What made y decide to get healthy?



  • dnunny70
    dnunny70 Posts: 411 Member
    I am not enjoying my life the way I should. It hurts to walk, to run, to play with my boys--to clean my house--to cook.
    I am tired all the time. I dread going to the store, mall, amusement parks. I want my life back.

    I just had blood work done and my levels were fine. Looking at me, you'd think I had high cholesterol and diabetes. I don't, but I do have high blood pressure--which sucks. I hate that I'm on meds. My goal is to get off of them. Diabetes runs in my family-I do not want it!!!!!!
  • 4_Lisa
    4_Lisa Posts: 362 Member
    Watching both of my parents go through medical issues late in their lives that could all have been prevented. I don't want to put that on my kids, or not be able to enjoy the later stages of my life because of health issues that don't need to happen.
  • crimsontech
    crimsontech Posts: 234 Member
    For me, I was really just getting to be too large to fit into normal human life. When I didn't fit into one or two restaurant's booths, I reasoned they were abnormally small. But when it got to be where I couldn't fit into most booths and had to get a table, I knew I was getting too big. Two years ago, I flew to Oregon in First Class and could barely squeeze into the seat.

    I flew to Oregon again a week and a half ago and fit into a normal Coach seat on Southwest Airlines and I could even tighten the seatbelt a couple inches. No more seatbelt extenders!
  • katiej080810
    I am doing this for myself and for my family. For my children who deserve to have a fun energetic mom who will run around in the yard and play tag and be silly with them rather than a mom who sits in the shade with a book and gets irritated with them when they interrupt because she is mad at herself for not losing the weight and not having more energy. For my husband who loves me as I am and supports me but who deserves a healthy wife. Yes he will still tell me I am beautiful and want to be intimate but deep down I know he would enjoy it more if I was at a healthy weight. I know if the situation was reversed I would not be as attracted to him and that is just being honest.
    Lastly I am doing this for myself. I deserve more than this feeling that I am trapped in my own skin. It sucks knowing that I could fit into so many clothes in my closet if I would lose weight but instead I am forced into only 2 pairs of pants that fit and feel uncomfortable in them anyways. I wasn't made to live this way. I am ready to shed the pounds and start living the full life that I always dreamed of.
  • Jaulen
    Jaulen Posts: 468 Member
    I saw a picture of myself and couldn't believe that was me....ugh.

    ^ This

    And my bloodwork came back and instead of being just below normal for BP and cholesterol, I was now in the mid of normal range.
  • Samstan101
    Samstan101 Posts: 699 Member
    40 years old and my knees felt 60 (still do but I'm hoping that over time it'll improve), I wanted to get back into the hobbies I had when younger such as kayaking and try new stuff like SUP Boarding but my size limited what I could do and how I felt (basically totally unfit and knackered after 10mins). I was kidding myself that I could do what I wanted without getting fitter and dropping a considerable amount of weight. There was a very real risk that I'd get my ar** stuck in my own kayak!

    12 weeks in I'm 32.5lbs lighter but more importantly I'm already a hell of a lot fitter. My first gym session literally 2mins on the elliptical trainer and I was blowing like a steam train. I can now do 30mins with relative ease (HR peaks at around 140). I have a long long way to go but this time feels different mentally. I'm not on a diet, I'm getting fit & healthy, I feel like I've found a routine I can live with.
  • admegamo
    admegamo Posts: 175 Member
    Being diagnosed pre-diabetic and seeing my blood pressure go up and up.
  • Sonja917
    Sonja917 Posts: 2 Member
    My biggest "aha" moment came watching my mother trying to get around (she is also overweight) and struggling to do so. The fact that she has a hard time breathing just walking from the recliner to the bathroom says it all to me. I've seen her struggle and also become dependent on me for a lot of things. I do not want to be that way with my son. I want to be around for a long time and I want to live life and enjoy it. I don't want to sit at home all day by myself and not be able to do anything (like my mother).

    As I said I want to live life and enjoy it, and in order to do so I don't want to have to worry about whether or not my butt is going to fit into a sit at a movie theater, or a booth at a restaurant, or if I can get on the rides at an amusement park. Am I too heavy to go parasailing or ziplining??? So in order to be able to do these things I have to lose weight and just overall become healthier and live a healthier lifestyle.

    Besides I now have 2 little granddaughters and I want to be able to play with them and be able to breathe while doing so.
  • Csengure
    Csengure Posts: 40 Member
    My first practical lab in mortuary school. My group of five had a complicated first case (long bone and skin donor) but the other table had a morbidly obese woman. I would estimate she was close to if not a bit over 400 pounds. Her arteries were so shot that trying to raise and inject through any of them was extremely difficult as they had little elasticity left and were packed full of granules of crap (technical term!)

    At one point I looked over and saw the instructor trying to raise a femoral; her hand was in this woman's thigh well over wrist-level. That was the breaking point for me.
  • querida78
    querida78 Posts: 1
    Losing my bestfriend at the tender age of 35 to cancer. She left behind two beautiful young boys, whom she will never see grow up.
    We're the same age and i also have two children. That was a wake up call that life is too short and that i needed to change NOW!
    Because i was pregnant at the time i had put it off until after i had my third child but unfortunately i miscarried. After that i started eating like crazy and i gained more weight. It's been a few weeks now and enough is enough! As of today (my first day at the gym) i'm saying goodbye to my overweight self and hopefully i will live long enough to see my children grow up...
  • Jaulen
    Jaulen Posts: 468 Member
    My first practical lab in mortuary school. My group of five had a complicated first case (long bone and skin donor) but the other table had a morbidly obese woman. I would estimate she was close to if not a bit over 400 pounds. Her arteries were so shot that trying to raise and inject through any of them was extremely difficult as they had little elasticity left and were packed full of granules of crap (technical term!)

    At one point I looked over and saw the instructor trying to raise a femoral; her hand was in this woman's thigh well over wrist-level. That was the breaking point for me.


    I am now off my feed.
  • Cbefitforlife
    Cbefitforlife Posts: 83 Member
    recently i would have to say pictures and 3 way mirror in clothing stores. I have so many old cute clothes in my closet and it has been 2yrs since my last baby. I have had 4 pregnancies. lost my weight every time in a decent amount of time. Never easy...always had to work at it, but never-the-less, i did it in a shorter time frame. This one...not so fast. My body just looked awful to me. I want my old body back. Working hard to get that shape back that i once loved.
  • Butinox
    Butinox Posts: 43 Member
    My sister got diabetes and cancer.
  • burston0707
    My husband and daughter are my induration
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    The same thing that convinced x and z
  • Legs_McGee
    Legs_McGee Posts: 845 Member
    I've always been healthy and active, and took being thin for granted. But as I got older a few extra pounds started creeping on ... and I didn't like the looks of those. I realized I was going to have to make more of a concerted effort to stay thin. But I think my biggest motivating factor was seeing some older, overweight relatives struggling to move around - and deciding that that's not going to be me.
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
  • jkleon86
    jkleon86 Posts: 245 Member
    being 52 I have many years yet I have to work!! With cramped feet, hips,back and knees hurting now
    I realized the only way it will get any better for working is to take a load off of it all.

    I would also like to go horse riding some time but right now I wouldn't put a horse through that.:noway:
  • sbrownallison
    sbrownallison Posts: 314 Member
    When my husband had a health scare... We were "older" parents (I was 44 when our daughter was born) and, when my husband was going through this health scare (he's also overweight), I was terrified about the prospect of my daughter being so very young and without us to care for her. To me, the issue had gone past vanity and into the health aspects of being obese. So, I've been motivated to eat less (and with health in mind) and move more. Husband's lab numbers are better and he's off BP medication; my BP is normal, I'm neither obese nor overweight anymore, and I'm a Fitbit-wearer and YMCA member (4-5 hours there a week in classes), and feeling good. It's a life-style change, not a short-term "fix".
  • leannerae40
    leannerae40 Posts: 200 Member
    What a great post. I was humming and hawing about finally doing something with my 40th birthday looming this year. Frankly though, a lot of things had been building up, little things that made me realize I was disappointed in myself and my outside just didn't match my inside. Heart disease runs in my family, and in February of this year my Dad suffered a stroke and had a triple bypass while out of the country. It was so scary. He's totally fine now, and doing very well. (Thank goodness for amazing American doctors.) I love to travel and live life, so I can't wait. I booked Lapband surgery (which took place May 14th of this year) and purchased a treadmill and kettle bells. Just two months out of surgery and I am hiring a personal trainer now that my nutrition needs are more under control (I've lost 36 lbs.). I want to be the person in the mirror that I know I am. Full of adventure, life and vitality.

    I want to be healthy...it sure helps to stay motivated.