Any August 2010 Joiners



  • Danielle84Duncan
    Danielle84Duncan Posts: 48 Member
    Hi, I am an August Joiner :bigsmile: I too have a goal of getting below 200, I have been trying for a while to reach this goal and I get to like 201 and then boom......the next day, I am back at old faithful 212....... I plan to reach my goal and keep going this time. I am fired up. lol....
    MMMTDV2 Posts: 7
    I just joined as well. Have lost alot of weight in last couple years, but the scale has been going in the wrong direction the last few months. Need something to help me refocus my efforts. Look forward to sharing our tips and successes!
  • joannar305
    i just joined as well this is my 1st wk. ive been doing good so far but that b/c my bf has been out of town. i tend 2 eat more & late when hes hear. i dont know how to say no or stop the cravings for the foods i need to stay away from. i was wondering if any1 had any suggestions & would like to befireind me so we can motivate each other
    MMMTDV2 Posts: 7
    The foods I tend to crave are sweet and crunchy - so carbs basically. The first few days restricting these "trigger foods" are always the hardest. Usually after the first week, it will get better. In time, you will actually begin to crave healthy alternatives - promise. My problem was once I allowed myself an inch to add some of the treats back in - I couldn't control it because it actually sets your body up to crave them more. I'm not allowing myself to do that again.
  • DanL66712
    DanL66712 Posts: 135
    I get to like 201 and then boom......the next day, I am back at old faithful 212

    I know the feeling, every time I manage to drop below 210, it's like my body says...'' and I end up binging and ending back up above the 210 mark!!
  • turin
    turin Posts: 14
    For me the danger mark is typically Week 5. Rationale : The first 4 weeks I am dedicated, focussed, disciplined since I am so looking forward to the outcome at the end of the month (how much did I manage in the first month)...and that outcome is generally pretty decent because you tend to lose faster when you start a diet/workout routine. As a result, Week 5 is the week of temptation. "Aw..I already lost more than I had planned...cant hurt to have one pizza" :wink:

    That's what I always fall prey to...going to be extra careful in that week this time.
    MMMTDV2 Posts: 7
    I have lost over 100 lbs & was actually 4lbs within my "goal weight" when the scale started going the other direction. Now I would be happy to just get some of the 25lbs I have gained back off. I made a practice of donating my old clothes, so I would be uncomfortable and more motivated in the event I gained some back, but now a few new outfits have found their way into my closet. Hopefully, we can all make it threw our individual rough patches together. This year, I reach 180.5 and then find myself back at 189, so my initial hope is to break the 180 mark.