Desk job and gaining weight



  • italian_bella_xo
    Walk in, log into your computer, then annouce quietly that ...sigh... you'll be in meetings all day long. Walk out. Go to gym, go home, shower, relax, have a light lunch, watch some TV. Then around 5pm, walk back in, and ***sigh*** what a loooong day. Log out of computer and go back home.

    This is the trick to everyones success.

    that sounds like an awesome plan! haha :drinker:
  • halzuzu
    halzuzu Posts: 60 Member
    I have a desk job and I make time for exercise. I go to the gym in the morning before work 3-4 days a week and most days I try to take a walk on my lunchbreak. Just try to fit in more activity somehow.
  • sleepingtodream
    sleepingtodream Posts: 304 Member
    Walk in, log into your computer, then annouce quietly that ...sigh... you'll be in meetings all day long. Walk out. Go to gym, go home, shower, relax, have a light lunch, watch some TV. Then around 5pm, walk back in, and ***sigh*** what a loooong day. Log out of computer and go back home.

    This is the trick to everyones success.

    Works for me!
  • NoeHead
    NoeHead Posts: 516 Member
    I have a desk job and I work out after work. We have a program where three times a week i can leave work 30 minutes earlier to go to the gym. I got myself addicted to evening classes. I scheduled my fitness program to leave early enough to change at work and fit in 20 minutes of jogging before power training and zumba. Fitness classes are usually after work so that helps in my opinion...i'm almost always thisclose to going over my calories for the day which pushes me to go to classes just so i can "afford" to eat dinner. Also what helped me is that if you attend the classes frequently, others in class including the instructor will notice if you aren't there so you'll be more accountable. I hope this helps! you can do it!
  • leafss
    leafss Posts: 3
    I am lucky I work from home a few days a week. About a year ago at home I switched to a standing desk which was a great experience and I found I was much more productive. Then about 4 months ago turned my treadmill into a walking desk and it has been great. I will walk at a slow pace for 4-5 hours per day when working from home. I don't think it has really dropped any pounds because weight loss and gain is really tied tightly to food intake versus energy burned through exercise but it has made a huge impact on my motivation and well being. If you ever get a chance to try a standing or walking desk give it a try.
  • savithny
    savithny Posts: 1,200 Member
    When I got my current job, not only was it a desk job, but there was a cafe in the building with daily donuts and cookies and and and... and I'd always had jobs where I was up and around more oftne, and I was always more active and could eat a cookie a day without gaining...

    Yeah, well that didn't go well.

    In my case, I got pregnant, had a baby, got more active and cracked down on the cookie, and lost again. Until recently, when I hurt my foot, got less active, and gained a bunch. And now I'm trying to be methodical about being more active again.

    Since it sounds like you've thrown yourself back into physical activity with all the after work and weekend exercise, I'd ask:

    1) Are you snacking a lot at work?
    2) Are you tracking your intake?
    3) Did you cut your calories drastically at the same time you started the rabid exercise program?

    The 11 pound loss in a month that was "frustrating" suggests you're probably also eating at a big deficit? I really would suggest, if you're working out like that and cutting calories and not seeing results, that you consider making sure you're getting calories to fuel the workouts.

    And lift some weights.
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    I was fat when I was a nurse and I'm still (but less) fat at my desk job.

    I worked labor and delivery for 7 years and ran my *kitten* off, but every night I worked there was food. My coworkers and I never needed a reason to bring in cake, chips, dip, pizza, donuts, etc. Calories in were > than calories burned.

    Now I sit at a desk and barely move throughout the day but when I get home I don't sit until it's time for bed. Workout, dinner, kid-wrangling, and the like keep me busy. I also have been tracking my calories and keeping them below TDEE which is something I didn't do when I was a floor nurse.

    TLDR: it's possible to lose weight sitting at a desk.
  • lbuseth
    lbuseth Posts: 41
    I work at a desk job also and it can cause weight gain. I workout 2 times a day about 5 to 7 days a week depending on the week. I will say it is mainly about what you are putting into your body. If you want to add me I would be more then helpful to provide some great food options and meals that are easy to bring to work and low in calories.

    Good luck!