77 Down: 30 To Go, but I feel like I've lost it...



  • furniem
    furniem Posts: 145 Member
    Pick a really good reward for yourself that you will get when you get the rest of the weight off. Something REAAAAAAALLY good. Something you have really wanted but have always said no to.
    And as rnprincess is doing, go back to basics and track every little thing. Will have to be militant about it but once you start to get in the groove again it will become habit once more. And they say it takes 21 days to make or break a habit so it will take some time.

    You got this!
  • britzzie
    britzzie Posts: 341 Member
    I have been there... And this is how I got modivated again.

    When you started out, you had a goal, something that you wanted to reach, a way you wanted to look. Maybe it was getting out of the plus sizes, Maybe it was to have the energy that you lack, maybe it was to be able to walk from the car to the office and not need a nap after the walk.

    You hit that goal, even though you are not where you want to be. You no longer have a vision for what you want, were you want to go. SO, when I hit that point, and people were telling me how great I looked and I "backed off". I could ride the rollercoasters, I could keep up with the "young pups" at the gym. I could walk further in a day than I could in a week, I started slipping. Letting stuff in a justifying it.

    SO, I set a new goal, and backed it up with pictures in my mind of where I want to be. I want to turn heads at the pool, in a good way. I want to be the old guy who young guys wish they were. I want to have unlimited energy, and that has become my new drive.

    When you see your destination, you start slowing down and letting things sidetrack you, set a new destination. What do you REALLY want, and what are you willing to do to hit that goal!

    Go for it, and BE HEALTHY. You can do it, and you deserve it!

    I'm pretty sure you've hit the nail on the head here. A new vision of where I'm going is definitely in order.

    Thank you for your heartfelt reply, and congrats on your success. My friend request is in the mail : )
  • kookanddra
    kookanddra Posts: 92
    When I started to get compliments on the weight loss I had I was so excited. Next thing I knew I was not loosing any more. I had the feeling that I look good and people noticed. For a while I guess I thought it was good enough. My motivation to get back on track again? I took a pict of myself. All of a sudden I didn't like again what I saw in the pict. I looked at it and thought that I haven't hit goal yet so why did I stop?? So I got focused again on what I truely wanted in mysefl.
  • britzzie
    britzzie Posts: 341 Member
    furniem....Good advice here, too. 21 days of true logging. Militant, beastly logging.
  • blondageh
    blondageh Posts: 923 Member
    I have NEVER gotten to my goal. I am amazed when I see people get down to be itty bitty little things. I always get ok and complacent.
  • jojo86xdd
    jojo86xdd Posts: 202 Member
    I've been there, and I've managed to learn through trial and error..
    This is just my opinion...
    but I think the problem here is the mentality you had going into your journey. Even though is was in the right place, from what you said it seems as if you refrained from foods you love, avoided them all together and maybe even deprived yourself of them. And I know this was driven by your will to drop the weight. But now that you've lost a significant amount of weight the will to stay away from these food has dwindled. I feel like if you had approached food differently, this wouldn't be an issue now, but you can still change that. DO NOT DEPRIVE YOURSELF. You have to learn to balance your diet. Eat healthy, yes, fuel your body, yes, but there is nothing wrong with having the things you love from time to time. This i the healthy outlook on food. Eat what is nutritious for your body 90 percent of the time, but you can have all the foods you love in moderation (i.e ONE SERVING) and simply fit them into your daily calories.

    Remember, this isn't just about dropping the weight. It's about keeping it off, FOR LIFE! Deprivation/abstinence from foods you love is NOT a realistic plan. It's all about balance.

    For example, I have a "cheat" meal (not a cheat day) 2-3 times per week. No more than that. This could be dessert, or a cookie as a snack, a burger, pizza, or a drink on weekends, I log it and I move on. Aside from that, I keep it simple, and I keep it healthy (eggs, veggies, fruits, nuts, min amount of added sugars, no white bread, no white rice etc...)
  • britzzie
    britzzie Posts: 341 Member
    Seems there are a lot of us in this boat. I created an open group called "Almost There" if anyone would like to join up. I certainly don't have all of the answers, but I have a couple ideas now, and knocking out those last few pounds as a group could certainly help!!
  • rowanwood
    rowanwood Posts: 510 Member
    You won't like my answer but here it is....

    Why is your goal what it is? Is it a number? A size?

    If you "have a cute shape" and feel good, why exactly are you struggling to reach some arbitrary goal?

    I have a goal, technically, but if I suddenly feel great and strutting and I'm not there? Meh. Close enough.

    I was fat and it was lousy. I feel better now, but not as good as I want to feel. Once I feel awesome, I don't know that I'll worry if its 2 lbs or 20 lbs away to my "goal." Because in the end, my goal with MFP was to fit better in my skin and my life, not into a certain size pants or a weight bracket someone else thinks I should fit into.

    Not the normal answer, but hey, live, love what you've done and if you lose more and change, great. If not? You are still beautiful, feeling great and happy. What's wrong with that?
  • britzzie
    britzzie Posts: 341 Member
    This is just my opinion...
    but I think the problem here is the mentality you had going into your journey. Even though is was in the right place, from what you said it seems as if you refrained from foods you love, avoided them all together and maybe even deprived yourself of them. And I know this was driven by your will to drop the weight. But now that you've lost a significant amount of weight the will to stay away from these food has dwindled. I feel like if you had approached food differently, this wouldn't be an issue now, but you can still change that. DO NOT DEPRIVE YOURSELF. You have to learn to balance your diet. Eat healthy, yes, fuel your body, yes, but there is nothing wrong with having the things you love from time to time. This i the healthy outlook on food. Eat what is nutritious for your body 90 percent of the time, but you can have all the foods you love in moderation (i.e ONE SERVING) and simply fit them into your daily calories.

    Remember, this isn't just about dropping the weight. It's about keeping it off, FOR LIFE! Deprivation/abstinence from foods you love is NOT a realistic plan. It's all about balance.

    For example, I have a "cheat" meal (not a cheat day) 2-3 times per week. No more than that. This could be dessert, or a cookie as a snack, a burger, pizza, or a drink on weekends, I log it and I move on. Aside from that, I keep it simple, and I keep it healthy (eggs, veggies, fruits, nuts, min amount of added sugars, no white bread, no white rice etc...)

    This is probably also true. Thanks for keeping me honest.
  • britzzie
    britzzie Posts: 341 Member
    You won't like my answer but here it is....

    Why is your goal what it is? Is it a number? A size?

    If you "have a cute shape" and feel good, why exactly are you struggling to reach some arbitrary goal?

    I have a goal, technically, but if I suddenly feel great and strutting and I'm not there? Meh. Close enough.

    I was fat and it was lousy. I feel better now, but not as good as I want to feel. Once I feel awesome, I don't know that I'll worry if its 2 lbs or 20 lbs away to my "goal." Because in the end, my goal with MFP was to fit better in my skin and my life, not into a certain size pants or a weight bracket someone else thinks I should fit into.

    Not the normal answer, but hey, live, love what you've done and if you lose more and change, great. If not? You are still beautiful, feeling great and happy. What's wrong with that?

    I won't bash you for this answer. My pic may not look it, but I weigh 199lbs. I can run a 5k and did a Warrior Dash two weeks ago, but per the BMI charts (which I know some people think are a load) I am still 31lbs away from not being "overweight." I'll know it when I see it, and I'm not there yet. My goal may not be 168lbs, but it's a hell of a lot closer to that than it is to 199. So yes, it's a number and that should be ok.
  • jojo86xdd
    jojo86xdd Posts: 202 Member
    This is just my opinion...
    but I think the problem here is the mentality you had going into your journey. Even though is was in the right place, from what you said it seems as if you refrained from foods you love, avoided them all together and maybe even deprived yourself of them. And I know this was driven by your will to drop the weight. But now that you've lost a significant amount of weight the will to stay away from these food has dwindled. I feel like if you had approached food differently, this wouldn't be an issue now, but you can still change that. DO NOT DEPRIVE YOURSELF. You have to learn to balance your diet. Eat healthy, yes, fuel your body, yes, but there is nothing wrong with having the things you love from time to time. This i the healthy outlook on food. Eat what is nutritious for your body 90 percent of the time, but you can have all the foods you love in moderation (i.e ONE SERVING) and simply fit them into your daily calories.

    Remember, this isn't just about dropping the weight. It's about keeping it off, FOR LIFE! Deprivation/abstinence from foods you love is NOT a realistic plan. It's all about balance.

    For example, I have a "cheat" meal (not a cheat day) 2-3 times per week. No more than that. This could be dessert, or a cookie as a snack, a burger, pizza, or a drink on weekends, I log it and I move on. Aside from that, I keep it simple, and I keep it healthy (eggs, veggies, fruits, nuts, min amount of added sugars, no white bread, no white rice etc...)

    This is probably also true. Thanks for keeping me honest.

    No problem. We are all here for the same reason. And it's great you're reaching out. Feel free to add me if you'd like. You can never have too much support :)
  • furniem
    furniem Posts: 145 Member
    I have been there... And this is how I got modivated again.

    When you started out, you had a goal, something that you wanted to reach, a way you wanted to look. Maybe it was getting out of the plus sizes, Maybe it was to have the energy that you lack, maybe it was to be able to walk from the car to the office and not need a nap after the walk.

    You hit that goal, even though you are not where you want to be. You no longer have a vision for what you want, were you want to go. SO, when I hit that point, and people were telling me how great I looked and I "backed off". I could ride the rollercoasters, I could keep up with the "young pups" at the gym. I could walk further in a day than I could in a week, I started slipping. Letting stuff in a justifying it.

    SO, I set a new goal, and backed it up with pictures in my mind of where I want to be. I want to turn heads at the pool, in a good way. I want to be the old guy who young guys wish they were. I want to have unlimited energy, and that has become my new drive.

    When you see your destination, you start slowing down and letting things sidetrack you, set a new destination. What do you REALLY want, and what are you willing to do to hit that goal!

    Go for it, and BE HEALTHY. You can do it, and you deserve it!

    Amen!! Thanks for this reminder!
  • Icedcoffee29
    Icedcoffee29 Posts: 139
    Thanks for the support, everyone! Glad to know I'm not alone. Wish we had gotten more answers, but hopefully they are on their way.

    I should of added, I have a personal trainer now. Started about 3wks ago and I feel recommitted. I have a goal in my mind and I think I am on my way. I also need to be patient and realize things are slowing down.
  • WarriorReady
    WarriorReady Posts: 571 Member
    I have been there... And this is how I got modivated again.

    When you started out, you had a goal, something that you wanted to reach, a way you wanted to look. Maybe it was getting out of the plus sizes, Maybe it was to have the energy that you lack, maybe it was to be able to walk from the car to the office and not need a nap after the walk.

    You hit that goal, even though you are not where you want to be. You no longer have a vision for what you want, were you want to go. SO, when I hit that point, and people were telling me how great I looked and I "backed off". I could ride the rollercoasters, I could keep up with the "young pups" at the gym. I could walk further in a day than I could in a week, I started slipping. Letting stuff in a justifying it.

    SO, I set a new goal, and backed it up with pictures in my mind of where I want to be. I want to turn heads at the pool, in a good way. I want to be the old guy who young guys wish they were. I want to have unlimited energy, and that has become my new drive.

    When you see your destination, you start slowing down and letting things sidetrack you, set a new destination. What do you REALLY want, and what are you willing to do to hit that goal!

    Go for it, and BE HEALTHY. You can do it, and you deserve it!

    Agreed! As many of the others have said - I have been down this road too. One of the things that got in my way was stress and with everyone telling you that you look great you just figure everything will be fine. So when I am feeling like giving into my food cravings I keep a notebook with me (or you can use your smartphone tablet) and when I feel that temptation I think about what I am feeling at that time. Is it stress? Am I looking for comfort? Am I bored? Is this going to help me feel better at the end of the day? And if I cave, I don't beat myself up anymore either. I pick myself up, dust off and continue to look forward. Best of luck!! Sometimes this road is so frustrating but so very, very worth it! :smile:
  • 2dayirunforme
    2dayirunforme Posts: 171 Member
    Congratulations on your loss that is awesome and quite an accomplishment.

    You can try setting smaller goals for yourself and have a reward assigned and when you reach that goal you get your reward. It's something that has helped me and having a goal makes what I'm doing easier especially if the reward is new shoes, clothes or jewelry.
  • britzzie
    britzzie Posts: 341 Member
    Congratulations on your loss that is awesome and quite an accomplishment.

    You can try setting smaller goals for yourself and have a reward assigned and when you reach that goal you get your reward. It's something that has helped me and having a goal makes what I'm doing easier especially if the reward is new shoes, clothes or jewelry.

    Great advice. And part of how I got to the 75 mark. I've been setting the goals, but they just aren't working. Maybe this will help some of the others on the thread though.
  • Kifissia
    Kifissia Posts: 136
    I'm at the beginning of my weight loss journey. This is the first time I have lost 25 pounds without smoking 1.5 packs a day and I am making life-time changes slowly and carefully without feeling deprived.
    What is helping me at the end of the day when the numbers on MFP and my body are in sync (I am not hungry physically) but my mind is in 'hamster mode' (and I think I'm hungry. Or I want 'something crunchy/salty/sweet' -Meditation. Mindful eating. Conscious eating, whatever you want to call it. Geneen Roth's 'Women, Food and God' and her practical eating guidelines help me a lot. Michael Moss' 'Sugar, Salt, Fat' also helped. Eckhart Tolle too. When the mind starts, It's not about the food anymore. It's other stuff and I all these years I thought it was about the food. I thought I was this terrible person who had no discipline when it came to food. I can now eat when I'm hungry. I eat what my body wants, not what my mind wants. I can usually stop when I've had enough. I have my moments. I still binge occasionally. I've stopped punishing myself and focus on what triggered the binge and each meal, each day, I begin again. I know I can't erase 20 years of bad habits overnight and am happy with my slow and steady progress. Hope this helps.
  • sailfast23
    sailfast23 Posts: 10
  • azmiz
    azmiz Posts: 128 Member
    Congrats on your weight loss to date. As I have gotten closer to my goal, I have become complacent with my food calories. I continue to increase the intensity of my workouts, it's the food that's the issue. The past few weeks, I have gotten back to basics, logging everything, etc, which seems to help. I agree it's time for a new goal, such as Body Fat percentage, and pictures. Thanks for starting the new open group "Almost There", hopefully we can motivate/encourage each other.
  • RCottonRPh
    RCottonRPh Posts: 148
    I too, am losing steam. My weight loss has been slowing...I only lost 2 pounds in May...and that was with careful logging, food planning, and exercise. Not seeing results while working hard sure doesn't help my motivation to keep doing it. I decided that I am going to focus more on fitness. I can't control when my body will decide to lose another pound, but I CAN work out harder and more often. My YMCA is having a "12 week transformation" challenge that starts next week. The winner gets free membership and personal training sessions. Since I am competitive and need a goal and want to start exercising more, I am going there to enter tomorrow! This should take me through the summer.