Need to lose 100 lbs. or more? Lets start a group!



  • reneeb82
    reneeb82 Posts: 32
    I only do easy too Stephanie. Sounds good. I love breakfast anytime. The other day I bought the Southwest egg beaters and added a slice of weight watchers chees. Yumm. Although I think it had a lot of sodium. But Yumm.
  • miss_amy
    miss_amy Posts: 351
    can i join your group? i'm in a few other groups too but i figure the more support the better! i have a total of 100 (maybe 110 depending on what i look like when i get there) to lose. so far i'm down about 8.... 92 to go! lol :)

    keep up the great work! don't give up! we can all do this! one step at a time.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    To find this site go to YOUR PROFILE the choose Message Boards, Then scroll down to MOTIVATION AND SUPPORT and look for our title: NEED TO LOSE 100 LBS. OR MORE? LETS START A GROUP!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    So I've been trying to convince my dr to let me get the weight loss surgery and he kept telling me I could do it on my own and that my insurance did not cover it. I have been overweight since before kindergarten. My parents were overweight and my dad's mom was too. A lot of people on both sides of my family are overweight. So, I'm also fighting genetics. Well, I kept hearing that my insurance does cover the surgery but my dr kept saying no. Soooo, yesterday I called my insurance company. I found out the two requirements are you have to be diabetic (I am) and you have to have a BMI of greater than 35 (mine is 58). Sooo hellooooo I qualify! Now, I want to call my dr to set up an appt to discuss this and have now freaked myself out over surgery. I have tried this on my own and I can lose 50 pounds and gain it right back. I have friends that say they will help me and after a month or two they decide I am doing so good that I can do it on my own and just quit on me. I need that constant support. I have abandonment issues lol And it doesn't help that my friends are all under 200 pounds and no one understands what it is like to weigh over 300 and be this big all your life.

    I understand being over 300 lbs. It is amazing to me how many doctors are anti WLS.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    To everyone who asked to join the site - consider yourself a member. I love hearing from you and reading this forum daily. So many new members join every day. I'm comforted by knowing I'm not the only one in this boat and get inspired when I see the members on here who have already made great strides on their weight loss.

    Two comments; On weight loss surgery: I was told by a Dr. here in my home town that you have to wait 6 months before you qualify for surgery and they monitor your weight loss ability during that period. One of our members at least HAS had the lap band surgery and is using this site to monitor her loss. So to anyone who does have the surgery, STICK WITH US!!! We can continue to support you.

    On my favorite meal, its breakfast. I really stretch it out and here's my routine. I start with coffee with skim milk and aftificial sweetner. Per 12 oz. coffee I add 1/2 c milk and 5 packets of artificial sweetner. Those packets add up! After my coffee, I eat dry cereal, one bite at a time and that takes about 1/2 hour. I love Cookie Crisp or Kellogs Mini Wheats Little crisps in chocolate.

    For a midmorning snack, I'll have a piece of wheat bread with 1 TBS. of peanut butter on it. (and I take one bite and lay it down and take a breath before the next bite)

    After eating all this (and having taken my daily meds during the cereal) I have 2 tsp. of sugar-free Metamucil, which is on doctor's orders because I don't get enough roughage in my diet.

    So basically my breakfast lasts a loooong time. :flowerforyou:

  • reneeb82
    reneeb82 Posts: 32
    I have heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

    Last night I took these tyson steak strips with are already cooked and you just heat up. Anyway, I heated them up added some low fat mozzerella cheese and I put in on a peice of whole wheat bread and topped it off with some onions that I sauteed in the tiniest bit of butter. Oh my gosh, it was tasty. I so bad wanted more than my allotted amount. It is a good thing that others where around or else I would have made the whole bad.
  • krklstephi
    krklstephi Posts: 182 Member
    I'm a little excited and a little nervous. I have a dr appt Tuesday afternoon to talk with my doctor about weight loss surgery. I am debating on if he is not willing to let me have the surgery on if I want to change doctors. I really like this doctor though. He is so nice and has actually listened to me on everything but the surgery. We shall find out Tuesday...
  • EileenB42
    EileenB42 Posts: 125 Member
    I agree. we also need a chat!
  • I'd love to! Ready for the long haul!
  • brattyworm
    brattyworm Posts: 2,137 Member
    Count me in... I don't understand how everyone I see drops pounds like crazy the first few weeks. I'm still lucky to even get a full pound a week... ok, um i haven't even done that. So i'll be apart of any group willing to assist in the removal of all excess physical baggage.
  • brattyworm
    brattyworm Posts: 2,137 Member
    Count me in... I don't understand how everyone I see drops pounds like crazy the first few weeks. I'm still lucky to even get a full pound a week... ok, um i haven't even done that. So i'll be apart of any group willing to assist in the removal of all excess physical baggage.
  • you go girl!
  • nica8605
    nica8605 Posts: 31 Member
    me too!! I need to lose at least 100lbs!
  • Hello, I wanted to inform you about Take Shape For Life which is a wonderful way to kick off the start of losing weight. TSFL is a support program for those who are wanting to lose weight or simply eat healthier. Medifast Meals have been recommended by over 20,000 doctors nation wide as a healthier alternative to losing weight. The meals are high protein, low carbohydrates which will put your body into a "Mild" ketosis state meaning a mild starvation. What that means is your body will not have "glucose" your bodys fuel so instead turns to fat for energy. Your adipose tissue is broken down creating ketones which is then used for energy. This program is wonderful for anyone. Unless you have major medical issues that need to be addressed by your physician this would work for you. At least check out my website to find out more. Many questions can be answered there.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    Hi ladies, Hope everyone is having a good weekend. What does everyone have planned today? I need to take my girls shopping to get a few last minute things for school, school starts monday. I also hope to get in a walk and the wii or a short exercise dvd this evening. My weigh-in is on fridays. I lost another 1.5 lbs YEAH, I am closer to my goal. We can do this together
  • krklstephi
    krklstephi Posts: 182 Member
    Hello. Ahhh today I am cleaning house Woohooo!!! Well not really woohoo but trying to get motivated. I've had yucky allergies all week so I have not really wanted to do much. Tonight I am bbq'ng. Making simple burgers and hot dogs, but I always grill a ton of veggies. There is just something about the taste of fresh veggies cooked on the grill mmmmmm. Pretty much won't be doing a whole lot. I still have to finish my part of a team paper for school and again no motivation. It will come to me I'm sure. Funny thing is I don't really have to write alot for the team paper, I just don't have the motivation to do it. I am so burnt out on school, but I keep reminding myself a little over 2 weeks and I am completely finished. Hopefully that will work. :) Hopped on the scale and lost 0.6. Its a start!!
  • futurerunner
    futurerunner Posts: 169 Member
    I'm in! I want to lose 102 lbs...
  • Tamishumate
    Tamishumate Posts: 1,171 Member
    Hi ladies!
    I have lost all my weight from proper nutrition and tons of sweat. Read my blog if you want! You will find the link on my profile page. ( Maybe its still below too, I forget)
    Please do not think you can't do this, cause you most certainly can, dig deep down and find that inner strength that you need and know that you are worth it.
    I am so happy with life, I wake up everyday so happy that I get to have this new life in this new body, I want everyone to feel as wonderful as I do, cause I once felt as hopeless as some of you do now.
    You all can do this!
  • reneeb82
    reneeb82 Posts: 32
    Let's see. I finished digging up a bush and cleaning my yard today. Boy was it hot. Now I have a headache.
    It is good to see I am not alone on this journey which seems unending to me.
    I hope everyones weekend is good and we all make healthy choices.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Hello Everyone! Boy this group has taken off, hasn't it? :love: I'm so proud of the honesty displayed by everyone, so I suppose I have to be honest about myself. I've only lost 1 lb in 10 days, but I'm weighing myself tomorrow. I'll be happy if its only 2/10 of a pound, cuz its progress. I have a lot of extra time on my hands, (not married, not a mother, no job, either !! So spending time on here has been a great substitute for snacking all day. I even went to the grocery store today and didn't buy any treats, diet pop, or anything tempting at all. With your help, I'll stay on here and keep moving forward.
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