
  • doobiedoo
    doobiedoo Posts: 194 Member
    :flowerforyou: I love brussel sprouts steamed. I had only had them boiled to death as a child, but since steaming them, they have become a favorite. They need a little butter and salt to make them really tasty!:flowerforyou:
  • Debhow
    Debhow Posts: 17 Member
    :flowerforyou: I love brussel sprouts steamed. I had only had them boiled to death as a child, but since steaming them, they have become a favorite. They need a little butter and salt to make them really tasty!:flowerforyou:

    My son and I love brussel sprouts, too. Everyone thinks we're weird, but they just don't know what they are missing. I've seen a cold brussel sprout salad I'd like to try sometime.
  • annitin
    annitin Posts: 14
    I enjoyed reading today's posts so far.

    This is my fourth day and I can't wait to see the results at the end of the week. A few years ago I lost 50 pounds and couldn't lose the last 15 to save my life. Now I put those 50 back on and being over 50 doesn't help. My son is a Personal Trainer and we have been working out for two weeks. I see the results in my hips and thighs (problem areas) but my weight shows no difference. I understand that is probably because I am toning up right now; which will help "when" I lose the weight.

    My sister loves brussels sprouts but I find that I have to add too much to them to make them taste good. Too each her own, I guess.:bigsmile:
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :smile: Mimi, thanks for the lesson on muscles. I've printed out the gut 'n butt moves (again). Now to DO them :laugh: :laugh:

    :drinker: We've had a bit of a heatwave here, and for me that meant it's been a week without riding my bicycle. The weather is supposed to cool though by tomorrow, so it will be back in the saddle for me then. I've missed riding. I also miss my friend who is on vacation. I have a hard time pushing myself to go to the gym for strength training without her. See.....so many excuses not to exercise:angry: I could make myself unhappy and defeated. BUT I don't. Because I know tomorrow is another day and it feels so good to just know that I will not give up! HAH!

    Notice my profile pic has my DD in it. Taken this past weekend. In addition to our culinary adventures, we also did some swimming, went on an adventurous 1.5 hour hike and on the way home a 2 hour shopping spree (a girl's gotto do what she's gotto do:bigsmile: :bigsmile: )

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Have a wonderful day my dear MFP friends.

    :heart: :heart: Rebel :heart: :heart:
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Glad for a Tuesday,

    Welcome to the newbies:flowerforyou: This is a great place.

    Roberta- glad to see that you have found this site it's a great place to make friends and get all the encouragement that you need...and sometimes a place to vent:wink:

    Debbi- yes the exercise only registers your aroebic exercises and not the weights, there are too many variables I think is what I read a long time ago...I just chalk it up to "extra" for me.


    Not much happening here but am staying focused as I'm getting closer to that end of the month that will be a big milestone. So far the scale has been very encouraging with these last few lbs and I will admit I love that my BMI is firmly in the healthy range.

    One of my goals for this month was to do Butt & Gut for 30 days...well I've not been very good at keeping it up:grumble: it seems like I will be good for about 5 days and then miss one or two:sad: ...so guess I will once again start over:ohwell:

    Everyone have a good day and :drinker: drink your water!

  • bkrbabe57
    bkrbabe57 Posts: 395 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!!!
    I can't believe how much I enjoy catching up with everyone. I also learn so much from everyone.

    Rebel, it sounds like you had a GREAT week end. This sounds like someplace I need to visit.

    Barbiecat, no date set yet but as it all hinges on me( married within a year of moving in) I should get my act together as I have already made him wait over five years. :noway:

    Mimi, you are an inspiration, need to try Butt & Gut

    Jeannie, congrats on your new post child birth weight.

    We last weeks lesson was very eye opening for me. It made me realize that in addition to eating in the car and at my desk I also "treat" myself to a little something (usually a brownie) when I stop and get gas. I even get a bit irritated and have a sense of loss if station doesn't have brownies and I have to settle for a candy bar!!!
    well as of last week that has come to a screeching halt and I have been paying for my gas at the pump so as not to get tempted.:bigsmile:

    So now this week the new lesson is eating patterns. In order to control your eating it is helpful to understand the factors that affect your appetite.

    How fast you eat
    How much bulk (fiber) you eat
    How often you eat
    Where you eat
    What time you eat
    Are meals planned or spontaneous
    Stomach hunger vs. mind hunger

    Over weight people tend to eat to quickly not giving them time to truly enjoy their food and the stomach needs time to digest food and to feel full.

    Low calorie food with plenty of bulk (fruits, veggies, water) will make your stomach full and you will feel less hungry.

    It is temping to skip a meal or save calories for a big treat but that may backfire and start an eating binge that will cause you to overeat. distribute your calories throughout the day. It may be easier to manage your hunger and calories with 5 or 6 smaller meals rather then 3 larger meals.

    Where you eat was last weeks lesson and helps you to realize when you are full.

    What time you eat is similar to how often you eat. try planning specific meal times.

    Plan meals ahead of time to avoid eating whatever catches your eye. Have low calorie snacks available to help between meals.

    Some people eat because it is a certain time or because of emotional responses or because food is available. It is important to decipher if it is mind hunger or stomach hunger. If you are eating for mind hunger then you need to make a plan and work on those issues.

    Helpful hints.

    Put down your fork between bites
    pause for a two minute period at some point during the meal.
    Eat lower calorie foods before higher calorie foods
    leave something on your plate at the end of every meal
    avoid extreme hunger by distributing your eating throughout the day.
    drink more water WITH meals
    eat only in designated eating places
    pay attention to your stomach hunger
    plan what and where you eat.

    There is also stuff on fats and cholesterol but I will share that later in the week. Next week is recipe modification.

    Better get started on my day. Everyone have a wonderful day!!!

  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    AHealthierSuzyQ Posts: 698 Member
    Morning ladies! Did the run/walk thing with the dog this morning then came home and made hubby and I whole wheat waffles. I used sugar-free syrup on mine and added nuts. He complained about them not being white. Guess I won't be making them for him anymore as he doesn't complain about omelets and such. Today is his last day off for awhile so I'm getting off here to go spend time with him.

    Happy Tuesday everybody :drinker:
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    drink more water WITH meals
    Oh, no, this is a HORRIBLE IDEA!! When you drink with your meals, it flushed your food through quicker and you don't get as much satiety and are hungry again faster. That is because our pylorus valve opens up once the food pressing against it gets to a certain level of mush. If you add water to anything, it gets mushier than if you don't and wait for stomach acid and stomach churning to produce that level of mush.

    When I was morbidly obese, I would eat, start to feel full, drink, then not feel full, and eat some more and I never realized what was going on until I found out about how the pylorus valve works. Now I look back and it's obvious what I was doing and I feel a bit dumb no to realize it, but at the time I was thinking "oh, the water will fill me up!"

    I also disagree with the emphasis many diet programs have on filling yourself up on low-cal foods. Most of these foods are high in carbs and they may fill you up at the time, but you get hungry faster as well. I find that I can eat two cheese sticks for a snack and be full or satisfied for hours or I can eat a bunch of carrots and be ready for more food half an hour later. When I was first losing,

    I started upping my protein and that caused my calories to naturally go down from 1800 to 1500 without me consciously trying to limit myself. It just happened because I felt full longer eating protein-based snacks. Which is not to say I won't eat carrots or other fruits and veggies. I just don't eat them bulk and I pair them with something protein-rich.
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    Debbi- yes the exercise only registers your aroebic exercises and not the weights, there are too many variables I think is what I read a long time ago...I just chalk it up to "extra" for me.
    You can get the calories from lifting weights if you put it under cardio. They have strength training and circuit training and a bunch of other stuff in the cardio section. It's really misnamed as it's not all cardio at all.

    Cardio = calories burned from activities
    Strength = keeping track of your reps

    I never use the strength section as it's too much work. I have other ways to keep track of my reps and progress in strength training.
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Well ladies, I've been rushing around again today!

    Got a call from my dad this morning to say that he wasn't feeling well and had called his gp for a home visit. I dashed round to see him and it transpires that he had a tummy ache ...... possibly because he had a big bowl of prunes with rhubarb for his supper last night. He gets himself into a right panic if he has even the slightest of off days. Anyway, I stayed with him and saw the doctor with him - who said that he is as fit as a flea and should just have a day of resting.

    After that I ran a few errands for him and then dashed off to see mum in law. I was supposed to go and have my bloods done this morning but had to call and cancel the appointment so I could be with my dad. I can't get them done until next week now, which is a bit of a bother.

    Mum in law had another visitor whilst I was there and I kept trying to leave the two of them alone so that they could chat. Unfortunately, mum-in-laws friend is a bit of a chatterbox and always ends up chatting to me rather than MIL. This in turn makes MIL frustrated and upset, so I tried to escape asap. I think it took me about an hour to leave though. I'm hoping that the lift at the nursing home will be fixed in the next day or so. It would be nice if I could get mil out into the garden for some fresh air and a change of scenery.

    I've got my weekly therapy appointment tomorrow morning, but will go straight to the nursing home after that as our pet Aussie is going out for the day, so I don't need to worry about him. He was such a darling today whilst I was out. He cleaned my kitchen and even hung out my washing! I could get used to this!

    DH is due back home shortly and I've got veggies roasting in the oven along with a chorizo bake for the guys. I'll have tzatziki with mine.

    Not much time to chat today, but I will be back to check up on you all later, so be good!

    Amanda x
  • :smile: Good morning ladies!
    Was reading posts and wanted to make a suggestion that I do and helps me when I am eating.

    Peggy mentioned a lot of things to do while eating, but for me also, presentation is important too. Whenever I prepare my meals I make them look as appealing as possible, almost like I would get in a restaurant. You know how when they lay the plate down in front of you and it looks so pretty and yummy? By doing that at home it makes me feel like I am treating myself special. (Just like going to a restaurant for a meal is special) I arrange things on my plate just so, cut things up and arrange things by color to make it look pretty. So when I sit down I am happy about what I am about to eat just because it looks great.
    The other thing I do like Peggy said is always eat at the dining room table. But I take it one step further. I never eat watching TV or even leave it on in the other room. I don't even look at my computer to read anything, but I will put my screen saver on with the little fishes swimming around for relaxation or I turn on soft music. I pay attention to my meal, enjoy it, taste it, and my mind recognizes the fact that I am eating all this food and kind of makes it accountable that I have been fed and am full. Where as if I am paying attention to say the TV while eating I eat it without realizing I am eating and its gone before I know it and I don't feel satisfied and notice I am hungry for a snack later. It's all psychological I suppose, but it's really about conditioning your mind and way of thinking about food. It helps me.:smile:


    I have to agree with you on the veggies vs. protein for snacks. I too notice if I have a serving of string cheese or some other little protein for a snack I can go longer between meals without getting hungry. Veggies, Like the carrots you mentioned don't satisfy me for a couple of hours like the protein does. If I eat veggies for a snack I ma hungry again quickly. Protein seems to last longer with me and I think my body benefits from it for the energy it provides for the body between meals. If I do eat veggies between meals I will have it with hummus or a bit of peanut butter (protein) and I am fine. Not to say I don't like veggies, becasue I do. As a matter of fact I pile up on them at meals, but once again I am eating protein even then.

    One thing I noticed this month after my weigh in. In July I couldn't get enough calories to reach 1200 and keeping my carbs at 120. I averaged between 900 and a 1000 and was getting warnings from MFP about starvation mode, That month I weighed in I thought I would lose a lot of weight because of the low calorie intake. Wrong!!

    I was frustrated, and talked to a friend who is on a 1200 calorie diet but with only 40 carbs allowed. I asked her how she managed to get the calories with that and she said protein. Hard cheese, chicken, tuna, fish, protein shakes, protein. protein, protein! So I told my doctor ( who happens to run marathons) and she said yes that's right. So this month I added more protein and my calories went up to 1200 and carbs stayed where they were supposed to. Plus I didn't add the carbs I get from fruit. Major change in my weigh in. I was actually worried when I went in to weigh because I was eating a lot more calories this time, more food. I lost more weight this time! As a matter of fact when the nurse told me how much I just stared at her and it didn't register at first. My mind was trying to calculate how much I lost, but I couldn't figure it out because inside I was panicking that I didn't do well. She finally looked at me directly and told me again. I was shocked. I don't know, but I think this protein thng is important and it works obviously for me. So I will see how I do next month and eat a lot more veggies too.

  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    Well...I got on the scale this morning after being away from it for 3 weeks and was up 2 pounds. :angry: :angry: Yuk...not good but I guess I should be glad it wasn't more. A good lesson on why, for me, I need to weigh every day. I guess I just need to get a scale in MT, even if it isn't the same scale. I hope that I can get rid of those 2 pounds quickly so I won't change my ticker unless I can't get it gone in the next week. I roasted a big pan of vegies last night with enough to have tonight too. I also DID make myself do 30 day shred yesterday afternoon. It is amazing how tired I can be...but if I MAKE myself get moving, I always feel better afterwards. (NOTE to self...remember this!)

    Peggy: Thanks for the eating tips. Anything that makes us conscious of what we are eating and how, etc. makes us be mindful and is helpful.

    Renny: I loved hearing about your lovely weekend with your daughter. How special it sounds. (and the food sounds yummy)

    Mimi: You are so right about the weight bearing activity. And from what I have read, you can get results at ANY age...even people in their 80s see results. So think how strong we can get by then! I have used weights off and on for years and struggle to make it part of a regular routine. I KNOW that I need to do weights regularly, but have never been able to make it fun. Now, Yoga, which uses your own body as resistance is something that I enjoy. I don't know if that alone is enough though. My hand weights are staring at me right now!

    Debbi: I have also never been able to calculate calories from weight training, so I just decided that it was a "bonus" when I did it!

    SuzyQ: How is your DH doing with MFP? Sounds like he is still on board!

    Strange, unsettled weather here...sunny one minute and thunderstorms the next! Not good for outside projects. I need to paint some wicker chairs but think I will put that off a day or 2?!

    Have a wonderful evening everyone. And here's to good choices:drinker: kackie:drinker: :drinker:
  • tcac
    tcac Posts: 211 Member
    My dear friends,
    I have not read your posts yet, but wanted to take a moment to let you know about the wedding. It was soooooo wonderful. Everything went perfectly and exactly as planned. Weather was great and dry. Melissa was the happiest bride I have ever seen. I t was everything I had ever imagined a wedding could be. I am getting pictures to post soon. Now to get back on track with eating and exercising. Hope all is well with all of you. Will start reading posts soon. Had guests that stayed until this afternoon and now I am babysitting till 7.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hello All,

    Here is my answer to the scale issue. While you are home, where your current scale is, buy another, weigh on both of them, one after the other. Calibrate the new one to read the same as your first one, and then take it with you when you go back to MT. Then you can be confident of where you are. Good luck. BTW, I was in Kohls yesterday, and they have a Taylor digital scale that reads in .2 increments, and it is on sale for less than $25.

    I can understand why you would want to dream of "taking care" of your ex, but the best revenge will be to succeed at your weight loss and go on to live a full and satisfying life. Then YOU win!! If you do something that can potentially have life-altering consequences--as in loss of personal freedom-then you don't win, HE does!!

    Looking at your new photo, I suddenly realized how much you resemble one of my cousins, who happens to live in BC on the mainland.

    Sounds like your new canine walking partner has settle in nicely. You will have to post another picture when the tale has grown back out.

    My babies are all passed out, enjoying the AC, as it is about 93 F on my patio at the moment. I need to get moving and do some things around here, but I am not looking forward to going outside. :grumble: Can't complain too much, as we FINALLY stopped having nothing but rain.


  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Greeting to everyone!!!:smooched: I have been so so busy and so so struggling! :noway: :angry: I had a very busy weekend with about 30 people coming over my house on Sunday :noway: .........with ALL THE ITALIAN GOODIES!!!! :tongue: I got up and exercised but was not as disciplined as I hoped to be.:frown: Yesterday, I drank lots of water,:flowerforyou: exercised :flowerforyou: and kept the food very clean. :flowerforyou: I DID send all the goodies home with everybody as little treats for them to enjoy when they got home!!:wink::laugh: Today has also been a good day. Tomorrow I get weighed.:embarassed: ...and after having such a challenging week:ohwell: ...I can't say I'm looking forward to it.:frown: But it IS part of my discipline to face the scale NOW rather than 6 mos.....and 20 pounds from now!!!:noway:
    I'll let you know how I did tomorrow.:wink:

    Have a great day everyone!!!
  • :flowerforyou: I'll say it again...Wow!! Sooo many posts in one day!!

    One of my September goals will be to try and reply as others diligently do!! Until then all I'm saying is ...:flowerforyou: "Welcome" to our Newbies!
    Barb ....Sorry you missed me dancing on TV ..:laugh: .you would have had to look really hard and use your imagination. LOL At least you didn't think I was the mauve Michelin Man!!!
    Viv ...I'm off to the Baltic ...highlight is St.Petersburg for 2 days!! We can't wait.
    Wouldn't it be great if we could all meet up on a MFP cruise!!! ......speciality chef onboard with healthy options and a fit :happy: ... fitness trainer to guide us!!
    The scales said 152lb this morning ...so my prayers for a lighter me were answered.

    We had planned a nice day today with mum off to her day centre, finishing the packing and then lunch here with friends ( their son is our godson) but "Best laid plans "etc .....

    :noway: Spanners in theworks today for a smooth build up to the holiday. The doctor's visit ended with an ambulance ride to A&E. She was worried mum may have DVT and so we spent the day at the hospital. Blood tests were OK and we were sent home ...phew!! Only thing was we had to make our own way back ...ended up getting a ttaxi ...at a huge cost!! We finally got home at 7pm.
    While in the ambulance she was eyeing up the driver and his "mate" ....She winked and said to me "Mine is very tall isn't he ...yours is a bit quiet though!! ....talk about flirty!!! I think she thinks she's foot loose and fancy free!!!
    Needless to say the diet was a bit erratic ...lunch/tea was half an egg mayo sandwich, half a pack of crisps and a mards bar!!
    I did get mum's case packed while we were waiting for the ambulance ...that's something i suppose!

    :ohwell: Another "Spanner" is that DH is off to the dentist tomorrow to try and get toothache quickly sorted. No dentist on board!!

    So ...let's see what tomorrow will bring ... I do hope you're all able to enjoy your "Middle of the week" day

    It's ...BFN fro me

    :heart: Jackie
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :smile: :flowerforyou: Jackie so glad the scale moved for you.

    Your cruise sounds like it will be fun. I'm with you an MFP cruise with a special chef and a fitness trainer would be fun:drinker:

    You Mom sounds like a hoot! I just hope I'm that way when I'm her age, I'd love to see what my sons would say about their mother acting that way:wink:

    Everyone have a good evening.
  • Hello dear friends.

    Had a bit of a crazy day today, babysitting Kate and then, when I thought I was done, Olivia too. The earlier part of the day was “work.” The latter part was pitching in so DD Suzy could meet with Mark (my DS), to go over the plumbing and electrical to finish up my space (which is a separate granny unit that’s part of the main house).

    I can hardly wait to get in. I’m living in a little manufactured house on the property now. It’s perfectly livable and about the same square footage as the new place, but it’s a whole different animal. I love the new space. It has tall ceilings and lots of windows with views of open country on 3 sides. There’s a beautiful rock outcropping and group of oak trees near my porch. I’ll have a separate entry and even a separate driveway. (We have 3 acres.)

    I expect it will be another 2-3 months before I can move in. (It all depends on the budget.) Maybe by Christmas??? I can hardly wait. Can you tell?!

    Viv, I probably didn’t cook my Brussels sprouts long enough, or maybe used too high a temp. They were good after I steamed them!

    Re the sugar addiction, I was such a junk food junky. After I quit eating much sugar (still the occasional piece of chocolate), I lost the taste for it. Funny how that works!

    Roberta, I started with more than 100 pounds to lose too. I didn’t believe I could lose the weight – until I saw the proof. Keep plugging away. The results are so wonderful.

    Jeannie, both you and your daughter are success stories. Under 150 is amazing! My goal is 160 (I’m 5’8” and that gets me into the Normal BMI range). Your daughter’s success speaks for itself. Congrats to both of you. :flowerforyou:

    Renny, you have the greatest attitude! You always cheer me up. :heart:

    Laura, 4 pounds to go! Yippee! How wonderful.:flowerforyou: And, about starting over…I count on it. The biggest difference between now and “then” is that I start over a lot sooner.

    Peggy, great information! Thanks for passing it on. I particularly like and believe in the tip about eating lower calorie foods before higher calorie foods. That’s been a lifesaver for me. There’ve been so many times I’ve hankered after something truly evil, calorie-wise. I make myself eat a big plate full of roasted veggies first. I continue to be amazed at how the hankering has gone by the time I finish the veggies.

    Congratulations to you on a great plan for the gas station temptation. In line with the tips you mentioned, it might help to bring along something healthy to munch on instead – maybe a few nuts? Thanks again. Loved the info.

    MacMadame, I had to laugh when I read your post after writing a response to Peggy’s post. :laugh: You mentioned that eating lower calorie foods before higher calorie foods doesn’t work for you. But, if I have a whole plate full of roasted veggies (which I do), by the time I finish, the idea of eating more is not even a consideration. It stays with me for a good long time too. Rabbit food doesn’t though. Maybe it's partly the type of veggie.

    Re drinking while you eat, you couldn’t be more right. I didn’t notice that one. I got a lap band 9 years ago and the same principle applies. If you eat just solid foods, they stay in your stomach longer if you don’t wash them down with liquids. I’ve heard people say to drink before you eat. That makes some sense to me because sometimes thirst seems like hunger.

    (BTW, I no longer use the lap band. It’s still there but not filled (they’re adjustable) so there’s no restriction. For me, eating a large volume of less calorie-dense foods works better than eating a smaller volume of more calorie-dense foods.)

    You have done so amazingly well. This goes to show there’s more than one way to skin a cat. :tongue: I love how I’m eating and get excited about how good I feel when I eat healthy stuff versus the old days when I ate not-so-healthy stuff. You’ve taken a different approach and it’s worked for you and you are clearly loving it too.

    Amanda, Rhubarb and prunes. Yep that would do it! :laugh: Your Aussie visitor sounds like a dream. How nice to have a house guest who’s low maintenance and actually cleans your kitchen!!

    Chic, I agree with focusing on what you’re eating rather than the computer or, my old trap, a good book. Staying focused on just what you’re eating ups the enjoyment quotient a lot.

    Kackie, I’m betting those 2 pounds will disappear fast. You have such a positive attitude. You inspire me. :heart:

    Linda, I’m happy for you and your daughter. What could be nicer? :heart:

    Birdie, you are someone else who continuously inspires me. You have such a positive attitude. The idea of not letting the bad news accumulate has taken root with me. Thanks for nurturing it! (And good luck with the scales…’though you don’t really need it…even if you’re up a little, you’ll be right back at it. Awesome approach!) :flowerforyou:

    Jackie, whew, you deserve that vacation! Here’s to a smooth path for the rest of the run-up to your trip. :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    What a great group we have…always a highlight of my day.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    I to experience the "sofa effect" although I use a recliner and keep my legs up. I have been trying to do stepping during the commercials, not even every commercial, but at this point some of them. So I admire your resolve to not sit on the sofa for more than an hour. I often spend 4 hours watching TV or reading in the evenings, so every little bit helps. Fidgeting helps too.:laugh:
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    Your trip (except for the car batteryfrown ), and the MENU sounded wonderful!!! I have been to some of the places you mentioned, and know how beautiful they can be.

    Looking at your new photo, I suddenly realized how much you resemble one of my cousins, who happens to live in BC on the mainland.

    :drinker: :drinker: Barb, we should meet and swap stories. Honestly, I love reading your posts and all your adventures. :drinker: :drinker: Let me know when (notice I said "when" and not "if") you're up here and we can make it happen. Or - and I still want to do this - I come down to your beautiful state!

    :flowerforyou: I got a little post from "Fabulous Fifty" about the "new MFP her" and how she had not succumbed to the office doughnut today. This was so timely. I said no to the office ice cream offered between 2:30 and 3 PM today and ate fruit instead. Thanks Fab!

    :ohwell: Let's hope it all pays off on the scale soon!

    :heart: :heart: Rebel:heart::heart:
This discussion has been closed.