Tired of being the big girl. 24/f/300

Reepir Posts: 32 Member
Hello everyone! My name is Reepir and I am in need of some friends to help me through what will be a very uphill battle for myself. I am over 300 pounds at the moment and I feel sick to my stomach any time I look in the mirror. I am dedicated to losing the weight and losing it for good. This is not a diet but a change to my lifestyle. I need to be a better me.

I'm 24 and live in the Tempe area of Phoenix. I need some suggestions for planning my meals and high impact exercises.


  • MrsJ0826
    MrsJ0826 Posts: 7
    Hi, I'll add you.. my advice would be to be sure to log all your food, and push yourself each day to do better than the day before :heart:
  • cook6609
    cook6609 Posts: 182 Member
    Feel free to add me as a friend. I log daily and try to give constant encouragement and help. I started at 240 lbs when I decided to turn my life around. I am currently 181 lbs. Advice: start of course by logging every little thing. The first few days and the first three weeks are the hardest. Measure and weigh everything. Only weigh yourself once a week and be sure to take measurements as well. My advice would be to get a belt. That was a visual aid for me (still is). I can see every time I lose inches when I move down to the next hole on the belt!!! You can do this!!!! Remember, you didn't gain it all over-night, and as much as we would love it, we can't lose it all over-night either. It is a journey and it takes time. :-)
  • You know, I think thats just the thing with woman. All girls (big and small) feel like the biggest girl in a room full of others that probably don't even notice. I swear its a genetic defect, plus the world we live in. I just started this today, but the best advice I can give you is to keep your head held high and keep doing things the way you know you should. Self consciousness is a usless thought, only you suffer so dont let it consume you. You will get there.
  • KristiCee67
    KristiCee67 Posts: 71 Member
    Hi Reepir! Welcome! You've come to a great place to get healthy! I have over a 100 pounds to lose...and I know what you mean about how you feel when you look in the mirror.

    Just start logging your food...religiously! Don't wait till the end of the day. Log each meal so you can see what your food choices are like. You'll start adjusting them as you see that certain foods are healthier and less calories.

    Start your exercise by walking. I know it's HOT where you live. Is joining a gym an option...where you can walk on a treadmill? Or do you have a treadmill at home? Walking is the easiest way to burn calories if running is not an option. I just discovered Aqua Jogging....the calorie burn is even higher than regular walking....and it's easy on your joints! It's awesome if you have access to a pool.

    Please add me as a friend. I'd love to support you in your journey.


  • hi reepir i am brittany and i am 218 and i wanna lose weight too :) yeah looking in the mirror can really disgust us if you wanna be friends and lose this weight together just holler back at me :)
  • merryberry99
    merryberry99 Posts: 350 Member

    Feel free to add me if you'd still like some additional friends. I'm doing my very best to log in each and every day, and I also try to motivate everyone on my friends list the best I possibly can.

    Happy dieting!!
  • Hey Reepir! Welcome to MFP! I'm 24 with about 100 lbs to lose. If you want add me and we can take this journey together :)
  • Lissa_M
    Lissa_M Posts: 131
    Feel free to add me. I love love love MFP! I still have 60-80 pounds to go.
  • hi. i figured i'd jump in here to show that it IS possible. i started at 327lbs.. currently im about 194.8lbs. i'd recommend sticking to your calories. logging EVERY DAY. even if you "mess up" LOG IT! keep coming back. do not give up. when i first started i really didnt do any exercise. then after losing like 40-60lbs then i started to go walking (i felt better about myself) and would walk for 20 minutes three times a week.. skipping a day in between and 2 on the weekend. then i started making it a mile.. now i try to do 3.11 miles (5k) three times a week. i really didnt do this for weightloss.. but because i wanted to do a color run and not be out of breath from just walking it!

    also please make small goals.. if you look at your ULTIMATE it can seem daunting and make you want to give up because its so far away. but if you make small goals at a time then you will feel pretty darn awesome at all that you have achieved.

    i wish you alot of luck on your journey. i hope you find a healthy lifestyle and love for yourself and your body.

    also anyone can add me if they like. i love to cheer my friends on.. while i continue on. i plan to be here forever. because this IS my lifestyle now. i still have more to go and even after i reach my ultimate ultimate's ultimate.. i plan on being here to maintain.
  • tyler2go
    tyler2go Posts: 22
    Hi Reepir, my suggestion is to begin with a journal. It can be a notebook for yourself. You do not have to write in it everyday. On the days that are very challenging in which you just want to eat everything and anything. Right down your feelings, event or situation that made you feel like over eating. . This helps you to look back and recognize your behaviors so in the future you can counteract eating with another activity. I have a notebook that I wrote week 52 and count down each week. Starting another page 51,50,49 and so on. Thinking in terms of what kind of transformation will I have in a year. Counting down is a mental trick because it is always easier to watch yourself get closer to week 1 than to count up to week 52. We did not gain wait overnight so challenge yourself at your own level. For me each week I gave myself a new challenge.....start small. Example: for beverages drink water only -1st week challenge. move for a total of 30 minutes a day(can be a combination of 10min x 3)--2nd week challenge. Measure your food so you will learn to recognize portion sizes(like a 1/2 cup or cup)--3rd week challenge and so on. You are the one in control in prioritizing your challenges. This will help in losing weight for the long run. We have to experiment with different heathy ideas and find something that works for us. Your correct it is a lifestyle change. I recently came back to MFP because this was my 7 week challenge. I tried before doing all these healthy ideas all at once and failed terribly. I knew I could not add all these changes at the same time because they would be too overwhelming for ME. Therefore each week I added a challenge and continued to maintain it. As I see my body transforming it keeps me motivated. I also seek motivation from others knowing I am not on this journey alone. There is a many avenues of interesting information on the internet. You must find different healthy measures that work for you. Initially when I decided I have to do something about my weigh(04-09-2013) I was 272 pound at 5'8. At first I was out of breath getting off an elevator. Each day becomes amazing to see what your body is capable of. These are some ideas that are working for me.
  • Breezy3
    Breezy3 Posts: 52 Member
    I am new here and I weigh 252 lbs. so I have lots of weight to loss too. I will send you a friend request.
  • Reepir
    Reepir Posts: 32 Member
    Thank you all for the wonderful words of encouragement and tips! I will add all of you as friends! I am sure I will need all the encouragement I can get when the going gets rough.

    It is hot outside but in the evenings it is cool enough I can walk for a short time. The new apartment complex I will be moving into has a 24 hour fitness room with treadmills and elliptical machines as well as a pool for me to utilize. I will have to check out aqua jogging as that might be better off during the summer and these first few pounds due to how the weight effects my joints.

    I will also be speaking to my doctor about making sure that I am doing this all the right way due to having a thyroid issue as well as a non alcoholic fatty liver. If I don't do it the right way I can cause major issues to my insides. My doc already approved the weight loss and diet changes.
  • maryrosenavoa
    maryrosenavoa Posts: 53 Member
    Before you start following any diet plan.. Take note what you eat everyday for 1 few days then when you find out what's wrong in your diet, then you should start from there.

    Feel Free to ADD me guys:)
  • mammakat0830
    mammakat0830 Posts: 117 Member
    Add me. Im on every day and love to be supportive :)
  • jdyg81
    jdyg81 Posts: 48 Member
    Hi how are you its gonna be a adventure but remember watch what you eat and drink. Slot of water and take a brisk walk or ride a bike but on those days you don't feel like doing it remember your goals and your health. Best of luck to you
  • Paulie485
    Paulie485 Posts: 3 Member
    I just passed 40 lbs lost (with another 30 to go). If I can do it, you can too. For me the key is logging. Someone suggested not waiting to the end of the day, but log each meal. That's the best way to come out balanced at the end of the day. And remember the key: LEAN PROTEIN!!! Greek Yogurt will be your best friend. Good luck.
  • bearsfan67
    bearsfan67 Posts: 57
    Hi, I'll add you.. my advice would be to be sure to log all your food, and push yourself each day to do better than the day before :heart:

    Very good advice........an example of doing better than the day before would be if you walk two blocks the next time walk 3 blocks and if you ride an excerise bike for 15 minutes....go for 25 the next time!! You can do this and feel free to add me too!! Good luck!!!!
  • JAEGAmom
    JAEGAmom Posts: 39
    Feel free to add me as a friend. I log daily and try to give constant encouragement and help. I started at 240 lbs when I decided to turn my life around. I am currently 181 lbs. Advice: start of course by logging every little thing. The first few days and the first three weeks are the hardest. Measure and weigh everything. Only weigh yourself once a week and be sure to take measurements as well. My advice would be to get a belt. That was a visual aid for me (still is). I can see every time I lose inches when I move down to the next hole on the belt!!! You can do this!!!! Remember, you didn't gain it all over-night, and as much as we would love it, we can't lose it all over-night either. It is a journey and it takes time. :-)

    This is fantastic advice... I think the last part is key! Alot of people expect instant results! That's now how it happens!
  • SutapaMukherji
    SutapaMukherji Posts: 244 Member
    Feel free to add me as a friend. I log daily and try to give constant encouragement and help. I started at 240 lbs when I decided to turn my life around. I am currently 181 lbs. Advice: start of course by logging every little thing. The first few days and the first three weeks are the hardest. Measure and weigh everything. Only weigh yourself once a week and be sure to take measurements as well. My advice would be to get a belt. That was a visual aid for me (still is). I can see every time I lose inches when I move down to the next hole on the belt!!! You can do this!!!! Remember, you didn't gain it all over-night, and as much as we would love it, we can't lose it all over-night either. It is a journey and it takes time. :-)

    This is just what I wanted to hear. I started my journey 15-20 days ago and I have seen a loss of only 0.5kg and I feel so disappointed, let down and angry. Thanks for the nice words of encouragement.
  • JAEGAmom
    JAEGAmom Posts: 39
    WELCOME.... I have not been on MFP for very long, but I can tell you it is amazing!!! Everyone is so supportive and encouraging! And the calorie tracking is exactly what I needed! I started this at 328 pounds. I have been doing this for about a month & a half and have lost 26 pounds! I am very strict on my calories... We have started eating alot of veggies, fresh fruits, whole grains, lean proteins and LOTS of salads! I have been eating foods that I never thought I could like! It is a lifestyle change for sure! That is a huge step to realize that... it is not a diet that you can stop when you get tired of it or reach your goal!

    I look forward to watching your progress and will be here cheering you on! YOU CAN DO IT!!!!