What's your most annoying habit?



  • wolverine66
    wolverine66 Posts: 3,779 Member
    I'm really sarcastic but unlike most sarcastic people, I don't have a sarcastic tone or a sarcastic face. A lot of people can't actually tell that I'm being sarcastic.
    Me too. Even my best friend is unsure at times.

    And I hate making decisions, especially if I'm rushed.

    in my mind, i read that extremely sarcastically.
  • BobMcCloskey
    BobMcCloskey Posts: 117
    According to my mother-in-law, and my wife, my need to scan food labels using the MFP Android app on my phone, of stuff being served to me so that I get the correct content right from the label. They both think I should wait and do it later. My thought is to do it as the food is being taken out of the package for prep. What am I supposed to do? Rummage through the fridge and freezer, and worse yet, the garbage after I'm done eating it? I prefer to know before hand so I can manage portions!
  • BenchPressingCats
    BenchPressingCats Posts: 1,826 Member
    I'm really sarcastic but unlike most sarcastic people, I don't have a sarcastic tone or a sarcastic face. A lot of people can't actually tell that I'm being sarcastic.
    Me too. Even my best friend is unsure at times.

    And I hate making decisions, especially if I'm rushed.

    in my mind, i read that extremely sarcastically.

    You shouldn't have. Was that sarcasm? The world may never know.
  • Jonesingmucho
    Jonesingmucho Posts: 4,902 Member
    Stealing cars
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I tend to leave glasses of whatever I was drinking all over the place. Been working on it but that's since I was a kid and an uncle pointed it out. Back then it was the glass when I'd finished a glass of water (trying to be healthy). Now it's wine glasses (still trying to be healthy). <==== Oh yeah, and sarcasm with a straight face. Or what some call "dry humor".

    ETA: Also, since I started MFP...."ETA's"
  • pseudomuffin
    pseudomuffin Posts: 1,058 Member
    I will straight up fix my makeup at the table at restaurants. I know you're supposed to go to the restroom to "powder your nose" but if I think I'm shiny I have to do it immediately or I feel self conscious.
  • youngcaseyr
    youngcaseyr Posts: 293 Member
    I constantly interrupt when people are talking, even when I try not to :frown:

    Oooohhhhhhhh my goodness, me, too. I hate it. I always catch myself doing it and then apologizing for it becomes more interrupting than if I had just said, "sorry for interrupting, go on." Sometimes I'll even keep talking :/ But usually, that's with people who won't let me get a word in unless I force it. BUT sometimes I just get so excited about what I have to say that I feel like I can't hold it in
  • heytherelameman
    heytherelameman Posts: 76 Member
    At home I always go "Well, I'll just put this HERE." Then I forget where that is. Drives my husband NUTS.

    I also chew at the skin by my fingernails. I used to bite my nails, then it slowly graduated to the skin around them. Gross, but sue me. If I think any bit of skin is flapping in the breeze it must be eliminated right away. LOL.
  • JusticeGirl25
    JusticeGirl25 Posts: 703 Member
    You know how girls that have medium to long length hair have their hair down then when they want to pull their hair up but don't, that's what I do. I prefer to leave my hair down and sometimes I like to make sure all my hair gets tucked behind my ears.

    I'm a strange lady, LOL.
  • xvxCelticWandererxvx
    xvxCelticWandererxvx Posts: 2,890 Member
    I have a dirty mouth :devil:
  • Capt_Inzane
    Capt_Inzane Posts: 733 Member
    I apologize all the time so much complete strangers have stopped me and said stuff about it. I've been trying to be more relaxed on it.


    I interrupt people but I swear I think they're done talking but instead they're just breathing or pausing or something I dunno what the deal is!!

    I think I'm just used to chatting on the internet and you can type and they can type at the same time so you never really interrupt someone.
  • runnerjenn0708
    runnerjenn0708 Posts: 400 Member
    control freak here :frown:
  • laughingdani
    laughingdani Posts: 2,275 Member

    cracking my knuckles (I know it drives people crazy, but I can't stop doing it.)

    I include WAY too many details when telling a story, or I go off on rabbit trails.
    Usually my friends are like, "Get to the point already!". ooops.

    I used to be really bad at apologizing all the time. But now, not so much.
    I kind of got a backbone when I had my daughter, 7 years ago.
  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member
    I chew on my lip/inside of my mouth.
    I get distracted easily.
    I use more curse words than any lady ever should. ;)
  • m0jk
    m0jk Posts: 133
    im late for everything :S
  • margelizard
    margelizard Posts: 89 Member
    I often start conversations with people in my mind and then start talking to them halfway through. So a lot of the time people have no idea what I'm talking about.

    I tend to lose my train of thought very often and when someone asks me to continue, I can't even recall what I was talking about.

    I am a thoroughbred nail-biter! Ugh, I know how gross it is, but it's stuck in the habit part of my mind!