Electronic Cigarettes

tigers217 Posts: 25 Member
I am trying to get a friend to quit smoking so I was considering buying an electronic cigarette for their birthday. I have never been a smoker so I know absolutely nothing about this. Which ones out there are the best? Thank you!


  • PoopieMonster
    PoopieMonster Posts: 295 Member
    That is a horrible birthday gift.
  • sunshinestater
    sunshinestater Posts: 596 Member
    That's not really quitting. It's just another way of getting the drug into the body, albeit much less annoying to those around the person.
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    That is a horrible birthday gift.


    i get that your intentions are good, however, your efforts may annoy this friend. they'll quit when theyre good and ready.
    buy them something they'll enjoy.
  • tigers217
    tigers217 Posts: 25 Member
    Obviously not their only birthday gift but I think adding years on to their life is a great gift! And being best friends with a health professional I guess you should expect things like that. But thanks for your useless input. Have a great day.
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    When I was smoking my friends took my pack and smashed it on the ground and punched me in the stomach. True story.

    I quit smoking, but not from them. Point is nothing you do can make them stop, only them wanting to commit to not smoking.

    Start running, do c 25k, it makes the taste of smoking horrific right after a run.
  • mank32
    mank32 Posts: 1,323 Member
    i just started with "Starbuzz" brand. these are disposable, $10 good for 500 puffs/~ 3pks, and they have a bunch of different 'flavors'.

    'blueberry mist' was nice. 'pirate's cave' i'm told is very popular, and i can see why: it takes just like freakin Mountain Dew! it's my favorite so far. 'sex on the beach' is nice too but harsher on the throat for me so i don't think i'll be getting that one again.

    since i started on these i have had no desire to smoke a cigarette. those things are nasty. these e-cigs give me the nicotine buzz to which i am still addicted enough to think i 'need' -- without the smelly clothes and cruddy lungs. i'm a fan.
  • tigers217
    tigers217 Posts: 25 Member
    I guess I should have mentioned that they have been wanting one but couldn't afford it working as a server. I spend several hundred dollars on birthdays I assure you this will not be their only gift.
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    I spend several hundred dollars on birthdays I assure you this will not be their only gift.


    just tryin to be helpful.

    i'll be over here if anyone needs me.
  • tigers217
    tigers217 Posts: 25 Member
    i just started with "Starbuzz" brand. these are disposable, $10 good for 500 puffs/~ 3pks, and they have a bunch of different 'flavors'.

    'blueberry mist' was nice. 'pirate's cave' i'm told is very popular, and i can see why: it takes just like freakin Mountain Dew! it's my favorite so far. 'sex on the beach' is nice too but harsher on the throat for me so i don't think i'll be getting that one again.

    since i started on these i have had no desire to smoke a cigarette. those things are nasty. these e-cigs give me the nicotine buzz to which i am still addicted enough to think i 'need' -- without the smelly clothes and cruddy lungs. i'm a fan.

    Thank you! I appreciate your help and congrats on quitting. :)
  • wolverine66
    wolverine66 Posts: 3,779 Member
    Obviously not their only birthday gift but I think adding years on to their life is a great gift! And being best friends with a health professional I guess you should expect things like that. But thanks for your useless input. Have a great day.

    people who ask a question and then get agitated with the responses reminds me of people on Kitchen Nightmares or Super Nanny (or any other "rescue" show) who call someone for help, but want to fight with the person they called for help.
  • JUDDDing
    JUDDDing Posts: 1,367 Member
    That is a horrible birthday gift.
    That's not really quitting. It's just another way of getting the drug into the body, albeit much less annoying to those around the person.

    That's a very nice, thoughful birthday gift, IMO.

    Smoking is the WORST way to get your nicotine. Heart disease, emphysema, lung cancer, COPD, etc, etc, etc. These are not particularly nicotine problems - they are smoking problems.

    "quit or die" is a stupid choice when there is a spectrum of lower harm choices that they can make. They can always go for completely abstaining from nicotine later - after they stop killing themselves and hurting the people around them with smoking.
  • mank32
    mank32 Posts: 1,323 Member
    o, i haven't 'quit' yet. i still consider myself a 'smoker' because i am still feeding the nicotine habit. i'm just not gross about it anymore :blushing:

    i think it's a brilliant idea you have for your friend, BUT ONLY if you are secure enough to face the possibility that your friend MAY take a look at it and sneer, or balk, or have some other kind of bad reaction (sometimes ppl don't like it when you have anything to say about their lifestyle choices, ANYTHING at all, pos or neg..) if u r prepared for that and won't let it ruin ur day IF it happens, then go for it.

    i m just thinking like (for example) if i tried to give my (obese) mom some 'diet' food like "Here, try this, i think you'll like it and ITS BETTER FOR YOU" she might hear a little of "...it's better for you THAN THE HORRIBLE CHOICES YOU MAKE FOR YOURSELF, here let me make some better choices for you..." it really just depends on how well you know the person and how you think they'll take it.
  • pwnderosa
    pwnderosa Posts: 280 Member
    Hi there! I have a Joye 510 that helped me quit, they have starter kits for around $50 and they have rechargeable batteries and use flavored nicotine "juices" that you buy separately to drip inside. I like that all the parts are replaceable so it is relatively low cost to maintain/replace parts as needed (batteries and atomizers tend to wear out after awhile). I also like that it's relatively small and discrete, most people don't even notice it.

    And yes I am still hooked on my ecig but it's been over a year since I had a cigarette and I am healthier than ever, saving lots of money and time and some icky health-related smoking symptoms have disappeared so for the person that doesn't count it as quitting...you really don't know what you are talking about, just sayin'..........
  • PoopieMonster
    PoopieMonster Posts: 295 Member
    Obviously not their only birthday gift but I think adding years on to their life is a great gift! And being best friends with a health professional I guess you should expect things like that. But thanks for your useless input. Have a great day.

    How is it "obviously" not their only birthday gift? How were we supposed to know that...
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    They're all pretty much the same design. It's the flavors that are very diverse. My fiance has a few of them. He got a bunch of different flavors. However, using E-cigs alone probably won't help your friend quit. He may need the E-cigs and something else like the patch or the lozenges or the gum. Right now, my fiance is on the lozenges. He still wants to smoke, but he's not as crazy as he is when he used the patches.
  • Curleycue0314
    Curleycue0314 Posts: 245 Member
    My Hubby is a long time smoker and wanted to try these as something to help him quit to soo it is a thoughtful gift! He tried the Blu brand, but it didn't really work. You can only puff on them so many times a day. That was the thing that was the hardest thing for him. In the end it didn't work for him.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    she wont quit unless she wants to quit. It may drive a stake through your friendship if she thinks you are interfering. I wouldnt take that risk. She knows ecigs are out there, she knows there are the patches, gum, cold turkey, and other methods but if she hasnt taken the step to do it then she may not want to quit.
  • miztrezzlyn
    miztrezzlyn Posts: 44 Member
    http://www.bloogplanet.com There you can get automatic batteries, and some cartomizers. Probably a good idea to just get a kit, that way everything they need is in there. It's a great product and I've been using them for 3 years, quit actual cigarettes June of 2010.

    It is way better than ingesting all that tar and the other chemicals they throw in cigarettes.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I quit smoking using an e-cig. For the uninformed, it's not different than the patch or gum or any other cessation device. If the individual is committed to using the e-cig rather than smoking a real cigarette, they work. I know 4 people, including myself who've tried numerous times and methods to quite and the e-cig is the only thing that's worked.

    I've been smoke free since Sept. I used a Joytech 1000 Mah twist and vivi tanks for the juice. I personally loved this set up because I didn't want anything that actually looked or felt like a cigarette and the tank was great because I could just fill it up and it would last me most of the day and don't have to sit there dripping onto an atomizer.

    It is important that your friend have a plan in place though...I started out at a very high nicotine content as I was a 2-3 PAD smoker. I did that for a couple months and then started going down to the next level every month or so until I got to zero. I still use mine occasionally...usually when I'm drinking or something, just as something to do with my hands, etc...but really, I hardly even think about it anymore. It took me about 5-6 months to get to zero nicotine.

    Whatever people may think about them, they work well in helping you quit and worst case is harm reduction therapy essentially. I can tell you that after just a month on the e-cig with no cigarettes at all, I could breathe again...started running again, etc. You may be getting the nicotine, but you're not getting all of the tar and thousands of other chemicals that come with the cigarette. If your friend is really committed, they work wonders...and I had tried just about everything under the sun.
  • tigers217
    tigers217 Posts: 25 Member
    Obviously not their only birthday gift but I think adding years on to their life is a great gift! And being best friends with a health professional I guess you should expect things like that. But thanks for your useless input. Have a great day.

    people who ask a question and then get agitated with the responses reminds me of people on Kitchen Nightmares or Super Nanny (or any other "rescue" show) who call someone for help, but want to fight with the person they called for help.

    Correct me if I am wrong but I asked if a simple question about which ecigs were best, not if it was going to be a suitable birthday gift for someone they have never met. Some of you all on here love to pick fights.