So much sugar in watermelon

RobP1192 Posts: 310 Member
Maybe i'm reading nutritional facts incorrect on websites, but i cut my watermelons up into wedges, and eat 3-4 of them, sometimes 5 in one sitting. I never thought it was a big deal, but when i started to look up the nutritional info on watermelons, and i go to wedges, the sugar/carb content is ridiculously high. Maybe 4-5 sliced wedges is too much in one sitting, but it's watermelon. It's not like it's heavy.

Am i using the wrong data when looking up watermelon nutritional facts?


  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Nope. Ton of sugar.

    I can't have them around too often. Because I'm of the mind that if you cut one open you have to eat it before it goes bad, and they don't store... :D

    You see the problem when it's a 10# watermelon and there is just two of us.
  • AmyP619
    AmyP619 Posts: 1,137 Member
    I just ate a cup and a half of little watermelon cubes!
  • RobP1192
    RobP1192 Posts: 310 Member
    I will say this though, i remember going through watermelons last summer, sometimes two whole watermelons a week. I wasn't tracking calories back then, but ate fairly healthy. And i never got fat over that summer. So i don't know what to make of it. But i definitely ate watermelon like crazy last year, but now i'm all "cautious" because i just found out what the calorie content is for what i typically eat. Kinda sucks. My refreshing summertime fruit.
  • Melo1966
    Melo1966 Posts: 881 Member
    Great source of potassium, helps with muscle repair. Just eat 1-3 slices.
  • evileen99
    evileen99 Posts: 1,564 Member
    I don't know anyone who got fat from eating too much watermelon.

    I've been known to eat an entire one in a day on more than one occasion, and I'm still a normal size.
  • RobP1192
    RobP1192 Posts: 310 Member
    Lol, maybe i'm just not going to count fruit calories anymore. I'll do a test run, because this whole calorie tracking thing has me eating less fruit than i used to eat before i started using MFP. Decisions decisions...
  • AmyP619
    AmyP619 Posts: 1,137 Member
    It's all natural sugar. I really wouldn't worry about it! Enjoy that watermelon! Noms :)
  • LGrill27
    LGrill27 Posts: 337 Member
    Fruits Very High in Sugar...








    the sugar you find in soda is added, but the sugar you find in grapes or any other kinds of fruit or vegetables are natural. there is a BIG difference between the two; natural sugars = good, refined/added sugars = bad.
  • whatjesseats
    whatjesseats Posts: 228 Member
    I don't think it's so bad, compared to other fruits (except for berries).

    Sugar per 100g fruit (according to

    watermelon: 6g
    cantaloupe: 8g
    kiwi: 9g
    orange: 9g
    apple: 10g
    banana: 12g
  • Whipppets
    Whipppets Posts: 267
    Watermelons are an excellent source of several vitamins: vitamin A, which helps maintain eye health and is an antioxidant; vitamin C, which helps strengthen immunity, heal wounds, prevent cell damage, promote healthy teeth and gums; and vitamin B6, which helps brain function and helps convert protein to energy.

    Tomatoes have been highly touted as a great source for lycopene, a powerful antioxidant that helps fight heart disease and several types of cancer — prostate cancer in particular. Watermelon, however, has the highest concentrations of lycopene of any fresh fruit or vegetable.

    Read more:
  • RobP1192
    RobP1192 Posts: 310 Member
    Alright, well, since the sugar and nutrients are good, i'll disregard all fruit calories and not add them to my daily allotment of carbohydrate intake. I was worried about excess calories, but it appears i don't have to worry about it.
  • turboturtlepower
    Great vitamins, but as some people said if you're after a goal as far as body fat is concerned I'd cut it out of your diet as much as you can. I was having it often not thinking how it could be bad for me (since they are so low in calories) and I truly feel it was one of the reasons why I wasn't losing body fat. Seeing more progress since I'm doing my best to limit fruit.
  • etoiles_argentees
    etoiles_argentees Posts: 2,827 Member
    and androstenone, testosterone!
  • joseejolie
    joseejolie Posts: 51 Member
    I similarly had this realization this morning. I eat a ton of fruit and just realized that that was what was throwing my macros off. A lot of the fruits I love are so carb/sugar heavy its ridiculous. I guess I have to rein it in as well.
  • Caitychuu
    Caitychuu Posts: 33 Member
    Sugar from fruit =/= processed sugar.
    Eat away.
  • ebailey710
    ebailey710 Posts: 271 Member
    I tend to use a general rule of not worrying about sugar in fruit. It's a healthier choice than a donut, and has lots of other great vitamins and minerals also.
  • airen123
    airen123 Posts: 149
    Watermelons are full of water. The sugar is natural, don't worry about it. You only get one season to enjoy the really good ones, so why pick apart eating something that's soooo good?
  • marywilsoncline
    marywilsoncline Posts: 301 Member
    Fruit is naturally made as are eggs and people seem to find something bad to compare it too. I eat a ton of fruit everyday and look at my ticker folks :wink:
  • RobP1192
    RobP1192 Posts: 310 Member
    So for those of you who use MFP to track your foods, do you enter fruit and account for that in your daily caloric budget? I'm thinking of just not including it, and only worrying about carbs/sugar from the non-fruit sources. Or do i add it and just disregard it and let my carb budget go over?

    I guess deep down, i really don't care, because i'm happy with how i am. I'm just curious how others incorporate it into their diets and whether you track it or not.
  • operation_cute
    operation_cute Posts: 588 Member
    Lol, maybe i'm just not going to count fruit calories anymore. I'll do a test run, because this whole calorie tracking thing has me eating less fruit than i used to eat before i started using MFP. Decisions decisions...

    I would count the calories (because there still calories!) but not think so much about the sugar... think of sugar in regards to cookies, cake, candies, if its coming from natural foods like fruit don't worry about it :)