Looking for 50 year women for support!



  • MoJoPoe
    MoJoPoe Posts: 139 Member
    Since I was a smoker, I hit menopause early. Perimenopouse started around age 50 and brought me 70 lbs. (I gained the same during pregnancies.) I let hormones take their course, and I am only now battling this new kind of fat - ugly dimples.

    I have now achieved menopause and am eating healthy and exercising much more vigorously. I look forward to sharing success with you.
  • vickie28
    vickie28 Posts: 68 Member
    55 yrs here been at this for over a year --- hit a major plateau for about 6 mos. then just last month the scale started to move again--- still have about 25 to go.... it is a lot harder as we get older-- but I will not give up-- the turtle did win the race--- not in a hurry -- but sure is nice that the pds started to drop again :) looking for supportive friends in my age group too :)
  • MoJoPoe
    MoJoPoe Posts: 139 Member
    I also gained weight in perimenopause (70 lbs.). You are doing all the right things. You may not really be able to control the hormonal weight gain. You are wise to add muscle that burns more calories. Stay the course and don't sweat the extra weight.
  • donna710
    donna710 Posts: 91 Member
    I will turn 50 in July and really would like to see 150 on the scale. I weighed in at 153 this morning... so I'm close but I agree with everyone else. It's so much harder when we get older and the peri-menopausal stuff kicks in. It's taken me 5 months to lose 7 lbs! I try to keep around 1300 calories and I take a zumba class 3x week. I know I need to watch my sugar which I seem to go over everyday. I'm glad to read that I'm not alone....
  • roseym10
    roseym10 Posts: 105 Member
    I turned 50 this year too. I lost about 20 lbs in 2009 doing weight watchers, then I had a health issue followed by menopause and now I've gained it all back. Weight watchers no longer works for me plus I'm interested in tracking my carbs, protein, etc. I also had my metabolism tested and found out my resting metabolic rate is only 1059 calories a day which is extremely low. I'm trying to stick to 1200 a day, and add body pump (weights) classes to my cardio routine. This is the second week I've been trying to stick to 1200 calories.
  • MoJoPoe
    MoJoPoe Posts: 139 Member
    Yup. I was fit at 137 before menopause hit. I went over 200 and did not fight it. Now that I am officially a crone, I am here on MFP. Gonna get down to about 160. Hang in there. Hormones take their toll. Learn to adjust.
  • Vivian06703188
    Vivian06703188 Posts: 310 Member
    Hi I'm 53 and I am following the diet on this site. It picks you carbs, calories, etc and I set it for a loss of 2 lbs a week. My daughter did this and followed myfitnesspal's diet and lost 38 lbs. So when I saw her results I decided to do it too. I have been logging everything I eat and try to keep all of my numbers in the parameters Calories, Carbs, Sugar that are set out for me. However, my sugar usually goes over and my calories usually stay under. I am not hungry. I was one day but I think it is because I had chocolate that day which was 110 calories and I think the processed sugar kicked my appetite into high gear. That being said I have lost 13 lbs in two weeks. I know this is a lot of weight in a short period of time. My body always does this when I initially start a weight loss diet. I guess I lose a lot of water in the beginning. I weighed last week and I won't weigh again until around the 1st of the month when I go to the doctor. I fully expect for my weight loss to slow down to the 2 lbs a week from this point forward. The site originally set my calories around 1700 but after I lost the first 10 lbs it dropped to 1550 calories a day. I am disabled and can not do a lot of exercise so I do what I can and hope the weight loss continues.:happy:
  • vickie28
    vickie28 Posts: 68 Member
    You cn do it --- I wish you the best of luck :) Never quit trying .... little by little you can reach your goal :)
  • LynnMDill
    LynnMDill Posts: 1
    Turned 50 in april. Work 60+ work weeks with very few days off. Just joined a community center with all the ammenities. How can I get 3-4 workouts in per week and still see my family?
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    It pains me to read of grown women who struggle to lose weight on diets of 1200-1500 cals/day and doing cardio, zumba, ect.

    I am 51yo, 5'4", 205 lbs (down from 232 since February), and I eat between 1,800 and 2,200 cals/day, depending on my workouts.

    Please read http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/963088-level-obstacles-lose-weight-target-fat-easy

    Losing weight shouldn't have to be this difficult, and it isn't.

    I have an open diary, check out my profile, if you like what you see, feel free to add me.
  • 1flowergirl
    1flowergirl Posts: 57 Member
    I turned 50 this year,started this adventure in april 2012,,have lost 75 lbs and have around 50 more to go.I excersice 60 + minutes a day,5 x's a week, mostly kick boxing,sweat like crazy ,and try to commit to NROL4W,eat around 1240 cals a day and only lose about 5 lbs a month give or take.My daughter bought me a body media link for my big 5 0 back in march and it is the best gift I could have asked for,itlets you see what your "true" calorie burn is,not the mfp estimates,which for me have been over estamating my burns by almost double, kickboxing , mfp -over 600 cal burn,body media ( which you wear on your upper left arm) 350-450 actual cal burn. It also links to mfp so tracking meals and calories burned together is very helpful.
    I was at a 4 month stall,lost 16lbs since april, using body media fit, I get a far more accurate number as to exactly how many calories I've truly burned each day,I would highly recomened it it you continue to lose so slowly. There are times I just want to throw in the towel , but I've come too far to even think about getting back to 274 lbs, I feel great now,and yes its a struggle, but it can be done, I on most days eat low carb,and no longer fall off the wagon, I jumped off the wagon a while back, have days I eat anything I want with no regrets, this is a lifestyle, not a punishment, attitude IS everything,and a great sense of humor is a nessessity.
    It is alot of hard work,work is hard, but the rewards are worth every drop of sweat, and every tear of frustration, so keep moving foreward this is a process, and yes,it does get better and even a little easier with time.
    were all here to support and help with eachothers struggles.
  • BlessedHeart
    BlessedHeart Posts: 249 Member
    I turned 52 in April. YES.....I have to really work hard to get the weight to come off. I do step aerobics 3 times a week and fill in the other days with other forms of exercise. (Turbo Jam, walking, Zumba, etc.)
    I have found watching the sugar/carbs has helped me somewhat. I have lost 45 pounds so far. I still have a long way to go.
    If anyone wants to add me as a friend, feel free to do so.
    Best wishes to all of you!
  • puddlesiam
    puddlesiam Posts: 75 Member
    Hi there...I turned 50 last December. Decided last September that I would lose 10 kilos before I turned 50. I did that and have lost 22 kilos so far with still about another 10 to go. Feel free to add me, I log in every day :)
  • suz155
    suz155 Posts: 326 Member
    Hi,,,,I'm 58 and lost 25 lbs. Been some challenges and not always easy, but, it is do-able. Hardest part is consistency. Please feel free to add me, if you would like.
  • JLR62013
    JLR62013 Posts: 1
    I turned 52 this past April and also started working out the 1st week of April. I hit Menopause at about 48 years. The lbs have piled on and I have gained about 50lbs since. I just started using MFP a week ago. I've lost 7 lbs since Apr. and lost 1 lb of it this past week. I work out 1 hr. 3x per week at a fitness center --step glider, tread mill and weight machines plus going on walks on other days. I feel like it's been slow going on the weight loss, 7 lbs lost in 2 1/2 months doesn't seem like very much. I do feel somewhat encouraged by the results of this past week using MFP.
  • Gingersnapsmom
    Gingersnapsmom Posts: 12 Member
    I have gained and gained the last 10 years because I used food to avoid life. Now that I'm older and have found my motivation and real reasons to step up and do something about my situation, I was afraid that the weight might not come off now that I am older ( 51 and post menopause)...but it is. I've been staying the course day after day of exercise and eating a healthy calorie-reduced diet and it is working. I really think the regular exercise every day has been the boost. I know that everyone is different, but I think working together we can find answers and meet our goals!!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    :drinker: Welcome to all the New 50's!! And Happy Birthday to those of you that are Celebrating or soon will be!!
    :flowerforyou: Stop "Dieting" and learn to Feed your Body as if it were an Expensive Automobile. When you are eating Good, Quality Fuel your Body will run like a Finely Tuned Machine. And you won't have to suffer with Hunger Pains all the time!
  • Gingersnapsmom
    Gingersnapsmom Posts: 12 Member
    My son exercises with me. He is a slim teen, but exercise is not just for weight loss...he needs to stay active to be healthy too. We walk and walk and walk. Added bonus for me is that he talks to me one on one while we are walking. Anyone who has had a teenager may know that they are hard to communicate with sometimes and I am delighted that he opens up and shares what is going on in his life with me on our walks!
  • SheilaG1963
    SheilaG1963 Posts: 298 Member
    I turn 50 this year. I've lost the first 100 and am now stuck. Anyone can add me. We can all be in this together!
  • flowam
    flowam Posts: 1
    I just joined today and already like this group, I am 56, post menopausal ( surgical) and i weigh 50lbs more that i should. my main problem is snacking, bread, carbs, i dont like sweet stuff but bread and chips are my main weakness.
    I cannot run due to bad knees, I need ideas on what to do, we have a family reunion mid august and I would love to lose 30 lbs in a healthy way