NSV: Fat Girl Does C25K - in Public!



  • carriespence1
    carriespence1 Posts: 70 Member
    Did c25k last winter. I too was nervous cause everyone else running was a cross country king. Just remember your moving and getting further than the ones still sitting on the couch.
  • 4ever420
    4ever420 Posts: 4,088 Member
    Good for you for starting C25K! I'm on week 6 and I have found the program to be amazing. I so know what you mean about being self conscious running with other people, I'm exactly the same way. Good for you for doing it anyway, I've found that unless I'm willing to get a treadmill that it will be difficult to not be seen by anyone but I like running outside so I tell myself to suck it up. It does get a little easier though as you feel more comfortable running. Good luck to you on the rest of the program!
  • 1princesswarrior
    1princesswarrior Posts: 1,242 Member
    If I would have seen you my thought would have been "wow, look at her getting out and exercising!":happy:
  • nellyett
    nellyett Posts: 436 Member
    YAY!! Good for you! You must feel so liberated!! NO ONE can or should hold you back!

    I am a C25K graduate myself....I never considered myself to be a 'runner'. I started the program last summer when I was a pack per day smoker....and completed it. I repeated a couple of weeks here and there, had a bad run that would leave me discouraged, then go out and NAIL IT the next time!! LOL The sense of accomplishment I get from running is hard to describe.:)

    I have since recently started the bridge to 10k program....I never thought that would be possible to run a 10k without stopping, but neither did I think I could do 5k. :) I was wrong! We are sometimes our own worst enemies!

    And for the record....whenever I see ANYONE running, whether they are seasoned runners, slow runners, new runners, old runners, whatever! I smile and think to myself " GOOD ON YA!! WAY TO GO!" Congrats on getting out there! Anyone who sneers, or makes fun of people going out and doing something wonderful for themselves is a miserable loser! :)

    Welcome to the world of runners!! They are probably one of the most supportive group of people I've ever seen!
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    Congrats on doing that. In the end, no that sees you is going to care one way or the other.
  • Chagama
    Chagama Posts: 543 Member
    That is awesome, congratulations. And I hope everyone who is afraid of running in public reads this and learns.
  • polarsjewel
    polarsjewel Posts: 1,726 Member
    Fantastic! I "should" start it again

    I'm proud for you :)
  • 5ftnFun
    5ftnFun Posts: 948 Member
  • Pangea250
    Pangea250 Posts: 965 Member
    You ROCK! You can totally do this. Just trust in the C25K and let it get you where you need to be.

    I started C25K on a treadmill at 234 lbs. With a lot of encouragement from others, I started running outside. Now, I can't stand the treadmill. I run outside in sun, rain, wind, you name it, I run it, right there on the street. I never think of people looking and laughing. I imagine they are thinking, "Wow, look at her. If she can, then why can't I?"

    Keep it up!
  • meredith1123
    meredith1123 Posts: 843 Member
    Pay no mind to others during your work out. Use ear buds and jam out to music and stay in your own world ,be out there for you .. EFFFFFF IT!!!! (as you said)....

    congrats on your running accomplishment, now keep it up! enjoy it!
  • Hi_Im_Jess
    Hi_Im_Jess Posts: 347 Member
    Hell yeah!! I'm always so concerned about everyone around me or people that might laugh at me that I barely ever do anything fun. Good for you! Im glad you went for it :happy:
  • Rays_Wife
    Rays_Wife Posts: 1,173 Member
    Congrats on taking that first step! You rock! Sounds like you've caught the running bug. I loved C25K. I started it at 250 pounds, and when I graduated from it I was 230 :smile: Ran my first 5K last August, totally rocked it out. Getting ready for another one this August again! Friend me if you'd like support! Again way to go!:drinker:
  • sevsmom
    sevsmom Posts: 1,172 Member
    You GO Girl!!!! That's how it's done. Running is 50% mental 50% physical! You got this!!!
  • jacklis
    jacklis Posts: 280 Member
    Oh, and those dogs ran with me for parts of the running portion. It was pretty funny. :) Their owners kept apologizing, and I just waved them off. I love dogs, and they weren't getting in my way or nipping or anything. They were just having fun and playing.

    I am so glad you added this little bit. It paints such a fun, positive and optimistic picture. Way to go on conquering the intimidation you were feeling.
  • yavrig
    yavrig Posts: 28
    Good for you! Check out Enell bras for the endowed lady! A decent sports bra was the only thing holding me back from running (well, at least that was MY excuse) and a friend turned me on to them. I have one now and I love it. I swear by it. No more excuses. www.enell.com
  • kathyvstephan
    You are awesome. It's real hard to take the first step. Now you can keep on going.

    I started the Zombie C25K program. I had to repeat the first two weeks over again so that I could build up my stamina. I'm now on week 5 and am amazed that, being over weight (losing pounds, thought) and almost 60 years old, I seem to be able to slowly jog for over a half hour. You will be so proud of yourself as you progress.

    Never worry about what other people might think. What you are doing is great, and you will really be glad you did. And believe me, when they see you, they are probably thinking to themselves, "You go girl. You're doing amazing."
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    keep up the burn!!

    Do not worry about others

    You do it for you

    wear headphones and focus on the music, there are podcasts that will help you train, with different tempos they are awesome

    or create your own (with positive music!!)

    I should have mentioned that. :) I'm using the C25K app. It lets me listen to my own music at the same time, right in the app itself, so I don't have to switch between the app and iTunes. I made a playlist of songs that fit the tempo I want to focus on right now, and it really helped.

    What app did you use? to have the C25K cues on your playlist
  • pippywillow
    pippywillow Posts: 253 Member
    I'm so happy for you!

    I'm also a fat girl doing C25K, I'm on week 5. I live in the country so there's not a big problem with people seeing me. But for the first few weeks I would stop running whenever I heard a car coming. I got over it after a while, I'm not going to break my stride just because of what they might think. It's a great feeling.
  • GCAsMom
    GCAsMom Posts: 120 Member
    That's so awesome! Go you!! Whenever I see a "big" person out walking or jogging, I always think, "Good for you!" We all have to start somewhere and the fact you're out there is terrific! :D

    I'd love to do C25K, but all I do is run through my list of excuses. ><
  • darlilama
    darlilama Posts: 794 Member
    Freaking awesome!!! I'll bet anyone who did notice you were saying to themselves "Go for it, girl! Look at you doing it!" I can't imagine not cheering on (even if silently) someone who is obviously putting themselves out there to better themselves!
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