What made y decide to get healthy?



  • BluejayNY
    BluejayNY Posts: 301 Member
    When I was 21 my doctor pointed out I had been gaining 10-20 lbs yearly for about 3 years and she suggested testing for diabetes. I knew I was curvy but for whatever reason I didn't realize I was "fat" even though I had gotten into the 170s.

    It was like I suddenly became aware of how winded I was going up the stairs and how I did not look attractive anymore. I suddenly became determined to lose weight and never be overweight again.
  • Csengure
    Csengure Posts: 40 Member


    I am now off my feed.

    Happy to help. ;)
  • PilatesConvert
    PilatesConvert Posts: 55 Member
    I've had lots of motivators over the years, but the most recent is that I'm going to start trying to get pregnant in a few months. I want to be the healthiest me I can be when I get pregnant, am pregnant, and am a mom! My whole family deserves that.
  • I was always the fat girl in school, never had a boyfriend until I was 17. I was sick of it, not being able to wear nice clothes, feeling like crap, eating my emotions away.. I HAD to do something about it. so at 17, with this sites help, I lost about 70lbs. after my boyfriend broke up with me, i was so depressed. I gained 40lbs. Now, I'm 19, healed from what i thought was a broken heart and starting the process over. This time, I'm keeping the weight off.
  • Tamm04
    Tamm04 Posts: 182 Member
    I've enjoyed reading everyones' stories. It's very true we all have our own stories/reasonds/whatever, but I do see myself in some of them. I do hope to read more!
  • londonboyben
    londonboyben Posts: 314 Member
    my reason is a bit lame compared to most, because to be honest i never really had one,
    spent my whole life ignoring what i was doing to my body, then one day just decided it would be a good idea to try lose weight and start lifting weights,

    fortunately, once i start something i generally get really involved and see it through, so have stuck with it for the short time i have been doing it,
    and now that i have started, i just want to see how well i can do,
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    Two reasons; Now retired, and with my husband not in good health, I needed to do more of the work around the farm and needed more strength and stamina. Conveniently, my niece Mel had become a certified fitness instructor and volunteered to set this program up for me. I think I've now been on the program about 135 days.
  • 2stepscloser
    2stepscloser Posts: 2,900 Member
    My before pic! Also I heard the following: "if you were diagnosed with cancer tomorrow, would you take an hour each day for treatment? Why won't you take an hour a day to focus on your health?" This spoke volumes to me!
  • hiaag89
    hiaag89 Posts: 13
    Simply because i don't want to underweight in my whole life....it's sucks....
  • craziecritter
    craziecritter Posts: 202 Member
    Open Heart Surgery at 58. Have 2 bovine cow valves I have to keep happy.
  • kimbtaylor1
    kimbtaylor1 Posts: 210 Member
    Walking at a shopping mall with my huband (actually the day the picture was taken) and he couldn't take his eyes off the skinny girls that would walk past us. He said that I was attractive to him but I didn't feel like I was the woman that he married. So I started my journey and then when he didn't notice the difference I just realized I needed to do it for myself and my health. I am now smaller than I was when we married and happier than ever.