PMS and Binge Eating - real or just an excuse?



  • Garlicmash
    Garlicmash Posts: 208
    I never had any pms untill 2 years ago during a period of time where i later found I am allergic to Gluten.
    I don't get cravings during that time and I don't get pms as long as I keep my calcium level high, it's the only thing I found that works.
    low calcium has been linked to pms and it definitely causes mine.
    pms is real other wise I a just a very nasty person for no reason the week leading to my period.
  • dooplegoon
    dooplegoon Posts: 66
    MIT did a number of studies on serotonin levels for women in late luteal and pre-menstrual stages of their cycle. Some women just do not produce the same amount of serotonin as others...

    "The Wurtmans discovered that an apparent deficiency in brain serotonin may cause individuals to suffer from unwanted weight gain, mood disorders and impulsivity.

    People with carbohydrate-craving obesity, seasonal affective disorder (SADS), and PMS have serotonin, but it is "simply not enough or not active enough," Ms. Wurtman said.

    The symptoms of inadequate or insufficient serotonin levels in women during their late-luteal, or premenstrual, phase can become highly disruptive to normal functioning, Ms. Wurtman said."

    So when you say "its in your head" You are sort of right, it is about brain chemistry. But its about as useful as telling someone with depression to just get over it. While a lot of people can improve their brain chemistry over time with diet, exercise and medication no one is in complete, immediate control over the chemistry in their brain at every given moment. And if you think you are, then its the chemicals in your brain that make you feel that way. Everyone is a little different and I'm glad you have come to a balanced place where you do not suffer from these fluctuations. There are things we can all do to alleviate these problems if we have them but assuming they are made up, exaggerated or an excuse isn't a good place to start.
  • dooplegoon
    dooplegoon Posts: 66
    This one has a lot of detail about the relationship with brain chemistry and appetite specifically in relationship to the menstrual cycle and serotonin:
  • BluejayNY
    BluejayNY Posts: 301 Member
    I definitely experience crazy hormonal fluctuations full of cravings and also emotions that are difficult to fight. When I was on the pill I didn't have to deal with that at all. It may not be an excuse to gorge on a dozen donuts in one sitting, but it sure does make things more difficult.
  • louisegibbs85
    louisegibbs85 Posts: 304 Member
    I can feel like eating nothing but cake and chocolate or not feel like eating at all, bloatedness and aches make me lose my appetite. I know that it makes me not feeel like exercising in the slightest tho! Haha currently missing the mass of energy and willingness to exercise! Hopefully be back on track soon tho!
  • ncmedic201
    ncmedic201 Posts: 540 Member
    I am perimenapausal so my period can be all over the place. It's not that I get cravings for certain foods, but I get sooo hungry the week before I start. Sometimes it's the only way I know I'm about to start because I'm not always on a regular schedule anymore. I also get extremely thirsty for water. I'll wake up in the middle of the night needing to drink water. I'm not really sure why the hormone changes affect me this way. Every one is different in their hormone balance during this time so what you may feel is not going to be the same as what I feel. It's not an excuse, it's just how some of our bodies react. That's great that you can control your cravings. Personally, I'm not going to worry about controlling mine too much during that week because I really don't want to have that sensation of being hungry constantly all week. I'll just make good food choices that aren't high in calorie and go with it....
  • fourfiftythree
    fourfiftythree Posts: 203 Member
    I get hungry, very, very hungry and no matter what I can't feel full.

    Same here! Hate it.

    I usually crave salty foods like Chinese or tortilla chips.
  • apothecarist
    apothecarist Posts: 193
    For me, I know when Aunt Flo's about to visit b/c of those sweet and salty cravings AND b/c i am hungrier than normal. I give myself a break during those times and don't beat myself up if i eat more than usual or over my calorie allowance. So far, I haven't "binged" or gone crazy, but I can understand that other women may do so b/c PMS is different in all of us, and it's recognized as real physical and emotional condition.
  • RobynLB83
    RobynLB83 Posts: 626 Member
    I have a distinct increase in appetite the week before my period. That's actually how I know my period is coming. I'm like... damn... I'm starving... oh... IT'S coming. If I can't stand the hunger, I'll eat at maintenance. I don't use it as an excuse, but sometimes I just let my body do its crazy thing.
  • shannashannabobana
    shannashannabobana Posts: 625 Member
    I don't buy into the "I have PMS so I just ate 5,000 calories!" theories floating around.
    I don't think 'theory' means what you think it means.
    Not to pile on, but this is exactly what I was thinking. That's a statement of fact. It will be either true or not true.

    No I realize what you are actually saying is even if your hormones are going crazy you should just be strong and have willpower and all that jazz. But the thing is, hormones are hard to fight. When they are telling you to eat eat eat you have to find some way to work with that or you won't be able to concentrate on anything else. Somebody else mentioned gluten and I've been trying to limit wheat in my diet lately and I did find that this TOM was not too terrible cravings wise. I did eat 1/3 of a chocolate bar though.

    Personally, I generally have a few days where I'm ravenous and a few where I"m not very hungry at all and will skip meals. So it kind of works out.
  • KAS0917
    KAS0917 Posts: 172 Member
    I'm not sure. I definitely am 'different' during that time. Usually the 3 or so days before I start, and the first 2 days while I'm on it, I have NO energy. I have a very hard time getting up in the mornings, and could nap for hours if I was not at work. Day 3, I'm full of energy again.

    I'm also ravenous. I have a very hard time getting full. I could eat and eat. (you can see that in my diary from about Tuesday-Thursday of this week.) I do have very strong cravings, but my cravings are for things like red meat. That's not something I eat a lot of - maybe 1-2x/month on average. But it's so strong - like I feel like I could just cook up a pound of hamburger meat and eat it plain - I don't need a bun or sauce or anything. Just give me hamburger or steak and I'm happy. So in that respect, I think it's real. I've read a lot about it, and it seems to be my body craving iron -- so I give my body what it asks for.

    I've definitely seen people who use PMS as a time to completely binge on sugar and crap food and I think "umm, really - that's a LOT Of sugar." but then maybe their cravings are as strong for sugar as mine are for red meat. At the end of the day, it's THEIR journey in life. Thankfully we all get to live our own and the only person we're accountable to is ourselves.
  • KAS0917
    KAS0917 Posts: 172 Member
    but I don't think hormonal levels cause an increase in the amount of foods we eat. That's still more within our control. When I am experiencing cravings,

    I completely disagree. Be thankful it doesn't affect YOU in that way. I am normally quite satisfied on 1400-1600 or so calories a day. But for the day prior and 1-2 days of my period I could easily eat double that because I'm HUNGRY. It doesn't even have to be a specific craving for a specific things, and just drinking water does not fill me up. Granted, I could eat 3,000 calories of healthy food or 3,000 calories of potato chips and one of those might be a better choice. But I definitely need an increase of food for a few days.
  • StarlightAria
    StarlightAria Posts: 81 Member
    When I have PMS I cannot stop stuffing my face. No matter what I eat stops the cravings and constant hunger. I honestly feel like I cannot control . But we all know it is related to emotional eating.
  • Bmontgomery613
    Bmontgomery613 Posts: 200 Member
    I said that I do not believe PMS is the cause for eating far too much .

    Sometimes there is no other reason.
    Nope, drank 100oz.
    Lacking minerals?
    Nope, anticipated TOM and made it a point to take my supplements.
    Poor eating?
    Nope, stocked up on produce, ditched the crap.
    Not enough exercise?
    Nope, ran 10miles.
    Not enough sleep?
    Nope, got 6-7hours plus a nap.
    Nope, things are actually wonderful.
    :sad: how did you know? I can't stop eating everything even though I super glued the fridge and pantry shut!

    I liked this answer! Especially the last part. I will tell everyone tho, that after I gave up eating gluten, my PMS (and I am 48ish, hello menopause!) damn near disappeared off the face of the map. Even my husband told me it was like my "wheels fell off". I was suspect of the gluten/PMS relationship at first, but after several months of being gluten and basically PMS free, I realize now there is a strong correlation between those two things FOR MY SITUATION.

    That's funny, I've had the complete opposite experience. My cramps have WAY lessened since going gluten free, however, my PMS has kicked up to epic proportions. It's bad for an entire week before I start my period. And, for the 2 days before I start, I cannot get full, no matter what I eat. And, I drink lots of water and I exercise, but my body just keeps asking for more food. I know that I control what goes into my mouth, but for me, the fact is that for 2 days before my period, I'm HUNGRY!
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    Tag for later
  • smn76237
    smn76237 Posts: 318 Member
    Just so we're clear, biologically a woman's BMR increases anywhere between 2-5% about 7-10 days prior to menstruation.
    That is part of the physiological reason why women are so hungry in the week leading up to their period.

    I find myself, like a lot of women, absolutely ravenous around that time. Not for sweets or anything in particular, just food in general. No it's not an excuse to eat candy or whatever in excess, but just know 1) it's normal to feel hungrier 2) you can eat more and 3) don't let OP or anyone else make you feel bad about that.
  • Lila90
    Lila90 Posts: 27
    When i have major PMS cravings, the very LAST thing on my mind is proportions & healthy foods.

    The only time i ever DO binge & eat unhealthy is when i have major PMS cravings lol.

    Burgers, brownies, big *kitten* bowl of chicken fettuccine alfredo, name it, it's going in my mouth! lol

    Simple as that.
  • 5ftnFun
    5ftnFun Posts: 948 Member
    I think overeating and blaming it on PMS is wrong. We should have more control over it than some women like to believe. It shouldn't be an excuse to eat way too much.

    I'd like to hear from other women about this topic. All replies are welcome.

    I don't dismiss any woman's claim about how bad her PMS is, or how desperately urgent her cravings are, or how wild her moods are, etc. If you've been fortunate to not suffer with miserable periods, count your blessings. For years I suffered horribly and encountered too many doctors who were quick to ignore my symptoms. I eventually found a wonderful doctor & ended up having a complete hysterectomy. I no longer have to take narcotics every month, eat huge amounts of food, or want to kill anyone. Life is good for me now, but some women out there really suffer, and suggesting that they just "control themselves" is not helpful.
  • sunshinestater
    sunshinestater Posts: 596 Member
    Interesting thread. PMS brings on an insane craving for chocolate with me. There are chocolate desserts that would repel me with their richness at any other time, yet when the hormones kick in I want to wolf them down without stopping to take a breath. But that doesn't mean I'm not in control. I just carefully plan things out and have better chocolate alternatives available, like Skinny Cow, WW ice cream bars, or Jello 100 calorie chocolate pudding. That way, I'm not depriving myself, but I control the portion.
  • delfonzo2000
    delfonzo2000 Posts: 38 Member
    I think overeating and blaming it on PMS is wrong. We should have more control over it than some women like to believe. It shouldn't be an excuse to eat way too much.

    I'd like to hear from other women about this topic. All replies are welcome.

    I don't dismiss any woman's claim about how bad her PMS is, or how desperately urgent her cravings are, or how wild her moods are, etc. If you've been fortunate to not suffer with miserable periods, count your blessings. For years I suffered horribly and encountered too many doctors who were quick to ignore my symptoms. I eventually found a wonderful doctor & ended up having a complete hysterectomy. I no longer have to take narcotics every month, eat huge amounts of food, or want to kill anyone. Life is good for me now, but some women out there really suffer, and suggesting that they just "control themselves" is not helpful.
    ^ Yes! Thank you!