How often do you weigh yourself?



  • headfullofsongs
    headfullofsongs Posts: 50 Member
    I weigh every morning when I wake up, but I normally only log on Sundays. I've tried to go days without jumping up there, but I swear, it calls out to me. I wish I had the type of personality that would allow me to just ignore it for a week at the time, but that's not me. I'm too curious to see how I'm doing!
  • MelissaL582
    MelissaL582 Posts: 1,422 Member
    I weigh every morning. It gives me motivation to keep pushing forward.

    I am the same way. I'm addicted :-/
  • lilimini
    lilimini Posts: 56
    Twice a day. Morning and night. Keeps me motivated and helps me see how different foods affect my weight before I go to sleep.
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,213 Member
    It is completely an individual thing.

    Don't listen to those who are adamant that weighing daily is "bad". Daily weighing keeps me a lot more honest than weighing once a week would. You can weigh yourself daily, weekly, monthly, or whatever else floats your boat.

    There is no right or wrong way.

    Agreed 100%


    I have maintained my almost 50 pound weight loss for a year now by weighing myself every day. I reduce my food intake and up my exercise a bit anytime my weight exceeds a two pound range. That's only happened about 3 times since last July. The daily weigh-ins allow me to make small adjustments if needed. Plus, I will NEVER step on the scale having gained 47 pounds back overnight.

    It's entirely a personal preference thing. If the daily normal fluctuations are stressful to you, weigh yourself less often.
  • katmombama
    I weigh once a week at the same time (Sunday mornings for me) wearing very little clothing. Have lost 40+ pounds before I joined MFP; working on another 40. I think weighing this way gives a pretty accurate picture of the trend, but do what works best for you.
  • lilbrighteyes
    lilbrighteyes Posts: 9 Member
    I've read it's most beneficial to weigh once a week because your body fluctuates so much, but I weight myself every day, usually early morning before breakfast. I do it as a reminder of what I want and every time I see the number go down, even by a tenth of a point I get the most wonderful feeling of pride. At the same time, I don't beat myself up if I gained, I realize it will happen and I just strive to make the day better than the previous, be it through eating better (more scheduled, making sure not to eat after 8pm, reaching nutrition goals previously not met) or through more exercise (either longer or changing intensity).
  • bhenderson87
    I weigh myself twice a week, it's usually Sundays and Thursdays!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Once a month when my cycle is over and I haven't lifted in a few days. Too many fluctuations during the month especially with water retention. Many people can't handle those little changes throughout the month and freak out when they see that they are a pound heavier than the day before.
  • jen_zz
    jen_zz Posts: 1,011 Member
    It is completely an individual thing.

    Don't listen to those who are adamant that weighing daily is "bad". Daily weighing keeps me a lot more honest than weighing once a week would. You can weigh yourself daily, weekly, monthly, or whatever else floats your boat.

    There is no right or wrong way.

  • thisdamselflies
    thisdamselflies Posts: 92 Member
    It is completely an individual thing.

    Don't listen to those who are adamant that weighing daily is "bad". Daily weighing keeps me a lot more honest than weighing once a week would. You can weigh yourself daily, weekly, monthly, or whatever else floats your boat.

    There is no right or wrong way.

    Agreed 100%

    Second this. If weighing in daily helps keep you motivated, do that. If you obsess or feel depressed and helpless when you see that number, do it less often. Or never. It's definitely a personal choice.

    Personally, I like to weigh myself every morning before I eat or get dressed. I record my daily weight in an Excel spreadsheet, and once a week, I average the last week's weights to see the general pattern of loss and enter the average into MFP. My weight very often stays at the exact same number for a week or more at a time (e.g., 132.2 for 9 days in a row), so little fluctuations generally reflect what I ate or did the day before. I realize this isn't the same for everyone; it's just my personal experience. Those fluctuations generally don't stick around for more than a day, either. Because of the fluctuations, I use the averages to determine whether or not I'm actually losing weight.
  • bcrozier
    bcrozier Posts: 15
    Every Sunday morning before food and after bathroom visit and Naked! :happy:
  • sahitchcock
    I agree with not being obsessed one way or another. My biggest issue is sodium, and daily weighing along with tracking my food helps get my attention about what is and is not making me retain water.
  • Onlineasllou

    "... For me, weighing everyday keeps me on track and I'm sure there are others that feel the same. I'm an educated adult and understand the daily fluctuations that can, and do, happen. What I take away from it is being able to see how my choices have affected me. Just another piece of data used in ensuring healthy choices, balanced with real life scenarios.
    [/quote] "

    Sorry ... the above is a quote that didn't come out right when I tried to quote it. Anyway ....

    I feel the same way. I realize that weight fluctuates and can handle that. Weighing every day helps keep me on track and gives me prompt feedback. If I only weighed every once in a while ... and it happened to be a day when my weight was up due to some water retention or full intestines ... the information would not be reflective of my true progress. I also use my Saturday weight as a weekly milestone ... and a pay attention to my monthly progress as well.

    Like you, I am an educated adult and I can handle the truth. I prefer to get some of my feedback promptly so that I can easily connect it to the actions that resulted in weight loss or gain.

  • mjoshua87
    mjoshua87 Posts: 50
    Every single day. I jot down my weight daily too but only log it into MFP 1x a week.

    ^^^^ Ditto. It helps keep me in check. and pushing forward.
  • getrip1
    getrip1 Posts: 16 Member
    I weigh myself everyday. It keeps me on track so I can stay focus, work out harder if the weight starts creeping up on me.
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 441 Member
    Personally, I'm like some others, and I weigh myself daily. But when I do, I just keep in mind that I can expect to see some fluctuation. The good part is that I have somewhat learned my body's rhythms on that, and I can usually tell what will cause it to increase or decrease, so I don't get disappointed when something either doesn't move or goes the wrong direction. Also, like others have said, I don't want to weigh once a week and happen to see a fluctuated high number and then feel like my work wasn't effective.

    However, I usually only log my weight on here about every week or so. That way I can just see the steady progression instead of constantly feeling like I'm seeing ups and downs.

    Whatever works for you, though! Keep your head high. :)
  • Corinne_Howland
    Corinne_Howland Posts: 158 Member
    Every day. Sometimes, twice. Keeps me focused. Discouraging some days, ENCOURAGING on other!!!
  • angieroo2
    angieroo2 Posts: 973 Member
    Weekly usually or monthly when I'm not losing.
  • Ramberta
    Ramberta Posts: 1,312 Member
    I weigh myself constantly, but only because I obsess about how too much sodium affects me and find it kind of fascinating how much water weight I can lose or gain in a single day. I'm weird like that.

    But I remind myself that my body is never stable. However, I consider it a constant reminder-- either the number is low and I'm gaining a confidence boost, or the number is high and it's a kick to my *kitten* to get myself back in gear!
  • beckieliz
    beckieliz Posts: 3
    I agree with everyone who says it is up to the individual. I weigh myself every day because for me, even the tiniest loss keeps me motivated AND if I make bad choices and the scale goes up, It helps me get back on track. But if it is discouraging to you, i agree that you should weigh once a week. Do what is right for you! It has taken me many years to stop focusing on what works for others and focus on what works for me! Good luck!