60 days eating clean challenge! who wants to join me?

That means no junk food/ sweets like candy or baked goods. No cheat days either! Add in becoming gluten/ dairy free for 60 days!
We will lose so much weight and fat! even if you want to try just one of these things please add a comment and join me ! my hip hop abs should be arriving shortly! So ready and excited! So ill be active as well! i'm here to support and motivate you and answer any questions! Lets do this together :)


  • EmilyOfTheSun
    EmilyOfTheSun Posts: 1,548 Member
    No thanks :)
    You don't need to cut out any foods to lose weight. You just need to eat at a deficit.
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    no thanks i eat anything i want a nd exercise it off
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    No thanks :)
    You don't need to cut out any foods to lose weight. You just need to eat at a deficit.

    Yeah, what she said.
  • kellykw
    kellykw Posts: 184 Member
    I'll join, but I'll be kinda cheating, because it's my lifestyle to eat that way. :smile:
  • rocket_ace
    rocket_ace Posts: 380 Member
  • tegeos
    tegeos Posts: 20
    Happy to join! I feel much better when I don't eat processed foods or dairy. Clean eating works for me.
  • wanderlustlover
    wanderlustlover Posts: 84 Member
    I'm honestly very curious what it might look like if I went dairy-free (/ even more paleo than I'm realizing I am, with never having actually known about the paleo diet until recently) for a month or two months.

    I could look into vegetarian style cheeses for the few things I need to trade out. I've already moved to almond milk for my morning smoothies, when I use more than water. I'm definitely think I might be on board with this one (as I already eat clean 99.8% of the month).

    I'm all for you taking this dive and challenge yourself to eat healthier and see even more results! :)
  • jenifr818
    jenifr818 Posts: 805 Member
    You lost me at no cheat days and dairy free. In all seriousness though, good luck to you :flowerforyou: If you can genuinely maintain that for 60 days and not kill anyone afterwards, you're a better woman than I

    Edit: Not that I've actually killed anyone, mind you, I just know how absolutely grouchy and evil I get when I feel deprived
  • StumperHR
    StumperHR Posts: 5
    so no pop tarts?!?!? D:
  • twistygirl
    twistygirl Posts: 517 Member
    I would like to join in on that challenge I am a sugar addict and dairy is not friendly to my body. I would like a boost so include me.
  • CZmuscle34
    CZmuscle34 Posts: 12 Member
    You're bound to crash if you cut out everything good, you need a cheat meal here and there. You need to shock the body a bit here and there, otherwise it will get accustomed to your diet and it will get tougher to loose that unwanted fat. You should also reward yourself....say if you eat clean for 5 days, on the sixth day have a cup of ice cream, not a whole tub and not more than one cheat meal! Just trying to help, but I'm with you! 60 days!!!
  • 007FatSlayer
    007FatSlayer Posts: 132 Member
    I'll try this out!
  • missmimichan
    Lol guys calm down! Im incorporating all these things because its a challenge! I want to see what kind of results i see! You don't have to do all of these. What about trying one that's hard to give up? Its all about discipline and for me a challenge of my life. I feel like ill be able to do all of these and giving into one might push me over. So just pick 1-2-3 or more for 60 days and let me know howyyou are doing :)
  • missmimichan
    Its not just about losing weight for me. Its detoxifying my body and eating clean. Being super healthy for 60 days! Its a challenge!
  • kellykw
    kellykw Posts: 184 Member
    You're bound to crash if you cut out everything good
    "Good" is subjective! :flowerforyou:

    missmimichan, are you going to make a group for your challenge?
  • missmimichan
    Your body won't crash if you are eating clean! There are healthy fats and sugars that keep you from crashing. Its all about balance. Your body wasn't made to rely on processed fats and sugars.
  • BajaDreamin333
    BajaDreamin333 Posts: 267 Member
    No thanks :)
    You don't need to cut out any foods to lose weight. You just need to eat at a deficit.

    And this reply added value to her posting how? If you have nothing positive to add, why add the negative stuff? Just sayin'...

    I think the OPs goal is very admirable, and something we could all benefit from. I would give it a shot if for no other reason than to bring awareness on what I put in my mouth, as I consider myself 75% clean and would like to do better.
  • missmimichan
    Thank you for your support! Remember to eat balanced
    . Healthy fats and fruits are okay to eat! No processed :)
  • CZmuscle34
    CZmuscle34 Posts: 12 Member
    Yes, I feel you! You are right it is about discipline, I wish you the best and I will try to cut out the hardest thing for myself...sweets! :noway:
  • EmilyOfTheSun
    EmilyOfTheSun Posts: 1,548 Member
    No thanks :)
    You don't need to cut out any foods to lose weight. You just need to eat at a deficit.

    And this reply added value to her posting how? If you have nothing positive to add, why add the negative stuff? Just sayin'...

    Actually it added a lot of value. I had someone message me and say that they were intrigued and asked if they could really lose weight while still eating and drinking fun stuff. So I saved one more person from stressing themselves out by thinking they have to cut out "bad" foods. I didn't think there was really anything negative about the post anyways....I said "no thanks" and included a smiley. I'm so nice.