Do Organic Foods cause autism and diabetes?



  • socajam
    socajam Posts: 2,530 Member
    This thread is full of fail.

    NO, they do not.

    Organic simply means: no chemical pesticides. no chemical based fertilizer. no genetically modified organisms. How in the world would adding chemical based pesticides, etc, suddenly make the food 'not' cause cancer. It's such backwards thinking it's hilarious.

    I see Monsanto is working overtime at putting out misinformation and spin in order to counterbalance the negative press they're getting.

    We've been eating 'organic' for most of our existence as a species. It's from the earth. It's only recently in our history that we started adding chemicals to everything (often without careful study, just research the list of banned pesticides over time) and modifying things at the gene level.

    I feel the same as you. So what they are saying is that for years eating organic food we have bee duped. Monsanto is the biggest cancer to the world's population, the environment and nature. People need to wake up and see them for what they are about profits at any costs, regardless of how sick they make us with their pesticide infected foods.
  • 220Dani
    220Dani Posts: 198 Member
    Oh good, a blogspot post will solve the mystery of why my child has autism. I mean, they don't let just anyone make one of those! And look - the author who claims to also be a scientist says he will be willing to help on science fair projects as well. Can this get any more legit?
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    Oh good, a blogspot post will solve the mystery of why my child has autism. I mean, they don't let just anyone make one of those! And look - the author who claims to also be a scientist says he will be willing to help on science fair projects as well. Can this get any more legit?

    now go READ the blog......
  • professorRAT
    professorRAT Posts: 690 Member
    Oh good, a blogspot post will solve the mystery of why my child has autism. I mean, they don't let just anyone make one of those! And look - the author who claims to also be a scientist says he will be willing to help on science fair projects as well. Can this get any more legit?

    Wow! Read the entire blog post PLEASE. Really, read it. It isn't that long. Just READ it. :grumble:
  • aakaakaak
    aakaakaak Posts: 1,240 Member
    Troll thread is trollie. I can see nobody actually clicked on ACG's link. Here, let me do that for you:
    Do these data support a hypothesis that organic food causes autism or diabetes? Not at all. The paragraphs above do illustrate how easy it is to write something completely unfounded that sounds legitimate. In these cases the data are real but they implied associations are not, or at least there is no evidence for them.

    Troll value: 8/10

    You got a nice number of folks who didn't read the link. Well played ACG. However, you kept insisting they follow the link. You could have totally trolled for a couple more pages.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    This thread is full of fail.

    NO, they do not.

    Organic simply means: no chemical pesticides. no chemical based fertilizer. no genetically modified organisms. How in the world would adding chemical based pesticides, etc, suddenly make the food 'not' cause cancer. It's such backwards thinking it's hilarious.

    I see Monsanto is working overtime at putting out misinformation and spin in order to counterbalance the negative press they're getting.

    We've been eating 'organic' for most of our existence as a species. It's from the earth. It's only recently in our history that we started adding chemicals to everything (often without careful study, just research the list of banned pesticides over time) and modifying things at the gene level.

    I feel the same as you. So what they are saying is that for years eating organic food we have bee duped. Monsanto is the biggest cancer to the world's population, the environment and nature. People need to wake up and see them for what they are about profits at any costs, regardless of how sick they make us with their pesticide infected foods.

    Nice tinfoil hat, are you aware organic farming uses pesticides as well? ZOMG! trying to poison you!

    Why do you beleive the organic industry?

    Organic industry’s credibility eroded by misinformation about GE foods
  • 220Dani
    220Dani Posts: 198 Member
    Oh good, a blogspot post will solve the mystery of why my child has autism. I mean, they don't let just anyone make one of those! And look - the author who claims to also be a scientist says he will be willing to help on science fair projects as well. Can this get any more legit?

    now go READ the blog......

    Read it. Sorry, I stopped around the graphs and didn't finish. I get it now. I might need another cup of coffee or something if my attention span is that low. lol Very nice got me.
  • ksuh999
    ksuh999 Posts: 543 Member
    I have been curious about the effect of copper sulphate. It's a commonly used organic pesticide. Of course, it is a chemical.

    Anyhow, READ THIS:
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    This thread is full of fail.

    NO, they do not.

    Organic simply means: no chemical pesticides. no chemical based fertilizer. no genetically modified organisms. How in the world would adding chemical based pesticides, etc, suddenly make the food 'not' cause cancer. It's such backwards thinking it's hilarious.

    I see Monsanto is working overtime at putting out misinformation and spin in order to counterbalance the negative press they're getting.

    We've been eating 'organic' for most of our existence as a species. It's from the earth. It's only recently in our history that we started adding chemicals to everything (often without careful study, just research the list of banned pesticides over time) and modifying things at the gene level.

    I suggest you look up the word chemical. You may be surprised...

    I also suggest you read the link in the OP. You clearly didn't.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    Wow, the shirtless anonymous guy who's here all day, every day speaking against the idea that one's diet affects one's health doesn't know the difference between causation and correlation... or only knows the difference when it suits him.

    (Organic farming has it's own set of issues, agreed. Some of the substances allowed in organic farming are just as detrimental to environment and health-however, in this highly processed world, sometimes the lesser of the evils is better than nothing. But I'd argue for growing one's own food and buying from local producers before buying commercial "organic".)
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Wow, the shirtless anonymous guy who's here all day, every day speaking against the idea that one's diet affects one's health doesn't know the difference between causation and correlation... or only knows the difference when it suits him.

    (Organic farming has it's own set of issues, agreed. Some of the substances allowed in organic farming are just as detrimental to environment and health-however, in this highly processed world, sometimes the lesser of the evils is better than nothing. But I'd argue for growing one's own food and buying from local producers before buying commercial "organic".)

    First you can quote me where I've said one's diet has no bearing on one's health, then I'll say strong reading comprehension
  • Lena1967
    Lena1967 Posts: 94 Member
    I have been curious about the effect of copper sulphate. It's a commonly used organic pesticide. Of course, it is a chemical.

    Anyhow, READ THIS:

    Very interesting article. Thanks for posting.
  • affacat
    affacat Posts: 216 Member
    The intro to this thread can be interpreted two ways:

    1) Go to this link and read the entire blog post.
    2) Read this entire blog post, I'm posting it here and here's the link to the original.

    This is the internet. People often repost articles then include a link to the source. It's easy to understand why people might think they are reading the blog in the OP given all the charts being there... not everyone wants to click through to random sites.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,081 Member
    ACG, they obviously don't spend enough time reading your past posts.

    Your post hoc ergo propter hoc graphs are my favorites.

    Wait. Maybe I spend too much t...
  • affacat
    affacat Posts: 216 Member
    (Organic farming has it's own set of issues, agreed. Some of the substances allowed in organic farming are just as detrimental to environment and health-however, in this highly processed world, sometimes the lesser of the evils is better than nothing. But I'd argue for growing one's own food and buying from local producers before buying commercial "organic".)

    That's in large part because "organic farming" is not the same as "being labeled organic", because as with most legislation and regulation, lobbyists got their way. Most truly organic farmers I know can't even afford certification, while larger ones that use 'approved' methods that aren't actually organic get the label.
  • bigdawg62
    bigdawg62 Posts: 127 Member
    Control the food supply and you control everything. Its as simple as that. There are corporations that will stop at nothing to accomplish this goal. Its not just money, its control. You can fill in the blanks as to which corporations fit this statement.
  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    Wow, the shirtless anonymous guy who's here all day, every day speaking against the idea that one's diet affects one's health doesn't know the difference between causation and correlation... or only knows the difference when it suits him.

    (Organic farming has it's own set of issues, agreed. Some of the substances allowed in organic farming are just as detrimental to environment and health-however, in this highly processed world, sometimes the lesser of the evils is better than nothing. But I'd argue for growing one's own food and buying from local producers before buying commercial "organic".)

    In...for the shirtless guy
  • Mr_Bad_Example
    Mr_Bad_Example Posts: 2,403 Member
    Please read the full post at the link below before commenting

    Correlation does not equal causation - this man puts it brilliantly. This should be required reading for anyone posting about 'studies' or the latest article/book/"documentary" they happened to find.
  • TheBeerRunner
    TheBeerRunner Posts: 2,777 Member
    Correlation does not equal causation. One of any number of theories out there.
  • victoriannsays
    victoriannsays Posts: 568 Member
    4 + 4 = 10

    well done ladies and gentlemen