Get Paid to workout: GymPact App



  • nrsblc
    nrsblc Posts: 85 Member
    Wow, i gotta check this out! As soon as i saw this topic i dived in instantly! Lol Quick question: Does it still pay if im from Europe?
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    Wow, i gotta check this out! As soon as i saw this topic i dived in instantly! Lol Quick question: Does it still pay if im from Europe?

    Yes, but you need a paypal account to pay into.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Tagging to remind me to look into this later.
  • downeyek
    downeyek Posts: 41 Member
    The incentive is to not lose money!! You get paid about .30-.40 per work out. Are you getting paid to work out now?
  • TheStephil
    TheStephil Posts: 858 Member
    Hmm I may have to look into this. My strength training at home won't count but I try to go for lots of walks.
  • estrange22
    estrange22 Posts: 210 Member
    When I used it, I put my phone in an armband on my upper arm so I got paid for my strength training. As long as I was moving, i could track the time in runkeeper under Other exercise and it worked.
  • PeteWhoLikesToRunAlot
    PeteWhoLikesToRunAlot Posts: 596 Member
    I've been using it for a while. with a pact of 5 days a week, I typically end up getting ~$2 a week or so. I have it linked directly to runkeeper because my gym at work isn't a gym in their database.
  • Sweet_Potato
    Sweet_Potato Posts: 1,119 Member
    I thought it would be worth it; I walk 50 minutes to and from work everyday (it syncs with Runkeeper) so why not? But it's a pain to pull out the phone and start up Runkeeper every time I walk somewhere. And this time of year there are a lot of free outdoor yoga classes that I do, but there's no way to check-in for those.
  • blueeyeddragon2115
    i use Nexercise which they give you different rewards like mpoints which you can redeem for gift cards. It takes a ton of points to get a gift card but for me it is an alternative goal and not the reason i am working out to begin with.
  • verdancyhime
    verdancyhime Posts: 237 Member
    I don't like the idea that people may do only 30 minutes of exercise because that all they have to do (and vice versa for very out of shape individuals). I'm a fan of self dictated penalties and rewards. For instance, barring a certain snack food for a week or being allowed to watch Game of Thrones. Pick your poison. Some people do great with incentives like this and some do terribly.

    The psychological toll of programs like this is different for everyone. Are you the person that meets failure with the phrase "F it" and grabs a bag of cookies? If so, this ain't for you. I'm serious, too. Not everyone is motivated by defeat. If you don't think winning matters, you're probably one of those people.

    To some extent, this.

    Also, instead of having an app which appears not to work very well and which to be honest I would have a hard time trusting not to somehow work out to me losing more money that I was gaining no matter what goals I set-

    Why not just have some kind of "fitness poker" going on with friends? Like each person antes in a dollar a week, if you meet your goal you keep your dollar, and if you don't meet it, it goes into a jar, and then at the end of each month the people who met their goal all month get to split the cash in the jar?

    This would have the added incentive that you could customize your goals, like if you got the flu for a week and could barely move for four days your friends would probably let your goal for the week be "take vitamin C every day and eat plenty of fresh foods." even if the app would still take your money.
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    Read the fine print before you do this. When you go to the gym you get paid a whopping .50 and if you don't go you have to pay $5! Also if you go twice in one day it doesn't count the second time and I believe you have to be doing some sort of moving exercise in order for the app to register your activity like cardio. If you just lift it won't register the workout even though you're at the gym.

    IMO it's not worth it.
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    Read the fine print before you do this. When you go to the gym you get paid a whopping .50 and if you don't go you have to pay $5! Also if you go twice in one day it doesn't count the second time and I believe you have to be doing some sort of moving exercise in order for the app to register your activity like cardio. If you just lift it won't register the workout even though you're at the gym.

    IMO it's not worth it.

    Ok I have to contest this:

    1: I work out 4 times a week with gympact and this last week I made $2.20 that averages out to a free 114USD a year. For what I was doing anyway. Potentially being charged five bucks is a GREAT motivation for me to get off my *kitten*. "Is sleeping in worth 5 bucks? HELL NO."

    2: If you check into a gym, gympact just counts how long you're in the gym, not what you're doing.
    If you just lift but you are checked into the gym, you WILL get your workout. You don't have to do anything other than check in. You can leave your phone in your locker and go swimming etc if you want.

    If you're a runner outside or a walker or biker or anything else, you can link gympact to Runkeeper and as long as you cover more than 1 mile distance and the exercise takes 30 minutes or more, it will count as a workout.

    If you're a DVD workout kind of person, there is the workout at home option. You put your phone in an armband and the accelerometer measures your movement, and plays a chime when you've completed 30 minutes of registered movement.
  • downeyek
    downeyek Posts: 41 Member
    Just an update: I've now been using GymPact for 4 weeks. My goals are 5 days at the gym (or my Jazzercise studio) and $10 for every day missed. (4 days at $5 was not enough of an incentive for me.) I have NOT missed a workout/week. I've made $11 total. Which, is a trip to the movie theater. Which is a wonderful TREAT for all of my hard work!

    In the four weeks I've been doing this, I've only had ONE technology screw-up, which they emailed me about immediately and then fixed immediately. I did not have to pay any money for a "missed" workout. Lastly, I was able to email them about my Jazzercise studio and they added it to their database immediately.

    So far, so happy. I also use this in conjunction with Dietbet, so money all around. If you are money motivated and need some fun and easy incentive for sticking to your goals, this is a great and easy way to do it. The App is no-muss, no-fuss. There is basically no website. Love it.
  • teresamwhite
    teresamwhite Posts: 947 Member
    I'm glad to hear that people are having some success with Gympact. I just downloaded it and am starting this week. I am a tightwad, so a $5 penalty for missing a workout is a great idea.
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    Read the fine print before you do this. When you go to the gym you get paid a whopping .50 and if you don't go you have to pay $5! Also if you go twice in one day it doesn't count the second time and I believe you have to be doing some sort of moving exercise in order for the app to register your activity like cardio. If you just lift it won't register the workout even though you're at the gym.

    IMO it's not worth it.

    Ok I have to contest this:

    1: I work out 4 times a week with gympact and this last week I made $2.20 that averages out to a free 114USD a year. For what I was doing anyway. Potentially being charged five bucks is a GREAT motivation for me to get off my *kitten*. "Is sleeping in worth 5 bucks? HELL NO."

    2: If you check into a gym, gympact just counts how long you're in the gym, not what you're doing.
    If you just lift but you are checked into the gym, you WILL get your workout. You don't have to do anything other than check in. You can leave your phone in your locker and go swimming etc if you want.

    If you're a runner outside or a walker or biker or anything else, you can link gympact to Runkeeper and as long as you cover more than 1 mile distance and the exercise takes 30 minutes or more, it will count as a workout.

    If you're a DVD workout kind of person, there is the workout at home option. You put your phone in an armband and the accelerometer measures your movement, and plays a chime when you've completed 30 minutes of registered movement.

    What happens when you go on vacation and decide not to work out for that week? Do you then suck it up and pay the $40? And if you're sick or injured and can't work out what then? I'm sure it won' t let you set the app to no exercise for the week. Sure $5 is "motivation' to get up and get moving but things happen and you can't always get to the gym or do some kind of exercise.
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    Of course it lets you set yourself as "off" for a weeks or two or even open ended. When I first moved to a different country I didn't have a phone and had to be on an open-ended break for a few weeks.
    If you're so sick you can't even walk and it affects your pact all you need to do is send them a photo of a sick note from your doc, the same as you would get for work.
  • HeadsPoppingOutOfCups
    I thought about trying it but the signal in my gym is pretty bad and I was afraid I'd have trouble logging in sometimes. Anyway, my husband is the best at motivating me to go (either go or listen to him ***** about how he feels unhealthy.)
  • FirecrackerJess
    FirecrackerJess Posts: 276 Member
    Just got this app about a week ago, still have not set it up. Tried to make an account on the website and it crashed. Not a good first impression. Might try from the phone but didn't want to sync my phone til I find out if it will work right in the gym. I don't want to not be able to check-in if the gps dont work in there. We do have wifi in there, but its spotty sometimes. Its my university's gym. I use an elliptical so have to see if it will register with that or not too, since I have the phone in the machines phone holder while working out.

    Those using it still, how are you feeling about it?
  • teresamwhite
    teresamwhite Posts: 947 Member
    Update...i've been using GymPact now for 5 weeks. I really like it. The first couple of weeks, the app kept crashing, but I just sent in the failed workout report each time, and within 24 hours, my workout was logged for me. After the 4th time this happened THEY contacted me and asked me to update my app to the newer version. This fixed my problem entirely. During the time the app kept crashing, I was charged $5 for a missed workout, but I sent in the explanation and within 24 hours my money was refunded to me.

    I work on a military installation, the gym and pool were not listed on the app, so I had to add them. It took two days to get them added to the list, but now they are there and ready to go. The app people actually called to verify because the app didn't think the gym should be quite that large! (You drag a square around a GPS map of the building to designate it as a gym)

    The newer version hasn't crashed once. It logs all my workouts and I've made $9.08 iin 5 weeks. The point wasn't to earn money by working out, it was more of a penalty if I skipped. "Is it worth $5 to sleep in?" Nope! Like someone else said, it gives me a bit of extra money to give myself a treat...a trip to the movies, a new ball cap, or a new fitness band...etc, etc, etc.

    I use Strava Run to keep track of my runs and bike rides. I just start the app, then start GymPact and off i go.

    I don't see myself deleting my account with GymPact anytime soon.
  • jdaley90
    jdaley90 Posts: 259 Member
    I've been using it for about 2 months and haven't had ANY issues. I set my goal for 5x/week and I've made it happen. I've earned 1.95-2.75/week. I've had the app crash on my but it hasn't ever caused me to not be able to log a workout. I've earned about $16 now with the app and think I'll redeem is around x-mas time when the money can come in handy. If you're a regular at the gym anyways, why not have the added incentive?