$100 for a pair of jeans..would you do it?



  • bushidowoman
    bushidowoman Posts: 1,599 Member
    Now, I am a poor cat who does not typically spend allot of cash on clothes. I know many do and I totally respect the logic behind it, a.k.a feeling good in your clothes IS worth the money. However my upbringing has me in a mindset where it almost makes me physically ill to drop a large amount of cash on clothing. Even when I save up in advance I still find myself thinking I should be spending it on something more practical.

    That said, a brand of jeans have waltzed into my life and I really want a pair. They start at $100 a pop and I keep debating with myself over it. Thoughts like this circle through my brain: "$100! WTF I do not want a pair of those. Oh-but they are like an instant butt lift I soooo DO want a pair. When I hit gw this will be my reward. Something practical would be more rewarding. Stop thinking about those dumb jeans.They are not dumb.." (yes, I have considered Schizophrenia)

    Anyway, would you buy them or do something practical with the cash?

    I had this same dilemma! I even asked my husband what he thought, and of course he said "get the jeans!" He knew I worked hard, and he likes to spoil me anyway.
    Well, I reached my goal...and I didn't buy the jeans. I just couldn't. And then I got pregnant again.
    And then I was in the second-hand store trying to find clothes that fit my changing post-partum body, and...there they were. My jeans! For $20! Second-hand, of course, but excellent condition. They were in my prepregnant size. Oh yeah, I snapped them up. It was a doubly sweet victory when I was finally able to wear them.

    But you know, I think you should go ahead and spend that money to get yourself the jeans you love. Seriously.

    Hey, why not sign up for GymPact, and save that money that you earn from working out to put towards it?
  • Charlottesometimes23
    Charlottesometimes23 Posts: 687 Member
    Yes, no question. I'm all for ebaying but jeans are on of those things that you need to try on. Even if you find the same size and brand online, fit can be different from one pair to the next.

    Buy and enjoy. :)
  • yaseyuku
    yaseyuku Posts: 871 Member
    I just spent about $100 for a pair of shorts from a brand I really love because I'm finally able to fit into them. They are a bit tight, but will only get looser from here on out. It's worth it if it's something you really want, I'd say.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    i've bought jeans that were close to $300 before so yeah $100 is no big deal.

    i'm kind of a jeans *kitten*. one of the main superficial reasons why i want to be my goal size is so i can buy jeans i want.

    IME, the more expensive jeans last longer than the cheapie ones and are therefor more cost effective. for instance those $300 jeans i bought like 8 years ago. i wore them pretty much constantly for 5 years before they started to fall apart and by the en of year 6 they were unwearable. the old navy ones i can probably wear 3-4 months before they start to fall apart. at 3-4 pairs a year that's 15-20 pairs for the same period of time. for $30 jeans that end up being $450-$600 for jeans.

    finally the more expensive jeans just LOOK better. things like stitching and pocket placement can make a huge difference in how you look.

    a good halfway point is express. they are still pretty affordable, especially when they have those sales.
  • jennpaulson
    jennpaulson Posts: 850 Member
    Sometimes, the more expensive option is the better choice, long term. Ill-fitting, thin, cheap material for $9.95 that wears out in 6 months vs. something that fits well, made from decent material, and wears well for a decade? The expensive one would be the frugal option in that case.

    For me, it's with footwear. I'd rather buy a pair of Docs or Fluevogs (AND can be re-soled by a cobbler for a decent price when DO you wear down the soles) that I know will survive 10+ years of abuse than buy some crap from Payless...

    This!! All of my Vogs are gifts from DH, and they last forever (which is just a bonus to the schmexy factor!). Quality goods are soooo worth it! :happy:

    There are still 3 pairs of Doc's from the mid 90s at my parents house in perfect condition. I won't wear them anymore because it isn't my style anymore than anything else that I wore when I was 14

    those things last forever :)

    I love my Doc's and still wear them. Bought my daughter a vintage pair last fall and can't get her out of them (I'm not even sure they really still fit)
  • furrina
    furrina Posts: 148 Member
    Yes I would. Every day o' the week.
  • pixtotts
    pixtotts Posts: 552 Member
    I'm kind of on the fence...
    £100 is a lot of money, and there is nothing saying they would last any longer, (my £10 jeans don't wear as quickly as I find my £30 ones do and I live in them all the same...)
    I hate seeing expensive clothing wearing, and I do not believe in "keeping things for best" sure keep it for best, get run over by a bus tomorrow, then whens best!?! But like wise what use is $100 if your run over by that bus....
    My friend had a pair of £150 jeans another friend was sick on them so she washed them on a hot wash and shrank them... major oops they haven't spoken since..

    BUT.... I own two pairs of £75 shoes... and won a pair of £600 ones... They have all only been worn a handful of times but I wouldn't part with them their so pretty!!

    If just knowing you have those jeans will put a smile on your face I say go for it :)
  • Yes!! Definitely, go for it..
  • jennpaulson
    jennpaulson Posts: 850 Member
    I say go for it!! I have a closet full of jeans, mostly cheap (Old Navy, Walmart or Target) but I have a pair that I picked up from a consignment store that I love (Platos Closet) Express Rerock. I wear that pair 10 times more often than I ever wear the others. When I lose some more I'll definitely be going back to the consignment stores.
  • Lalasharni
    Lalasharni Posts: 353 Member
    If they make you feel good - go for it!
    Just remember the three questions you should ask:
    1. Can I afford it
    2. Will I use it
    3. Can I get it cheaper elsewhere?
    That done - buy the suckers - and enjoy!!
  • Personally I would not spend that money on any item of clothing these days BUT if you want/love them why not :)
  • I won't spend that much on interchangable items (ie tops etc) but generally if you find an amzing pair of jeans you will wear them ALOT - my fave pair cos me 240 - I've had them for 2 ears and wear them ALL the time. I think if your going to get a lot of wear out of something then it's worth it! Plus it doesn't sound like you splurge much so DO it!
  • annakow
    annakow Posts: 385 Member
    Why not buying size smaller and losing weight to fit them? maybe 100 dollars spent would be more motivating lol

  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    GO FOR It...only if they do what they say, lift and shape you etc :-D
    I've bought enough cheap jeans that I ended up not being happy with when it would have been better to have spent more and had a great quality pair that flattered and fitted really well :)
  • Addict92
    Addict92 Posts: 12 Member
    If its to reward yourself then yeah go for it.
    Try looking online for cheaper ones.
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Buy the jeans
  • expoduck
    expoduck Posts: 59
    According to your ticker, you've lost 25lbs. I think you deserve a treat, don't you? :drinker:
  • momzeeee
    momzeeee Posts: 475 Member
    Now, I am a poor cat who does not typically spend allot of cash on clothes. I know many do and I totally respect the logic behind it, a.k.a feeling good in your clothes IS worth the money. However my upbringing has me in a mindset where it almost makes me physically ill to drop a large amount of cash on clothing. Even when I save up in advance I still find myself thinking I should be spending it on something more practical.

    That said, a brand of jeans have waltzed into my life and I really want a pair. They start at $100 a pop and I keep debating with myself over it. Thoughts like this circle through my brain: "$100! WTF I do not want a pair of those. Oh-but they are like an instant butt lift I soooo DO want a pair. When I hit gw this will be my reward. Something practical would be more rewarding. Stop thinking about those dumb jeans.They are not dumb.." (yes, I have considered Schizophrenia)

    Anyway, would you buy them or do something practical with the cash?

    Haven't read the other replies yet, but I wouldn't get them yet, just because you're still losing weight and will change sizes still. Also, your body will continue to change shape for several months after you transition into maintenance. I continue to buy smaller sizes and I've been in maintenance for three months with a pretty steady weight. Things are still shifting around lol.
  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    Not $100, but I did pay $75 for my silver jeans. I'd much rather have ONE pair of great fitting jeans vs. 3 pairs of meh.
  • msjames1999
    msjames1999 Posts: 528 Member
    Buy the jeans and wear them often.