Today Show Club! (Everyone Always Welcome)



  • shari253
    shari253 Posts: 202
    Hi Everyone,

    I would love a challenge too. I have not been drinking my water, so the water challenge is a good one for me to start with. I know from past successes that once you get into the habit of drinking your water it comes really easily. But if you are not in the habit it feels awkward and forced.

    I'm stuggling a little emotionally this morning due to not doing so well yesterday. Eating too much yesterday chipped away at my confidence and also set me up for cravings today. Plus it is the weekend, so my routines are not in place. I will have to be extra strong.

    We will be painting the posts (trim) on our new covered deck today. It will be good exercise, but I will have to watch out for the "I worked so hard I need a reward" syndrome. I'm thinking now how to handle that, and I think my reward could be a nice fresh fruit smoothie.

    I hope people post a lot this weekend. I could really use the support.

  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Great with the water challange, I only drink water with crystal light in it so I am saying it counts.. I went and got my new running shoes today was gonna run this morning but was to excited for shoes, thinking gonna run in a few but its like 98 outside maybe I will wait for it to cool off..

    Went to lunch with honey at applebee's today since we are kids less and I ordered a steak off the 550 calories or less menu which comes with steamed veggies and red roasted potatoes..I traded the potatos out for a salad with only lettuce tomato and cucumbers no dressing and I gave half of my steak to my honey..I small victory for me because when we go out I like to spulrge but didnt andfeel awesome..thinking I need to go food shopping before I run...

    Hope everyone is getting their water in!!!
  • SharonsJetSet
    Shari I totally know how you feel. Just know that if it weren't for you starting this thread, I don't know if I would be as focused as I am now. Not trying to put any added pressure on you, but you really have helped me commit and I hope I can do the same for you. I've been where you are about eating too much on one day. Try to think of it this way, you've been honest with yourself about what you ate and you are moving on to more successful days. Its always difficult in the beginning because we don't see the results right away. Take me, for example, I actually showed a GAIN of 2lbs this week. I don't officially weigh-in until Monday. Instead of being disgusted and giving up, I'm even more motivated to stay on track and not eat poorly. I truly believe that my poor eating choices on Wednesday is what lead me to gain. Its probably mostly water weight.

    I believe in you and I hope you believe in yourself too

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hello All,

    Just a quick comment to those who like Applebee's--Another great option from their is the grilled shrimp and spinach salad, with a few changes. No bacon, ask that the shrimp be cooked without oil or seasonings (reduces sodium), and you can ask for dressing on the side, or better yet, just get some lemon wedges. If they will subsituted fresh red pepper for the roasted ones, do it, otherwise, those peppers are prepared with oil, so I hold them as well. I don't use salad dressing at all when I go out now, always ask for a bowl of lemon wedges and just squirt a little on the salad as I go. Fantastic!!
  • shari253
    shari253 Posts: 202
    Thanks for the encouragement, everyone. When I finally logged everything I ate yesterday, I was 600 cals over. That is quite a bit. However, I am reminding myself that it was only one day. If I hold it to one day, no harm done. So far today i am doing well, so I will say I'm back on track.

    Next week I will be starting to exercise. That will help. Right now I'm psyching up for it, lol. I plan to start the Couch to 5k program Monday, and I will be dusting off my bike.

    Thanks again for the encouragement!

  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Hey everyone checking in, Fixin to go to bed its almost 7 here but I have to be at work at 530 which means 3 am rise..

    Was gonna go running outside just as it started to thunder, so stayed inside to do my 5 mile walk at home with leslie, it really is a great workout one hour and 500 calories burned..

    Well hope all has a good night and will chat with ya;ll tomorrow I dont get off work until 3 pm so it will be late when I check in...Have an awesome sunday everyone!!!
  • shari253
    shari253 Posts: 202
    Tamara, thank you so much for caring about us and joining our club!

    Everyone, you do know that "familygirl" is THE Tamara from the Today Show, right?! She joined our thread and is here to help us! Yay!

  • shari253
    shari253 Posts: 202
    I was sending messages to people to check in and stay in touch, but I got mixed up and I think I sent duplicates. If I sent you more than one, I apologize. I'm not a stalker, I promise!

  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Checking in everyone. how is the water challange going??? I am doing pretty good, I usually get 96 oz of water in and thats only because I crave it. Fixin to make my lunch and breakfast and head to work..

    Have an awesome sunday!!
  • sagesitter
    I have been missing so many posts! silly me I was looking only at my home page, well I have missed all the others posts. I am getting with the program now. Awsome job to all I missed. Everyone is doing a great job keeping track.
  • sagesitter
    That is great Tamara. You have an awsome day also.
  • SharonsJetSet
    Hey all :heart:

    I've met and exceeded the water challenge for 2 days in a row. I've also been within or slightly below my suggested calorie range. Today I modified my settings to increase my protein and lower the calories a bit so I can lose 1.5 a week instead of 1.

    I have a question. If I'm a host at a restaurant and work approximately 5 days a week for 4-6 hours a day, does that mean my lifestyle is slightly active? That's the setting I chose.

    Another question for Tamara, I see you run. I want to get back to running again. Did you gradually get to the distances you're currently at? How did you start out?

    Shari - thanks again for creating this thread. So far, its the only one I've been active at daily. The others I read and sometimes comment but this is my most regular club/thread.

    Getting ready for work - see you all when I get home.

  • carcar63
    carcar63 Posts: 158
    Like everyone else here, I saw the Today show last Monday and was re-motivated by Tamara to rejoin the sight and try yet again to stick to losing weight. I've been thinking about it lately for the last few weeks and when I saw the Today show I thought, that's great, I need to start this and really stick with it.
    In the past I never really used the community boards ,just pretty much stuck to myself and semi-logged my food and exercise. This time I am commited to doing this daily and joing the mess.bds.
    Tamara was a real inspiration to me and after reading everyones elses posts I'm even more inspired. I have almost 200#s to lose and need all the help and support I can get.
    Thanks to you all for helping me to remotivate with changing my eating habits and exercise habits.
  • shannon_miller
    I'm finding this thread a bit late, but I too joined after seeing the Today show segement with Tamara! I am LOVING the site so far.

    I work long odd hours at the hospital and had let my eating habits slip over the last few years and this was just what I needed to get back in shape. My resolution this year was to do more for me, to make myself feel better and more healthy. Thanks MFP for such an amazing free tool.

    Starting at 201lbs, as of the 13th i was down 2lbs to 199lbs! yay!

    Keep up the great work everyone, reading everyone's posts is so motivating. Especially for me who is still struggling to find when to incorporate the exercise into my days
  • jenoverton76
    This site is so amazing!! I am so glad that I happened to click on the Today Show article.... am staying in my calorie goal but the water has been a challenge for me too... I will try to do better and the physical challenge would be great....

    I am so excited

    Thanks everyone
  • shari253
    shari253 Posts: 202
    I love our thread, and thanks again Tamara for joining us! I'm so impressed with how you take care of yourself even with kids and a job! It makes me think, "What's my excuse?!" LOL! ( empty nester)

    Oops, I didn't know the water challenge started this week! OK, I will start it today. I'm terrible at water. I think the challenges will be good to help us stay focused and to post daily.

    Speaking of posting, I like how our thread is active. I check in a few times a day and I like to see new posts. Everyone keep up the great work. Be sure to "friend" each other and send messages as well. It really helps to have the connection with others going through the same thing.

    My weigh in day is tomorrow and I took a sneak peak this morning.. I'm on track to lose if I stay good today.

    Keep up the great work everyone! This is wonderful!

  • diet4amy
    diet4amy Posts: 9 Member
    I have to admit, the weekends are going to be my worst enemy. But I want to focus on the good I did. Even though we went out to dinner, I made an effort to eat smaller amounts of what we ordered. Before I would eat everything on the plate. I just need to exercise a little more today to make up for the binge.
  • SJT75
    SJT75 Posts: 134
    I have 30lb to loose so need all the motivation i can get! :bigsmile:
  • coolstacey6
    coolstacey6 Posts: 83 Member
    I am here because of the show too! Good luck everyone!
  • debra80
    debra80 Posts: 2
    I didn't see the show until today. I hope this will help me do it. I need to lose 50 for my health and because I just cannot stand to look or feel like this anymore. I made it yesterday within the limits and I will keep trying. Thanks for the support.