Fun things you said at labor



  • jenbit
    jenbit Posts: 4,289 Member
    I do remeber Immediatly after they place my daughter yelling and still all sticky on my belly saying..."Oh look at her she so pretty,no get her off me and cleaned up... And then immediatly asking for a shower and faking like I could feel my legs to go get into the shower
  • love2cycle
    love2cycle Posts: 448 Member
    HMMM nothing too funny that i can remember ....

    Just getting pissed off cause the nurse's and doctor kept telling me "give it a few more minutes" every time i told them i needed to push. I was like psh you try holding in a 9 lb baby I gotta push! then I yelled at the doc that he needed to hurry up and use the vacuum or the salad spoons cause her head was not gonna come out! even after getting cut and torn (big ol bo deliver this baby."
  • love2cycle
    love2cycle Posts: 448 Member
    HMMM nothing too funny that i can remember ....

    Just getting pissed off cause the nurse's and doctor kept telling me "give it a few more minutes" every time i told them i needed to push. I was like psh you try holding in a 9 lb baby I gotta push! then I yelled at the doc that he needed to hurry up and use the vacuum or the salad spoons cause her head was not gonna come out! even after getting cut and torn (big ol bo deliver this baby."
  • love2cycle
    love2cycle Posts: 448 Member
    HMMM nothing too funny that i can remember ....

    Just getting pissed off cause the nurse's and doctor kept telling me "give it a few more minutes" every time i told them i needed to push. I was like psh you try holding in a 9 lb baby I gotta push! then I yelled at the doc that he needed to hurry up and use the vacuum or the salad spoons cause her head was not gonna come out! even after getting cut and torn (big ol bo deliver this baby."
  • love2cycle
    love2cycle Posts: 448 Member
    I keep messing this up! The lady who said the doctors were telling her to wait a few more minutes!!!! Oh please!! I was told that too, and then the nurses were in a corner asking each other how they were going to keep me from pushing..I guess they thought I was deaf. Anyway, when I told my husband he was going to have to deliver the baby, one of the nurses finally said "oh go ahead and push." The doctor showed up about 10 minutes later. Sorry doc!!!
  • megalin9
    megalin9 Posts: 771 Member
    :laugh: I am dying laughing at all of these posts!!!!

    Things happened so fast with my second that I wasn't able to get the epidural in time. I had this sudden excruciating pain, worse than contractions that I assume was my son crowning. I screamed, 'It hurts so bad!" The nurse asked me where, and I said, "Everywhere!" After that, I just remember them telling me to push, but all I could feel was the ring of fire (as somebody else described it). I just kept screaming, "Get him out! Get him out! I want him out now!" I was one of those women that probably scared all of the other women on the floor. They told me to push, but I didn't want to push. I just wanted them to reach in, grab him, and pull him out!!!!!

    I don't remember anything else funny, necessarily, just that I had asked my nurse if I could have my epidural before all the other women since I was being so nice. She agreed, but looking back, I wish I hadn't been so nice seeing as how the reason I didn't get my epidural in time was because they couldn't find a vein and refused to try the veins I had REPEATEDLY told them would work in my left arm. I think I was stuck over 10 times before they listened to me.
  • ScottyNoHotty
    ScottyNoHotty Posts: 1,957 Member
    I asked the doc for the husband stitch and if I could have the placenta for catfish bait.....
  • 2stepscloser
    2stepscloser Posts: 2,900 Member
    Emergency csection...nothing funny here.
  • EponaBlue
    EponaBlue Posts: 96 Member

    OMG too many funny posts to quote! Good read ladies. I surprised myself with how calm I was for my son's labor and delivery. Epidurals rock.
  • thatonegirlwiththestuff
    thatonegirlwiththestuff Posts: 1,171 Member
    My husband had the classic line. After my son was born, he said ''Holy ****, look at that placenta!'' Not the baby, not his own flesh and blood, but the placenta. I married a winner.
  • sarantonio
    sarantonio Posts: 880 Member
    I had my son naturally and was very calm I remember I yelled once and the nurse said "it's ok", I replied "yeah, you're right, sorry." and that was it. My husband says its the sweetest I've ever been lol. I had to focus! No time for antics!

    The 2nd I died (long story) and had an emergency C-section. When I woke up, I asked my husband where the baby was and he said in the nursery.. I asked if he was sure it was her and he said "she's the only pale one" lol. She was born in Italy... we are pale in comparison
  • rebbylicious
    rebbylicious Posts: 621 Member
    I had all 4 of my children natural... but I do remember this last time looking up at my husband and saying "snip snip" in front of the nurses and all.
  • starlaca
    starlaca Posts: 779 Member
    With my first son (I was 18) I was crying during labor saying "I'm never going to have sex EVER again as long as I live!!!"
  • Selunca
    Selunca Posts: 208 Member
    Mine was right after labor/emergency C-section.
    They wheeled us back into my room and asked if I'd like anything to drink. After two days of labor, I wanted apple juice. They told me to take it slow, then handed me a half gallon cup of apple juice. I drank it down pretty quickly, and ... it came back up.

    I looked my family dead in the face and said "IT STILL TASTES LIKE APPLE JUICE."
  • amandapye78
    amandapye78 Posts: 820 Member
    with my youngest, she was 2.5 months early and had a prolapsed cord so had an emergency cesarean. I was scared and it came out as anger. I was soooo mad at my husband for being excited about our baby being born, I repeatedly yelled at him. Then the DR suggested I listen to music during the delivery and I yelled at him and told him I didn't need any f**** music. He ignored me and ran to his car and grabbed the first CD he had, and it was Green Day. My daughter was born to American Idiot. She was fine and is now a happy 6 yr old
  • SparkleShine
    SparkleShine Posts: 2,001 Member
    "Ok I change my mind, I don't think this is the right time to have a baby. Lets go home."

    Mine was very similar. I was induced but nothing was happening. I was almost going to be sent home, which I did not want! All of a sudden my water broke and shortly after, all the 'fun" began. I said..." UGh. I changed my mind. I don't want to do this right now..." wahhhh!
  • Onemoodycuss
    Onemoodycuss Posts: 95 Member
    I know this is for the Moms, but dammit, I was there, too....

    My youngest was a planned c-section. I don't know if this is just standard practice, but they put up a curtain so they could do what they were doing and my wife and I couldn't see. When they pulled out the baby, though, I was invited to look beyond the veil and see my baby boy. This was our 4th child, so the awe and wander was slightly diminished. I said to my Latina wife, " Why does our son have red hair?" To which she responded, before I could say I was kidding, "Oh *kitten*. Are you sure it's mine?"
    That's just one of the reasons I love her.
  • KristysLosing
    I don't recall saying anything with my first, but after my 2nd, which was a c-section, I was a little goofy with the morphine. They were moving me from the operating table to the bed, and I said, "This is kinda fun!" :smile:
  • Checketa
    Checketa Posts: 3 Member
    Cant remember everything that I said anymore.. But I do recall I freaked everyone out in the room since I was cracking jokes between every contraction (I wanted to cry during every contraction but all I could manage through the moans of pain was a lip quiver)

    I do remember wondering out loud (talking to myself before I got the epidural) if I would feel it if they stabbed me in the back with a butcher knife during a contraction.. The wierd looks I got from everyone in the room was funny, I guess the strangest stuff pop into my head sometimes :)
  • alecialudwickjones
    Nurse came in and introduced herself, name was Buffy. I spent the next 10 minutes complaining to husband that I had a vampire slayer for a nurse. Staydol was an interesting drug. O_o