Hey Shorties 5'1-5'3



  • correr82
    correr82 Posts: 16 Member
    Thanks for posting everyone! It is so interesting to see what's working for people. Keep it coming!!
  • broox80
    broox80 Posts: 1,195 Member
    Age 33
    H 5'1
    Sw 268 (right after the birth of my 2nd child 5 mo ago)
    Cw 236
    Gw 170
    Eat 1600 plus some exercise cals.
    I am just getting in to regular exercise again.
    I did the 1200 cals last year and hardly lost anything!! So this time I am doing the eat more lose more and it seems to be working.
  • Spindigo1
    Spindigo1 Posts: 123 Member
    27, 5'1,

    SW: 145+
    GW: right now it's 130 because that's the weight I remember feeling skinny, happy, and healthy at. But I might go for 125 once I get there.

    My Goal is 1600 calories in a day. I might be over or under a couple hundred on any given day. I don't eat back my calories as they are already factored in.

    I exercise 3-6 days a week and do a combination of cardio (running, eliptical, or stairmaster) and weights. I'm trying to increase the amount that I lift as I think I fell in to the "girls get bulky" misconception.

    Also please include if you only monitered calories or if you also have a specific eating lifestyle such as vegetarian, paleo, well-balanced whole foods, no sugar etc.
  • fantasticelastic
    fantasticelastic Posts: 52 Member
    Age: 39 (40 this year..eeek)
    SW: 140
    CW: 127
    GW: 119

    Gosh, some of ye women are tiny !!! Iv usually been around 133 for last few years when Iv also had four kids.
    I do yoga daily, walk etc
    Iv cut down my carbs the last 4 weeks and the last stone fell off me..feel much better, belly flat for the first time in years and no muffin top in my size 10 jeans...miracles do happen !!!!!

    Well done to all :)
  • xFamousLastWordsx
    xFamousLastWordsx Posts: 301 Member
    Age: 21
    Height: 5'3"
    Weight: currently 124, but I started at 140
    Goal weight: I want to get back down to around 115
    Calorie intake: I usually net 1300-1400
    I've been doing the 30 day shred 5 times a week which is circuit training and I also do some form of cardio everyday.
    I eat back most of my exercise calories.
    I don't have any food restrictions, I eat what I feel like as long as I don't go over my calories :).
  • acciomuscles
    acciomuscles Posts: 164 Member
    age, height: 24, 5'1

    weight, goal weight: 132lbs now, would like to be between 110-120 (I was happy at 118 last summer but wouldn't mind being even trimmer)

    calorie intake: 1,200-1,600 (I calorie cycle)

    exercise minutes/ type: 30-60 mins 5 days/week. I run 3x/week and strength train 2x/week.

    do you eat back exercise calories: I set my calories to match my TDEE and I don't add my exercise calories to MFP. I just try to meet my TDEE minus 20%.

    Feel free to add me :) I'm vegan and eat clean.
  • hecham
    hecham Posts: 118 Member
    Age: 26
    CW: 135
    GW: ? I'm happy now but felt the best at about 125-128. Been as low at 116, but that was horrible.
    Exercise: I run 3-4 days a week, Pump Class 1x per week and other group fitness classes 1-2x per week. I also walk frequently
    I eat between 1800-2100 calories a day to maintain. I eat clean 90% of the time. I focus on plant-based foods, lean meats, and whole grains.
  • veggieluver2
    veggieluver2 Posts: 70 Member
    Age: 49
    SW: 115
    CW: 110
    GW: 103-105

    Calorie Net: 1600-1700 (after exercise)
    Exercise: 20-30 minutes of cardio at least 5 days per week. I also lift weights a few days a week, and I lift heavy for me. I would like to start yoga one day a week.

    I enjoy many foods and don't restrict much. I don't eat much red meat. If I do, it's ground buffalo. I also enjoy my wine and figure it into my daily calories.
  • angieleighbyrd
    angieleighbyrd Posts: 989 Member
    age 29
    height 5'2''
    weight 128
    goal weight 110
    calorie intake 1500
    exercise minutes/ type 60-90 minutes....currently doing p90x
    do you eat back exercise calories...depends how big of a burn I have that day. I try to net 1200. so if i burn more than 300 cals that day i will eat whatever more i burned.
  • greytweed22

    height: 5'1

    current weight: 113

    Goal weight: 105? Really the number on the scale doesn't mean much to me- i'm primarily concerened with how my body looks. My goal is to tighten up and tone so I can feel good in a bathing suit.

    Calories: 1200

    Excersize: 30 day shred, running here and there, and long bike rides on weekends

    I will eat some of my excersize calories back if i'm hungry, but prefer not to.
  • QueenGyn
    QueenGyn Posts: 106
    23 y/o, 5'1
    CW - 108lbs GW - 99lbs
    1,200 - 1,700 (with exercise) calories/day
    jogging 1hr/2x a week, jumping rope 30mins/day, boxing 1hr/2x a week
    Yes, 1200 cal/day plus the earn extra calories from exercise

    I eat rice everyday, I prefer wholesome/natural food over processed food. I tend eat everything I want as long as its healthy. LOL
  • cotton118
    cotton118 Posts: 13
    24, 5"1-2
    CW: 127
    GW: 110
    UGW: 103
    calorie intake -1000-2000; 1300 average
    exercise 5x a week, 30 minutes run or elliptical
    do you eat back exercise calories -pretty much.

    Need to cut back on carbs. Bread, animal crackers and goldfish are my weaknesses... I eat them on a daily basis!
  • MrsMariaWesley
    35 y/o, 5'3", pear shaped on a small frame, 1 kid
    SW: 119 lbs
    CW: 117 lbs
    GW: 105 lbs

    Currently I'm eating about 1400 calories per day.
    I do 40 mins of cardio @80%HR (elliptical) 3x/week
    I do 20 min of weights 2x/week
    I power-walk 2.5 miles 2x/week

    My cholesterol is excellent; no diabetes in my family. I do have borderline anemia almost constantly, though.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    age 28
    height 5'3 (and a half- can't forget that!!)
    start weight 220lbs
    current weight 163lbs
    goal weight 135 (Maybe!)
    calorie intake 1590 plus exercise calories
    exercise minutes/ type - I take 3 75 minute women's fitness/taekwondo classes a week. I try to get in 2 30 minute walks too
    do you eat back exercise calories - of course! Got to fuel my workouts and feed my muscles!

    I started out by JUST monitoring calories. I lost 20lbs without any kind of exercise. Started walking, then added in the tkd classes.
    I've been following the EM2WL method, but I find that I may be burning more than I'm eating, so I changed my goal to have it above BMR and adding in my exercise calories. I've also recently changed my macro goals and am trying to stick with those (SO not easy!!)
  • nsj240
    nsj240 Posts: 12 Member
    age: 25

    height: 5'2"

    weight: 192

    goal weight: 140

    calorie intake: 1500 right now, but I'm so confused on how much I should be eating! This Fat2Fit Radio has me thinking...

    exercise minutes/ type: I jog/walk a few times per week and also dance at home just for fun.

    do you eat back exercise calories: Only if I'm really hungry will I do this, But right now I'm just trying to fill up on water late in the evening if I'm craving a snack.
  • inside_lap
    inside_lap Posts: 738 Member
    Age: 32
    Height: 4'10" Yeah... I'm a little (lot) shorter then you were asking for ;)
    Calorie Intake: 1000-2100 (I zig-zag my diet)
    Exercise: I work about about 6 days a week from 45-180 minutes. No I don't do 180 minutes at once. I generally go for a run with my dogs in the morning before work (5 days a week for about 45 minutes). On Monday, Thursday, and Friday I go to the gym with coworkers during lunch (roughly 35-45 minutes of cardio... usually running). Weekdays I either walk the dog w the family after work or run with the family (including dogs) after work (45 min-1 hr walk or 25 minute run... it's the same course either way, time just varies depending on speed... lol). Usually works out to 4 days a week doing this. Add in elliptical work when watching TV (I don't watch much but the rule is that I need tobe on the elliptical if I am). And lastly, some light work with some weights on occasion.
    Calories Eaten Back: It depends. I usually eat over half of it back. On high calorie days it's not unusual for me to eat more then my alotted calories. But I tend to worry more about the numbers over the week vs on any specific day.
    Monitor: I try to make sure that I get enough fiber and water in my diet. Especially water.
    Feel free to add me. I'm always open to chearing on my fellow fun size friends!
    Edit: I forgot to include my weight. CW: 115 GW:110
  • Dinah2
    Dinah2 Posts: 42 Member
    57 yo
    148 sw
    124 cw
    116 gw

    I do wii step 40 minutes a day. I do the herbalife dvds 5 times a week except for the rest week then 3. I have a fitbit and try to get 10,000 steps a day.

    I try to stay between 1000 and 1200 calories a day and do not try to eat my exercise calories though I have a weekness for ice cream and sweets. I try to eat healthy and do not drink during the week but on the weekend tend to eat and drink what I want. So far I have not gained over the weekend which is due probably from my exercise..
  • MzManiak
    MzManiak Posts: 1,361 Member
    28, 5'1"
    SW: 113.8
    CW: 109.0
    GW: 105.0
    calorie intake : 1350 + exercise
    exercise minutes/ type : I don't have a routine yet...
    do you eat back exercise calories : HECK YES! Those are the best ones! lol

    Oh, and I just try to eat healthier and fit my macros every day... but don't have a problem eating out/ fast food/ ice cream/ drinking beer/ etc... once a week or so. It almost always evens out for the week.
  • becca53088
    becca53088 Posts: 32
    Age: 25
    Height: 5'2"

    SW: 244.4
    CW: 129.6
    GW: 115-120

    Caloric Intake: 1200-1350 calories/day. I sometimes eat back exercise calories but most of the time I do not.

    Exercise: 60-90 mins a day on average of cardio / interval training (mostly running, Turbo Fire, Jillian Michaels workouts)--7 days/week with occasional rest days built in; occasionally use weight machines in the gym but no matter what incorporate strength training into my workouts

    I try to eat as clean as possible but I definitely do not do that 100% of the time. Probably 90% of the time. I eat within my calorie range and within my macros (excluding sugars which I am over almost every single day from fruit). I eat many vegetables and fruit and try to limit bread. I tend to eat many of the same foods each day but I love them and have not found myself to be sick of them or else I switch them up!

    Feel free to add me!
  • Healthy67Chick
    Healthy67Chick Posts: 159 Member