Banking Calories



  • cally69
    cally69 Posts: 182 Member
    I have always worked my calories on a weekly basis and save up during the week so I can enjoy a few treats at the weekend. Tomorrow I'll have an extra 514 calories to spend. It works for me. That way you can enjoy your occasions out, you're just planning ahead.
  • JenniferHamner
    JenniferHamner Posts: 8 Member
    That 's a good idea.
    I have not thought of doing it that way.
  • goonas
    goonas Posts: 205
    That 's a good idea.
    I have not thought of doing it that way.

    Holy thread resurrection Batman! ;)
  • latinstarlite1
    latinstarlite1 Posts: 62 Member
    I guess you can say I "bank" calories. But I don't do it with the intention of using them say at the end of the week to have cake or whatever. First, I don't see the point in eating the calories earned by exercise UNLESS you are hungry. If you're not hungry... then BONUS! If you are hungry, eat something healthy.

    I eat within my calories everyday and always try to stay under my goal. If I go over one day, I don't fret because I know that I have had days upon days that I was under. Like other members have said. It all averages out in the end.

    :-) Happy tracking!