How important is breakfast really??



  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    Technically the first meal of the day is called breakfast, simply because you are breaking the nightly fast (sleeping)..

    If you can get away with not eating breakfast, then don't eat it! Just make sure you meet your nutritional goals by the end of the day
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,145 Member
    I think this is entirely in my mind, but I actually feel hungrier by lunch if I had a big breakfast, especially if it included grain. A

    It might not be in your mind! I read a great article about how breakfast does make some people hungry...

    Worth checking out if interested in the subject.
    Then there's the studies that show the opposite. It's really preference, nothing more.
  • SimpleStepsHealthCoach
    SimpleStepsHealthCoach Posts: 121 Member
    When I was overweight I hated breakfast. I never ate it and I argued against it, "why should I eat more when I am trying to loose weight". Today, I look forward to my breakfast and feel lost without it. In fact, I am writing this while enjoying my breakfast. A good wholesome breakfast allows me to spread my calories throughout the day. Without eating in the morning I would have an extra 200-400 calories that I would need to consume later in the day and I much prefer grazing than big meals. The key here is the choose the right breakfast.

    Breakfast can be an essential meal of the day if you choose the right foods for it. Unfortunately most Americans will choose cereal, pop tart, or even get their breakfast from a drive through. These choices are not the best and will not allow you to get the full benefits of what breakfast brings. Allowing yourself to have a protein based breakfast will help re-energize your body as it's been busy all night rebuilding and reparing you when you were sleeping. It's also been said by scientist and nutritionist that having a mindful breakfast in the morning can reduce cholesterol, improve concentration, provide your body with higher nutrients, help control weight, and provide more endurance throughout the day.

    In the end, we are all different. For all the information I posted above, someone can counteract with other statistics. As a Health Mentor I always recommend all my clients to have some form of breakfast, but you have to do what you're going to do. If you already talked yourself out of it, then no post here will convince you otherwise.

    My best to you.
  • tedrickp
    tedrickp Posts: 1,229 Member
    Then there's the studies that show the opposite. It's really preference, nothing more.

    The opposite of what? Not being obtuse - genuinely curious. There are a lot of studies referenced in that article and I am kind of obsessive about learning this boring crap :laugh:

    I agree 100% about it being preference though actually - just thought article was interesting because there may be some people who do get hungry from breakfast (unless like you say that is all refuted). Not an issue for me anyways considering Martin's article was based around "Fit Joe"...that is not me!
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,145 Member
    Then there's the studies that show the opposite. It's really preference, nothing more.

    The opposite of what? Not being obtuse - genuinely curious. There are a lot of studies referenced in that article and I am kind of obsessive about learning this boring crap :laugh:

    I agree 100% about it being preference though actually - just thought article was interesting because there may be some people who do get hungry from breakfast (unless like you say that is all refuted). Not an issue for me anyways considering Martin's article was based around "Fit Joe"...that is not me!
    I guess you and I could find research that would support any eating pattern referencing hunger and in that context all that data would be correct, but meal frequency is pretty much meaningless.
  • Breakfast is MOST important for me. Not to get my metabolism going but to break the fasting from dinner the previous night. Ppl don't realize that your body is fasting over night. During the day I tried to eat every 2-3 hours of something small so my body can continue to burn off the calories even when I know I'm not going to workout. Your don't have to eat a big breakfast but a small fruit or something to BREAK the FAST is my opinion. Hope this helps.
  • kikilita
    kikilita Posts: 91 Member
    Have a good quality protein shake in the morning high in Protein low in carbs. Doesn't have a huge caloric impact but definitely helps with any hunger or energy issues.

    Thanks for the idea. This is what I need! I can't skip breakfast as I become very angry and hungry before lunch and have trouble concentrating. But, at the same time, I get tired of eating eggs. My roommate has also been filling our house with junk food such as cereal and waffles and I've started to fall to the temptation even though it'd been over a year since I'd had any before she moved in. I'll have to do the shake thing. That will hopefully help.
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    Have a good quality protein shake in the morning high in Protein low in carbs. Doesn't have a huge caloric impact but definitely helps with any hunger or energy issues.

    Thanks for the idea. This is what I need! I can't skip breakfast as I become very angry and hungry before lunch and have trouble concentrating. But, at the same time, I get tired of eating eggs. My roommate has also been filling our house with junk food such as cereal and waffles and I've started to fall to the temptation even though it'd been over a year since I'd had any before she moved in. I'll have to do the shake thing. That will hopefully help.

    If you are not one of the people who *must* have breakfast food for breakfast, there are a lot more options. When I am at home, I tend to just make extra helpings of dinner and reheat it for breakfast, because I am lazy and I also need breakfast.
  • 19Lindsay76
    19Lindsay76 Posts: 135
    Definately a lot of mixed feelings here about breakfast :) I guess it really does depend on the person. As for me, I think I will stick with my coffee for breakfast...if I put into consideration the fact that it is important to "break the fast" which i agree probably is important, i could add some coconut milk(i don't use regular milk at all) to my coffee...not sure how that would taste tho lol
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,321 Member
    if eating breakfast helps control your hunger ..then do it..... if you don't want to eat it..and it just takes calories from other meals you enjoy ..then why? that's how I see it.

    I eat my three strips of turkey bacon. it works for me.
  • bajoyba
    bajoyba Posts: 1,153 Member
    I've never been a breakfast eater, and I feel best when I don't eat in the morning. It's not a weight loss thing for me, it's just how I've been for as long as I can remember. Eating a big breakfast usually leaves me feeling tired and hungry the rest of the day. I will often have a protein shake of some sort, but I don't usually do meals until I've been awake for a few hours.

    Just do what works for you. As long as you're hitting your calorie goals, that's really all that matters.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,021 Member
    Is it really that necessary?

  • rich347
    rich347 Posts: 508 Member
    Waffle and fried egg IMPORTANT lolz
  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    not important. But i loooooooooooooove it :wink: I love eating all day. Do what you love.
  • cbrrabbit25
    cbrrabbit25 Posts: 384 Member
    i eat breakfast every day but only because i have found that if i don't then i am starving by the time dinner rolls around and then i overeat at night. I have found that i am losing weight more when i dont have many carbs for dinner, so i have them at breakfast and lunch and then have protein and veggies at dinner.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Breakfast is MOST important for me. Not to get my metabolism going but to break the fasting from dinner the previous night. Ppl don't realize that your body is fasting over night. During the day I tried to eat every 2-3 hours of something small so my body can continue to burn off the calories even when I know I'm not going to workout. Your don't have to eat a big breakfast but a small fruit or something to BREAK the FAST is my opinion. Hope this helps.

    It'll blow your mind when you find out there are some extremely successful people who eat literally once a day. They make it an intentional point to fast 16-20 hours every day.

    Meal timing is completely irrelevant. Full stop. The only impact it might make is in how hungry you are, or something like that.
  • daj150
    daj150 Posts: 815 Member
    Breakfast, like any meal, is your choice. I don't eat break, lunch, or dinner. I eat Meal 1, Meal 2, Meal 3, Meal 4, Meal 5, and Meal 6. I personally love breakfast foods so I may eat them at different points in the day. What's more important is to make sure you are not consuming over your calories and that you are eating healthy food to meet at least your macro nutrients, but preferably your micro nutrients.
  • goodtimezzzz
    goodtimezzzz Posts: 640 Member
    no importance what so ever:) U give it importance,,,my "breakfast" will be at 3 pm today..I woke up at 7 am btw...your first meal is your FIRST MEAL period
  • SkinnyMsFitness
    SkinnyMsFitness Posts: 389 Member
    Hi Lindsay,

    As a person that 'used' to hate eating breakfast, I will say yes, breakfast is VERY important! I don't feel as hungry during the day when I eat breakfast. I couldn't tolerate eating so early, but I've been doing it for a year now, and I've grown to like it. I just eat something small, like a Fiber One bar or a cup of dry cereal. It's worth a shot.
  • timbrom
    timbrom Posts: 303 Member
    I have a protein shake or something if I work out in the morning, because I feel like I need something to help with recovery. Otherwise nothing until usually around 11 or noon. Down 26 lbs in three months doing that.

    Whatever works for you. Breakfast is by no means necessary, nor is it by any means evil.