Today Show Club! (Everyone Always Welcome)



  • SharonsJetSet
    Morning everyone

    Tamara I really miss my workouts with my trainer. Until my shoulder is better, I'm not allowed to lift and that bothers me so much. I made so much progress and now I feel like i'm waiting away. Thanks for asking about the riding. Its going great. I really enjoy it and also get to count it as calories burned

    Shari you're doing so good. Its ok to go over on occasion. I think variety is what makes this lifestyle work.

    Good to see lots of posters around. I too have been meeting and exceeding the water challenge. I need to have a exercise challenge and be held accountable for it. That's my biggest downfall is getting to the gym. UGH!

    I'm a tad frustrated that I'm not losing faster. I feel like I'm really stuck. Amazing how quickly I put it back on. I really believe my body is just trying to figure out my habits. Now I'm going to really prove I can eat healthy FOR EVER

  • MNLopez
    MNLopez Posts: 355 Member
    Good morning everyone! Happy Wednesday to you!

    I got up and did Leslie's 3 mile walk with 2 pound hand weights in each hand. It was a great workout! Now I am off to have a fabulous day. I would both jobs again today. Weigh in for me is in 2 days and I hope it is good!

    Do any of you have ondemand on Comcast? If you do then you need to use it. Got to ondemand, then go to the sports and fitness section, from there pick exercise TV, and pick your workout from there. They offer tons of stuff on there for working out. They have it broken down in different categories. That is where I do the Leslie walking video. Plus it is all free if you have ondemand. This will give you the chance to try lots of different workouts and figure out which ones you like the most and which ones work the best. My favorites are Leslie's walking workouts and Jillian Michaels of course, but she kicks my butt every time!

    Tamara - My pb & banana sandwhich was great. Today it is the ready made tuna and some 100 calorie chips for dinner. I have my day all planned out. I am good to go.

    Robin - Keep up the great work and the positive attitude. It will go a long way!

    Shari - Filling up on good foods is always a better option. Today is a new day and you have nothing to worry about. If you are over one day, then the next day make your goal to hit your calorie goal dead on.

    MNLopez - How are you doing today? Did you take in enough calories yesterday? I am glad to hear you are doing great on your water.

    I hope everyone has a great day! Make smart choices and drink your water!

    Bobbie =)

    I am doing alot better today. I did well on my calorie count yesterday, alot better than Sunday and Monday. My walking last night included some jogging...I was excited about that, because I feel like my stamina is getting better.

    Oh and by the way I forgot someone had asked to post our names - MNLopez = Maricela, BUT everyone calls me Marcie :-)
  • sanrog
    sanrog Posts: 68
    does anyone know of a semi decent beginners video set so i can start out with some stretches ?
    i am almost tempted to chat up my daughters phys. ed. coach when she starts classes on Thursday.
    i how ever might embarrass my 14 year old .. and she's never forgive me or at least till someone else decides to take over the crown of most embarrassing person . i remember a few basics from high school but lets face it i graduated in 1987 . there are a few of the "boot camps" but i don't want to be yelled what to do by some drill instructor just motivated to move my tail a bit more and i think that this will help me in the long run rather than the "boot camp" route.
    I would like to invite all of you to be my support system and hopefully friends . :smile: :smile: have a wonderful week !

    Check out the "Exercise on Demand" Channel if you have it. You can try out alot of different exercise routines and figure out which one you like and then get the dvd. Good luck to you and I know you'll do great :smile:
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Just checking in everyone...

    Lifting went well, sorry sharon you cant lift... You will get abck to it promise.. I work out with her and she dont charge me its a great relationship, we have become such good friends..

    Really need to shower and head to jcpennys since my wonderful honey washed my work shirts with a pen over the weekend.. need I say more??

    I am outta here..
  • brashear_2420
    Marcie - I am so glad to hear that. Keep it up. I am glad today is better and that you ate better and worked out last night. Sometimes a work out can make all the difference in the world. It can be hard at times, but I know I am always happy with myself once the workout is over.

  • shari253
    shari253 Posts: 202
    Hi All! Wow, I love our group! Tamara and Bobbie I'm so happy you joined us. And everyone is so positive and encouraging! We are helping each other and figuring things out.

    Ok... After I went over by 400 yesterday and closed out my food diary, I ate 274 more cals. I almost didn't log it. You know, if you don't log it, it doesn't exist, right?! lol! BUT this morning I went in and edited yesterday to add it, and even though it says I went 674 over, I feel really proud of myself for being honest with myself. I mean I'm doing this for me, right? Also, I have to say that the 274 was pretty healthy - 6 oz nonfat yogurt with 1 C fresh blueberries and 3/4 C honey nut cheerios. (Ok, the honey nuts weren't so healthy, but hey it wasn't rich ice cream like the old days! And it wasn't a half gallon either!)

    Did I tell you guys I'm doing the Couch to 5K program? I started Monday and I'm going out again today. It is quite pleasant. It is a 9 week program taking you from Couch Potato to 5K runner with three structured workouts a week. I've also added gentle strength exercises and stretching on my running days. On Tues and Thurs I will do something fun like bike, hike, swim, roller skate, walk the dogs, walk with a friend, try a workout video, etc. I think this will work for me.

    Oh I have a suggestion about names - add your name to your mfp "signature" and it will be added to the end of every post for you.
  • shari253
    shari253 Posts: 202
    Wow, did you guys see all the reports of us logging 10 days in a row?! My wall is full of them! Wow! Way to go, team! We are awesome. I think our synergy and support is really working! Keep it up everyone!
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Shari- I am liking this group also...

    I am training for 2 half marathons.. I ran on treadmil today 7% incline for 50 mnutes at 5.5 miles per hour.

    I am running sept 25 for the womens half marathon, that one I will run in my dad memory that actually falls on his birthday so this ones for him..

    Then I am running one oct 16 in Murfreesboro, I ran it last year and I did it in 2 hours and 32 minutes, trying for a 2 hour half marathon..

    Ya'll keep me in ur prayers, I got this, I am gonna train everyday for it..

    I am getting ready to go to my team mom meeting for sons rec baseball and tomorrow we have a meeting with the middle school coach since he made the school team also, I feel like my head is gonna be spinning like wild fire.. But the joy of it is exciting..I love it..

    When I was big I was never involved in anything my kids did, I was to embarresed, now I embrace it..
  • shari253
    shari253 Posts: 202
    Tamara, I'm so happy for you with your success! You truly are an inspiration!

    I had a lovely big salad today - my new favorite salad:

    Romaine lettuce from our garden
    Iceburg lettuce for refreshing watery crunch
    One orange, sectioned and cut into chunks
    One avocado, cut into chunks
    2 TB sunflower seeds, roasted and salted
    A good amount of diced sweet onion

    I put it all in a big bowl, stir vigorously, and enjoy! it does not even need dressing. The gooeyness of the avocado, the sweetness and juicyness of the orange, the bite of the onion, and the salty crunchiness of the sunflower seeds totally satisfies me. With the fat of the avocado and sunflower seeds, I stay full for hours.

    What are some other peoples' favorite healthy foods?

  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Howdy on this wet thursday morning, I am so sick of the rain, it only rains when its time for me to leave to go somewhere then it pours. Oh well.. What you gonna do?

    I had a busy night last night and gonna have an even busier day, but hey it keep me busy I am ok with it.. I hope everyone is getting their water in, I am off to finish lunches, make my lunch, laundry is already started dished are done, I have been a busy littel beaver this morning.

    I hope all weigh ins this week are awesome I am praying mine is tomorrow.

    Well better scoot got lots to do before I hit the gym!!!
  • MNLopez
    MNLopez Posts: 355 Member
    Good Morning lovely ladies,

    Yesterday, I did not get any excercise, but I did stay within my calories. I actually missed the excercise. I intended to start the "Couch to 5K" program Shari suggested last night, but the weather did not cooperate. With school starting things are going nuts right now. Hopefully I will get some excercise in today during my lunch break....I won't be able to after work since we already have a school/band activity......Argh....On the bright side my clothes are feeling better, hopefully the scale will mirror that come Monday.

    You all have a wonderful day!
  • kidakiwi04
    kidakiwi04 Posts: 238
    Hi, My name is Kenya and I just started losing weight on Monday and so far so good. This morning I couldn't resist weighing myself just to see and I dropped 2 pounds!!!! I really want to lose the weight most of it by my 25th birthday in July. I have this green dress that I bought a couple of years ago never been worn and I want to wear it for my birthday. So thats my goal. But I know I am going to need alot of help and support especially since most of my real life friends are super skinny.
  • MNLopez
    MNLopez Posts: 355 Member
    Welcome Kenya! You've come to the right place. Watch your calories, get in your excercise and drink lots of water. You're on your way!
  • brashear_2420
    Good morning everyone. I hope everyone had a good day yesterday. I had a very bad day emotionally, but I was able to keep myself under control. I got my exercise in and was under my calorie goal. I am happy about that.

    Today is feeling like another rough day for me. I didn't get up in time to work out this morning. I have to work today and then run some errands after work. I am hoping I have time tonight to get in another great work out before weigh in tomorrow. Fingers crossed. I hope I can turn this day around.

    Have a great day everyone.

  • SharonsJetSet
    Shari- I am liking this group also...

    I am training for 2 half marathons.. I ran on treadmil today 7% incline for 50 mnutes at 5.5 miles per hour.

    I am running sept 25 for the womens half marathon, that one I will run in my dad memory that actually falls on his birthday so this ones for him..

    Then I am running one oct 16 in Murfreesboro, I ran it last year and I did it in 2 hours and 32 minutes, trying for a 2 hour half marathon..

    Ya'll keep me in ur prayers, I got this, I am gonna train everyday for it..

    I am getting ready to go to my team mom meeting for sons rec baseball and tomorrow we have a meeting with the middle school coach since he made the school team also, I feel like my head is gonna be spinning like wild fire.. But the joy of it is exciting..I love it..

    When I was big I was never involved in anything my kids did, I was to embarresed, now I embrace it..

    You really are such an inspiration to me. Exercising is my weakness and is where I need the most motivation. Just coming here and reading your posts has helped me so much so thank you and GOOD luck!!
  • SharonsJetSet
    Tamara, I'm so happy for you with your success! You truly are an inspiration!

    I had a lovely big salad today - my new favorite salad:

    Romaine lettuce from our garden
    Iceburg lettuce for refreshing watery crunch
    One orange, sectioned and cut into chunks
    One avocado, cut into chunks
    2 TB sunflower seeds, roasted and salted
    A good amount of diced sweet onion

    I put it all in a big bowl, stir vigorously, and enjoy! it does not even need dressing. The gooeyness of the avocado, the sweetness and juicyness of the orange, the bite of the onion, and the salty crunchiness of the sunflower seeds totally satisfies me. With the fat of the avocado and sunflower seeds, I stay full for hours.

    What are some other peoples' favorite healthy foods?


    Such a great recipe. I'm so going to shop for those ingredients and try it. Maybe even add in some grilled chicken?? Sounds great thanks for sharing
  • SharonsJetSet
    Hi, My name is Kenya and I just started losing weight on Monday and so far so good. This morning I couldn't resist weighing myself just to see and I dropped 2 pounds!!!! I really want to lose the weight most of it by my 25th birthday in July. I have this green dress that I bought a couple of years ago never been worn and I want to wear it for my birthday. So thats my goal. But I know I am going to need alot of help and support especially since most of my real life friends are super skinny.

    Nice to meet you Kenya and WOW great start!!! You'll find this group really encouraging and supportive - I know I do.
  • SharonsJetSet
    Good morning everyone. I hope everyone had a good day yesterday. I had a very bad day emotionally, but I was able to keep myself under control. I got my exercise in and was under my calorie goal. I am happy about that.

    Today is feeling like another rough day for me. I didn't get up in time to work out this morning. I have to work today and then run some errands after work. I am hoping I have time tonight to get in another great work out before weigh in tomorrow. Fingers crossed. I hope I can turn this day around.

    Have a great day everyone.


    Bobbie I totally understand how you feel and have experienced similar emotions. I think together we can concur temptation and win the weight loss battle. I need to exercise more. i've really been slacking.

    I know you can turn the day around - I totally believe in you

  • carcar63
    carcar63 Posts: 158
    Good Morning everyone, I hope everybody has a good day today. I kind of fell off yesterday, had a lot going on and am still trying to work everything in. My goal was to do w1d2 of the c25k so I could run with Shari but it didn’t work out, but that’s okay, I will definitely do it today.

    Sheri – that salad recipe sounds good, I’m going to have to try that myself. I may even have it for dinner since I don’t know what to make and everyone kind of likes salad. ( the kids drown it in dressing if I don’t watch how much the put on).

    Tamara – what an inspiration you are, I started the c25k to see if I can run a 5k marathon and eventually I would like to be able to run a marathon. (that’s my ultimate goal). I total get not doing things with the kids, I’m so big that I’m embarrassed for myself and the kids so I don’t really do anything and I feel guilty when they want to join sports and activities and I make excuses because I don’t want to go out and have people see how overweight I am. We can sure use some of that rain here, it’s been such a dry summer, drove by the resevour going down the hill and it’s never been so empty, it’s kind of scary.

    Marci – I started the c25k the other day and even though it was the first time I did it, I truly enjoyed it. I was very apprehensive running 5k with never having done anything like that but it gradually builds you up to it. I can’t wait to do w1d2 today.

    Hi Kenya, I just restarted this week also and enjoying it so much that I’m a little surprised. I got on the scale this morning also thinking I gained since eating out last night but it said I lost 2lbs so I’m really glad about that.

    Bobbi – I’m sorry you had a bad day yesterday and even if today didn’t start out great it can still turn around and be a good day.
  • shannon_miller
    Hey guys, Wow there's been some great successes this week it sounds like. Way to go!

    Tamara- Don't know how you've been training outside all these last couple weeks, been super hot/humid last week then raining the last couple days here in Lebanon, TN. Very impressive!

    Weight loss wise, I weigh in tomorrow... but peeked yesterday after I went over my calories, still down 2.5lbs so thats good.
    Really struggled this week though, been a stressfull emotionally draining week both at work and at home and I can really see how that translated into what I ate. Also I didn't get the workouts in that I wanted. I can see now how important menu planning and perhaps scheduling workouts will be for me, at least at first. Trying to get the okay to have water bottle at the nurse's station because I REALLY fall off on my water on workdays.

    Hope everyone has a great weekend!