Picking yourself up after slipping



  • SusanSJD
    SusanSJD Posts: 4
    I know what you mean. I do well for awhile, with exercise and eating, then I get off of excersising and the 1 or 2 pds I've lost, come straight back on. I'm trying to be consistent. I broke my foot 5 weeks ago, can't run until late summer :(. So I've taken up swimming laps. Really enjoy it.
    I also like to think that every day is a new diet day. Someone on here said one 'bad' day/meal will not make you fat or thin. If u slip up, try your next meal to be better.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    I tell myself to stop whining and feeling sorry for myself, stop feeling guilty and bad, and just get back on the wagon. And I repeat to myself "nobody can do it for me".
  • Lessz
    Lessz Posts: 17 Member
    Thanks for being honest everyone !!! i guess its o'kay if you slip once and a while as long as you know what you did and how to get back on point !!!!
  • TAMayorga
    TAMayorga Posts: 341 Member
    I just ate 665 calories of cookies and they were delicious! I am sure this afternoon guilt will set in and I will be at the gym on my rest day BUT OH WELL! We all slip, best of luck to you! :flowerforyou:

    Yeah, I ate over 700 Calories worth of cookies on the way to work this morning. And the pathetic thing? They weren't even that good. :grumble:

    I got back on track immediately. No mid-morning snack. I hit it hard during my lunch-time workout. And I will be eating lightly this evening. Like several people have said, hop back on the horse and move on. This is life, not a "diet". So we have to look at our behavior over time. Good luck to you! :smile:
  • FitCanuckChick
    FitCanuckChick Posts: 240 Member
    Thanks everyone for the motivation. I am about to enter into the evening portion of my day. If I am going to slip up this is always where it will happen. But today is today and I cannot look to tomorrow, only today. I will fight the evil craving monster and when I wake up in the morning I will have a smile on my face because I will conquer and remember that food is fuel…eat to live, don't live to eat. And dang it - when I hit the Carribean in the winter (twice actually) I will be doing so rockin the HAWT bikini bod and will look back at this like it was a tiny stumble that I overcame to reach my goal.
  • glitterballv
    glitterballv Posts: 133 Member
    I enter my food in before I put it in my mouth...and if I look at the log after I enter it and I hate the way it looks, I don't eat it...my diary keeps me accountable. Even when I'm out, I add things on the mobile app before I eat them (if it's something new I don't know the facts for).

    Agreed - well-said.

    Yup this is what I try to do! Sadly the 100g of toiler one yesterday didn't make it on before eaten tho.
  • TillyTick
    TillyTick Posts: 11 Member
    I had about the same amount to lose as you. Nearly there. My tip is that after you've cheated, don't think "oh no I'm a failure" and carry on cheating. Have a play with the figures in your profile and see how many cals you could eat for a maintenance day. You may just find that you have eaten enough to make it a maintenance day. Much more positive than thinking you've failed.
  • inksyrup
    inksyrup Posts: 81 Member
    I'm just throwing in my two cents here, but I used to binge like crazy. At my worst, there would times when I'd do nothing but eat for a week or two without exercising or doing much of anything. The funny thing? I never gained as much weight as I thought I did. When I was getting ready to go to my brother's wedding in another state, I ate like crap for two weeks--cup cakes, cake, monstrous bowls of cereal, pancakes. I only gained three pounds--and trust me, I put on weight easily.

    I was able to stop emotional and binge eating when I started exercising more (to add more calories for me to eat later ;)) and adding one "cheat" snack to my day...something like a serving of oreos, or a small bowl of cereal. When they say deprivation causes overeating, they're not kidding. And once you start doing that, you'll soon find yourself wanting less and less of "junky" food I don't crave those things anymore like I used to.

    I know everyone is different, but I promise you that nothing is as bad as you think it is, and if you go back to doing what you were doing without dwelling too much on it, you'll look back and laugh. It's okay to have a slip up now and then--we're only human, and everything is good in moderation (even dieting)!

    Good luck!
  • Goddessmaker1
    Goddessmaker1 Posts: 114 Member
    You woke up today right? Ok then you have a new start. Screw anything anyone else has to say in regards to slipping. You ate it and it will not destroy you. But if you allow it to over take you then yes it will cause you to not reach your goal. You need to remove failure from your vocabulary attached to you. When you attach certain things to you it sticks with you and then you operate under that. Cheers to a new day!
  • kuuhristin
    kuuhristin Posts: 24
    Log everything you eat, ESPECIALLY when you slip up. I slip up or do a free day at least once a week and I will log it all even if it's the next day and seeing the calories and having MFP tell me "If everyday were like today you'd weigh XXX in 5 weeks" is enough to make me sick. If I forget to log, my slip up lasts even longer and then at the end of the week the scale isn't happy. I also weight myself every morning. Even though it fluctuates a lot I'd rather it fluctuate than see it keep going up and up and up and if it does, then you know you need to make some changes cuz it's STARING YOU RIGHT IN THE FACE.
  • mcw1976
    mcw1976 Posts: 47 Member
    I am really trying to get back on the wagon after slipping most of this year.

    Last year I dropped 66 lbs, and felt better than ever. In late 2012, I had to go in for a sugery that took about 6 weeks to recover from. I gained back about 20 lbs this year due to the surgery, problems with my shoulder and a change in jobs.

    Hopefully I can pull it together and make the rest of the year a good one.

    I could use and support that anyone can offer.
  • symonspatrick
    symonspatrick Posts: 213 Member
    I had to record a 6300 calorie day a few weeks ago but to my surprise I have not gained back all of the weight that I have lost. It is just a bump in the road. It does not end the journey, it just slows it down a little. We all live with imperfection because it is a part of being human. Just dust yourself off and keep going.