Tone arms in 6 weeks..whos in



  • ZoeLifts
    ZoeLifts Posts: 10,347 Member
    Welp, since this post was 3 weeks old anyway, I'm curious to see how the diligent "toning" has come along. The ladies that were originally going in for this should be halfway to their goal at this point and seeing some progress, right?

    Where are they? I need some progress pics.
  • ZoeLifts
    ZoeLifts Posts: 10,347 Member
    C'mon, there has got to be someone still working toward the toned arms in 6 weeks? I mean, ANYTHING works, right? As long as you're doing something and all that jazz. Surely the results from Pinterest can be found here as well? Surely the bat wings are going away as the weights lighter than my purse are being lifted daily in earnest??
  • edwardgaweda
    C'mon, there has got to be someone still working toward the toned arms in 6 weeks? I mean, ANYTHING works, right? As long as you're doing something and all that jazz. Surely the results from Pinterest can be found here as well? Surely the bat wings are going away as the weights lighter than my purse are being lifted daily in earnest??

  • ZoeLifts
    ZoeLifts Posts: 10,347 Member
    You know, I am just shocked that no one seems to be able to come in here and show their progress. I can only assume that it didn't work, I guess. So, would that mean that the people saying it wouldn't work were actually right? This could turn this whole site upside down. It's a revolutionary concept, that's what it is.
  • PepperWorm
    PepperWorm Posts: 1,206
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    C'mon, there has got to be someone still working toward the toned arms in 6 weeks? I mean, ANYTHING works, right? As long as you're doing something and all that jazz. Surely the results from Pinterest can be found here as well? Surely the bat wings are going away as the weights lighter than my purse are being lifted daily in earnest??

    In... catch up on this thread later.
  • mollycat79
    How do you do a chest press without a ball?
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,343 Member
    In for the before and after pics. I'm really interested in seeing how successful the program has been for all the participants.
  • MrsWells1983
    MrsWells1983 Posts: 160
    You can do it right at home. I am a stay at home mom i have no gym access with childcare im on day2 i am using 5lbs dumb bells for the 6 weeks if i notice a difference them i will try 7lbs for another 6 week :) There is 4 different exercises i added a chest fly lying down I did 2 sets of 12 for every exercise took about 15mins which i think is fantastic! Especially for a busy mom :)

    remember to take a picture of you arm day 1

    I am doing starting pic (may 15), 3 week update(june5th) and 6 week final(June 26th) then i will post all three when i am done

    5lbs (2.2kg)??????? I saw my 4 year old lifting those weights in the sport shop when we bought my weight set...... Use some weights that actually challenge your muscles :smile:
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    You know, I am just shocked that no one seems to be able to come in here and show their progress. I can only assume that it didn't work, I guess. So, would that mean that the people saying it wouldn't work were actually right? This could turn this whole site upside down. It's a revolutionary concept, that's what it is.

  • ZoeLifts
    ZoeLifts Posts: 10,347 Member
    You know, I am just shocked that no one seems to be able to come in here and show their progress. I can only assume that it didn't work, I guess. So, would that mean that the people saying it wouldn't work were actually right? This could turn this whole site upside down. It's a revolutionary concept, that's what it is.


    :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    Since you already bumped a near 3 week old post...

    There is no such thing as toning. "Toning" is a made-up term that perpetuates the linked myth of spot reduction. They do not exist.

    You want nice arms? Good. Lower your bodyfat through exercise and diet, and lift CHALLENGING weights that work the muscles in your arms. This same rule applies to every other statement like "I want a nice toned _____."

    Seriously. Stop with the quick fixes. Stop ever mentioning toning. Stop lifting baby weights. Challenge yourself. Work hard. Get results. Nothing comes easy.

    I am also interested to know how the ladies got on with this, hope they werent put off by some of the comments.
    When picking up a dumbell to start exercising for the first time what is the best weight to use. Do you pick up the heaviest weight and struggle until it becomes easier, or do you start of with something light and ensure you keep progressing. Just asking as I started with a 5kg kettle bell which is too light now, and then my friend gave me a 12kg one. I can do some of my moves with it, but struggle with some moves.
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    You can do it right at home. I am a stay at home mom i have no gym access with childcare im on day2 i am using 5lbs dumb bells for the 6 weeks if i notice a difference them i will try 7lbs for another 6 week :) There is 4 different exercises i added a chest fly lying down I did 2 sets of 12 for every exercise took about 15mins which i think is fantastic! Especially for a busy mom :)

    remember to take a picture of you arm day 1

    I am doing starting pic (may 15), 3 week update(june5th) and 6 week final(June 26th) then i will post all three when i am done

    5lbs (2.2kg)??????? I saw my 4 year old lifting those weights in the sport shop when we bought my weight set...... Use some weights that actually challenge your muscles :smile:

    Thanks you for this amazing story. It must be so lonely up there on your high horse.
  • grandevampire
    Since you already bumped a near 3 week old post...

    There is no such thing as toning. "Toning" is a made-up term that perpetuates the linked myth of spot reduction. They do not exist.

    You want nice arms? Good. Lower your bodyfat through exercise and diet, and lift CHALLENGING weights that work the muscles in your arms. This same rule applies to every other statement like "I want a nice toned _____."

    Seriously. Stop with the quick fixes. Stop ever mentioning toning. Stop lifting baby weights. Challenge yourself. Work hard. Get results. Nothing comes easy.

    I am also interested to know how the ladies got on with this, hope they werent put off by some of the comments.
    When picking up a dumbell to start exercising for the first time what is the best weight to use. Do you pick up the heaviest weight and struggle until it becomes easier, or do you start of with something light and ensure you keep progressing. Just asking as I started with a 5kg kettle bell which is too light now, and then my friend gave me a 12kg one. I can do some of my moves with it, but struggle with some moves.

    I think ideally the weight progression is more incremental. If you can't complete the full move once, you aren't really building strength through the whole range of motion.

    Also, in terms of starting with a weight that is easy, it's a case of being so overly cautious that it won't have any appreciable effect. For example, if you say you have never run before and want to start off easy, then stand up and tap each foot 20 reps x 3 for 6 weeks, you won't be much closer to your goal of running. That is what people mean by wasting time (that you could be using to make actual progress, and truly get stronger and better looking arms in 6 weeks).

    If you think about a single full push up, you are using 55% to 70% of your body weight (depending on the person's shape). If you can manage one of those, you can bench press around that weight. So if you perform a similar "arm-toning" exercise using 5lb dumbbells, you're doing about 7% of what you're able to, and it's easy enough load for your muscles that though they can fatigue from being endurance tested, they will not grow and thus will not look better.
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    Since you already bumped a near 3 week old post...

    There is no such thing as toning. "Toning" is a made-up term that perpetuates the linked myth of spot reduction. They do not exist.

    You want nice arms? Good. Lower your bodyfat through exercise and diet, and lift CHALLENGING weights that work the muscles in your arms. This same rule applies to every other statement like "I want a nice toned _____."

    Seriously. Stop with the quick fixes. Stop ever mentioning toning. Stop lifting baby weights. Challenge yourself. Work hard. Get results. Nothing comes easy.

    I am also interested to know how the ladies got on with this, hope they werent put off by some of the comments.
    When picking up a dumbell to start exercising for the first time what is the best weight to use. Do you pick up the heaviest weight and struggle until it becomes easier, or do you start of with something light and ensure you keep progressing. Just asking as I started with a 5kg kettle bell which is too light now, and then my friend gave me a 12kg one. I can do some of my moves with it, but struggle with some moves.

    What moves do you struggle with?
  • runawaybishop
    I am also interested to know how the ladies got on with this, hope they werent put off by some of the comments.
    When picking up a dumbell to start exercising for the first time what is the best weight to use. Do you pick up the heaviest weight and struggle until it becomes easier, or do you start of with something light and ensure you keep progressing. Just asking as I started with a 5kg kettle bell which is too light now, and then my friend gave me a 12kg one. I can do some of my moves with it, but struggle with some moves.
    Pick the heaviest weight that allows you to complete the set with proper form and full range of motion but still challenges you greatly on the last repetition. As you progress you increase the weight, or increase the repetitions.
  • MrsWells1983
    MrsWells1983 Posts: 160
    You can do it right at home. I am a stay at home mom i have no gym access with childcare im on day2 i am using 5lbs dumb bells for the 6 weeks if i notice a difference them i will try 7lbs for another 6 week :) There is 4 different exercises i added a chest fly lying down I did 2 sets of 12 for every exercise took about 15mins which i think is fantastic! Especially for a busy mom :)

    remember to take a picture of you arm day 1

    I am doing starting pic (may 15), 3 week update(june5th) and 6 week final(June 26th) then i will post all three when i am done

    5lbs (2.2kg)??????? I saw my 4 year old lifting those weights in the sport shop when we bought my weight set...... Use some weights that actually challenge your muscles :smile:

    Thanks you for this amazing story. It must be so lonely up there on your high horse.

    Not at all, I've got plenty of friends up here and the view is amazing. Like everyone else I'm wondering how this routine went and just wish women would pick up weights that are actually challenging. The OP may as well just lug her shopping bags around because it's a damn sight more challenging than a 2.2kg dumbell.
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    Since you already bumped a near 3 week old post...

    There is no such thing as toning. "Toning" is a made-up term that perpetuates the linked myth of spot reduction. They do not exist.

    You want nice arms? Good. Lower your bodyfat through exercise and diet, and lift CHALLENGING weights that work the muscles in your arms. This same rule applies to every other statement like "I want a nice toned _____."

    Seriously. Stop with the quick fixes. Stop ever mentioning toning. Stop lifting baby weights. Challenge yourself. Work hard. Get results. Nothing comes easy.

    I am also interested to know how the ladies got on with this, hope they werent put off by some of the comments.
    When picking up a dumbell to start exercising for the first time what is the best weight to use. Do you pick up the heaviest weight and struggle until it becomes easier, or do you start of with something light and ensure you keep progressing. Just asking as I started with a 5kg kettle bell which is too light now, and then my friend gave me a 12kg one. I can do some of my moves with it, but struggle with some moves.

    What moves do you struggle with?

    Using the 12kg its the clean and press, Bentover Row and the swing.
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    I am also interested to know how the ladies got on with this, hope they werent put off by some of the comments.
    When picking up a dumbell to start exercising for the first time what is the best weight to use. Do you pick up the heaviest weight and struggle until it becomes easier, or do you start of with something light and ensure you keep progressing. Just asking as I started with a 5kg kettle bell which is too light now, and then my friend gave me a 12kg one. I can do some of my moves with it, but struggle with some moves.
    Pick the heaviest weight that allows you to complete the set with proper form and full range of motion but still challenges you greatly on the last repetition. As you progress you increase the weight, or increase the repetitions.

    thanks for answering, esp since this is not related to this thread. i guess i was being cheap as i got the 12kg for free. i think i will go and get a slightly lower weight so i can continue and switch between the two. the 5kg one is much too light now. thanks for answering.
  • lyndzipage
    lyndzipage Posts: 26 Member
    I came arcoss this pin on pintrest and i am wondering if it will work if not at least i am working out my arms. 6 weeks to tone your arms There person who posted had a progress pictures and it was amazing. So why not try!

    Here is a link to the workout

    I am going to start tomorrow I will take a starting picture, then 3 weeks then final

    I would love to have some others join if you want

    here we go.....

    Well I am 3 days away from my 6 weeks. Def noticed a differece. I am not totally where i want my arms to be but this 6 weeks was a start. I lost about an 1" off my jiggle unflexed lol as well. I have never done arm workouts before....
    this is what I did:

    1 1/2 weeks 5lbs
    2 weeks 7lbs
    2 week 8 lbs
    1/2 week 10lbs

    3 reps of 12 for each exercise with a 5 sec rest inbetween

    not sure how to ad pics but its in my profile pic