cardio or weights?

Hi All,

Which is better to lose weight - cardio or weights? Its mainly tummy fat, I look pregnant. Any help please....


  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Not trying to sound mean, but try putting this in the search function.

    We have about 7000 threads going on this topic, and it opens a can of worms you really don't want to.

    Most agree it's a mix, and you can't spot reduce a certain area of your body.
  • rachface1234
    rachface1234 Posts: 227 Member
    the answer is both, but agreed, there are tons of threads on this topic with super knowledgeable members! cardio is good for heart health and burning calories, but weights/strength training will RESHAPE your body! good luck friend!
  • LadyIntrepid
    LadyIntrepid Posts: 399 Member
    Both both both. I'll say again -- both. Cardio burns straight calories. Strength training helps build muscle which burns fat most effectively -- why do you think men lose weight so much more quickly than women? Besides, when you shed the weight, you want a gorgeous body to reveal itself. You don't want to be "skinny fat".

  • Joehenny
    Joehenny Posts: 1,222 Member
    What is cardio? (Dave Chapelle voice)
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    didn't we already have this debate?
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member

    - a caloric deficit creates weight loss
    - how you create that weight loss is preference - eat less, move more, or a combination of the two
    - weight lifting will ensure, to as large of an extent as possible, together with sufficient protein, that the weight loss will be fat and not also muscle.

    So, make sure you do some resistance training and if you want, incorporate some cardio, but not excessively so.
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    Both, weight more towards weights. Weights 4-5x a week, cardio 3-4x a week. Use diet to create a deficit and cardio to chizzle a little more into that deficit, nothing too great. No point and very little gain for hours and hours of cardio IF body reshaping is the goal.
  • darias_mommy
    darias_mommy Posts: 127 Member
    What is cardio? (Dave Chapelle voice)

    Damn, that Chapelle was a funny dude. Cardio for calories, weights to speed matebloism. DO BOTH!!!
  • breni1960
    breni1960 Posts: 1
    If you are currently exercising and you are finding that you are not losing weight anymore, you should add strength training. Increasing muscle mass will increase your resting metabolic rate, and you will burn more calories than you do currently.

    If you are new to exercise, I always recommend that my weight loss clients start out with cardio just to get that large caloric defecit. You will burn more calories during a cardio bout than during a strength training bout, but you will gain the ability to burn more all of the time once you incorporate strength training.

    The answer...we need to do BOTH to lose weight. :-) Try circuit training...strength training set up to include cardio.
  • lacrossemom13
    lacrossemom13 Posts: 6 Member
    Sorry, I didnt realize. I guess I should have said more, I have only 40 min at the gym on my lunch, am I better to focus on cardio or weights? Right now I am doing 7-10 min of cardio and the rest weights......
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Sorry, I didnt realize. I guess I should have said more, I have only 40 min at the gym on my lunch, am I better to focus on cardio or weights? Right now I am doing 7-10 min of cardio and the rest weights......

    If you go every day in the week, I would do M/W/F weights and T/Th cardio.
  • shrinkingbrian
    shrinkingbrian Posts: 171 Member
    Here is my take after losing 193 pounds in the last 16 months. I started lifting weights after about 7 months of my weight loss. I read some articles that recommended weight loss should include some weight training. At first I was a little skeptical but I did it anyway. Almost a year later, I am now a firm believer in weight training. You can lose lots of weight but still not look or feel good. I am starting to see some definition in my arms and legs. Building muscle also helps burn calories faster and avoid excessive loose skin. As others have stated, you need BOTH cardio and weight training. I do mostly swimming and walking/hiking for cardio while also lifting weights.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    To lose weight, you don't need either. You just need a caloric deficit, which you can achieve by moderating your food intake. No cardio or weight training required.

    However, you clearly want to lose fat, and there is a difference between weight loss and fat loss. For optimal fat loss, you need a caloric deficit to drop pounds, along with adequate protein intake and strength training to maintain your lean body mass so that most or all of the pounds you lose are in the form of fat and not muscle.

    Cardio is not a necessary part of the fat loss process. If your goal is to improve your cardiovascular fitness/health, do it. If you have performance goals that involve "cardio" activities like running or cycling, do it. If you enjoy cardio, do it. But if your only goal is fat loss, you don't need it.
  • HannahJDiaz25
    HannahJDiaz25 Posts: 329 Member
    Sorry, I didnt realize. I guess I should have said more, I have only 40 min at the gym on my lunch, am I better to focus on cardio or weights? Right now I am doing 7-10 min of cardio and the rest weights......

    If you go every day in the week, I would do M/W/F weights and T/Th cardio.

  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    To lose weight, you don't need either. You just need a caloric deficit, which you can achieve by moderating your food intake. No cardio or weight training required.

    However, you clearly want to lose fat, and there is a difference between weight loss and fat loss. For optimal fat loss, you need a caloric deficit to drop pounds, along with adequate protein intake and strength training to maintain your lean body mass so that most or all of the pounds you lose are in the form of fat and not muscle.

    Cardio is not a necessary part of the fat loss process. If your goal is to improve your cardiovascular fitness/health, do it. If you have performance goals that involve "cardio" activities like running or cycling, do it. If you enjoy cardio, do it. But if your only goal is fat loss, you don't need it.

    Game, set and match.
  • Adwerd
    Adwerd Posts: 4 Member
    Here are really nice and most informative article is written by you. I am totally agree with you. According to me cardio is better than any other exercise for this purpose and also effective way to weight loss. But with that don't forget to take exercise.
  • traumaticthrash
    both are essential elements to your weight loss + reshaping program.

    i incorporate both in my training.
  • Danny_Boy13
    Danny_Boy13 Posts: 2,094 Member
    *Sits down with popcorn* Here we go... :laugh:
  • FrnkLft
    FrnkLft Posts: 1,821 Member
    Cardio is great becuase you get more for the time you spend exercising, but I lost a bunch of weight just lifting heavy.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    didn't we already have this debate?

    Groundhog Day in the forums. Again.