HCG progress and updates - for people on it or thinking abou



  • Good morning all HCG friends,

    I have lost 5 pounds in 10 days. I have had a 4 day plateau so I am also having an apple day. Hope to report that I have lost at least 1 pound by tomorrow.

    I love reading the HCG blog! It gives me strength and encouragement!

    Patty from Texas
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    I'm on my 4th day of Phase 3. This phase has made me very nervous, more so than the Phase 2's 500 calorie restrictions! I don't feel like Simeon actually covered much about this one. My biggest issue is that I'm just not sure what I CAN eat. I've been a label-nazi for the last few days & it seems that EVERYTHING has added sugar or high fructose corn syrup in it. Any advice on how many grams of carbs are ok...or are any? Should I be watching for Total Carbs or just Sugar grams?

    Also, anyone else that's on Phase 3...what is your caloric intake? I can't find anything solid that reflects a number. First, on Phase 2, I NEVER got to 500 calories. The closest was about 468. Now I'm reading that you can actually gain weight on Phase 3 due to protein deficiency after such a drastic diet (Phase 2). So I've been snarfing down 2 eggs for breakfast & insuring that I have a serving of protein for lunch & dinner as well.

    I feel like I must be doing something right though, which has me more encouraged. I'm following my instincts on my hunger and not eating garbage (seems that most garbage is carb-related anyhow. Oh how I :heart: Carbs!) Anyhow, my LIW was 136.0 & went up to 138.0 yesterday. I did a Steak-Day-Prevenative Day yesterday (I'll post the link below) and it brought me back down to 137 today.

    Any advice or links (I'm a bit of a research hound) would be appreciated!!!

    Progress update:

    Last Injection Weight (LIW) : 136
    Total Loss as of LIW: 28 lbs
    Today's Weight: 137

    This link has what looks to be a combination of multiple HCG protocols. Posting because the food to prevent a steak day worked really well for me yesterday:


    Well basically eat anything except sugar or starch............

    I would stay far away from all processed foods, potatos, rice, pasta, bananas

    Stick to mostly natural stuff.........

    Eat as much fruit and veggies as you wish, eat fat and meats, eggs, cheese, yogurt, big salads with salad dressing........
  • Skinnytime
    Skinnytime Posts: 279
    I have become addicted to Bragg! Bragg, ice and seltzer makes a really refreshing drink. It's got just the right tartness!
  • Gorgeous1
    Gorgeous1 Posts: 450 Member
    I have become addicted to Bragg! Bragg, ice and seltzer makes a really refreshing drink. It's got just the right tartness!

    Damnit skinny, you're going to just MAKE me try that thing aren't you? You make it sound like HEAVEN - so damnit tomorrow I'm doing it.

    happy now? :bigsmile: XO
  • Gorgeous1
    Gorgeous1 Posts: 450 Member
    I am GOING to do this program but I am wondering what you all are using, an already PREmixed formula or the one where you have to mix it yourself? Also who does the drops and who does the injections, which work best? I really did not want to order mine through my Dr cuz like everything else it cost more moolah!! As for the exercise while doing this program I too am confused. I work out HARD 6 x per week and on the 7th (my rest day) I walk 3 miles so since my body is use to this shall I keep doing it or will it throw the hcg balance off? Also where did you all order yours from, the cost and how long did it take to get here? Thank you ALL for the info and the support here!

    I inject. I mix myself. Some do RX Drops some do Homeoathic drops. As long as you get the drops from a reputable place, from what I can tell, it works just as well as the Rx injections. I'd stay away from premixed rx (usually only given at clinics) because you don't know how long they've been mixed.

    If you have a large amount of weight to lose you might want to do drops (especially homeopathic drops) since they are supposed to eliminate the possibility of developing immunity and therefore you can extend the phase 2 beyond the 43 days dr. s recommends. I have lots to lose and I am injecting (for now) but I am skipping two injection days each week to stave off immunity. I may end up switching to drops altogether so I can just keep going until I lose all my abnormal fat.

    If you need more info, feel free to PM me.
  • Hi HCG family! :flowerforyou:

    Today is VLCD day 11 and I am down 10 pounds and still feeling hunger free and fabulous! :heart: :heart:

    Gorgeous- I hear ya about the processed weight loss products- Slim Fast is my enemy! I am also beginning to smell a well marketed conspiracy in the weight loss industry! It seems as if they set us up for failure by promoting sugary/carby low calorie junk that create more cravings and perpetuate our need for their "diet aids". Its a vicious cycle - and the stock holders get richer by the minute!

    Spicy- While I am certainly no Martha Stewart in the kitchen this diet HAS rerouted my thinking in terms of food. I now have to use fresh, clean ingredients and in order to get any enjoyment out of it I am forced to experiment and to my delight, I am becoming a born again chef! HA HA hopefully I will also become a born again size 9. LOL :laugh:

    FatCats- Whats on your phase 3 menu for today? I live vicariously through your food! :wink:

    Ephay- mmm I can't wait unti phase 3 when I can "snarf down" eggs! I have the same questions as you in regards to p3.

    Skinnytime & Patty - If your facing a stall an apple day is indeed the remedy! Since my apple day I have been losing steadily and feeling much better than before.

    Lioness- I just realized what your username means. Happy late birthday! I am also a Leo & my B-day is tomorrow!

    Keep on Shrinkin HCG ladies and gents!

    Lori :flowerforyou:
  • Skinnytime
    Skinnytime Posts: 279
    Pan-seared talapia with carmelized vidalia onion and fresh parsley - yum! just made lunch. It's wonderful to eat this well and still lose! I wish I could have another piece of that fish, but I had only one fillet left. Forced portion control.

    Thanks, Lori. If I don't see 120something on that scale tomorrow I'll consider an apple day. I am just not a huge apple fan and the thought of eating nothing but apples for a day is not appetizing. Besides, I'd still have to cook for my hubby and that would just be too much torture.
  • Skinny- The apple day was hard to stomach but something changed in me that day, like my whole being just elevated to a new level of energy. I cant give apples all the credit but that day was a turn for the best for me. Bummer is, I used the red basic apple that day- and I really dont care for them. Since then I have discovered that the most satisfying apple out there are Fuji apples. They rock. Much much tastier than all the others in my opinion. Anyway Dr. SImeons even admits that the apple day works, but its mostly psychological. The break of a plateau will happen with or without an apple day. I just needed the help in reducing water weight because I had consumed too much salt and (sorry for TMI) I was constipated to hell! :sick:
  • rob1976
    rob1976 Posts: 1,328 Member
    Oh, how I missed cheese! It's almost fatal to be from Wisconsin and have to give up cheese for over a month!

    Today is Phase 3 Day 4 & I have stayed pretty steady so far. My LIW was 209.2. I was up to 209.4 yesterday & back down to 209.2 today.

    Brittany has not had the same luck. She's up 2.2lbs since P2 ended and she's on a steak day today. We're trying to figure out where she's going wrong.

    Today's lunch was an HEB Lean Burger with Kraft Fat Free Sharp Cheddar cheese on top with fresh pico, no HFCS ketchup, and a slice of fresh yellow onion. Cherry Coke Zero to drink.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Hi HCG family! :flowerforyou:

    Today is VLCD day 11 and I am down 10 pounds and still feeling hunger free and fabulous! :heart: :heart:

    Gorgeous- I hear ya about the processed weight loss products- Slim Fast is my enemy! I am also beginning to smell a well marketed conspiracy in the weight loss industry! It seems as if they set us up for failure by promoting sugary/carby low calorie junk that create more cravings and perpetuate our need for their "diet aids". Its a vicious cycle - and the stock holders get richer by the minute!

    Spicy- While I am certainly no Martha Stewart in the kitchen this diet HAS rerouted my thinking in terms of food. I now have to use fresh, clean ingredients and in order to get any enjoyment out of it I am forced to experiment and to my delight, I am becoming a born again chef! HA HA hopefully I will also become a born again size 9. LOL :laugh:

    FatCats- Whats on your phase 3 menu for today? I live vicariously through your food! :wink:

    Ephay- mmm I can't wait unti phase 3 when I can "snarf down" eggs! I have the same questions as you in regards to p3.

    Skinnytime & Patty - If your facing a stall an apple day is indeed the remedy! Since my apple day I have been losing steadily and feeling much better than before.

    Lioness- I just realized what your username means. Happy late birthday! I am also a Leo & my B-day is tomorrow!

    Keep on Shrinkin HCG ladies and gents!

    Lori :flowerforyou:

    Thanks, better late than never, LOL

    and Happy Birthday to you too!!!

    The best birthday gift you can probably get is the release of more fat!!!
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    Check the Simeon's manuscript. Somewhere in there I read that eggs could be substitute protein during the VLCD. It was mentioned as a solution for those who don't eat meat. It was 1 whole egg, and the whites of 3 more eggs was equal to the 100gr serving of protein. I have done this several times and it seems to work fine.

    After a rough few days, I am in recovery mode. I gave in to some carb cravings earlier this week. I have decided the second batch of HCG I ordered (from a different source than my original) was not as good as the first--not sure if it is because of it being the detox type, as opposed to the one w/ the extra amino acids in it, but I am re-ordering from my orginal source and the same product that I started out with.
  • It's me again!

    So I have developed a bad habit. I have been stepping on the scale many times a day- and its BAD. I have noticed my weight is always lower in the morning- but I cant help myself throughout the day. I know its not very telling but I see the scale jump up and down through the day - only to be relieved in the morning when I have indeed dropped weight from the previous day..

    Do any of you have this same rediculous habit? Should I stop? It makes me obsess.

    Lori :flowerforyou: .
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    Step AWAY from the scale!:laugh: :laugh: Seriously, once a day in the morning is ENOUGH!!
  • reyesd
    reyesd Posts: 3 Member
    Can you please send me the website to purchase these, as well, that is safe?
  • reyesd
    reyesd Posts: 3 Member
    Can you tell me where you purchase your HCG?
  • reyesd - did you read the email I sent you??
  • My menu for today:

    2 ezekiel bread, 1 1/2 eggs and coffee

    **while on vacation the hotel served "maple apple wild ride porridge" - it was wonderful. The chef said it was wild rice, cream, cinnamon and apples. So I tried to make it today. I didn't have any decent apples, but found a can of Canoe Cooked Wild Rice ($5 at the store :noway: ) and used that and 1 cup of heavy whipping cream and some cinnamon. The consistency was off, but the taste was accurate. Delish! LOTS OF FAT THOUGH!! I ate half of what I prepared - 48 grams of fat in the whipping cream alone. Thank goodness today is a running day.

    Lunch was a huge salad (again) which I love, some string cheese and the rest of the cheezy poofs - my weakness. So my fat grams will probably be high today, carbs should be right on and I still have to work to get my protein up. I think I will cook up some of the bass my dad and I caught a few weeks ago that I couldn't eat on phase 2!
  • Ephay - right or wrong I am eating TONS OF CALORIES. Check my food diary. The last 3-4 days I have been well over 2000 per day, and today will be over as well.

    And I was down 0.6lbs today to 159.0, under my LDW of 159.2 And this is the end of week 3 for phase 3 for me - but I see no reason to change what I am doing. I plan to adopt this eating style as my permanent eating regimen, with the occasional bread, potato, pasta dish, or ice cream sundae - but now I know how to recover from those things!!

    The plan is simple. Lots of salads, lots of veggies and fruits. Lots of protein (at least my body weight in grams per day - I supplement with EAS Advantege Carb Control -available at Walmart - or my Optimum Gold Standard whey protein powder - which I buy online). Good fats: nuts, olive oil, real butter, avocado and SMUCKERS NATURAL CHUNKY PEANUT BUTTER (a favorite snack for me). Good carbs - fruits/veggies and sprouted whole grain bread (I haven't tried the Ezekiel bread un-toasted yet but will next week on a turkey and avocado sandwich!)

    As far as salad dressings go - I look first for low sugar, if the sugar is low (1-2g per serving) then i prefer a low fat option too, but like today I used one of the ranch packets left over from Burger King - they are 190cals and 20g fat per 2 oz package - and the fats come from soybean oil (not the best choice) but i prefer that over dressing with high sugar or lots of artificial sweeteners. My two favorites right now are Newmans Light Raspberry walnut and Riverton Valley Light Parmesan Italian.
    I found a recipe online last night on how to make your own ranch dressing with olive oil instead of other icky oils - will try that next week.

    My no nos(reduce but not eliminate): processed foods, artificial sweeteners, hydrogenated oils, butter substitutes, simple carbs like potatoes, pasta and bread, HCFS, sugar as much as possible.

    It must be working - it makes no sense otherwise to be able to eat like this and not only not gain, but lose a little weight!!!

    ***on another note, I am SOOOOOO - OOOORE today! My pecs mostly from doing presses at the gym. I'm really glad - it means I accomplished SOMETHING yesterday - my first day back to lifting weights.

    Also - I did buy that book someone recommended (lift like a man - look like a goddess or something like that) - thank you soooo much!!!
  • Skinnytime
    Skinnytime Posts: 279
    I do the same with regard to the scale, Lori. I can't help it. When it gets toward late afternoon and lunch is out of my system, like to just check. Today at that hour, I was still am my weight this morning, so who knows - maybe a loss in the am?
    My lunch was light on protein today, so for a snack I had 1/4 cup organic fat free yogurt and my lunch strawberries. I really missed yogurt. The only reason I got it is that in the vegetarian option, Dr. S says the protocol allows for skim milk, fat free cottage cheese and eggs occasionally for those who don't eat meat.

    Good luck with your apple day, Gorgeous.
  • 4everFalbo
    4everFalbo Posts: 19 Member
    I'm with Gorgeous and Skinny.... The scale was the same for me today, too. No gain, no loss. I have been 100% on protocol so I must be shedding some fat cells soon :laugh: I did feel quite bloated and water retentive yesterday so that would explain it. We'll see what the scale does tomorrow.
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