Fun things you said at labor

As soon as they gave me the epidural I saw the nurse who was taking care of me pour confetti over my husband's head. I was like "why you pouring confetti over his head, I am doing all the hard work" . And the nurse said "she is all loopy now".


  • m76b
    m76b Posts: 1,498 Member
    I didn't have and epidural............ you can imagine that I didn't say funny things though :angry:
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    As soon as they gave me the epidural I saw the nurse who was taking care of me pour confetti over my husband's head. I was like "why you pouring confetti over his head, I am doing all the hard work" . And the nurse said "she is all loopy now".

  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    With my middle son, they gave me some kind of Demerol derivative, and I was singing James Brown's "I Feel Good!"

    With my youngest, I didn't get to have any medication (things went to fast), and I think, "kill me now" escaped my lips a time or two.

    Funny...I don't remember much at all about my eldest, but then, that's been over 28 years ago, and I think I slept through most of it.
  • SoViLicious
    SoViLicious Posts: 2,633 Member
    "Ok I change my mind, I don't think this is the right time to have a baby. Lets go home."
  • love2cycle
    love2cycle Posts: 448 Member
    I had my third child naturally, and I don't remember what I actually said, but I was told to stop screaming because I was scaring the other pregnant ladies on the floor. :laugh:
  • elledeery
    elledeery Posts: 866
    As soon as they gave me the epidural I saw the nurse who was taking care of me pour confetti over my husband's head. I was like "why you pouring confetti over his head, I am doing all the hard work" . And the nurse said "she is all loopy now".

    I just burst out laughing at this!

    I don't have children but I don't take well to any type of meds beyond an advil or tylenol and usually end up stoned out of my trees. My last hospital visit required a shot of torodol to the backside, as my mother was driving home I looked her and said "the sleepy train choo choo choosed me." Needless to say I had a glorious sleep that night haha
  • Alex_is_Hawks
    Alex_is_Hawks Posts: 3,499 Member
    when the Ring of Fire started happening....i distinctly remember shouting..

    OK OK OK OK...stop....STOP.... put it back...put it back!!!
  • wannabpiper
    wannabpiper Posts: 402 Member
    To the OB I said "Put that coffee down and catch!" as the nurses told me to stop pushing and wait for him.
  • littlelaura
    littlelaura Posts: 1,030 Member
    my mom was in the delivery room with me and kept yelling loudly in a super hyper high pitched excited voice... "Come On Laurie,give it one more UMPH!" like a dozen times EVERYTIME I had to push, like my personal freaking cheerleader, it was not motivational... it was really annoying!:grumble:
  • MissPatty584
    MissPatty584 Posts: 155 Member
    I didn't say anything funny, but my husband was kicked out of the delivery room. I had an emergency Cesarian for the first baby. We never found out the sex at any of the ultrasounds(personal choice). When the Dr. announced "It's a boy!" My husband said "Dammit! Put it back!". I busted out laughing, but nobody else appreciated it, so he was escorted from the room.
  • celtbell3
    celtbell3 Posts: 738 Member
    With my first I told everybody that if they didn't get the hell out of the room I was going to personally kill each and every one of them. I believe the Dr thought I meant it. Must have been the look in my eye. The second one came quick and fast. By the third one I was an expert and was watching the football game. Go Dawgs!
  • Justme030
    Justme030 Posts: 255 Member
    Nothing...I had c-sections but I will say when they told me my kid had red hair I was ready to sit up and look lol. I was afraid of her having orange hair lol. I have a family member who has orange hair not red! Whew lol
  • Mommylicous
    Mommylicous Posts: 121 Member
    After 48 hours of labor and no sleep, they gave me morphine, unhooked all my wires and IV tubes so I could get a good night's sleep.

    The last thing i remember is "I feel all warm.. did I pee myself?" busted into a giggle, then everything from then on is a blur lol Til I woke up the next day vomiting because of the contractions.
  • Twilightsunflower
    Twilightsunflower Posts: 330 Member
    with my daughter I had an epidural and between contractions I was just laying on the bed...everyone looking at me made me nervous so I asked if they wanted me to turn on the tv so they would have something more interesting to watch...

    also almost did the splits on my knees during a contraction and scared the crud out of my nurse...
  • blytheandbonnie
    blytheandbonnie Posts: 3,275 Member
    My poor husband asked me (for about the 25th time) if I was having a contraction. (DUH!) I finally said "No! I'm having a f*****g orgasm! "
  • justicer68
    justicer68 Posts: 1,223
    My poor husband asked me (for about the 25th time) if I was having a contraction. (DUH!) I finally said "No! I'm having a f*****g orgasm! "

    ^^^:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • JenAndSome
    JenAndSome Posts: 1,895 Member
    With my first the doctor told me I was doing marvelous so I started singing "How Marvelous" (gospel) with my grandmother.

    With my second I yelled at the doctor to stop pushing him back in. The doctor kept gently nudging my son's head back (I guess I was pushing too good?).

    With my third I don't think I said anything funny. I was too busy being ticked at my then husband for being drunk.
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    I don't recall much anything I said, but before I got the epidural I was having a contraction and my husband was watching the monitor. When it was done and I had released my hulk grip from the bed rails he looked at me and said "Wow, that was a big one." :huh: I wanted to punch him, but I couldn't really move so I believe I just said "You think?" or "Thanks, I didn't notice". He just needed a bag of popcorn to make the scene. After the epidural, things were much nicer and I told him that if he had been closer he would have lost his man bits, but I was able to laugh at it later.
  • tinak33
    tinak33 Posts: 9,883 Member
    I didn't say anything funny, but my husband was kicked out of the delivery room. I had an emergency Cesarian for the first baby. We never found out the sex at any of the ultrasounds(personal choice). When the Dr. announced "It's a boy!" My husband said "Dammit! Put it back!". I busted out laughing, but nobody else appreciated it, so he was escorted from the room.