Help? Looking to find the fun in this again!



  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    If I don't cardio, why do you think you have to?

    Everyone (including my trainer) keeps telling me that cardio is necessary for burning fat (which I still have some to burn off), strength training is meant for building muscle and BOTH are what I still need at this point. If someone can prove to me that this isn't true, I will worship at your feet for life! lol!


    You can pay me via paypal. :P

    True story. What burns fat is eating a calorie deficit.
  • Vain_Witch
    Vain_Witch Posts: 476 Member
    If I don't cardio, why do you think you have to?

    Everyone (including my trainer) keeps telling me that cardio is necessary for burning fat (which I still have some to burn off), strength training is meant for building muscle and BOTH are what I still need at this point. If someone can prove to me that this isn't true, I will worship at your feet for life! lol!


    You can pay me via paypal. :P

    lol! bank account may not agree with the amount I would owe you! :-D

    If you don't do any cardio, and strictly often do you lift and how long are your workouts generally? Do you incorporate anything other than lifting?

    Oh, and for everyone suggesting running...Unfortunately not an option for me. My doctor told me no running...I tried to prove him wrong recently and after a few weeks going strong with the C25K program, my damn bad leg gave out again. FOR NOW, I'm going to listen to the doctor...That being said, I do walk A LOT. If it's within a mile or so from my house I just walk there unless it's pouring rain and my daughter is with me. :)
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    Its true you don't need it. I enjoy cardio so I do it. I enjoy feet so I lick them. I lift weight because I'm a man.
  • mwilke
    mwilke Posts: 378 Member
    Can you do your cardio outside instead?

    I would rather shove bamboo shoots under my fingernails while listening to Justin Bieber on a constant loop than run on a treadmill, and I hate the elliptical even more, but put me outside and I'm golden. And if I happen to get bored during a run, I still have to get home. There is no quitting. :laugh:

    HAHAHAHA! That is probably the funniest thing that I have read! Love it! And very true. I think I have only used a treadmill at the gym once before I was even seriously trying to be healthy. All of my walks and jogs are outside. When it rains and snows, I thought about trying to run in place- just not sure if I would enjoy it as much...
  • iulia_maddie
    iulia_maddie Posts: 2,780 Member
    If I don't cardio, why do you think you have to?

    Everyone (including my trainer) keeps telling me that cardio is necessary for burning fat (which I still have some to burn off), strength training is meant for building muscle and BOTH are what I still need at this point. If someone can prove to me that this isn't true, I will worship at your feet for life! lol!


    You can pay me via paypal. :P

    True story. What burns fat is eating a calorie deficit.

    Yes. This^^

    Cardio helps with creating that deficit. But if you are in control of your eating, you don't need it.
    I basically do cardio once in a while when I go way overboard on my calories. Sometimes not even then.
  • 1ConcreteGirl
    1ConcreteGirl Posts: 3,677 Member
    If I don't cardio, why do you think you have to?

    Everyone (including my trainer) keeps telling me that cardio is necessary for burning fat (which I still have some to burn off), strength training is meant for building muscle and BOTH are what I still need at this point. If someone can prove to me that this isn't true, I will worship at your feet for life! lol!


    You can pay me via paypal. :P

    lol! bank account may not agree with the amount I would owe you! :-D

    If you don't do any cardio, and strictly often do you lift and how long are your workouts generally? Do you incorporate anything other than lifting?

    Oh, and for everyone suggesting running...Unfortunately not an option for me. My doctor told me no running...I tried to prove him wrong recently and after a few weeks going strong with the C25K program, my damn bad leg gave out again. FOR NOW, I'm going to listen to the doctor...That being said, I do walk A LOT. If it's within a mile or so from my house I just walk there unless it's pouring rain and my daughter is with me. :)

    I lift four times a week, generally for about 90 minutes. I do 5 minutes of walking and two minutes of jump rope to warm up, so if you want to call that cardio, that's the extent of it.
  • zlauerMom
    zlauerMom Posts: 183 Member
    Sometimes you need an off day - or an off week. Maybe your body is telling you that you've pushed hard for 6 months and it needs a break. Just like your muscles need time to repair themselves between workouts, your whole body and mind might just need a few days to refresh and recharge. But make sure it is a controlled downtime - don't over-indulge or allow yourself to slip back into habits that you might have broken over the last 6 months.
    This was my gut reaction, too.
  • ellen_kay
    ellen_kay Posts: 304 Member
    I have but am just the opposite. I would rather do the cardio instead of weight/strength training. Those days are a struggle. I ended up taking the week off of strength training last week and did just cardio. But I am back at it this week. We'll see how it goes. Try to mix it up some. Maybe your are just bored with the routine.
  • Finnellappe
    I found getting started a nightmare, and I can imagine it would be just as bad getting back into things. I'm doing stuff I find fun to get my exercise though, like jump rope, hula hoop and jumping jacks. All staples of my childhood before I started getting fat, and still loads of fun :)
  • spirytwynd
    spirytwynd Posts: 141 Member
    It sounds like you have gotten a bunch of good suggestions. So why should I respond? Because I have screen ink to spare? ;-)) Seriously (or at least a little bit more seriously), find the fun. If you can find the fun and the passion, it will help boost you back up. Yes, working out can be challenging, but it shouldn't be an exercise in drudgery. Cardio comes in so many flavors. Tired of the treadmill? Get out and ride a bike. Even better if you ride with a friend. Go find a good hill and run up and down it. Play a game of volley ball or ultimate frisbee. Get out and get involved. Cardio doesn't have to be tied to a treadmill or an ellyptical machine. Try the Zumba thing, or yoga. Mix it up and put a fresh face on it. Cardio is simply moving faster and keeping it up. There are more flavors of cardio than there are flavors of Baskin Robbins ice cream! Everything from paddling a canoe to running in a Tough Mudder event. It is all out there for you to discover and enjoy! Find the passion again. Live, love, breathe and enjoy! :-)) Good luck!!
  • ellen_kay
    ellen_kay Posts: 304 Member
    Can you do your cardio outside instead?

    I would rather shove bamboo shoots under my fingernails while listening to Justin Bieber on a constant loop than run on a treadmill, and I hate the elliptical even more, but put me outside and I'm golden. And if I happen to get bored during a run, I still have to get home. There is no quitting. :laugh:

    I love this. I am beginning to be just like this. I ran/walked outside everyday last week.