winter on top of that. Even though it's summer now, I really miss wearing jeans *sigh*
  • Breezy3
    Breezy3 Posts: 52 Member
    I have lost weight many times over the years... always had weight issues. I have been down to a size 12 and my biggest pant size was a 20. Well here I am today at the highest weight I have ever weighed and in size 22 pants. Totally unacceptable. I decided I am done with this insanity!! So here I am.

    I have made a lot of changes already, but still having a hard time losing weight. Not sure what that is about, but I am keeping on keeping on. I wish you the very best with your weight loss journey.
  • Superchick123
    Superchick123 Posts: 20 Member
    Me, my best friend and her hubby went into the hospital room to find out the sex of their baby, and the doctor said so who's the mommy-to-be??? Talk about embrassing...
  • mkmerrill
    mkmerrill Posts: 74 Member
    I lost 50 pounds 3 years ago and have kept it off until now. I hit a certain number on the scale again and said oh no way. I'm now motivated to lose the 40 I stI'll need to take off
  • musycnlyrics
    musycnlyrics Posts: 323 Member
    A series of moments, but mainly:

    Not fitting into a rollercoaster and having the attendant feel embarassed to tell me that I was too fat to fit
    Being winded doing little things like walking up a flight of steps
    Knowing that my husband is worried about me (saw him doing internet searches for binge-eating disorder and depressive eating, i felt so BAD)
    Knowing my kids are watching me; my daughter now makes comments all the time about her weight and I dont want her to live my life of constant diet/exercise worries

    So I started. And I am going to finish this time. No more starts and stops