Stretch Mark Success Stories!



  • dfreddie
    dfreddie Posts: 8
    those are some amazing pics and awesome inspiration. Even when I was at my lowest weight I couldn't get rid of that loose skin. sigh. I was lucky in that I don't really notice my stretch marks. I've been using some Seacret products and they seem to be helping, mostly noticeable on my scars from surgery for me, but I know someone who used them for her stretchmarks and it's amazing how much it's helped. I do have a pic I could share if anyone wants, but I don't have it on my work computer.
  • Sassybmom
    Sassybmom Posts: 146 Member

    awesome photos! i think you have done an amazing job.. your first AND fourth after photos look great! i hope for my belly to look like that this year!! (I only have 1 child 25 months but i have more stretch marks than your pic shows and i gained between 65-75lbs during prenancy... the last 10 atleast was water retention in the last week).

    Your photos give me something to look forward to. if you dont mind me asking, do you have any sag or droop to your belly?

    Thank you! I gained 60+ lbs with each of my 4 kids and all were over 8 lbs. Yes I have extra skin... A couple inches of overhang. I highly doubt it will ever disappear without surgery but the only person who sees it is the husband- it can e hidden with underwear or bathing suit. I've thought about abdominalplasty but the recovery stinks- I have a friend 10 wks out who still hurts. My weight loss secret was defiantly the nursing after 6 months- then the weight fell off for me. Now I have to work at it since weaning.
  • x4mygirlsx
    x4mygirlsx Posts: 129 Member
    Ive got tons of stretch marks and im happy to show them off. My belly was home to my 3 girls (now 3.5, 2 and 9 months)

    I was at 200lbs when my 3rd daughter was born.

    1st pic 3 months post partum 163, 2nd pic 6 months post partum at 152

    Well done fab progress! what have u been doing? exercise wise etc xx

    Hey Ive done jillians 30 day shred (well only half way through 3 times). I get bored and have crunchy knees. I also do about 2hrs a week on the exercise bike and I walk an average of 4 miles a day. I plan to start lifting now and to do c25k.

    I eat at around a 500 cal deficit. which for me is between 1500 and 1800 depending on how active I am that day.

    Really happy with how my tummy turned out after having 3 big babies in the space of 4 years. I also had 2 of them via c section. You cant really see my stretch marks properly in that picture but I am covered. They are becoming slightly less noticeable as I lose weight and tone up though x
  • meghannngene
    meghannngene Posts: 6 Member
    I gained the recommended amount during pregnancy but evidently I was cursed with ZERO elasticity haha. I got stretch marks, but I got the THICK red, looks-like-a-tiger-just-clawed-you kind of stretch marks! I'm down to less than pre-pregnancy weight now, and they look better everyday. I can tell with a few more pounds off and weight training to tighten that area a little more they will be where I want them (or as good as they're gonna get). The after pictures are how they look indoors (they are way more noticeable outdoors, have that shiny look when I'm tan).


    After 16 lbs gone with walking & 30DS


    Excuse my dirty mirror:

  • proudmommy1003
    proudmommy1003 Posts: 329 Member
    Bumping for later.
  • Sassybmom
    Sassybmom Posts: 146 Member
    I gained the recommended amount during pregnancy but evidently I was cursed with ZERO elasticity haha. I got stretch marks, but I got the THICK red, looks-like-a-tiger-just-clawed-you kind of stretch marks! I'm down to less than pre-pregnancy weight now, and they look better everyday. I can tell with a few more pounds off and weight training to tighten that area a little more they will be where I want them (or as good as they're gonna get). The after pictures are how they look indoors (they are way more noticeable outdoors, have that shiny look when I'm tan).


    After 16 lbs gone with walking & 30DS


    Excuse my dirty mirror:


    Whoa fabulous! You can't even see stretch marks at all! Sweet body recovery!
  • Jchambers1130
    Jchambers1130 Posts: 173 Member
    Loving my wife's skin and when she moisturized twice a day while pregnant with both our kids. None of the sagging or stretch marks. I think it begins more with genetics and maintenance before hand.
  • meghannngene
    meghannngene Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you! You can definitely the depth of them more clearly in person, but I'm excited with the progress I've made so far! Hopefully with a little more hard work it continues improving!

    Also Sassybmom, I just went back and saw your post! You're looking amazing too! Great job!
  • x4mygirlsx
    x4mygirlsx Posts: 129 Member
    Found my side on comparison pic from january to june. 163lbs to 140lbs,

  • sianquin
    sianquin Posts: 86 Member
    I found this very interesting but abit disheartening if i'm honest :(

    As a mummy to twins i would die for all your before pictures nevermind after! even 4 years after having my last child mine are still an anrgy purple colour and some are wider than my thumb :(

    I also wanted to add my belly button looks strange it's like a line instead of a circle since having kids and i didn't even have a peircing!
  • 122ish
    122ish Posts: 339 Member
    Here I am January 10th, 2013 (She was born January 14, 2013) 5'8" 190lbs and she is baby #2

    Here I am about two weeks after she was born. Stretch marks are sort of hard to see, but all over belly, sides, and thighs.

    And here is my stomach now.

    And the pic in my ticker is my belly a few years after baby #1. The better shape I am the tighter my belly gets, they never go
    completely away but they definitely get less noticeable. Tyra Banks show had a special on cream that helped them vanish. Google it, they had women who used it and showed their results on tv.

    U r like a rubber band snapping back into place after 2 weeks wow
  • 122ish
    122ish Posts: 339 Member
    Found my side on comparison pic from january to june. 163lbs to 140lbs,


    Looks fantastic after such little time, I swear at first I thought number two was photoshopped
  • SerenaFisher
    SerenaFisher Posts: 2,170 Member
    @122ish I gained way more than recommended I am shocked I returned so quickly. Thank you! She is five mo this now. I definitely got more stretch marks with her, which I didn't think was possible. I had thin lines on top of thighs from baby two they run down the thighs now (but are thin so I hope they will fade) with baby 1 I had marks on my tummy but on the edges I had only a few tiny marks now the sides have a few if the wide marks that my stomach does. I tan and they are most noticeable outside (I use self tanner too because the marks won't tan but it doesn't relay hide them) pics inside def look better
  • Lady_Chilli
    Lady_Chilli Posts: 161 Member
    So proud of the women who have posted here, gives so much inspiration and hope to us who still have 'pouches' to lose! :) Amazing job, you all look AWESOME! :D
  • x4mygirlsx
    x4mygirlsx Posts: 129 Member
    Found my side on comparison pic from january to june. 163lbs to 140lbs,


    Looks fantastic after such little time, I swear at first I thought number two was photoshopped

    awww thank you. hehe nope that's a real pic taken last night. im still 14lbs from goal but I think most of that needs to come off my thighs and butt. I nearly cried when I saw the pics next to each other cos somedays it feels like im not making any progress.
  • mazdauk
    mazdauk Posts: 1,380 Member
    You look amazing! I'm about where you were on the fist pic (it used to be MUCH worse!) so I'm hoping it will still go down some more. But I'm a lot older and my "baby" is 13 YEARS.:ohwell:
  • MissyFit08
    MissyFit08 Posts: 274 Member
  • I have used these remedies for removing my stretch marks problem.

    • Olive oil contains a lot of nutrients and antioxidants that can help in dealing with various skin problems including stretch marks.

    • Cocoa butter is also very beneficial in treating stretch marks.
  • Marcillene
    Marcillene Posts: 484 Member
    Found my side on comparison pic from january to june. 163lbs to 140lbs,


    Awesome results!! How did you 'lift' the mommy shelf? excercising? or just through weightloss?? Awesome results!!
  • hollieam92
    hollieam92 Posts: 197 Member
    bump - I love this but I am so not brave enough or in any position to post a before and after but lets say I am lazy and my little one is now nearly 4 haha!
  • Mom2ATM
    Mom2ATM Posts: 147 Member
    I cheat and use It Works defining gel on my skin itsfaded my marks and is tightening my skin (im a distributor for them as well bc i love their products sooooo much!!!!!!!!!!) their wraps work wionders on most and its all natural products
  • I have pregnancy stretch marks where my belly ring is and my lower abs but it is very little and faded but I can still see it, I am proud of it though, I love them. It reminds me when I was pregnant, it was the best months of my life!♥
  • jellyMom
    jellyMom Posts: 11
    Wow! @meghanngene! Your stretch marks look like they have practically disappeared! An in your 1st pic I thought someone else might actually have skin like mine. How did you get the elasticity to snap back? I might have to work up the courage to post mine to see if anyone thinks there is any hope for me. Just can't do it while I'm at work...might be a little awkward:)
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,357 Member
    2 kids, had my daughter 2.5 years ago have lost 130 lbs.

  • arains89
    arains89 Posts: 442 Member
    I wouldn't call my stomach a success just yet... Lord knows I'm certainly not quite happy with it but I'm working on it. I have reached my weight loss goal (150 lbs) but found that my stomach fat is still stubbornly clinging on so I have continued my weight loss in hopes of shaking it. (140 lbs as of today and its still there *sigh*) My stretch marks were admittedly never very dark and had faded a bit after I had my first child almost 5 years ago but I had another baby 9 months ago so they are more visible now, I'm pretty hopeful they will fade again but really my stretch marks aren't what drive me crazy. I'm much more concerned about the loose wrinkly skin and layer of fat over my abs. Anyway... Here ya go. I'm 25 years old and 5'5. My top pregnancy weight was 198 lbs both times, My highest weight when not pregnant was about 177 lbs and my current weight is 140 lbs.

    9 months ago:


    Holy crap you are my twin! Seriously! I am 5'6" 24 though. But my oldest is 5 yrs and my youngest will be 9 months this month. My highest weight pregnant with my son was 214 (I had preeclampsia so I blew up like a balloon at the end) and 196 with my youngest. My current weight is 153 and my tummy looks identical to yours. The stretch marks don't bother me but that pooch of wrinkly skin drives me nuts! I sure hope it goes away soon. Idk how to post pics right but here is me trying

  • Isakizza
    Isakizza Posts: 754 Member
    I'm sure mine are done fading. Kids are teens now, lol.

    But I have come to accept mine as part of my life's story. I have two beautiful reasons why they are there. Now to just firm that belly up! :wink:

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • ScreamingUnicorn
    ScreamingUnicorn Posts: 83 Member
    I wouldn't call my stomach a success just yet... Lord knows I'm certainly not quite happy with it but I'm working on it. I have reached my weight loss goal (150 lbs) but found that my stomach fat is still stubbornly clinging on so I have continued my weight loss in hopes of shaking it. (140 lbs as of today and its still there *sigh*) My stretch marks were admittedly never very dark and had faded a bit after I had my first child almost 5 years ago but I had another baby 9 months ago so they are more visible now, I'm pretty hopeful they will fade again but really my stretch marks aren't what drive me crazy. I'm much more concerned about the loose wrinkly skin and layer of fat over my abs. Anyway... Here ya go. I'm 25 years old and 5'5. My top pregnancy weight was 198 lbs both times, My highest weight when not pregnant was about 177 lbs and my current weight is 140 lbs.

    9 months ago:


    Holy crap you are my twin! Seriously! I am 5'6" 24 though. But my oldest is 5 yrs and my youngest will be 9 months this month. My highest weight pregnant with my son was 214 (I had preeclampsia so I blew up like a balloon at the end) and 196 with my youngest. My current weight is 153 and my tummy looks identical to yours. The stretch marks don't bother me but that pooch of wrinkly skin drives me nuts! I sure hope it goes away soon. Idk how to post pics right but here is me trying


    Another twin! How cool!
  • So proud of the women who have posted here, gives so much inspiration and hope to us who still have 'pouches' to lose! :)
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,357 Member
    2 kids, had my daughter 2.5 years ago have lost 130 lbs.


    Here is my before btw...

    NESIBEAU Posts: 20
    Found my side on comparison pic from january to june. 163lbs to 140lbs,


    Hi just wondering how you lost it?
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