Gym owner won't let me sign up?



  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    to those who say I'm not consuming 3000+ calories, I tracked everything i ate by every gram for a whole week on here and I added all my calories over the week and devided it by 7 and got 3471 calories in total for each day, when i weighed myself 2 days ago i had lost 0.3kg's...

    One week of logging is pretty meaningless, and 0.3 kg is noise.
  • MaydayParadeGirl
    MaydayParadeGirl Posts: 190 Member
    My point is that in AMERICA we have freedom.

    Did you fail government class? You have the FREEDOM to speak your mind, to practice or not practice religion, etc., without the threat of punishment by the government. You do NOT have the freedom to work out in someone else's gym, any more than you have the freedom to walk into someone else's home and eat their food.

    Actually access to private businesses comes under the commerce clause of the constitution. Hence, black people can't be kicked out of restaurants anymore.

    But any business can refuse you service...

    Any business can't refuse you service for any reason. Again: think civil rights, lunch counter strikes, "no blacks" signs. Ehhhh... this is so besides the point of this post. Never mind.

    They aren't refusing him for any of those reasons they're refusing him because he's a liability which they CAN do.

    I know. That's why I said it was BESIDES THE POINT. ****ing read before you comment. Thanks.

    If it's beside the point don't' ****ing post it. I was directly responding to a comment that someone else had made about how a business couldn't do that, and I was saying that any business can refuse service. I didn't say that they could do it any time they wanted but they CAN refuse service. You're the one who brought up race for no reason the person above was literally saying that he can be refused service if he's a liability and for some reason you wanted to play the race card like it's even relevant in this thread.
  • tbrain1989
    tbrain1989 Posts: 280 Member
    My point is that in AMERICA we have freedom.

    Did you fail government class? You have the FREEDOM to speak your mind, to practice or not practice religion, etc., without the threat of punishment by the government. You do NOT have the freedom to work out in someone else's gym, any more than you have the freedom to walk into someone else's home and eat their food.

    Actually access to private businesses comes under the commerce clause of the constitution. Hence, black people can't be kicked out of restaurants anymore.

    But any business can refuse you service...

    Any business can't refuse you service for any reason. Again: think civil rights, lunch counter strikes, "no blacks" signs. Ehhhh... this is so besides the point of this post. Never mind.

    They aren't refusing him for any of those reasons they're refusing him because he's a liability which they CAN do.

    I know. That's why I said it was BESIDES THE POINT. ****ing read before you comment. Thanks.

    If it's beside the point don't' ****ing post it. I was directly responding to a comment that someone else had made about how a business couldn't do that, and I was saying that any business can refuse service. I didn't say that they could do it any time they wanted but they CAN refuse service. You're the one who brought up race for no reason the person above was literally saying that he can be refused service if he's a liability and for some reason you wanted to play the race card like it's even relevant in this thread.

    Escalated quickly?
  • refuseresist
    refuseresist Posts: 934 Member
    go to a different gym. I didn't have a health check when I joined mine
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    to those who say I'm not consuming 3000+ calories, I tracked everything i ate by every gram for a whole week on here and I added all my calories over the week and devided it by 7 and got 3471 calories in total for each day, when i weighed myself 2 days ago i had lost 0.3kg's...

    the last 2 days you ate 1500 cals..... 1700 the day before that, and your calorie goal is set to 1200...
  • Daz49ers
    Daz49ers Posts: 125 Member
    i believe the gym owner is only trying to protect you from any sort of injury, see your doctor, maybe invest in some weights for the house, start building muscle there.
  • __Di__
    __Di__ Posts: 1,630 Member
    I've recently tried joining this gym that's the only gym local to me, I wanted to begin a lifting programme and put on some size and gain some muscle mass. Take into account I find it very very hard to put weight on, anyway when I went into the gym and told the manager what my goals was he took some measurements and did a little exam on me and weighed me and stuff and told me that my weight was dangerously low to be messing with weight's and basically said i wasn't healthy.. yet he knowns nothing about my struggles in that part of my life. anyway he told me i weighed 97-98 pounds and i'm 5ft 7 (18 years old) and i myself couldn't believe that i was that low? before you say I'm anoreix or crap like that I'm not, I'm an ectomorph and I eat anywhere from 3000-3500 calories a day and that used to consist of milk shakes/cookies/harbio's/jaffa cakes/cakes/chocolate/energy drinks all sorts of crap, but I've cleaned up my diet now to fresh fruits/veg/lean meats/ complex carbs (brown rice) and calorie dense foods like almond butter/nuts/olive oil/porridge. what should i do? should i just stay at home and try and put weight on if i can and see if he let's me join? how much weight should i gain before he let's me use his gym?

    In that case, you are not putting all your food in your diary. Why is your dialy calorie allowance 1200 calories?

    Go to your doctor lest you have some other condition that makes you weigh such a small amount for a female, let alone a male. You need to check you are not diabetic for a start.
  • __Di__
    __Di__ Posts: 1,630 Member
    My point is that in AMERICA we have freedom.

    Did you fail government class? You have the FREEDOM to speak your mind, to practice or not practice religion, etc., without the threat of punishment by the government. You do NOT have the freedom to work out in someone else's gym, any more than you have the freedom to walk into someone else's home and eat their food.

    Actually access to private businesses comes under the commerce clause of the constitution. Hence, black people can't be kicked out of restaurants anymore.

    But any business can refuse you service...

    Any business can't refuse you service for any reason. Again: think civil rights, lunch counter strikes, "no blacks" signs. Ehhhh... this is so besides the point of this post. Never mind.

    They can indeed refuse you service. This is nothing to do with colour, race or creed, but the medical issues the OP has and they DO have medical issues, because at 5' 7" tall and weighing just 97-98lbs and male at that, if that is not a medical issue then I don't know what is.

    Look at the OPs diary, they are set at 1200 calories per day - why? Is it to lose more weight, despite what the OP is protesting?
  • Trilby16
    Trilby16 Posts: 707 Member
    Maybe you have a tapeworm. What you describe is almost impossible.
  • __Di__
    __Di__ Posts: 1,630 Member
    to those who say I'm not consuming 3000+ calories, I tracked everything i ate by every gram for a whole week on here and I added all my calories over the week and devided it by 7 and got 3471 calories in total for each day, when i weighed myself 2 days ago i had lost 0.3kg's...

    That is not what I see in your diary OP.
  • kazsjourney
    kazsjourney Posts: 263 Member
    Personally I think if someone has a eating disorder and underweight and the gym allows the membership then they are enabling the obese person (as the arguement mentioned) having the gym membership they arent enabling the lifestyle that got them obese ... quite the opposite.

    Back to the OP i think you should go to the doctors...getting blood tests run to see where your health is at and then speak to a nutritionist.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    My point is that in AMERICA we have freedom.

    Did you fail government class? You have the FREEDOM to speak your mind, to practice or not practice religion, etc., without the threat of punishment by the government. You do NOT have the freedom to work out in someone else's gym, any more than you have the freedom to walk into someone else's home and eat their food.

    Actually access to private businesses comes under the commerce clause of the constitution. Hence, black people can't be kicked out of restaurants anymore.

    But any business can refuse you service...

    Any business can't refuse you service for any reason. Again: think civil rights, lunch counter strikes, "no blacks" signs. Ehhhh... this is so besides the point of this post. Never mind.

    They aren't refusing him for any of those reasons they're refusing him because he's a liability which they CAN do.

    I know. That's why I said it was BESIDES THE POINT. ****ing read before you comment. Thanks.

    Perhaps you should think about getting off the internet and seeking some anger management. That was a really tiny thing to lash out over. Please, talk to somebody. This isn't the first time I'm seeing you snap like this and worry you have a problem
  • MySlimGoals
    MySlimGoals Posts: 753 Member
    I think tape-worms! Really.. you need to see a doctor. You could have any number of medical conditions.. or you might just be underestimating how much you eat.
  • M8R5on8ym
    M8R5on8ym Posts: 23 Member
    8 - 10 pints of Guinness a day for a couple of years and you will have gained all the weight you need to join the gym :bigsmile:
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    Get a note from your doctor saying that you're healthy and on a training programme to gain weight, and that you don't have any medical condition that would make such a programme dangerous

    be sure though that you follow a decent beginners programme of lifting, e.g. SL 5x5 or Starting Strength, one that starts with the empty bar (or even lighter than that) and emphasises learning proper form, then advises progressively loading the bar with slightly heavier weights, so that you build up your strength as you go, while always lifting with good form, and also while eating enough to make gains in both strength and size. Both those programmes mentioned are ideal for young men who are very thin and want to gain mass, and I think Mark Rippetoe (of the Starting Strength programme) advises drinking a gallon of milk a day in order to get enough protein and calories to get bigger (yes in addition to all of what you're eating already)

    Also you may need to show the program to the gym owner so he can see that you're starting with light weights and focusing on getting form right before progressing through heavier weights. Plenty of young men go in there and try to lift weights that are way too heavy and injure themselves, and that's what he doesn't want to see. So you need to show him you're not going to do that.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    I have a friend who has an eating disorder (not your story, but follow me). Many gym members complain that she should be banned because she is in danger of harming herself. In reality, these uneducated buffoons are uncomfortable looking at her and taking out their own insecurities on her without knowing her full situation. Anyway, even IF the gym denied her a membership she'd go somewhere else. It's her right, so they take her money and allow her membership. This owner is a fool. It sounds like discrimination even though it is under the guise of "your best interest". i'd give someone else my $. Screw him.

    I know right. I love it when my customers pass out with hundreds of lbs of weight over their head because they have an eating disorder and because they don't have enough strength to pull something like this. Screw my business and the liability your ED brings, I just wanna make sure that you know that I'm jealous of your awesome ED!!!!!!!

    I would, like, totally wanna BFF and personally train you if you had a huge thigh gap.


    Hey, taunto...
    you clearly misunderstood my post. I worry about my friend. She knows she has an issue. She works out "for her head". She doesn't have or want a personal trainer and you are about as bright as the other members who prejudge without all the info. I bet you'd deny an obese person a seat next to you on aspin bike because they might sweat all over you. My point is that in AMERICA we have freedom. If my friend wants to die on a cardio machine itis her right and the gym can stil make her membership dues. Ethical or not. Everyone is so perfect and critical. Sorry I even bothered. I guess you are on MFP because you are just PERFECT. perfectly closed minded.

    You have freedom to refuse an unreasonable risk. That's what the gym owner is doing. Exercising his freedom.
    In my gym in Germany, where we have never heard of this freedom, we never let you die on cardio machines, we force feed you sauerkraut. Go team, 'merica!

    In reality, the freedom you think you have is certainly limited by a whole bunch of laws and behaviors around risk whether it is seat belts, the FDA, drug laws, speed limits (which we have less of - yay, autobahns) the right to sue the jimmies off of the gym owner, etc...

    I understand this upsets you, reality can be difficult, there is no need to start insulting the people of MFP that disagree with you.

    Btw, and now more seriously, by supporting your friend with an ED in the name of freedom with a behavior that might lead to further injury you are possibly tacitly enabling them. I don't know your situation and I'm not judging but would suggest you think about how you might support and help your friend. They might not want it or need it but have you even asked?

    To the OP - if your intent is to gain mass at the gym, see you doc as suggested, get a letter from him or her that clears you to practice this and eat at surplus. Given your weight I'm sure gaining a few pounds of muscle will help in long term fitness. Exercise can be part of a weight gain program. Talk to the doc.