Anyone have one for Squash on the stove top not oven?

ChrisinGA Posts: 116 Member
I do not have a oven to cook in only one my electric stove, anyone know how to cook Squash that is healthy? I was going to cook it the way my mother always made it but me and my gf trying eat healthy she doesn't want to cook it with Bisquick



  • SarahSmilesCA
    SarahSmilesCA Posts: 261 Member
    What kind of squash? Many varieties out there...
  • emmythedagger
    emmythedagger Posts: 76 Member
    Make a vegetable soup.
  • JSkorna
    JSkorna Posts: 22
    Steam it.
  • melissafaith24
    melissafaith24 Posts: 251 Member
    I just slice mine up and sautee with either a light butter or canola oil. dash of salt and perfect.
  • dennymau
    dennymau Posts: 118 Member
    make soup or microwave
  • mmm_drop
    mmm_drop Posts: 1,126 Member
    Depending on the squash, I like to slice it and fry in olive oil and garlic; you can also throw in some bell peppers, mushrooms, onions, what-have-you on hand as well. :)
  • MrsODriscoll
    MrsODriscoll Posts: 127 Member
    Chilli with kidney beans or curry with red lentils.
  • dnunny70
    dnunny70 Posts: 411 Member
    I picked 6 yellow squash from the garden. Would love some recipes. I usually will saute them.
  • cushygal
    cushygal Posts: 586 Member
    marinate then in italian dressing for a few hours then cook then on medium heat, (until tender) in a fry pan with some salt and pepper - so yummy!
  • leeroxboro
    leeroxboro Posts: 142 Member
    I like it sautée/fried with onions....for a long, long, long time. I mean until it turns a little brown long, long, long time over medium heat.
  • sanndandi
    sanndandi Posts: 300 Member
    marinate then in italian dressing for a few hours then cook then on medium heat, (until tender) in a fry pan with some salt and pepper - so yummy!

    This sounds yummy! I might give it a try myself! Thanks!
  • mfstew2007
    mfstew2007 Posts: 7 Member
    saute yellow squash, zucchini, pearl onions, tomatos, use garlic or chili powder or whatever seasoning you like. sprinkle with just a touch of reduced fat parmesan...yum!!
  • jakeabhau
    jakeabhau Posts: 30
    Zucchini Squash sliced. Need no butter or oil. Just saute it on medium with some Lawry's Salt on both sides. Wait until it browns on both sides as it will sear the juices inside (like a good steak).

    Realy healthy. REALLY delicious! I can eat 4 Zucchini's this way.

    Yellow squash works, too but I prefer the zucchini.
  • jakeabhau
    jakeabhau Posts: 30
    Yes, slice up a Sweet Onion in there if you want to but the zucchini alone is enough for me.
  • mward2008
    mward2008 Posts: 15 Member
    spagetti squash in the microwave-10 minutes and eat with a little spray on butter and pepper-delicious
  • PriceK01
    PriceK01 Posts: 834 Member
    Sautéed or grilled are my favorite ways to prepare summer squash like zucchinis or yellow squash.
  • chellec23
    chellec23 Posts: 147 Member
    I second the suggestion to season and sautee. If you use the right seasoning and the right amount, you won't miss the bisquick :) Oh, and if you get the pan nice and hot and get a good sear on it it's even better!!

    Another thing to do is dice it up (yellow squash and/or zucchini) and use it in minestrone. YUM :)
  • _benjammin
    _benjammin Posts: 1,224 Member
    marinate then in italian dressing for a few hours then ...
    I didn't think I like squash or zuchinni. Went to my Dad's house and he had them marinating in some homemade organic "italian" dressing, delicious.
  • mitsi94
    mitsi94 Posts: 64
    for squash like zucchini and yellow squash, it's good just sauteed with a can of dices tomatoes and whatever type of seasonings you like. they are also really good "stir fried" with carrots, onions, mushrooms, etc and use some of the herb flavored marinades that are out there for the sauce.
  • toaster6
    toaster6 Posts: 703 Member
    I like making a butternut squash gratin. I use the oven but you should be able to use a stove as well.

    16 oz butternut squash
    1 cup chopped leeks (onions make a good substitute)
    1 teaspoon butter
    3 eggs
    1 teaspoon stevia

    Peel and cube the squash. Place the cubes in a pan large saucepan and cover with water and boil until it becomes soft (like you would with potatoes). While the squash cooks, melt butter in a pan and brown the leeks and then remove from the heat. Once the squash is cooked, drain, mash and add salt and pepper to taste. Mix in the leeks, eggs, and stevia. At this point, I would usually put them in the oven but you can cover and cook on the stove over medium-high heat until the eggs cook (maybe 10 minutes). As is, it makes about 6 servings and it only about 80 calories a serving is my recipe calculator is right. If you prefer it creamier, you can add in some milk with the eggs. You can also add in some bacon, sausage, cheese, and/or bread crumbs over the top (I do that for my boyfriend's serving).

    You could also sautee butternut squash sage, rosemary, & bay leaves with a little olive oil, salt, and pepper until tender.