Coffee and Protein shakes



  • shani251
    shani251 Posts: 145 Member
    Recently, I've thought of blending my morning coffee with either slim fast powder or protein powder. But, I am not a fan of experimenting on my own (and who wants to ruin a good cup of coffee). So, I thought I'd ask if anyone else blends them together with ice to make an iced coffee protein shake lol

    i actually do this all the time and LOVE it. Protein powder on its own with hot water makes great cocoa too, btw. one variation for after the gym - i spoonfull of instant coffee crystals + i scoop protein powder mixed together with water, then stored in the fridge is NUMMY. nice treat for after your workout! :wink:
  • punkypenny
    punkypenny Posts: 99 Member
    Interesting. I'm going to try this tomorrow morning with my instant coffee, vanilla whey protein, and maybe some cocoa powder.
  • welcomenuts
    welcomenuts Posts: 104 Member
    Bump for breakfast tomorrow!
  • sbilyeu75
    sbilyeu75 Posts: 567 Member
    I've tried making a mocha with my chocolate protein powder. It actually worked okay, but then I read that the heat can mess up the benefits of the protein.
  • burchdm
    burchdm Posts: 2
    If you use the liquid form of protein drinks, they work really well in both hot or iced coffees! I have done it both ways.. usually iced in the summer, hot in the winter... haha But I might try a shake soon!
  • kristy_n0831
    kristy_n0831 Posts: 108 Member
    I just fill a travel mug with brewed coffee then add a scoop or two of chocolate protein powder.
  • Coffee is my main protein delivery method! One scoop in cup is perfect. One very important pointer though: The coffee must not be too hot. If it is, the powder will "burn" and clump. There's no fixing it once that happens. It's better to put a little milk or creamer in first, stir to cool slightly and then put the protein in. I've done chocolate, vanilla, cookies & cream, and chocolate/peanut butter. They all work well.
  • Ang108
    Ang108 Posts: 1,711 Member
    I don't drink shakes at all, but sometimes on the rare occasion when I want something sweet, I mix home made greek yogurt with some strong espresso coffee and a bit of sweetener and freeze it to a granito consistency. I really like it and imagine that a protein powder and coffee shake would be very similar. Of course it all depends on the person's preference.
  • I do this a lot, however you have to do it with iced coffee. There is a weird chemical reaction between the heat and the protein powder that makes it curd up and completely ruins a good cup of coffee. I make a big pot of coffee at the start of the week, throw it in the fridge, every day poor it over ice with protein powder and it's great. No cream or sugar needed!!!

    p.s. I use vanilla whey isolate!!

    CORRECT. IT much be cold coffee. There's a pin on pinterest for this. It does require cold brew coffee (or brew and put in the fridge overniight)
  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    Double espresso, iced to half cup. Toss in protein powder and shake vigorously. Works great for me! YMMV
  • sarahevenstar
    sarahevenstar Posts: 70 Member
    I like mine with 3/4 of a cup of strong coffee (cold), 1 scoop vanilla protein powder and a frozen banana and blend it up with a few ice cubes if needed. Nice and creamy! I'm not a fan of the taste of the protein powder and the coffee flavor hides it nicely.
  • FFfitgirl
    FFfitgirl Posts: 369 Member
    Half a chocolate shake wi ice cubes and coffee sometime add a sweetener

    Half a vanilla shake
    Torani syrup (sugar free vanilla)
    Blend for a few mins.
    This ones gets kind of frothy. Which I like
  • DanIsACyclingFool
    DanIsACyclingFool Posts: 417 Member
    I've done instant coffee in chocolate whey shakes, pretty dang good.

    I'm surprised no one has mentioned Click!
  • MMAQueen
    MMAQueen Posts: 279 Member
    With a good blender, it can turn out k, but hot coffee does tend to do weird things to whey protein.

    i like to make ice coffee with a scoop of chocolate protein.