Seriously struggling to eat enough with exercise calories

My calorie goal at the moment is 1460 a day and on average I burn 350-400 calories(according to MFP) 5 days a week. And on the other 2 days I still go for walks which usually range from 50-150 calories burned. Since I know that MFP sometimes over calculates how much you burn I rarely ever eat all of the calories back but I make a concious effort to eat most of them (and be over the 1200 mark). My problem is that on days where I burn up to 400 calories I'm struggling to eat back even half of them. I feel like I'm always eating and that my stomach is always uncomfortably full. I have incorporated more 2% milk, soy milk, almonds, cashews, peanut butter and avocados into my diet but still usually only come up to 1700 at the most (and I feel very uncomfortable for often an hour after eating). I usually have 3 meals that are between 300-400 calories and then usually 2 snacks that I try and fill in the rest of the calories.
I do not have much to lose at all so I'm trying to up my calories from what I was used to eating so that when I reach my goal I wont be struggling even more than now to eat at maintenance (which at the moment seems impossible)


  • amberchammock
    unfortunately I have the same problem but no solution. haha some days, I go to bed with a surplus of 800-1000 cals left to eat and since I don't eat dinner until 9:30 most days...I'm just not gonna try to eat all those. I've been thinking about doing morning workouts so then I have all day to eat back burned calories but goodness my bed is cuddly in the morning....
  • kathymhardy
    kathymhardy Posts: 266 Member
    Oooh you are soooo lucky. Wish I struggled to eat enough :wink:
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    Eat more dense food!!!!! Like avocado, nuts, peanut butter sandwich, drink glass of milk or add olive oil to your meals !!
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,306 Member
    yeah..hard to generate pity for you. drink olive oil? and also.. how did you get overweight if you eat like a bird naturally?
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    yeah..hard to generate pity for you. drink olive oil? and also.. how did you get overweight if you eat like a bird naturally?

    I wonder too. :huh:
  • JonathanBB
    JonathanBB Posts: 252 Member
    Eat more dense food!!!!! Like avocado, nuts, peanut butter sandwich, drink glass of milk or add olive oil to your meals !!

    I empathize. I am starting week 3 of Insanity and some of the calorie burns are epic for a 40 minute workout (at least to me). I have similar problem. I have been doing what is suggested above [or adding a few cookies : ) or both]. Either way I am going over in fat. Hoping for some lower fat suggestions.
  • mmm_drop
    mmm_drop Posts: 1,126 Member
    Can I eat your exercise calories? I can't exercise right now and I am missing the extra 400 or so calories a day.

    ALL the food!
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    yeah..hard to generate pity for you. drink olive oil? and also.. how did you get overweight if you eat like a bird naturally?

    I hate it when people say things like that. I was overweight as a teenager and used to barely eat. I used to get a bread roll for my lunch, nothing else, eat maybe cereal for breakfast and a healthy dinner (my parents never got junk food for us. I didn't try a take-away until I was in my 2nd year of university!)

    I ruined my metabolism by starving myself, and then I put on weight in my pregnancies because I ate normally and cut down on exercise.

    Now I am sensible! But some days I struggle to eat all my calories.

    I agree with some previous advice - eat something like peanut butter or avocado or yoghurt, or a small handful of almonds.
  • j6o4
    j6o4 Posts: 871 Member
    I tend to go under my calories if i don't plan most of what im eating for the day a head of time. So maybe pre planing your meals will help you reach your goal.
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    I honestly do not understand how anyone who ever gained enough weight to join MFP could have this problem. But really, just eat when you're hungry.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    I usually have 3 meals that are between 300-400 calories and then usually 2 snacks that I try and fill in the rest of the calories.

    There's your problem. 300-400 calories is hardly a meal.
    In reality you are having 3 snacks plus 2 more snacks.
  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    Why 2% milk? Stop eating "diet" foods - if you're not getting enough calories, eat full fat milk, cheese, yogurt, etc!

    As others have mentioned incorporate more high-in-fat foods like avocados, peanut butter, etc. (though it sounds like you're already doing that).

    Also, nothing wrong with a treat sometimes! Add a chocolate bar into your day and you get to enjoy something delicious AND it'll help you reach your calories. There's nothing wrong with some dessert every day as long as you eat healthy the majority of the time.
  • RichardDickCobb
    RichardDickCobb Posts: 13 Member
    Ms. Amber, May I suggest that you eat a hardy breakfast, a lighter lunch, and eat a very light dinner much earlier in the evening (no later than 6 pm). Make sure you are properly recording your food and beverage portions for every meal. Remember, calories in and calories burned is the key. However, if your data is incorrect, your results for weight loss will suffer. Would love to be your friend. My best, ****
  • linbein
    linbein Posts: 11 Member
    I have a hard time too. My nutritionist wants me to stay between 65 and 75 carbs a day, but I started Turbo Fire, and with the extra calorie burn, I have a realy hard time adding more calories without adding more carbs. She did tell me on my days where I burn 400 or more calories I can eat up to 90 carbs and still be okay. But I always end up with extra calories at the end of the day. Sometimes I'll just take a spoonful of peanut butter or something like that. It doesn't fill me up per se, but at least adds some calories.
    Don't get me wrong, if I eat dinner out or have a day where I have little control over my food choices, it's very easy to go over on calories, but my average day, I do struggle as well.
  • singlefemalelawyer
    singlefemalelawyer Posts: 382 Member
    I usually work out after work during the week. So on days where I know I will burn over 500 calories, I eat a larger lunch and/or breakfast. It also fuels my workout. My lunch today is around 700 calories but I know I'll be working with my trainer and doing some cardio at the gym and will burn plenty.
  • RichardDickCobb
    RichardDickCobb Posts: 13 Member
    Ms. Amber, One last thing; see your doctor to discuss your concerns. I feel strongly that he will suggest you change the times you eat and recommend food items you should consume daily. Every weight problem can be overcome. Also, ask the doctor to determine whether, or not, you have an eating disorder. My best, ****
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    It's all in the planning. Instead of thinking, "I have to 'eat back' 400 calories," think of it as "I have to eat a total of ~1800 calories today," and plan your day accordingly. It's a lot easier to add an extra 100 calories to three meals and a snack than to try to make up an extra 400 at the end of the day. (Although a scoop of protein powder in chocolate milk is pretty delicious bedtime snack and around 300 calories.)
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    Roast your veggies in olive oil. Load up salad with hardboiled egg, cheese, avocado, nuts, meat, etc. Snacking on veggies? Add some hummus or dip. Add a protein shake/smoothie to your day. If you can't eat your calories then drink them! Fruit and veggie juices. Opening up your diary might let us see where you can make some quick changes (but I completely understand if you're not comfortable having it open).
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    My advice...sit down and plan your days and meals. When I started out, I did this on the weekend for pretty much the entire week. This way I wasn't struggling to make up calories or whatever...they were just scheduled and planned throughout the day. Over the course of weeks, it all became second nature and I didn't have to be so hard core about pre-planning, but it really helped me early on.

    Make sure you're getting those calorie dense foods like avocado, nuts, nut butters, etc. Also cook some veggies in olive oil..I rarely steam veggies these days, I always sautee or roast in olive oil or coconut oil for some extra calories. Also..give yourself a nice treat...sound like you have room for some desert. Nothing wrong with that so long as you've gotten your nutrition for the day.
  • SaraC1977
    SaraC1977 Posts: 51
    yeah..hard to generate pity for you. drink olive oil? and also.. how did you get overweight if you eat like a bird naturally?

    I concur! I'm at 1490, work out and burn anywhere from 400-1000 calories 4 x's/week and still struggle to stay under my limit. I feel full around 2400 calories but I can't lose weight with that many calories so I'm always hungry. I wish I had her problem. :)