what are your 50 - 100 calorie "snacks"?



  • zornig
    zornig Posts: 336 Member
    emerald almonds cocoa or cinnamon roast 100 calorie packs
    Polly-o 2% twist string cheese
    babybel cheese round (light or regular, both are under 100 cals)
    Skinny Cow caramel cluster pouch (this one's 120 calories)
    6 oz of 0% Fage plain Greek yogurt with a dash of stevia and vanilla extract
    jolly time kettle corn 100 calorie mini-bag
    a baggie of baby carrots
    1 oz of sliced low sodium turkey breast and 2 Wasa crackers
    half a cup of blueberries
    Sugar Free Jello-o pudding (I like the lemon meringue Temptations or the dulce de leche, in the 60-80 calorie range)
  • manders376
    manders376 Posts: 53 Member
    yoplait light yogurts (some of the dessert flavors are really good!), string cheese, 100 calorie popcorn bag, scrambled egg with some veggies thrown in

    those are some of my favorites :)
  • JellyButter
    JellyButter Posts: 160 Member
    Hard boiled egg.
    String cheese.
    Any type of vegetable that is nice to snack on: Snapeas, celery, peppers. With some hummus.
  • Longisland2NC
    Longisland2NC Posts: 60 Member
    I have been snacking on celery & carrots sticks dipped in Garlic Hummus!!! Yum!!!!

    Its like 40 calories a serving for the hummus - and about 6 calories per stalk of celery!!
  • faithsimmons526
    faithsimmons526 Posts: 162 Member
    Make a 'cold plate' with a small tomato cut up, a sliced dill pickle and two triangles of light Laughing Cow cheese.
  • lesliek312
    lesliek312 Posts: 14 Member
    Wheat Thins flatbread crackers and a wedge of Laughing Cow cheese (95 calories)
    Celery and carrots with Laughing Cow cheese (approx. 40-50 calories)
    Blue bunny root beer float bars (60 calories)
    Turkey Pepperoni slices (70 calories)
  • janestoaster
    janestoaster Posts: 7 Member
    Ryvita with a teaspoon of peanut butter, hits my sweet tooth, but only about 60 odd calories.
  • mi2ak2co
    mi2ak2co Posts: 16 Member
    Great ideas, thank you all for sharing!
  • Queen_JessieA
    Queen_JessieA Posts: 1,059 Member
    Some of my faves:

    Turkey pepperoni, nuked until crisp (you can have a good bit) and a wedge of Laughing Cow cheese to dip it in. You can have 17 slices of Hormel's turkey pepperoni for 70 cals and a wedge of the Swiss cheese from LC for 35 cals. My kids and hubby love it, too.

    And, I am on a fruit kick right now. Nothing tastes better than oranges at the moment.
  • anniegallets
    anniegallets Posts: 9 Member
    Check this tumblr: http://under400.tumblr.com/tagged/under_100

    Tasty treats under certain calories :)
  • HonduranHaze
    HonduranHaze Posts: 17 Member
    What a FANTASTIC thread!

    Most of my calories are snacks. I snack all day, especially now that it is summer!

    I eat 1/4 cup of prunes at least once a week.

    Mandarin oranges, banana dipped in chocolate silk Jif, guacamole with blue corn tortilla chips, half of a PBJ on Sara Lee light wheat bread.
  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member
    1/2 cup slow churned ice cream or 1/2 cup frozen yogurt (90-100),
    a mini quesadilla (1 corn tortilla 50 cals, 1 ounce low fat shredded cheese around 50, nuke in microwave or cook on skillet with 0 cal spray)
    1/2 cup cottage cheese (mmm protein) with some melon or by itself with a little salt and pepper
    nuts (just watch out for portion sizes!!)
    1/8 cup sunflower seeds
    pretzel sticks
    veggie slices with hummus or dipped in plain greek yogurt mixed with spices like sage, dillweed, parsley, onion powder etc,
    slice an apple nuke it 30 seconds and sprinkle with cinnamon and stevia
    whole grain pita pocket with low fat ricotta cheese and some garlic powder
    frozen grapes or frozen mango for a sweet treat
    frozen banana blended to make an "ice cream" like texture
    1/4 cup oatmeal cooked add in applesauce and cinnamon
    applie slices with pb2
    1/2 a baked potato with salsa
    light soup
    plain rice cake with apple butter or pb or jelly
    1 cup frozen spinach thawed (30) with 1/4 cup fat free ricotta (45) and garlic powder and oregano

    i'm not a big fan of 100 cal packs that people have mentioned, just because of the refined flour and lack of nutrients, they prolly aren't as satisfying as something else. they are convenient though so nothing wrong with having them around, i always feel more satisfied having one of these snacks though instead of a 100 cal packet of chips ahoy or something
  • lisaekh
    lisaekh Posts: 3 Member
    two Ak-Mak crackers with a wedge of light laughing cow cheese = 79 calories
  • lemonmon1
    lemonmon1 Posts: 134 Member
    Almonds, raw, 15 almonds - 91 calories

    Dates, raw and pitted, 5 dates - 91 calories

    2 tbsp hummus and 1 small carrot - 90 calories

    Blueberries, 1 cup - 82 calories

    Fruit - Pluot, 2 medium (132g) - 80 calories

    1 multigrain rice cake and 1 Tbsp hummus - 75 calories

    Watermelon, raw, 1.5 cups - 69 calories

    Gala apple, small, 1 apple - 55 calories
  • lallaloolly
    lallaloolly Posts: 228 Member
    generally i have a clementine orange when i want a snack, and it usually does the trick.
    if i need something more satisfying, I go with a hard boiled egg, hummus and carrots, dry roasted unsalted almonds, a small banana, a pear, 2 clementine oranges, or a small spoonful of crunchy peanut butter. I have come to love fruit as a snack and I try to stay away from all pre-packaged, processed "snack packs," like the 100 calorie packs.
  • heatherbrosigyaskow
    heatherbrosigyaskow Posts: 28 Member
    I have yogurt popsicles that are only 40 cal. I feel like I'm still getting my sweet fix without all the cal.
  • katiebenson12
    katiebenson12 Posts: 80 Member
    Yoplait light yogurt, I love the Pineapple Upside Down Cake and Boston Creme Pie. I also try to eat a banana or have some grapes with it.
  • pooklesmum
    pooklesmum Posts: 2 Member
    wow wow wow! Thanks so much for all these fantastic replies! I am going to jot loads of these down for things to get in my next food shop!
    Thanks everyone - this is going to make snack time so much more interesting!
  • Railr0aderTony
    Railr0aderTony Posts: 6,803 Member
    Celery w/hummus, med kiwi , orange, special K 90 calorie bar, one cup of fat free plain yogurt with sugar free drink mix stirred in.
  • KimL122
    KimL122 Posts: 169 Member
    I Like the Dole banana dippers and pop chips