Need suggestions for healthiest way to lose weight quickly!



  • Pangea250
    Pangea250 Posts: 965 Member
    So you really only need to lose 6 lbs? Eat less. Move more.
  • teeya1984
    teeya1984 Posts: 33 Member
    1200 cals a day, don't eat back exercise calories, exercise, drink tons of water, stay away from processed and high sodium foods, no cheat days, no alcohol, vitamin B12 and B6 daily and a multivitamin.

    it's a crappy way to live for a month but i lost over 15lbs in a month doing this, so it can be just wasn't a whole lot of fun.
  • choface
    choface Posts: 107 Member
    Advocare 24 day challenge! I've lost 9 pounds in 11 days! But it's 200 dollars so it really doesn't help lol.
  • Southernb3lle
    Southernb3lle Posts: 862 Member
    I would have planned ahead of time and not left it to the last moment. Crash diets are not good for you.
  • rhonderoo
    rhonderoo Posts: 145 Member
    I'll spare you the theatrical self-righteous posting, because I'm not perfect either. And sometimes a good loss in the beginning is a way to get motivated, and stay motivated, especially if you are providing your body with the proper nutrients.

    At your height and weight (I'm the same height), it's especially difficult when it's a small loss. My doctor (yes, my real physician) recommended the 17 Day Diet as a kick start to weight loss, and told me it wasn't bad, especially if I ate the vegetables. Lean protein (a LOT of it in the first 17 days, which is all you need), vegetables anytime. Think tuna fish on a bed of spinach and tomatoes, that kind of stuff you can eat until you can't hold anymore. But it has to be lean protein, no red meat, no sausage, no lunch meats--just real chicken, turkey and fish. Almost any veggies you can think of except corn, and squash and then you can have fruit until 2pm in the afternoon. Apples, pears, berries of any kind, citrus - no bananas or pineapple as they are higher glycemic and up your blood sugar. Two yogurts or probiotics a day, low fat hard cheese like parmesan, and green tea. Of course 8 glasses of water a day and no alcohol (which really sucked for me!). Also no, sugars, which also sucked. But it was only for 17 days, and once I lost and went on to the other phases that included more carbs, sugars, and alcohol, I didn't gain back.
  • tobrocker
    tobrocker Posts: 21 Member
    Do a juice / smoothie fast. You're getting your nutrition - adequate calories, too. It is very hard because we are programmed to chew food. I'm on day 4 of mine - not easy at all but it is healthy. Most of the weight you lose will be water - but any diet that you do to lose that much weight that fast is going to be water weight..just need to create new better habits to keep it off.
  • Bridget0927
    Bridget0927 Posts: 438 Member
    Amlased. Its like drinking a protien shake 3 times a day for 3 days with vegetable broth in between then 2 shakes one meal then 1 shake two meals.
    Its a healthier version of a protein shake or slim fast and I found that it makes me feel great.
    I will be using a supplement forever :-)
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I would have planned ahead of time and not left it to the last moment. Crash diets are not good for you.

    Can you provide any evidence that a short term "crash diet" such as the OP proposes (10 lbs in 30 days) is "not goof for you" when "you" is a person wtih a BMI above the healthy range?
  • shannashannabobana
    shannashannabobana Posts: 625 Member
    find a very light weight dress and light shoes to wear on weigh-in day
    This was going to be my suggestion.

    If you find that eating healthy doesn't get you where you want, I honestly would probably do a fast/apple fast or some such thing. I did a 3 day apple fast and lost like 8 pounds one time. It all comes back sure but I don't think it would hurt you long run and it might get you to your money goal.
  • Southernb3lle
    Southernb3lle Posts: 862 Member
    I would have planned ahead of time and not left it to the last moment. Crash diets are not good for you.

    Can you provide any evidence that a short term "crash diet" such as the OP proposes (10 lbs in 30 days) is "not goof for you" when "you" is a person wtih a BMI above the healthy range?

    Excuse me..are we butthurt? Oh and 10 lbs in 30 days is not BAD..I'm saying the "Crash dieting" is not good for you.

    I'm saying with KNOWING ahead of time (OP said this goes on every year). ..that a good "healthy" lifestyle change could have accomplished the 10 lbs without having to put stress on your body by "crash dieting". I have tried many a diets and I would rather go the long road of changing my eating habits then downing shakes or taking diet pills. I myself think any crash diet is bad for may get results but you are going to gain back the weight and maybe more. But that is my opinion.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I would have planned ahead of time and not left it to the last moment. Crash diets are not good for you.

    Can you provide any evidence that a short term "crash diet" such as the OP proposes (10 lbs in 30 days) is "not goof for you" when "you" is a person wtih a BMI above the healthy range?

    Excuse me..are we butthurt? Oh and 10 lbs in 30 days is not BAD..I'm saying the "Crash dieting" is not good for you.

    I'm saying with KNOWING ahead of time (OP said this goes on every year). ..that a good "healthy" lifestyle change could have accomplished the 10 lbs without having to put stress on your body by "crash dieting". I have tried many a diets and I would rather go the long road of changing my eating habits then downing shakes or taking diet pills. I myself think any crash diet is bad for may get results but you are going to gain back the weight and maybe more. But that is my opinion.

    My butt is fine, thanks for asking. What evidence do you have that losing 10 lbs in 30 days would put stress on the OP's body? Your personal preferences aside.
  • Alex
    Alex Posts: 10,149 MFP Staff
    Dear Posters,

    I wanted to offer a brief explanation for the locking of this thread.

    The forum guidelines include this item:
    3. No Promotion of Unsafe Weight-Loss Techniques or Eating Disorders
    a) Posts intended to promote potentially unsafe or controversial weight loss products or procedures, including non-medically prescribed supplements or MLM products will be removed without warning.
    b) Profiles, groups, messages, posts, or wall comments that encourage anorexia, bulimia, or very low calorie diets of any kind will be removed, and may be grounds for account deletion. This includes positive references to ana/mia, purging, or self-starving. Our goal is to provide users with the tools to achieve their weight management goals at a steady, sustainable rate. Use of the site to promote or glamorize dangerously low levels of eating is not permitted.
    c) Photos intended to glamorize extreme thinness will be deleted.
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    MyFitnessPal Community Manager
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