Wisconsin Pals



  • Yeah, that is why I don't eat the ham or even eat there very often. Maybe once a month at the most.

    How is your day going everyone?? Keeping OP? Getting in your water?
  • MrsJ2006
    MrsJ2006 Posts: 119
    My water intake is right on! Burned 700 calories at Body Combat. I'm WAY under my calorie intake for the day though, they added the additional 700 I burned to my day. Yikes, I was up over 2,000 for the day it said...
  • becwheels
    becwheels Posts: 18 Member
    Happy Evening everyone.

    Went out and golfed 9 holes this afternoon at 2:30 with hubby before he had mens league. I must be getting use to this weather as I did not think it was too bad out there. When I got home and put on my workout clothes though...... i realized my bra was soaked through with sweat.

    Tried a new DVD today that a friend let me borrow., It is 30 Day Shred with Jillian. THree levels so of course I started at level 1 and it kicked my butt.

    Waiting for Dan to call me so we can eat supper. I made homemade chicken salad and fresh salsa for baked tostitoes. Yummy. I used a recipe for the chicken salad out of a BL book I have. It had a waldorf salad in there that is tastey so I just added chicken breast to it. Hope it is good.

    Cindy yeah the market in our area is awful. I built one house this year. That is not enough to even pay the bills of the business. Not good. I am thinking PT for now. And I have to make a decision if I am going to hold on to the business and wait this out, or just close up shop. If I closed up shop I really would not even have to worry about working...... although at my age I would as I am bored and like my lifestyle. LOL. So I turned in resume's today for our library and also the school distirct. I heard the school district has had over 100 applications turned in. YIKES.

    Well I best get a move on and start my sammy's. Dan should be calling any minute.
  • Morning Ladies! We are under severe storm warnings right now. They are advising people to not even take showers or baths because of the lighting being so bad. Hmmmm wonder if that means I don't have to go to work?? LOL!

    Speaking of work, we are going to be super busy today and it's Friday the 13th. Always brings out the "funny" people. Oh well it's a job and I'm very lucky to have it. Becky, good luck with your decision on the job market. They just had on the news that the interest rates are going to be dropping again...down to 4.5%, maybe that will help people want to build.

    Had another awsome day with staying OP. It is really feeling good to be in the swing again!! So glad a lady on the WW boards recommened this site. Have to plan out my menu yet for today. Not sure if I'll get a work out in....have lots to do tonight for the party tomorrow. 25 years...who knew!?!!?

    What's your plans for the weekend?
  • ischmelle
    ischmelle Posts: 203 Member
    Redneck, where in Wisconsin did you live?

    I was born in Wisconsin Rapids. I still have family in Rapids, Rudolph, and Stevens Point. I'm usually up there to visit every summer and love it! It's always so beautiful when were up there!

    Hey! I'm from Rapids too!! :bigsmile:
  • ischmelle
    ischmelle Posts: 203 Member
    And, without knowing it, I started a new page! :laugh:
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    I lived the first 9 years of my life in wisconin, then jumped about 20 minutes south of the border to where my mom is from.
  • becwheels
    becwheels Posts: 18 Member
    Is HaPPy DanCINg this morning. Scale is the lowest it has been all summer long. 159.4, YEAH. I would love to lose 1 pound a week for the next 4 weeks before we leave on vacation so that I am back to where I was at my lowest. I am hoping if I reach that it will make me want to be more careful of my eating then.

    Cindy I heard that there are some severe storms up by you. They think it will fall apart before it hits us. We could use some rain though. Things on the surface are very dry from all of this heat.

    Happy 25th Cindy!! Hope the party goes well.

    Tonight is my 30th class reunion. First we are going out to eat with friends to a new Mexican place. It is so yummy and I can make my meal very heealthy which I love. Lots and lots of lettuce. Tomorrow we have to head down to one of Dan's supervisor's houses. He always has an appreciation picnic at his house for all of his sales guys. Which is so nice of him. That will be tougher. Last year there was nothing much there to eat that was healthy. Then Sunday, I know you guys will find it hard to believe, but we are heading to Whistlin Straits for the final round of the PGA Championship. Can't wait!! Always fun to get to watch the big golfers golf. Especially when they have flubbed shots. LOL.

    Well I best get a move on. Have to get haircut today so I can look decent tonight. WIll be fun this year since I am almost 60 pounds thinner than I was 5 years ago!!! YEAH ME.
  • MrsJ2006
    MrsJ2006 Posts: 119
    Good Morning! TGIF

    Becky, way to go on the removal, woohoo

    Cindy, Happy 25th Wedding Anniversary, enjoy it my friend.

    Weigh in this morning was good too, -1.6 woohoo It evens out my gain from last week. I have a plan in place & this site to keep me accountable for this weekend.

    I plan on getting some excercise tomorrow @ the Gym for Body Combat, then home to dig the rest of the driveway out. fun.

    Sunday, Im planning on getting another tattoo, I figured I'm coming up on 2 years smoke free I deserve it.
  • Hello new peeps on here!

    Congrats Jen and Becky on your removals!! Feels so so good!

    Becky, your weekend sounds like a crazy busy one. Good luck with your food choices and don't beat yourself up if you slip a bit. You can get right back on track the next day.

    Jen, your gonna be burning a lot of calories. Hope it isn't too hot outside for the drive way. 2 YEARS!! That is so awsome! I'm suppose to be going next Saturday for my first tat. Going to be getting one on the top of my foot if all goes as planned. :)

    Off to work. I'll be checking back in later.
  • MrsJ2006
    MrsJ2006 Posts: 119
    Good Morning!

    Enjoying my coffee right now, then hitting up the gym for Body Combat this morning. Hoping to burn 700plus calories this morning.

    Needing to do some errands afterwards, banking, store & a friends rummage sale. Busy!

    Happy 25th Anniversary Cindy!!
  • becwheels
    becwheels Posts: 18 Member
    Happy Monday everyone. should we start a new thread each Monday?

    I am going to can salsa this afternoon. after that hot weather last week my tomatoes are sure ripening fast now.

    Watching some baby birds on my deck right now ad they are learning how to fly. Not sure if one of them is hurt or just a bit "tarded". He is too funny. He is sitting on a chair out there and looks a bit drunk.

    My weekend was good. I did faily okay with my food choices. Not 100% but not way off the deep end either which I am happy with.

    Got plenty of exercise in the this weekend. Got up this am and did that 30 Day Shred again. I did better this am, so hopefully I won;t be so sore tomorrow. Golf tonight as well. Will be perfect weather.
  • Morning Everyone!
    Sorry I have been absent for the past couple days. Been enjoying my 3 day weekend with my hubby! What a perfect weekend it was.

    I even did really good with food choices on Saturday! There was a lot of fruits and veggies so that helped out. Plus I was busy walking around talking with so many people that I didn't have a chance to constantly stuff my face. Didn't get to log my food on here because we where constantly on the go all weekend...so back at it today. I will be stepping on the scale to check the damange when I get to work.

    Starting a new thread on Monday's I think is a great idea! Other wise this one is going to get really long. We can start next week. Let me know!

    Time to log my food for the day!
  • MrsJ2006
    MrsJ2006 Posts: 119
    Good Tuesday Morning!

    Cindy, welcome back. Glad to hear you had a great long weekend, cant wait to see pictures!

    My food choices have been good as well, believe it or not my scale is only a pound heavier then weigh in on Friday. Considering before I'd be up 4-6lbs after a weekend.
  • becwheels
    becwheels Posts: 18 Member
    Next Monday would be fine to start the new thread.

    Cindy glad you had such a nice time. I am sure you will be fine by WI. When is your official WI day?

    Jen that is great to only be up that much. Mine is up 2 and I am not sure why. I have been on track all weekend with food and had plenty of exercise. I think for me my muscles may be retaining water since I started that 30 Day Shred. My muscles are defintely pretty sore.

    Got a call from Danielle. Woke up and can't move her neck so I may have to go get the boys and take them to camp/day care in an hour so I best get my move on here.

    Have a great on track day.
  • My WI is Tuesday mornings and whew.... I stayed the same!! Was expecting a slight gain because of the lack of exercise this weekend.
  • becwheels
    becwheels Posts: 18 Member
    Cindy WOHOO on the maintain. So much better than a gain. I am thinking I know why my scale is up and I can't figure it out. I bet TOM is coming. I ended up with a migraine today. Usually that is the only time I ever get one. So we shall see what the next few days bring.
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    Hello Wisconsin, I am from the Columbus area. I love wisconson, I just hate the cold.:sick: And right now the snow. We are suppose to get another round monday and tuesday. Atleast shoveling is exersize.
  • FarmerLynn7
    FarmerLynn7 Posts: 68 Member
    I'm in West Allis, but the family actually has a cabin outside Wisconsin Rapids so I'm up there pretty often too :D
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Redneck, where in Wisconsin did you live?

    I was born in Wisconsin Rapids. I still have family in Rapids, Rudolph, and Stevens Point. I'm usually up there to visit every summer and love it! It's always so beautiful when were up there!

    I live in Wis Rapids......
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