200+ (Week 43) Getting Fit For Fall!



  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Morning ladies! I awoke to a not-so-great surprise this AM - my water heater isn't heating. That made for an interesting shower experience and the joy of calling my landlord (who doesn't speak a lot of English and isn't even in town this weekend to figure out how to fix it). Someone is supposed to come by "sometime today" to take a look at it. The last time I lived in Germany, I remember everyone saying how punctual the Germans are but this time around (11 years later) I have noticed that, from a customer service standpoint, workers show up whenever the feel like it and just expect you to be around - they don't even give you a window (like the cable guy will be here for 8 am until 4 pm) or anything. It definitely started my day off on the wrong foot. :mad:

    Thanks for all of the supportive comments about my inches lost. I am definitely happy about that and my jeans are A LOT looser than they were not too long ago.

    Thickntired: way to go on your loss! Don't be shy around us, we love to chat!

    Mish: great loss this week. I never lose during TOM, imagine what next week will look like for you!

    Danielle: welcome to our group. I hear you on the up & down weight loss/gain thing. I spent several months gaining & losing the SAME 4 pounds. It is soooo frustrating. It finally started coming off but not as quickly as I'd like. Keep at it girl!

    Kendal: I hope you had fun at your party. Isn't it soooo nice when you actually feel comfortable in your clothes?!?!?

    Kristina: I'm sorry for your funk. Maybe the weekend will give you the chance to recharge your batteries.

    Debra: YOU ROCK!!! I haven't begun the second month of Insanity (I will when I get back from England) but you are rocking that workout!!!

    Have a great Saturday everyone!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Confessions of a Super Pal - I bit the big one yesterday and reverted to all my old ways (*sighs*). I actually packed my healthy lunch but snuck into McDondald's (at least it was only a hamburg and small fry) and to top it off ordered fries with my Cheeseburger at dinner - I intended to eat only half but the boys were slow and I kept taking one more bite and before I knew it the whole thing was gone... If it had been a normal exercise day, it wouldn't be so bad (stop lying to myself and admit both meal choices were bad)... Crack's whip on self (*CRACK, CRACK*) I'm all set (shoes on and water belt loaded) to pay penance and get in my 8 mile jog and it's raining. I thought I'd wait 30 min and see if it lets up. If not, off to Mr. Tready... Today is a new day!!!

    Amy - sorry to hear about the cold water!!! You asked a few days ago about amorous changes in DH - yes he is more active and excited. But maybe it's me feeling better and responding more.

    Kendal - how was the party?

    Kristina - Any good buys?
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    As I'm jogging (and I did complete 8 miles at 13:45 pace), I realized it really is okay to have bad food once in awhile as long as I don't do it everyday. I'm so much fitter than before and emotionally am much happier. I think TOM cramps and hormones made me wacky yesterday. We are not going out today so eating should be good and I did burn 1000 cal running so that more than makes up for yesterday. Have a wonderful Saturday!!!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Morning everyone!

    I was fishing with the company yesterday. It was quite fun. Too much beer, fried trout, yumminess. I didn't eat enough and at the end of the day pretty much felt like he'll. I find that the older I get the less I can handle the sun beating down on me, even if I have a hat on. I think I got a bit of sun stroke. I managed to get home with a screaming headache and felt better after ingot some more water and an ice-cream bar down. Slept like a log. It rrallybwas a great day aside from that.

    Here is a TMI moment...we had to go to the bathroom out in the woods while on the river. I remember I used to hste doing it because I would wobble all around. Well I can hold a squat with the best of them now! Lol. So I had to laugh at myself. At least I am gettting stronger!

    Well vie once again hovered the entire challenge around 206 and this eel was no different. I need to do more walking and running next week.

    Welcome to the newcomers!

    I will reply back to everyone later on today once I get moving a bit more. Still a little sluggish.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Victoria- we all have our off days, as you said. as long as you don't fall into old habits, you'll be fine, and you ran 8 MILES!! I still can't imagine doing that. *bows down to your running prowess*

    Lacey- way to go. another reason to lose weight- can squat easier in the woods. made my day!

    Amy- was a sucky start to the day.... it can only get better, right?

    Thickntired- I'm glad you came out of your shell! We're a very friendly and welcoming group. Just hope right on in! Thank you for the kind thoughts!

    Well, after my pizza fiasco, which continued into yesterday, as I ate the leftovers, I'm up poundage like whoa this morning. I know I couldn't conceivably actually gain that much and it's partially water weight and sodium issues, but it was not pretty to see on the scale. At least that stuff is gone from my place and I'm going grocery shopping tomorrow to start next week off well. I think part of my issue was it was an off week with shopping, as my mom was in town last weekend and I didn't prepare well. If I don't have healthy stuff around, I can slip back into old habits.

    Didn't find anything exciting at the mall yesterday, but I went to the bigger mall about 30 min away today, mostly cause I wanted to go to the LUSH store, and that's the closest one. Their stuff is amazing if you all have never tried it. Not cheap, but great quality. Anywho, spent way more money thatn I needed to there. Struck out at some of the stores. But I got a couple of tops that were on sale that were cute and two dresses!

    This one in purple: http://www.charlotterusse.com/product/index.jsp?productId=4340825&cp=4078198.4192312 super cute... I think I'll pair it with a grey cardigan.

    And I couldn't find their other one online, but it's grey and black striped on top with a black bottom. It's pretty cute. Was looking for some stuff I could wear either to work or going out.

    I'm terribly amused at seeing things that were popular when I was in middle school are back again. Nothing really ever goes out of style forever, eh?

    Sure, I have to wear a L in shirts and an L/XL in bottoms/dresses, but damn it... I'm not shopping in the big girls store anymore!
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Hello pals...just a moment to post hello as everyone is waiting on me to hit the pool...

    Kristina...super cute dress and it is awesome to not to have to shop at the specialty stores.....

    got a short run in today...it's my off day from insanity,,,hope I do ok on calories becasue we are also doing burgers ...
    great run Victoria...you super hero you!!!
    lacey...way to go...squat queen!!

    amy brrrrr....
    sorry I'll catchup on everyones posts later...second yell for me and I was the one that wanted to play volleyball...:blushing:
  • Hi Danielle, I'm new to the group too. While 3 pounds may not seem like much to you, it's 3 pounds you no longer have on your body, so that's a big woo hoo!!! As for not doing more in 7 weeks, are you trying to lose by diet alone? That will make things go slower. I am currently doing diet alone until I get portion control into control so I am not expecting crazy weight loss while I do it this way. Or perhaps you have to much salt in the day and it's causing you to retain water. Also if you aren't getting your water in that can make you retain water. I guess what I am saying is go back and look over your days and see if maybe you are doing or not doing something that's keeping the weight on. If not then perhaps you need to speak to the family doctor, just to make sure everything is on the up and up. I do hope that the plateau will break for you and you start seeing results. I'm keeping my fingers crossed tight that the next weigh in will give you a positive weight change.

    My problem pretty much stems from family outings and get togethers durning July and August. First the 4th of July then church camp, then camping with friends (where we didn't cook any of the meals) then my daughter's birthday this week and we went to an amusement park one day and she "desperately" wanted to have dinner with just me at Applebee's one day! I am doing ok otherwise it's just those rogue days, pretty much every other week that are hindering me! I take it off, then put some on then take it off plus a little more then put some back on. I just haven't lost 2 consecutive weeks in a row. The good news is we are done with stuff until Thanksgiving. Well my anniversary is next weekend and my hubby will keep me in line :laugh: I am definitely getting my water in every day, usually 15 cups but sometimes I only manage 8. I am trying to cut back my sodium and sugar and up my protein. But I need to go grocery shopping again, as we are just about out of food that I eat every day.

    I should go see my doctor though, to make sure everything is still ok considering I just had a baby. My hormones freaked out after I had my daughter.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Oh Kristina - Me :love: the dress!!! We want pictures of you in it...

    Lacey - I love the Squat Queen title!!! It is great that you can squat now. We do that all the time when out and about in northern MI:blushing: Esp when blueberry picking...

    Danielle - I can understand the ups and downs. It is much easier when you can control the food. The goal is an overall downward trend on the weeks you can control things. Good luck. Your goals seem great.

    Deb - have fun and enjoy that pool - The season is too short to skip a day... Nice run today. Your comment on the 52/7 board makes me want to watch "so I married an ax murderer movie" LOL if I change it to "I ran with an ax murder" but that makes me the ax murder (hmmmm) maybe I'll skip it...

    Kendal - do you have "male" company today??? You seem to be absent!!! I'm jealous... Hope you're having fun. How was the party?

    Mish and everyone else - what's up? How are you doing?

    Amber - We MISS you!!!
  • Pinbotchick-Where are you from in Mich? I am from Mich also. Currently live in Grand Rapids but grew up in Evart (tiny town) and yes we are great at squatting in the woods!! :laugh:
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    I'm from Millersburg, MI which is about 20 min west of Rogers City (north east corner of northern lower MI)... It takes us 4 hours to get to Grand Rapids. Kristina (akasullengal) is from the Ann Arbor area. I grew up in Temperance, MI which touches Toledo, OH... I live an hour from Mackinaw...

    Our day is blown as we are now officially "old farts" and watching golf on TV!!!! We wanted to do yard work but it's too hot at 86 degrees. Tomorrow I'm due for my 4 mile walk with mom and a 2 mile run. I'm still freaked out to say a "2-mile run is easy"... I never, ever dreamed those words would come out of my mouth!!! The Mackinaw Bridge walk is 3 weeks away - where, oh, where has the summer gone??? I have signed up for a 10K (6.2 mile run) the Sat before the bridge walk in my home town!!! I'm supposed to run 7 that day but I'll add a mile to the Tues run and be even for the week. I'm excited to see my time in a race since you tend to run faster... Space is still open if you want to come up for the walk or run Kristina - but I understand the traffic is horrendous and it takes twice as long to make the trip...
  • I LOVE the bridge walk. We used to do it as a family every year. Last time was 2 years ago. I was 6 months post hip surgery and I was very proud to walk a mile, then I had to sit in my wheelchair the rest of it. Now I have to say I'm not sure if I could even do a mile. We would be going again, but I work that day :frown: oh well that means next year we'll be there!

    P.S I'm so happy to meet some other people from Michigan!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Popping on real quick to say HEY before I go to bed!

    We decided today that we are going to have a Hillbilly party on Sunday over the three day weekend in September. I went and bought all sorts of awesomeness at Dollar Store for decorations and am gonna make mac n cheese with beanie weenies in Christmas cupcake papers, buffalo chicken dip, baconator on the grill sliders (look it up online, it I'll be quite the feat if I can pull it off), mini wedge salad with blue Hesse and bacon bits, and some kind of fruit salad. And shot glasses full of no bake cheesecake with cherries on top.
    Any ideas for the fruit??

    Also, we Will do beer pong and yucca (vodka, tekillya, limes, lemon and sugar) to mix with lemonade and iced tea.

    I'm gonna buy a kiddy pool and put gracies old little slide going into it and I'm gonna bring home a huge cardboard box from work and cut a door in it for a "playhouse" for the backyard.

    Should be awesome and I wish I wasn't the only one of us who lived on the west coast In Oregon!!

    Anyways, I am excited! I think might have to incorporate the "squat queen" onto a poster in the bathroom! Gotta any ideas on rhymes? Lol

    Tomorrow morning I I'll fire up my laptop and reply to everyone!! I promise. But for now...gotta hit the hay.

    Tomorrow I plan on walking and running the 2.6 miles again to get going!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Yay for another Michigander!

    Victoria- I would love to come up and run or walk. The thought of having to drive up north on Labor Day weekend is not a pleasant one though. I'll have to think about it some more...

    Crap way to start my morning. I got up a little before 7, even though I was still tired to get my 6 miler in. I checked the weather and it was just in the low-mid 70s. Sweet I thought... until I looked at the humidity and it was 99% WTF. Thought it wouldn't be horrible though- yeah. it was. I almost turned back pretty quickly on. I did just one loop instead of my 2 planned, and I was struggling for that. Just 2.59 miles done and at a pretty crappy pace for that distance. I'm pissed. If I got my butt out of bed, the weather should have cooperated. *RAGE* Not what I needed. I needed that pick me up of knowing I did those 6 miles to help me feel better. This weekend has not been nearly long and rejuvenating enough. I need like a week.

    Maybe I'll try to go swimming tonight or something. First, grocery shopping and I'm thinking a nap. And wallowing in my funktitude.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Morning gang - I got my 4 mile walk in but am skipping my 2 mile run... Like Kristina said this humidity is brutal. I feel for you girl!!! I signed up for a 10K run the Sat before Labor Day - they are also having a 5K run and 1 mile walk. I just had the best tomato sandwich - yummy Rye bread and mayonnaise... Love garden fresh food.

    Lacey - the hobo party sounds pretty cool. I'll have to think of a limerick for you.

    Danielle - too bad you have to work. This will be my first year walking the bridge. I've lived near it for 14 years - why have I never done it before??? I used to be lazy.

    Enjoy your Sunday.
  • My word of advice in walking the bridge is get there early. Have 2 vehicles and multiple people if you can manage it. We always meet up, pile in my parents mini van and leave our 2nd vehicle (usually my brother's) on the south side. Otherwise you have to take the bus' back and forth and that is a bigger pain in the butt than the traffic!! We are usually there at 630 when the walk starts at 7am and then walk and try to make it across before they open up one of the southbound lanes again. I think that happens at 10am-ish. But then you get to walk around town and look for your certificate numbers for free gifts! Usually after we eat lunch and play a round of mini golf (family tradition) my dad and brother go get the van. And we lounge in the park by the water eating ice cream! My brother lives in Calumet so he just heads home from there then my dad comes and gets us! It's awesome, and so much fun. Oh I so wish I was going now!!! Have fun.....

    Lacey-that party sounds really fun!

    Kristina-I feel you on the humidity! this is icky!
  • nic3595
    nic3595 Posts: 7
    Hi everyone! I have been gone for a few days because it has been such a busy weekend. I work at a restaurant in downtown Chicago so Friday and Saturday nights we see over 1,000 people! We also have our upstairs dining available, so I've gotten lots of undocumented exercise in and my legs are feeling the burn. Both nights I haven't gotten home until 1 or 2 and just passed out.

    Kristina- I actually just made a trip to the LUSH store myself. Its hard to stay away. If you've never used the Dorthy bubble bath, TREAT YOURSELF! It smells awesome. Also I love the dress, I agree that it would be much prettier if you modeled it though :)

    Victoria- Wow on the running and walking and moving!!! I need to start again but its so hard, I remember the pain of a no run weekend and then a 8 mile workout Monday, unfortunately I haven't been running for years now. We also had a lot of fun organized runs back in my small town in Wisconsin. I haven't dared look in Chicago yet.

    Good luck on the weight loss girls, I love being able to vent and read about everyone's day! I'm off to cook up some healthy lunch before work. I hope everyone has a great rest of the weekend!
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Sorry for the double/triple post Victoria...I'm just so tired tonight I wanted to post to all my groups and copy /paste is a big help sometimes... just ignor if you read earlier... :wink:

    Hello friends...boy am I beat......I have been shopping with my daughter for the last 7 hours...please...NO MORE school shopping...all I can say is my kids are blessed...we hit lots of sales and even hit a new shop that has used named brand teen clothes,,,takes a lot of sorting through time...but you can't beat the prices!

    I got up at 5 this morning,,,,,weigh in and I wasn't real thrilled...I mean I did loose a pound, but I was thinking it was going to be better...Shaun T has been working me and I have been really clean with the eating....I was having a good week, just thought I'd loose a little more after 3 weeks.....my hubby heard me huffing and puffin around....bless his heart...he got up, put in insanity pure cardio and suggested we do the warm up and stretch and then go for a run....now he had been avoiding this workout for the last 7 weeks... so he was trying hard to be sweet...it wasn't max cardio (which I am doing this week)...but I didn't mention it...he was trying to motivate me...then we did the 6.7 mile loop, running for 5 miles and walking the last 1.7.....

    all in all .... feeling very blessed...with a hubby whom loves me and a daughter that is actually pretty happy with me for a change...lol, my footies are so tired...I am so tired, going to catch up groups have some tea and relax!

    Hope your all having a blessed weekend too!
  • Sorry for the double/triple post Victoria...I'm just so tired tonight I wanted to post to all my groups and copy /paste is a big help sometimes... just ignor if you read earlier... :wink:

    Hello friends...boy am I beat......I have been shopping with my daughter for the last 7 hours...please...NO MORE school shopping...all I can say is my kids are blessed...we hit lots of sales and even hit a new shop that has used named brand teen clothes,,,takes a lot of sorting through time...but you can't beat the prices!

    I got up at 5 this morning,,,,,weigh in and I wasn't real thrilled...I mean I did loose a pound, but I was thinking it was going to be better...Shaun T has been working me and I have been really clean with the eating....I was having a good week, just thought I'd loose a little more after 3 weeks.....my hubby heard me huffing and puffin around....bless his heart...he got up, put in insanity pure cardio and suggested we do the warm up and stretch and then go for a run....now he had been avoiding this workout for the last 7 weeks... so he was trying hard to be sweet...it wasn't max cardio (which I am doing this week)...but I didn't mention it...he was trying to motivate me...then we did the 6.7 mile loop, running for 5 miles and walking the last 1.7.....

    all in all .... feeling very blessed...with a hubby whom loves me and a daughter that is actually pretty happy with me for a change...lol, my footies are so tired...I am so tired, going to catch up groups have some tea and relax!

    Hope your all having a blessed weekend too!

    Besides your school shopping (which I too hate!) your day sounded lovely :heart:
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Danielle - I like your profile pic!!!

    Deb - congrats on the pound loss - you DO deserve it!!!! I can't believe it isn't more. Your ex and activity level is amazing. You inspire me... Dont worry about the multi posts - I do it too...

    Nic - working at a restaurant is hard work. Hopefully you can relax today.

    The bells are chiming 8:30 and I have to be out the door by 9. Got in my hour long bike ride and it was nice - only 60 degrees with no humidity!!! I was wishing it was a running day. Hopefully tomorrow will be just as cool. I'll check back later. Enjoy your Monday!!!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    This morning was SO much nicer out than this weekend. I walked to work this morning and it was almost chilly wearing my short sleeve top. Love it! I'm hoping it'll be similar tomorrow morning for my 4.5-miler.

    The weekend ended entirely too quickly. I'm still not in a great place mentally, but work calls my name. I really could have used a couple more days. Oh well. What can you do? Today isn't too heavy of a day... just catching up on some paperwork, and I have one follow-up appointment with a client. Several phone calls to make as well.

    I was thinking about going swimming last night after the early morning run!fail, but not long before I was due to leave, I decided to clean a bit. I was dust bustering some dirt around one of the window sills in the basement and apparently disrupted some sort of ant hill that was right outside, and they started piling in my basement. ACK! Of course I didn't have anything at the moment, so I sprayed them over and over again with house cleaner. haha. And I went outside and I saw the mound of them right underneath my window and jet streamed them with water. Went to the store and got some ant spray and sprayed like whoa. Haven't seen one this morning, but I'm a bit antsy (no pun intended) about seeing another one. So, yeah... after that adrenaline rush, did not feel like going to the gym. Not sure about exercise plans today. Might go to the gym. Will at least do weights and some ab work.

    Oh, and I'm 185 this morning. *bangs head against desk*
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