When did you start shopping for a smaller size?



  • NinjaElf02
    At first I didn't have to buy a lot of new clothes as I still had some old clothes lying around I fit well enough into, but then I started to get too small for even those, which was great. Luckily it was right at the end of winter season and all the stores at 75% or more sales so I just snagged some cheap clothing from sale for in between, even bought some still too small i already almost fit into so I don't have to buy too much clothing. Primark is also a very good in between shop for me.
  • Run4Me2Day
    Run4Me2Day Posts: 344 Member
    I also didn't really have to do alot of shopping, but had to go through my closet when I could pull my pants over my hips with out unzipping or unbuttoning them.
  • maxwellmcdaniel
    It didn't even occur to me that my clothes would fit differently as I lost weight, I just noticed that my belt was doing more and more work! At about 30lbs lost my wife put her foot down and we went wardrobe shopping.
  • Run4Me2Day
    Run4Me2Day Posts: 344 Member
    The first time I lost weight I started buying new clothes when the ones I had were just too big. Then I'd immediately bag them up and give them to my cousins. They would go through and find what fit them that they liked then give what was left to another friend at church. I knew a couple of my cousins didn't have a great deal of money for new clothes and mine were in great condition since I take care of most of them pretty well.

    This time around I haven't gotten rid of most of my smaller clothes so when things get to big I just go to my smaller clothes and find what size I am now. My goal is to get back into my smallest clothes (or even have them get to big).

    When I'm in the middle of losing weight I go for cheap like Walmart for the most part. There's no point in getting too many expensive clothes that wont fit in a few months.
    Thrift stores are a great place to buy clothing also!
  • momzeeee
    momzeeee Posts: 475 Member
    I've gone from a size 14 jean, last October, to a current size 4 jean/size 2 skirt-shorts. During the process I went to Goodwill almost weekly :) I figure I spent around $300 for all the transition clothes and my current wardrobe. The only new new clothes I've bought is a swimsuit (my first ever two piece yay!), and I'm getting ready to buy a Vera Wang dress for a wedding we're going to this summer- it's on clearance for $40 :) Oh and some new, smaller bras and underwear and a couple pairs of shoes since my feet have gotten smaller!
  • gingerb85
    gingerb85 Posts: 357 Member
    For each 10# lost, I needed to buy smaller pants. I'm very short and 10# one way or the other makes a huge difference in how my clothes fit. (I also gain/lose in my hips and thighs.)
  • KimLee76
    KimLee76 Posts: 89
    I'd say around -30 lbs is when I'm firmly in a new size range and will pick up some filler pieces. That's about the point when jeans were tight are officially too big even when belted. I'm within 30 pounds of my goal now so I'm sparingly buying for keeps.

    As a PSA, I'd urge all women to address underwear as frequently as needed. It's really the first to let you know whether you've lost or gained. I had an "incident" with underwear while walking the dog wearing a dress Need I say more lol?
  • ScarletFyre
    ScarletFyre Posts: 754 Member
    I had a coworker come up to me and go "suzi, that shirt looks REALLY too big on you!" She was saying it as if proud to be the one to point it out, knowing the hard work i put in. I looked in the mirror and realized my clothes were getting so big the looked terrible! I also had (still have them) a pair of jeans that got so big they looked terrible. :bigsmile:
  • santje00
    santje00 Posts: 95 Member
    When I was at work and a patient ran off (I'm a nurse), as I ran after him my trousers fell down.
    That's when I knew it was time to get some new clothes!

    Well that was a huge hint :D
  • helyg
    helyg Posts: 675 Member
    I went down a dress size roughly every 15lbs. Some items of clothing, eg t-shirts, I made do with until I had dropped 2 sizes but I found I needed to buy new jeans every time I dropped a size otherwise they looked silly. I made do with a very small wardrobe of clothes for most of the last 12 months as I have dropped 4 dress sizes and I couldn't afford to buy too much in each size, knowing I was still losing.
  • ies88
    ies88 Posts: 1
    Hey, I was interested to see this forum as my mum had the same thing (I keep fit with her but she is the one that needed to loose quite a bit of weight). She has found it really expensive to keep buying smaller sizes as its every fortnight/month or so that things are getting too big for her.
    What are you all doing to keep things on the cheap side?
  • BoogeyBrat
    BoogeyBrat Posts: 212 Member
    My new clothes are my old new clothes, if that makes sense. When I lost weight about two years ago I managed to hit a great sale midseason, and practically walked away with a brand new summer wardrobe. Fast forward to summer 2012, and I couldn't wear any of it. Hopefully I'll be back in them sometime in July, so I can get some use out of them. Where I live you can wear summer things until practically mid-October. I also have a stack of jeans that are sorted by size largest to smallest, and when mine get too loose I swap them out for the next pair on the stack. Luckily I just managed to fit back into a size where I have three pairs to wear now instead of two. :) Shirts are the same, I go through and rotate down the sizes, and what fits is what goes in the drawer. I'm hoping I don't actually have to go out and buy 'new' clothes for a while.
  • jmwolffyy
    jmwolffyy Posts: 212 Member
    Every 15-20lbs lost.
    I feel like for about a year I have been constantly standing in front of my wardrobe shouting 'I HAVE NO CLOTHES!!'.
    Which is a fabulous complaint! Although not easy on the pockets. :)


    I have been using a local facebook group that is for buying and selling items. It was also a great way to sell some of the things that were too big, which I then used that money to buy from other people with the current size. So on and so forth. Although I have picked up a few new things too, just because I can and its a huge treat to go to a store and put something on (that fits!) that is 2 sizes lower than what you wore that day!
  • leannemanley1
    leannemanley1 Posts: 6 Member
    I have gone down a size after 7kg / 15lbs. I see my underwear is also too big now so will have to go get new ones. Tops are fine. Will probably have to go down a size in about 5kgs.
  • dunnodunno
    dunnodunno Posts: 2,290 Member
    When I could take my pants off without unbuttoning them or zippering, when my shirts started to look like tents, and when clothes would just hang on me or I had diaper butt.
  • verhunzt
    verhunzt Posts: 154 Member
    I won't go and rebuy my whole wardrobe, but I will adjust to smaller clothing sizes by now. I am 7kg down (from 72 to 65) and I start noticing that my clothes are reeeeally too big by now, which feels really nice. :)
    Best luck to you!
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
    Hmmm....probably when I was about 25 lbs down. Up until then I was just using a belt on my pants but then it just started looking silly.
  • ninja8tofu
    ninja8tofu Posts: 76 Member
    I've replaced mine a couple times. Has it been expensive? Sure. Thrift stores aren't so great around here and generally, I didn't find much. I started at an 18/20. I think my first replacement clothes were 14/16, then again at a size 12, again at 9/10. Recently, I've had to go down again to a 6. The last size, I only went down 6 pounds, but it was enough to make my 9/10's really baggy. I've found leggings to be pretty forgiving, too.
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    I started 36 lbs heavier and with 2 pair of pants that fit, then everything in the closet fit, now back to 2 or 3 pair of pants that fit, but instead of pushing a size 18 they are a loose size 10. Going to have to buy some pants soon. :-)
  • Jestinia
    Jestinia Posts: 1,154 Member
    When I went down the stairs and my elastic waistband skirt fell off and puddled around my feet. Glad I was alone and in the house!