Need to lose 100 lbs. or more? Lets start a group!



  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    if you need the thread to get back here it is:

    What a mouthful!!!!:yawn:

    Can anyone tell me how to have a shortcut to this?:tongue:

    Hugs, :heart:

    On your home page click on message boards. Then go to my topics and then look for this thread. the most recent post will be there. Hope this helps.
  • This is a great motivation for each of us, I am new to this also. My Boss has lost allot of weight using this and she looks great, so it has inspired several of us at work to join MFP and start the biggest loser at work. This past week was our first week and each of us has lost 3 to 4 lbs a piece. I think when you do something like this in a group it helps so much. So lady and gents we can do this together.....
    good luck everyone
    MBSNANA Posts: 149 Member
    count me in. I have about another 180 pounds to go and I need all the encouragement I can get.
  • BelAug2010
    BelAug2010 Posts: 30 Member
    Count me in I started Monday. New to the site and looking for some friends to help with this journey. Thanks I am ready.:flowerforyou:
  • BelAug2010
    BelAug2010 Posts: 30 Member
    New to the site. I have question.
    To find my way back to this do I Go to COMMUNITY - MESSAGE BOARDS then to my TOPICS?? Then do we just keep the same post going on and on? Or do we have to look for a new post daily?
    Silly question huh??? Want to make sure I can find my group again:laugh:
  • reneeb82
    reneeb82 Posts: 32
    I need to lose around 200 and could use some friends. This sounds like it will be a great group. Like everyone here our task seems so daunting and hard to see the finish line from way back here.can use all the help and friends with encouragement I can find.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Go to "Message Board" then Topics - Motivation and Support -
    also here's the thread that if you put under Search will get you back here:

    and welcome,
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    New to the site. I have question.
    To find my way back to this do I Go to COMMUNITY - MESSAGE BOARDS then to my TOPICS?? Then do we just keep the same post going on and on? Or do we have to look for a new post daily?
    Silly question huh??? Want to make sure I can find my group again:laugh:

    On your Home page you go to MESSAGE BOARDS, THEN TO MY TOPICS. Click on it and you have the thread and can post as you like. Good luck to you.
  • Isn't is crazy how there are so many of us that need to lose that much weight, doesn't it seem like "wow, I thought I was the only one" Real eye opener here!
  • krklstephi
    krklstephi Posts: 182 Member
    I'd like to join. I still have a lot to lose (about 180-190) and right now I could use the support.
  • ShaneT99
    ShaneT99 Posts: 278 Member
    This is a great idea. I don't have 100 to lose (anymore anyway), but I'm living proof that it CAN be done so I wish all of you the very best of luck!!
  • Fiedems
    Fiedems Posts: 52 Member
    I'd like to join.
  • reneeb82
    reneeb82 Posts: 32
    I hope everyone is having a great Thursday. So far, so good here. I am always interested in hearing what people are doing good at or having trouble with. I do the exercise but I hate:grumble: it with a passion. Does anyone really like it? If so, why?
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    I hope everyone is having a great Thursday. So far, so good here. I am always interested in hearing what people are doing good at or having trouble with. I do the exercise but I hate:grumble: it with a passion. Does anyone really like it? If so, why?

    Hello Renee,

    You know this is a good question. Yes I like exercising and I do it in the mornings. It makes me feel good and when I exercise I am more apt to follow my calories because I don't want the exercise to be for nothing.

    Some people never come to love or like exercise but the do it because it is a means for them to meet their goals. So it is OK not to like or love it. Just do it.....:-) You will have to love the results from it, right? I am sure you love your 50 pounds lost, right? So just do it! and it is OK is you don't like it. Just think about those next 50 pounds the exercising will help you get off.

    BTW - Congrats on 50 pounds lost!! Awesome!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Hello all,

    I am very upset today about another 3 pound weight gain which is a total of 7 in the last 2 weeks, which is so unexplainable, I am going to make an appointment to see my doctor after labor day. :sad: My mentral cycle has been off for months. It always does this when I exercise a lot but usually it gets back on track but so far it is still off and I have been exercising since April or March now. Like my TOM was actually due to come Sunday and still not here. I have not eaten enough to gain any weight. I really should be losing at least minimum 2 pounds per week per food diary. No way should I be gaining. This time I am not going to stress about it to the point of binging because I did that in June, so I could not really say the gain was not a true gain.

    This time around I am going to keep sticking to my calorie range and see where it goes. I can't decide which doctor I should go to my primary care phyiscan or weight clinic doctor. Both like to give meds for weight loss and I refuse to do meds becaue they really do not work for me. But I need to find out about these fluctations every month. I am waiting until after labor day to see if I go back down to 366 or lower since I have been and will continue to eat very carefully within range. And let's not forget I am exercising at least 5 days a week on top of staying within calories. So there is no way I should be gaining weight. So I think maybe there is something else going on. I really think it has to do with my periods because they have been soooo irregular. It could be edema. I have edema in my leggs and they have been swollen because of heat, but they have went back down, so I don't think it is that either. That is all, I am getting upset just writing this out. :cry: But I hope it helps to vent, because I can not eat over this.

    Thanks for being here and hope everyone has a good week! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Thank goodness for NSV's (None Scale Victory). I had one today. Was able to button a shirt all the way down and was not able to previously. I have to keep these in mind for my motivation to keep up with good eating and exercisisng. I refuse to binge eat over these weight gains that are unexplainable.
  • I love to exercise. I always have especially weightlifting. I always wanted to compete in Bodybuilding/powerlifting competions when I was younger. But instead I had five kids and got fat.

    I did work out extensively for a few years between my first two kids. I was looking pretty good too back then. And now I have put 100+ pounds more than I weighed then too. eth good thingk is I am still very strong and I know that my muscle memory will help when I do start lifting again. I just have to be careful to not work my legs as much so I don't retain huge calves I have built up carrying all this flab around.

    I love running on my tredmill when I can get the chance to. I do not like jogging along the road or street as much because I feel like I am being stared at by every passing car.....Especially when I used to take my pet pig with me. really I had a pet pig last summer.

    Now I am revving up to start a new next week. I am weaning myself off the junk this week. Cleaning out the cabinets so to speak. Who can afford to throw away food these days?? Even if it is bad or not so good for you??

    Well it all has to end. I can't stand the fat anymore. I don't care I want it off as fast as I can get it off on my own. I actually gained most of my extra weight at least 66 pounds of it in a four month period due to having Norplant so I expect if I try hard enough I might be able to get most of it off in that time too. When I found out I was type 2 in Oct. 2008 I immediately began exercising and eating clean and went from 265 to 222 in 90 days. I had to have surgery to have my gall bladder out and the complications form that set me back on exercise which snowballed me into a funk that helped me gain back 24 pounds. ewewew

    I don't think I can maintain my control of my type 2 for much longer and going tomorrow to see my father after having his foot amputated due to his T1 might just be motivation enough to get it off for good this time.

    So yes I love to exercise. I know it is the only thing that is going to help me get my body back!!

    So I have decided to start off with some Tredmill ion the am and maybe some Jillian Micheals workouts then some more walking/jogging later on if I can squeeze it in between soccer games.

    Good luck to all.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Molly - I sympathize with your frustration and agree it could be water retention. Other ideas might be that your not being accurate on your calorie count. When i started I didn't count the number of artificial sweetner packets that I go through during the day. Those little suckers really add up. Also, are you using a measuring cup to verify your amounts? I learned I was underestimating how much skim milk I was adding to my morning coffee. I guessed 1 cup of milk per 3 coffees, but it turned out to be 1-1/2 cups.
    I'm glad you're not giving up and are seeing the doctor AND want to avoid diet pills.
    Continue to move forward!
  • ddpal
    ddpal Posts: 1 Member
    great Idea. Would love to join I'm not great with the computer but leaning
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Nicole - what a difficult time you've had with your surgeries and diabetes. I had a surgery 5/17/10 and had to lay on my side for 6 weeks. I must have put on 30 pounds during that period.
    I'm impressed with your great attitude toward exercise :wink: and one thing I do more of is fidgeting while I'm waiting for the microwave to finish or during tv commercials.
    Best of luck,
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