Is it Really That Simple?



  • BarbaraCarr1981
    BarbaraCarr1981 Posts: 903 Member
    Wat about when ur at the gym to lift heavy? Can you get a 30min HIIT run or stair session in?
    Doing legitimate cardio helps erase the errors you've made for the day/week. I am Not error free. Sometimes I pick at sh&@ that shouldn't be around me, a few chips, or chocolate nibs, and Sometimes I don't log those few chips a few times a day. How I justify it is by making sure I'm doing more cardio than is calculated into my TDEE. Btw log EVERYTHING, it'll be your downfall

    My gym is in my basement. I do have an elliptical but really only use that in the winter. I like the trails outside in my town....
  • LongIsland27itl
    LongIsland27itl Posts: 365 Member
    I understand, but most times it's what we don't like that gives us the best results. Kind of hard to get a legit cardio in pushing a stroller. I hear ya though, I don't do elliptical, I don't like the movement, but I did marry the stair master whom I thought was sent from the devil a year ago.
  • NoeHead
    NoeHead Posts: 516 Member
    I started March 13 and have lost weight steadily but not going to the gym 3x a week. I go about 5-6x but I have a lot of weight I need to lose to just be in the healthy range. I first did cardio and then added strength training classes. I do cardio each time but it's because 1)a lot of weight I want to lose and 2) I enjoy it. I log everything....including when I go over. it seems to be working according to the scale, although I have yet to see a difference in teh way I look.
  • toya316
    toya316 Posts: 137 Member
    Pretty Much.... Give or take depending on your Goals....
  • BarbaraCarr1981
    BarbaraCarr1981 Posts: 903 Member
    I understand, but most times it's what we don't like that gives us the best results. Kind of hard to get a legit cardio in pushing a stroller. I hear ya though, I don't do elliptical, I don't like the movement, but I did marry the stair master whom I thought was sent from the devil a year ago.

    I worked up a sweat last night just by walking with the baby in stroller... and if i jog with the baby in stroller its wayyy more of a workout. Plus Im pushing 30lbs of weight (baby and stroller). Not sure why u think it's not legit cardio.
  • BarbaraCarr1981
    BarbaraCarr1981 Posts: 903 Member

    Thank you, but all that info is complicating it, to me anyways.... that's my problem - im complicating this!!! Worry wayyyy too much if im doing things right, getting wayyyy too upset if i eat something bad or don't exercise on a day im supposed to. Or looking in the mirror in disgust! "Look at this fat piggish belly on my body - OMG!" "Why can I fit someone's size 13 pants, when before i was wearing only size 7" "How can I wear size 9, but then this size 13 pair of pants fits"... I am like this over and over and over again. I have mental issues big time.... There is my first step, lol - admitting it!

    Anyways, patience is a big problem for me too. It's seen 18 months since the birth of my son and im still not where i was before i got pregnant. But hey, i haven't given up and im still going going going. Sometimes is frustrating as hell but it's only me that makes it worse because of my poor attitude sometimes.

    On the plus side, attitude is good today and im eating on track and plan to weight lift tonight and possibly some cardio too!
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    So it sounds more like a problem of psychology, self confidence, and believing in the system. This is a huge factor. Yes, the "rules" are dead simple. But as we are not robots, they're not always simple to follow and we all sometimes have self-doubt days.
  • arains89
    arains89 Posts: 442 Member
    Yea. Sounds about right. Log everything even when you screw up it will help keep you accountable. And I think that there is a place for cardio as well as lifting in any well rounded fitness routine. I run (very occasionally), swim often, and do HIIT and various other kickboxing/dance type cardio. I also resistance train but no more than 3 times a week. Cardio I do most days. I think the trick is loving what you do. And yes the people that say you can lose weight just by counting calories or just with cardio are right but at 25% bf you are already in a good range and to change your composition you do need to lift. I have P90X and I think it is a great lifting program if you don't have access to a gym. I have young kids too. If you follow the classic schedule it includes 3 days of lifting (60 mins each), 2 days of cardio (plyometrics and kenpo), and 1 day of yoga (which is a nice treat for your body). And of course one rest day. Good luck!
  • MattKnight66
    How much binging is okay though? OR is it NONE. absolutley none. If u binge once, then u gotta start all over again???

    For me I eat well Mon-Fri. I allow myself to cheat one day on the weekend only if I did a good job during the week. For whatever reason "allowing" myself to cheat usually results in no cheating. If I make it a rule to not cheat then I want to cheat. I know. Ridiculous but it works. :) The less pressure I put on myself the better I respond.
  • BarbaraCarr1981
    BarbaraCarr1981 Posts: 903 Member
    How much binging is okay though? OR is it NONE. absolutley none. If u binge once, then u gotta start all over again???

    For me I eat well Mon-Fri. I allow myself to cheat one day on the weekend only if I did a good job during the week. For whatever reason "allowing" myself to cheat usually results in no cheating. If I make it a rule to not cheat then I want to cheat. I know. Ridiculous but it works. :) The less pressure I put on myself the better I respond.

    Great! I think this might work for me too! I've been thinking about allowing myself to cheat at the reunion this weekend but then i also think about what i could eat there so i dont cheat. Mmmm. i wonder what will happen??