Huh? Soy is bad for you?

Okay just read some disturbing things on some site claiming soy is bad for you it can reduce pregnancy and also cause premature puberty?!?!

I have soy milk every day in my porridge?

I use to have milk but it made me feel sick i would get stomach pains in the morning since switching to soy milk that has stopped and I actually love the taste now!


  • suunflower
    suunflower Posts: 36
    I think it's controversial -- as are most things..
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    Drink your soy if you enjoy it. If it's not soy that's going to kill us it's dairy, fat, sugar, the sun, sweeteners, non-organic produce...etc.
  • armywf07
    armywf07 Posts: 245 Member
    Maybe the non-gmo soy milk they are talking about
  • laele75
    laele75 Posts: 283 Member
    Soy is bad for you. It contains high levels of estrogen. Hence the premature puberty thing. Which considering the number of kids hitting puberty at nine these days (my son is one and yup, a year of soy formula), I believe. That cup of soymilk you're drinking has as much estrogen as three birth control pills. Hence why it messes up fertility.

    Soybean is inedible unless it's highly processed. In fact, it's poisonous. Until 50 years ago, non-fermented soy wasn't used as a food product because of it. Only with the rise in vegan and vegetarian eating has soy taken off. There's absolutely NO PROOF its good for you at all and all the research I saw just adds to the list it's BAD.

    Do the research for yourself, make an educated decision. That's what I did. As for cow's milk making you sick, there's always rice milk or almond milk.
  • sillyli234
    sillyli234 Posts: 124 Member
    When I took soy out of my diet, I started to get regular periods for the first time in my life. I currently drink rice, almond. and coconut milk instead. Soy truly does mess with your estrogen levels!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    it leads to death too....
  • tanyalevan
    tanyalevan Posts: 182
    Dang it I just bought 2 bottles! Well I guess I can give almond milk a try! Thanks for the tip

    I will see how I feel switching it up a bit :)
  • tanyalevan
    tanyalevan Posts: 182
    it leads to death too....

    Everything does
  • cassylee
    cassylee Posts: 107 Member
    Yes, there are differing opinions out there. I have the same issues as you. By the sounds of it, you are only having a small amount so I would not worry. My nutritionist said that I should have either rice or almond milk over soy. Reason - soy causes similiar issues with me as normal milk but I would have to a lot more soy than milk for it to affect me. He did give me all kinds of reasons and facts but I really did not listen to much of it. I think I took from it that Rice and Almonds are easily more digestable than soy.

    Personally, I like rice milk and I use it on cereal and with baking. I prefer the Genetically modified rice milk that I can get in Australia. It looks like milk and it tastes like milk with a strong sweet brown rice flavour. (I know it sounds strange but to me brown rice has always been sweeter that white. So that is why I said brown rice).

    Anyway, we are going to die from something. You may as well die from something that you enjoy and does not cause too many issues. After all, life is meant to be enjoyed.
  • tanyalevan
    tanyalevan Posts: 182
    Yes, there are differing opinions out there. I have the same issues as you. By the sounds of it, you are only having a small amount so I would not worry. My nutritionist said that I should have either rice or almond milk over soy. Reason - soy causes similiar issues with me as normal milk but I would have to a lot more soy than milk for it to affect me. He did give me all kinds of reasons and facts but I really did not listen to much of it. I think I took from it that Rice and Almonds are easily more digestable than soy.

    Personally, I like rice milk and I use it on cereal and with baking. I prefer the Genetically modified rice milk that I can get in Australia. It looks like milk and it tastes like milk with a strong sweet brown rice flavour. (I know it sounds strange but to me brown rice has always been sweeter that white. So that is why I said brown rice).

    Anyway, we are going to die from something. You may as well die from something that you enjoy and does not cause too many issues. After all, life is meant to be enjoyed.

    I am in Australia! What brand rice milk do you get? I might check it out. I will get both rice and almond see what my taste buds prefer BUT I do like brown rice!
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Okay just read some disturbing things on some site claiming soy is bad for you it can reduce pregnancy and also cause premature puberty?!?!

    I have soy milk every day in my porridge?

    I use to have milk but it made me feel sick i would get stomach pains in the morning since switching to soy milk that has stopped and I actually love the taste now!

    I get massive muscle cramps all over if I drink soy. Tofu is a different story, it's safe... but damn. Soy man, just wrecks the **** outta me. It's fierce.

    PS- heyayayayaya!
  • tanyalevan
    tanyalevan Posts: 182

    *I was laughing at HEEEYEEAAAYEEEAAYE....Not your muscles cramping!!!
  • bevmcarthur
    bevmcarthur Posts: 341 Member
    Yes do your research My Natural path SAYS stay away form processed Soya products if you have fermented soya all is ok and if you eat it in its raw form like the edamame beans.
  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    The results of the study are relatively marginal. Yes, soy can have an effect on estrogen levels, but it will not have any significant impact on most people. If you are already having fertility issues, then soy can exarcebate these issues, but it will not cause problems in a normal, healthy female. There has been no conclusive evidence that it causes early puberty ( and has been shown to have benefits at preventing some types of cancer (although it can be a risk factor for other types of breast cancer if you already have a high risk). The argument that soy is inedible unless highly processed is completely untrue. I eat edamame all the time, which is steamed, unprocessed soy bean. I'm not dead, and neither are the large Asian populations for whom soy is a dietary staple (and has been for far longer than the 50 years claimed). If the cancer risk bothers you, switch to almond or rice milk, but otherwise, don't worry about it.
  • Long_Road
    Long_Road Posts: 14
    Google "health benefits of soy" and you get articles that support soy. There are 2 sides of the coin and somewhere in between you will find the truth.:flowerforyou:
  • SteelySunshine
    SteelySunshine Posts: 1,092 Member
    Soy is bad for you. It contains high levels of estrogen. Hence the premature puberty thing. Which considering the number of kids hitting puberty at nine these days (my son is one and yup, a year of soy formula), I believe. That cup of soymilk you're drinking has as much estrogen as three birth control pills. Hence why it messes up fertility.

    Soybean is inedible unless it's highly processed. In fact, it's poisonous. Until 50 years ago, non-fermented soy wasn't used as a food product because of it. Only with the rise in vegan and vegetarian eating has soy taken off. There's absolutely NO PROOF its good for you at all and all the research I saw just adds to the list it's BAD.

    Do the research for yourself, make an educated decision. That's what I did. As for cow's milk making you sick, there's always rice milk or almond milk.

    Show me all the Asian men with moobs who are not Sumu Wrestlers. I will wait. And prove that they got the moobs from soy and not over eating thanks bai.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    The results of the study are relatively marginal. Yes, soy can have an effect on estrogen levels, but it will not have any significant impact on most people. If you are already having fertility issues, then soy can exarcebate these issues, but it will not cause problems in a normal, healthy female. There has been no conclusive evidence that it causes early puberty ( and has been shown to have benefits at preventing some types of cancer (although it can be a risk factor for other types of breast cancer if you already have a high risk). The argument that soy is inedible unless highly processed is completely untrue. I eat edamame all the time, which is steamed, unprocessed soy bean. I'm not dead, and neither are the large Asian populations for whom soy is a dietary staple (and has been for far longer than the 50 years claimed). If the cancer risk bothers you, switch to almond or rice milk, but otherwise, don't worry about it.

    Asians do NOT prepare soy in the same manner that Westerners do..............fermented soy is completely different. Their tofu is also different than typical Westerners.

    Soy is responsible for not only my fertility issues, but also my Thyroid issues as stated by the reproductive endocrinologist that did many, many tests on me.
  • tehboxingkitteh
    tehboxingkitteh Posts: 1,574 Member
    it leads to death too....
    So does breathing... but I'm not going to hold my breath :laugh:

    I have a dairy free house. No problems here. I typically have almond milk and soy yogurt daily.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,708 Member
    Ain't giving up my Soy Sauce.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • formersec
    formersec Posts: 233 Member
    If I listened to every pundit who claimed this or that is harmful, I wouldn't eat anything. Seems like every day some study comes out claiming a food is harmful. Look at coffee. Coffee has been studied to death. One day a study claims coffee is bad for you. The next day, another study claims coffee is good for you.

    Be aware that not all studies are legitimate. Sometimes the test sample is too small or standard practices for conducting studies aren't followed. A number of studies are sponsored by companies or organizations which have vested interest in the outcome. A study commissioned by a soy producer will most likely say that soy is good for you. On the other hand, a study sponsored by the dairy industry might say soy is bad for you since the dairy industry wants you to buy dairy, not soy. Then there are studies where lab rats are fed 10 times the amount of whatever and became sick or died. Obviously, if you consumed anything in the amounts fed to lab animals, you would be dead too.

    So I would be suspicious of what you see or hear regarding these studies. Most food is fine in moderation.