Lose 5 pounds a month AUGUST 2010 CHALLENGE



  • Douniap
    Douniap Posts: 841
    Good morning everyone

    Grats to all of you who have lost weight this week.. That is fabulous.. Keep it up..
    For those who have not seen any change yet on the scale, don't give up.. Stick with it.. It will come off soon as well as inches..

    I am happy to report this week a loss of 1.1 pounds..
    SW ==> 130 pounds
    8/7/2010 ==> 128.3
    8/14/2010 ==> 127.2
    GW (by the end of August) ==> 125

    Have a wonderful weekend.
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Good morning all.

    Just a quick check-in to see how everyone is doing. I just got done with a 6 mile run and am cooling off before my shower. Then we are off to get the kids who have been at the grandparents all week. I sure miss them. The house has been so quiet.

    Myth of the day....


    Runners who want to look lean and toned often skip heavy barbells in favor of lighter weights with lots of repetitions. But that won't give us the physique we're after. To get toned, you need larger muscles and less fat. "And challenging your body through heavier lifting is a big part of this equation," says Monica Vazquez, a USATF running coach and master trainer with New York Sports Clubs. In fact, a study at Georgia Southern University determined lifting 85 percent of your maximum ability for eight reps burns about twice as many calories in the two hours postworkout compared with 15 reps at 45 percent max. And don't worry: Lifting heftier iron won't transform you into a bodybuilder; achieving that look requires eating a high-calorie diet and a long-term power-lifting regimen. "If you're creating a calorie deficit, you simply won't bulk up like a bodybuilder," says Vazquez.

    You don't need to give up lighter weights--they do a better job at improving muscular endurance. "A solid resistance program should include periods of both high and low reps," says Vazquez. She suggests doing higher reps (12 to 15) and lower weights for about four weeks and then switch to lifting heavier weights for fewer reps (eight to 10). "Alternate month-to-month after that to keep the stress on the body constantly changing." Muscle responds to resistance, so if it's too light, you won't see good results. "You should struggle to eek out those last few reps," she says.

    Have a great day.

  • leesey1
    leesey1 Posts: 104 Member
    CW 214.2.
    two more pounds to reach August goal. its so close I can taste it!:laugh:
  • Thanks for posting that, Terri! That's the biggest mistake women make when lifting weights.
  • saraegentry
    saraegentry Posts: 81 Member
    I've been needing a hair cut, but didn't want to spend money on one :p I have 2 little girls and never have time to do my hair, so it always ends up in a ponytail... I'm hoping a new hair cut will give me some motivation to actually do my hair ;)
  • roughneckswife
    roughneckswife Posts: 341 Member
    Thank ya'll so much for the prayers and well wishes! My Grandpa has leukimia and went in for a check up 3 weeks ago and his new dr, gave him chemo while his white blood was to low. We didn't know his blood was low, and he ended up with a stomach infection and has been in he hosp. My Grandma has been in the ER twice since he has been in, and just found out yesterday she may have Congestive Heart Failure. So it's a lot to take in and try to comprehend I guess.
    Thanks so much for all of the ideas! I'm hungry now. just thinking about it! LOL
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    :happy: :drinker: :happy: Kelly!!! YOU DID IT!! I'm so excited for you!! Down 30 pounds! YAY!! :happy: :drinker: :happy:

    55 - how you doin'? I'm racing in the wrong direction! The scale was up this morning (surely that had nothing to do with the nearly 2 litres of rum cooler I drank last night?... :blushing:). 2am bedtime, but I still made it to the gym this morning for my BodyFLOW class and my C25k workout.

    My crazy 2 year-old has been down for her nap for almost an hour but it still playing, banging around and/or crying. At this rate, by the time she falls asleep, it'll be time to get up. Ugh.
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    roughneckswife, I hope everything turns out ok for your Grandparents, they are in my thoughts.

    And to everyone else, keep on a rockin, or maybe start rockin harder.

    Laser tag, was so much fun, if you get the chance to go...GO! It's a blast and you sweat your butt off!! I was 5th out of 10 the first game and my baby brother Tyler and I tied for first on the second game! Well, todays the pool party, I pre-planned much of my food and drinks for the day and I am gonna do what I can to stick to it or even go under..I'm not much of a beer drinker, but I put down 2 and then I have a few wine coolers I may or may not drink. However, if I start grazing on chips and such, I don't wanna leave the party to log my foods, so I think I'll just leave it as is and drink tons of water tomorrow just in case. I'm only logging one hour of swimming since most of the pool time will probably be just hanging out. Anyway, everyone should be showing up soon, and we need to go buy the rest of the food and bring home the keg, have a great weekend all and see ya Monday with the newest BMK Challenge,

    XoxoxoX Bru
  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    DM -- I drank a TON of water yesterday 3 32 oz cups plus some so that was good i had no soda and no chocolate i did great . went to bed at 3am and woke at 10am so thats not so good weighed in at the same weight iv been stuck at tho 169.6 but im sure if i keep this up it will finally go down.

    lol well that is just temporary haha we all deserve a good cheat night weather we are loosing or not : )
  • krinio
    krinio Posts: 138 Member
    I havent really done much exercise in the last few days so I'm not expecting a loss:frown: My mum broke her ankle and pretty much cant do anything for herself (yet:laugh: ) so I've been busy! I did walk to the supermarket yesterday, so that's something! Took me an hour and a half total! :noway: I can't see myself making 5lbs this month. We're already 2 weeks in and I haven't lost a thing! :blushing: But we'll see!
  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    Hi everyone, Had a good week and lost a pound so very happy :happy:

    starting Weight with MFP on 1/12/10.........164.5
    Weight on 5/1/10............................................138
    Weight on 5/7/10............................................136
    Weight on 5/14/10..........................................134
    Weight on 5/21/10..........................................132
    Weight on 5/28/10..........................................131
    Weight on 6/4/10............................................129
    Weight on 6/11/10..........................................128
    Weight on 6/18/10..........................................127.5
    Weight on 6/25/10..........................................126 i'VE DONE IT ..... REACHED MY FINAL GOAL WEIGHT
    Final Goal Weight..........................................126
    New Goal Weight end of July......................121 GOING TO TRY AND LOSE A FEW MORE POUNDS TO BE ON THE SAFE SIDE
    Weight on 7/2/10............................................125
    weight on 7/9/10.............................................124.5 LOST 40 POUNDS IN SIX MONTHS WITH MFP !!!!!!
    weight on 7/16/10...........................................123
    weight on 7/23/10...........................................123
    weight on 7/30/10...........................................121 Did it, Made my July Challenge !!!!!
    New Goal Weight end of August..................119 And then try to stay there !!!!!
    weight on 8/6/10..............................................120.5
    weight on 8/13/10............................................119.5

    Good Luck to you all All,
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Well, finally got up enough courage to post a before (really what I looked like from this past DEC.) and a picture from our recent vacation trip....nervous about the before pic---you don't realize how big you are sometimes....but anyway it is posted under success stories...
  • Wow some really inspiring weight loss and motivation here! I'm still struggling on incoroprating the exercise into my week. Only have worked out 2 x so far. I work 12-16hr shifts at the hospital (bonus is that i'm pretty much constantly moving and occasionally running to codes- thats a bit of exercise at least) downside is that i'm finding it really hard to get in lunch/snacks so i'm coming home famished and eating too much then going to bed. I was bringing lunches/snacks that needed to be microwaved, gonna try yogurt and mini sandwiches this week so maybe I can pop in the break room and take a quick bite before heading back.

    How do you guys get motivated to get up that extra hour early? I'm struggling to give up that hour of sleep lol! Or will 2-3 days a week be a decent start for exercise?

    My original weight 201
    Aug 13th weight : 199lbs

    Keep up this great posts, reading everyone's posts is soo encouraging
  • ifychudy
    ifychudy Posts: 210 Member
    Wow some really inspiring weight loss and motivation here! I'm still struggling on incoroprating the exercise into my week. Only have worked out 2 x so far. I work 12-16hr shifts at the hospital (bonus is that i'm pretty much constantly moving and occasionally running to codes- thats a bit of exercise at least) downside is that i'm finding it really hard to get in lunch/snacks so i'm coming home famished and eating too much then going to bed. I was bringing lunches/snacks that needed to be microwaved, gonna try yogurt and mini sandwiches this week so maybe I can pop in the break room and take a quick bite before heading back.

    How do you guys get motivated to get up that extra hour early? I'm struggling to give up that hour of sleep lol! Or will 2-3 days a week be a decent start for exercise?

    My original weight 201
    Aug 13th weight : 199lbs

    Keep up this great posts, reading everyone's posts is soo encouraging

    shannon, am guessing you are a nurse because I am also a nurse. I also work 12hr(night) shift in a hospital and I have 3 kids, the last is 9mnths. I understand everything you said and how difficult it is to exercise. I guess my only motivation would be to look at the mirror and realised that I can barely recognise myself. I feel motivated reading other people's post( BTW, I spent most of my free time whenever on this site). I feel like I need to be in good weight and health because beign a nurse puts me in position where I have patients look up to me. Seriously how do you teach about right food choices and healthy weight if you are not in healthy weight yourself?? I keep telling myself that I need to be healthy for my children and hubby and I think that is a big motivation right there since my family means a world to me. Here are some of the changes I have made towards this journey:
    I drink only water(some times coffee to stay awake in the night) no soda, no juice
    I stopped eating in the night, can eat fruits, 100 cal kellogs bar if am hungry or slimfast shake
    I tried to do some form of exercise everyday
    I watch what I eat and try to make good choices
    I try not to weigh myself all the time and I tried to tape measure myself

    Goodluck in your weight loss journey. Glad we have this site and each other to cheer each other on!
  • lambocj
    lambocj Posts: 27 Member
    I'm so excited ---I've reached my 5 lbs. goal for this month!!:happy: I've really been closely watching the quantity & type of food that I'm eating ---i've exercised some, but not as much as I should....I plan to go to Zumba Mon. evening with a friend of mine. Andy going to walk or get on my Wii this coming wk. Need to lose 8 lbs. more and I'll be in the 170's---Can't wait! It has been many yrs. since I've seen that weight. I want to get down at least 1 more size before Fall....as I need to buy new Fall/Winter clothes because stuff from last yr. is way too big. So I'm gonna see what I can accomplish in these last couple of wks left in August.
    Good Luck to all!!! Have a great week!!:flowerforyou:
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    lamb...congrats on your success. You are such an inspiration to me. You are where I'm trying to get to. I just wanted to come on to say that I too, have met my goal for this month. I can't believe that the month is only half way gone and I've already lost 5 pounds. I just want to thank everyone on here for their success stories and motivating me to work out and eat right. I'm going to try to lose another 2-3 before the month is over.
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Well, the pool/keg party was a great success!! I'm still around to post, so I didn't have THAT muh to drink, ok, well, I did and was feeling great til my friend got sick (quite a bit) and had her hubby and my hubby for 2hrs trying to convince her to get in the car...I went in and told them to just move her whether she likes it or now, so she temporarily hates us but I know it was the alcohol and she's officially sleeping it off in her bed. The guys are all still in the pool but after 7hrs almost straight (minus eating and potty breaks) I'm beat. SOber, the guys convinced me to bellyflop, which I proceeded to do at least 8 more times...I have a nice bruise on my right arm from it. I didn't graze much, but did have a handful of chips and a hotdog, so I just decided to quick add some calories cause I'm beat!! I will be sore tomorrow!! Anyway, hope you all have a great Sunday and I'll post the BMK CHallenge for next week as soon as I find out what it is :) Good Night all XoxoxoX Bru
  • Chrissun
    Chrissun Posts: 148
    I weighed in yesterday and am down 1 more pound...2.5 last week + 1 this week = 3.5 gone this month. 2.5 more to meet my goal of 6# this month.
  • krinio
    krinio Posts: 138 Member
    I haven't lost a thing this month! :noway: But I am lighter than I was last week (when I gained a little) so I'm sure I'm on the right track. Concerned that I wont reach 5lbs this month! Will just have to work my butt off! :smile:
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Weight only down 1# for the month so far....but in the midst of MTOTM so hopefully another pound or 2 will be gone in a couple days....so a big feat for me to loose 4 more by the end of the month but I am up to the challange.....speaking of which, I am off to do my old school gym workout and look forward to next weeks challange...I am feeling back to my normal self today and I am going to kick the heck out of next weeks challange!!!
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