

  • I share your frustrations!

    Open up your diary? Maybe the answer is in there?

    Also have you had your blood work done- is your thyroid working ok etc?

    Yes i got checked for everything and everything came back fine..

    For the record, my general practitioner checked my thyroid and my blood results came back fine. However, I was exhausted all the time. I told my Ob Gyn and he did a comprehensive thyroid check that looked into many different elements and realized I did indeed have hypothyroidism. I am not sure everything my second doctor checked but I'm so thankful he did. I'm not saying your results were flawed but its worth checking out if changing diet and exercise habits don't work. However, I think burning more calories in a week and making sure you're eating the appropriate calories for you might help.

    Good luck!

    I will definitely have my OB look into this... because i do feel that something has to be wrong!
  • LydiaShackelford
    LydiaShackelford Posts: 93 Member
    You need to exercise more. If you are saying this is your diet and are sticking to it without cheating, then you should be losing. But your metabolism is likely slow due to the years of pill torture. So, you need to rev it up! Move more! Exercise. Get that body moving! What exercises can you do with your injury? You need to do them more than 2x per week. Aim for 4x and go from there. I really started losing when I started exercising and lifting weights six days on with only one rest day. Then I was able to back down to five days on with two rest days. That's where I am now.
  • lizjoan3
    lizjoan3 Posts: 41 Member
    when I reached my 30s my metabolism changed.. since you have the food under control maybe you can do things to speed up your metabolism...example..eating more protein especially in morning(it takes more calories to digest and keeps you fuller longer), drinking more water, instead of exercising all at once-break it up..each time you exercise your metabolism is reved up for a few hours after so why not do 20 min of walking in the morning(and then 20 min lator on in the day that way your metabolism is reved up through out the day not just once, just google ways to speed up your metabolism there is all kinds of things..just an idea
  • jenjones2011
    jenjones2011 Posts: 3 Member
    I don't think you can rely solely on MFP unfortunately. I'm also 5'5" and I was at 173lbs about 2 months ago and could not lose. Then I bought the FitBit and I've lost 9 lbs and am at 164.

    For example, I also use FitBit - you can get this at target or best buy for about $100. And then pair the two apps. I have found that even though MFP tells me I can have XXX calories, FitBit tells me I can't. FitBits main purpose is to track every single move you make through the day - steps climbed, miles walked, # steps, activity level, etc. And if I haven't "moved" enough on a normal day w/o exercise, FitBit will tell me that I can't eat all of those calories because I didn't do enough basic movement. Another thing to consider is calories in vs out. Even though you are eating in your calorie goal, your body requires you to burn enough calories each day too in order to lose weight. Fit Bit also does the calculation of calories in vs out and tells you when you've hit the goal zone of the two.

    You should really try to work out 5 times a week. If you struggle with finding the time each day, Try the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred - its challenging but you do the best you can each time, even if you can't keep up. Also, its only 20 min long and it shows results. I have seen more Inches loss than weight but still am feeling much better.

    Good luck!!
  • freemystery
    freemystery Posts: 184 Member
    i was locked out of MFP about two weeks ago so i started using another program to log the calories in.. i just felt that this app can be a little difficult when your on a rush..

    here is an example of what one of my meals look like


    Green jui (kale, spinach, pineapple, flax seed and chia seeds

    usually mixed green salad with veggies and grilled chicken
    or i bring lunch from home (vegies and some form of protein usually chicken)

    some kind of veggies and protein.. chicken, fish or a lean steak (thats a treat)

    ill have mixed nuts (plain)

    i dont drink sodas or juices.. i only drink coffee (black) and a lot of tea (green tea)

    i swear this is my diet... so you can understand why im so frustrated!!!!! :sad: i wouldn't waist my time or yours asking what im doing wrong is that wasn't the case..

    This sounds like a great diet and is similar to mine... I don't speak with any authority but just offering what has helped me just in case it has any value for you as well.

    When I was "one chicken breast with veggies, maybe a little sauce on the side" I lost very little
    When I realised the chicken breast had skin, was cooked with a few tbsp oil and was up to 300g, my veggies were carrots, corn or garbanzo beans and the little sauce was actually loaded with oil, cheese, salt etc it all started making sense. I was living portion distortion (and I admit a little reality-distortion too!)

    So my advice would be get as specific as you can, commit to logging everything. My supposedly healthy 300-400 cal meal easly packed in double that. And please don't think I'm patronizing you at all, this is from experience and is a well intentioned guess.

    Now I'm going to contradict myself and say make sure you're getting enough. A history of using diet pills etc might mean that your body doesn't know what's going on and your metabolism is shot. Your breakfast juice sounds delicious (in fact I am going to give it a try!) but is that really enough for your body to run on in the morning? If it is, that's great and you are far luckier than I am. I have found spreading calories evenly through the day does wonders for my motivation and energy levels... and an egg white omelette with turkey to go with that glass of juice... just saying this is going to be my breakfast tomorrow now! Up your activity levels gently if you're worried about the extra cals, give your body a gentle reminder about what food is for!

    Hope you get some answers. Every body is different. My sister is moving in with me next month and she can eat and drink whatever she pleases. All day. Every day. She is the same height as I am and about 30-40 pounds lighter without any effort. Frustration doesn't even come close...