Today Show Club! (Everyone Always Welcome)



  • shari253
    shari253 Posts: 202
    Almost done with Day 3. Again, some challenging moments today, but I am sticking to my goals. I hope everyone is doing well. We can do this!
  • shari253
    shari253 Posts: 202
    Starting Day 4 and all is well. I stuck to my eating plan yesterday but still no exercise. How is everyone else doing?

  • SharonsJetSet
    Hi all

    Today is my day 4 but actually its day 3 because yesterday was my birthday so I ended up completely blowing the day. I didn't do any cardio and ate at a chinese buffet for dinner. I also had way too much sweets. So that was my birthday gift to me. Although I think probably that wasn't a good gift when you think about the amount of fat and sugar I consumed.

    Today's a new day. So far doing really well. I rode my horse for 30 minutes and spent about 10-15 grooming him. That's a lot of cardio and strengthening. I'm also right back on track with journaling

    I hope everyone else is doing well!!

    Shari WTG on eating well and sticking tothe goals
  • MNLopez
    MNLopez Posts: 355 Member
    I started on Monday, 8/9 because of Tamara's story on the Today Show. So far so good on both calories and excercise. I really want this to be my new life, not just another diet or losing a few pounds for a party, as I tend to do. I hope Tamara will see what an inspiration she has been to so many people. One of my friends here at work has joined me on this journey and I have invited my friends and family to join me too. Now, my ticker saids I have lost 3 lbs, but truthfully this is because when I joined on Monday afternoon....I got on the scale and it said 158, but I decided that I should have weighed in the morning, so I did the next day and I was 155.5, so I updated my profile and now it shows a 3lbs loss. I don't want to weigh again until I've been doing this for a week. So I hope I see some real progress next week.:happy:
  • MNLopez
    MNLopez Posts: 355 Member
    6 PM on Day 2 and still doing great. I had a strong urge to snack many times today but I just didn't! When I got home tonight I was starving so I'm eating an apple now, and headed out to grill a burger patty and some veggies. When I'm done with dinner I will still have 220 cals left for something extra.

    Sharon, great job today!


    I was under the impression that it is good to have snacks during the day? So long as they are the right snacks. Having 6 small meals a day can actually help speed up your metabolism. Breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner, snack. That's what I have been doing..hopefully it works.
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Hey everyone I am the one from the Today Show, Shari asked me to come join this thread and I am so excited.. I am ready to help ya'll with this. If you need any help please let me know. I am here for ya'll...text me or im me, I will answer you back when I am able to. I have weigh in, in the moring, I am looking at 2-3 pound gain due to all the excitment of the show and spending the 2 days with my hubby due to our anniversary July 28 and we didnt celebrate.. So i am good with that.. My goal weight was 150 I will probably weigh in at about 137 tomorrow for still 13 pounds under goal weight.. We are celebrating My daughters 6th birthday tomorrow at chuch e cheese I will eat salad before the cake and pizza, but I will burn 1200 calories at the gym before hand, so I will burn it off..

    Hope ya'll have an awesome day!!!
  • iowabelle
    I joined as a result of the Today Show too. I wasn't really ready to start something new, but I figure that just recording my food rather than blindly eating it and not caring is a positive first start. Maybe I'll be ready to implement something new soon.
  • diet4amy
    diet4amy Posts: 9 Member
    Hi everyone,
    Monday I took a "mental health" day from work. As I watched the Today show I was inspired by Tamara who lost the weight without a personal chef, pre packaged meals or any of the other things that are listed in "success" stories of magazines.

    I have to admit this site has already kept me motivated. At lunch I had what I thought was a diet friendly lunch. When I put it into my food tracker I was shocked when I saw the calorie count. When I got home, I jumped on my exercise bike to see if I could balance out my calorie intake some. :happy:
  • shari253
    shari253 Posts: 202
    Oooo! *squeals like a little girl* We have TAMMARA in our club!! (The Tammara featured on the Today Show!) Thank you for joining us. It is so cool to know that you are a real person and you are right here!! Wow!

    Welcome to all the new people who are finding this thread. It is amazing how many people here don't usually watch the Today Show, but did that day for various reasons. Serendipty. I hope we keep our group together and go through this together. We will probably hit all the "stages" at the same time, lol!

    I am having another great day. I'm eating a delicious healthy salad for dinner, and I have just enough calories for a non-fat yogurt later.

    MNLopez, I hear what you are saying about healthy, planned snacking. My urges are for the unhealthy unplanned kind of course! I am working hard to break that bad habit, and this site is helping me due to having to log everything and be accountable.

    Let's all keep up the good work!

  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Good Morning everyone.. How is the positive Club this morning.. I am awesome as it is 355 am and I am eating breakfast ans drinking my coffee and fixin to head to the gym..I am out the door by 430 to go to gym and gym dont even open unitl 5 and I live like 2 minutes from it..

    I am about to make kiddos lunch, as I dont allow themto eat school lunch to much fat and whatever else stuff is in there. I dont throw my whole lifestyle on my kids and hubby but my kids have had to cut back on the junk food they were eating and they have to eat veggies and fruit in ever lunch..

    Well I hope ya'll have a great day, and get those calories logged and get out and move just a littel bit more..

    I am working 8-1 I am thinking maybe running home from work, get my daughter off school bus and then let her ride her bike back up to work to get my van!! Sounds like a plan stan to me!!
  • brashear_2420
    Good morning everyone. My name is Bobbie and Tamara is more of an inspiration that she realizes. She looked amazing on the Today Show and her weight loss has been an amazing journey for her.

    Tamara and I have been friends for a few years now. I had lost about 40 or 45 pounds and kind of maintained at that weight for a year. Then Tamara told me about this website and now I love it. It has helped me so much. My ticker does not show all the weight I have lost because I had already lost some before joining. As of this morning I am at 98 pounds lost and I am 6 pounds away from my goal weight. Tamara truely is a great inspiration and a joy to be around. She will help everyone as much as she can. I am so glad that I have her as a best friend. She helps keep me positive on my not so great days. She helps me push my workouts when I am ready to quit. Weight loss is not an easy road, but it is well worth it in the end. I was 289 when I began and I am 191 as of this morning. Tamara and I have weekly weigh in on Friday and I love it.

    I am so happy for everyone that saw her segment and joined this website because of her. This site is very helpful and easy to use. There is a ton of support on here as well. If anyone needs anything just let me know. Good luck on your journey and never give up. Focus on making a healthy lifestyle change and you will be so happy with the end result.

    My husband graduates from Navy boot camp on September 2nd. When he left my goal was to be at 185 for his graduation. I have 6 pounds to lose and I know I can get there. Tamara has been helping me a lot by working out with me. I have not had any kind of splurges or cheats in over a month! I am always withing my calorie goal and that is a great feeling. I know I can reach my goal with the help of this site, my will power, and my motivating friends.

    Good luck everyone!
  • jenoverton76
    The today show also inspired me to get on this site... I have never done anything like this site and it is fantastic!! I am excited to get in here and motivate myself... Could use all the help I can get....
  • MNLopez
    MNLopez Posts: 355 Member
    Bobbie, Congratulations on your accomplishment!! You and Tamara really inspire me! Keep up the good work!
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Good morning everyone. My name is Bobbie and Tamara is more of an inspiration that she realizes. She looked amazing on the Today Show and her weight loss has been an amazing journey for her.

    Tamara and I have been friends for a few years now. I had lost about 40 or 45 pounds and kind of maintained at that weight for a year. Then Tamara told me about this website and now I love it. It has helped me so much. My ticker does not show all the weight I have lost because I had already lost some before joining. As of this morning I am at 98 pounds lost and I am 6 pounds away from my goal weight. Tamara truely is a great inspiration and a joy to be around. She will help everyone as much as she can. I am so glad that I have her as a best friend. She helps keep me positive on my not so great days. She helps me push my workouts when I am ready to quit. Weight loss is not an easy road, but it is well worth it in the end. I was 289 when I began and I am 191 as of this morning. Tamara and I have weekly weigh in on Friday and I love it.

    I am so happy for everyone that saw her segment and joined this website because of her. This site is very helpful and easy to use. There is a ton of support on here as well. If anyone needs anything just let me know. Good luck on your journey and never give up. Focus on making a healthy lifestyle change and you will be so happy with the end result.

    My husband graduates from Navy boot camp on September 2nd. When he left my goal was to be at 185 for his graduation. I have 6 pounds to lose and I know I can get there. Tamara has been helping me a lot by working out with me. I have not had any kind of splurges or cheats in over a month! I am always withing my calorie goal and that is a great feeling. I know I can reach my goal with the help of this site, my will power, and my motivating friends.

    Good luck everyone!

    Bobbie Thanks for making me cry..Dont you know my make up looked good this morning.. love ya girl and keep up all the hard work, its so worth it, you are so very right!!
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    Welcome to the thread you are responsible for inspiring. Just like Mike, the creator of this site, your efforts will reach more people than you could ever imagine and change many lives. :flowerforyou:
  • brashear_2420

    Welcome to the thread you are responsible for inspiring. Just like Mike, the creator of this site, your efforts will reach more people than you could ever imagine and change many lives. :flowerforyou:

    Sorry Tamara, but it is the truth my friend! Love you too girlie!

    MNLopez...Thank you very much. That is so nice to hear. It is nice to know that hard work will pay off in the end. Good luck to you on your journey!
  • SharonsJetSet
    bobbie that's such an inspirational story. You are so blessed to have such a strong friend like Tamara. And Tamara, thank you for sharing your story with the Today show, if it were not for you, I would not have joined this site and started my way back down the scale.

    Today is my 5th day of logging in and my 2nd day to the gym. I did ride my horse 3 days this week so I have gotten in a lot of cardio. I think I do some strengthening too. Lifting saddles, cleaning my horse and the stalls should count too right?

  • shari253
    shari253 Posts: 202
    Hi Everyone! I'm so glad Tamara and Bobbie joined our thread!

    My day today has not been perfect, but it didn't go to hell in a handbasket either. I spent the day quilting at a girlfriend's and she made us panchetta (Mediterranean salad) for lunch. Pretty healthy version. The desert was a large juicy fresh peach sliced over a homemade shortcake. Not too bad. Then for dinner my hubby and I went to Subway and I had the orchard chicken salad. I was really surprised AFTER eating it to see how many cals it has!! So I'm a few hundred over my goal for the day. My plan is to go on a walk/jog later when it cools off.

    So, I wasn't perfect, but I made some good choices. I did not get a cookie at Subway and I usually get 1-3. No pop, no whip cream on my shortcake. No seconds. No snacking. If I had gotten a 6" sliced turkey or veggie sub instead of a 12" orchard chicken I would be looking pretty good. next time that is the plan.

    Keep up the good work everyong. We are headed into the weekend and need to be careful and mindful. I will try my best!

  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Hey everyone checking in for morning post..busy day on tap..
    Running 8 miles in a few minutes, home to eat breakfast ans drink coffee then headed to trader joes and whole food then off to get my new running shoes.. Then head to my brother to pick up my brithday girl and have my husband look at my brothers electrical it was struck by lightening last night while they were at my daughter birthday party.

    Chuck E Cheese was a hit, but we didnt get home until almost 11..then someone wanted to call at 530 in the morning, I was like really.

    Shari- Yes subway can be just as bad as any other place to go out to eat..

    Bobbie- Stay strong girl I know you are looking at funnel cakes, you got this, come join us at 5 we are walking our normal route, jason and alicia husband is gonna join us!! (if your home)

    Sharonjets- Keep up the work, I love horses, would love to get one but we are smack dab in the middle of a city, not horses around here..

    Weaklink- we are in this together, we are only as strong as we put our minds too!!!

    MNLopez- Thanks for your post, This is gonna be an awesome group..

    We need a challange... I am thinking this week lets try.. getting all of our water in... 64 oz of water.. You can drink more but no less.. Next week I am think maybe a phyiscal challange like 50 sit ups a day!!

    Well I am ouuta here gonna run these 8 miles and get them outta the way!!
  • SharonsJetSet
    I love the idea of challenges. I'm desperately in need of something to keep me focused. Its only been 5 days since I joined and I've only had 1 bad day of not sticking to good choices and exercises. I've actually gained 2lbs this week ACKKKKKK Hopefully by Monday (my weigh in day) it will go back down.

    I'm good with the water challenge and will definitely be able to drink 64oz. I have a question though...does Crystal Light count as water as long as we're journaling the 5 calories?
