Team UK - August2010



  • lucy9994
    lucy9994 Posts: 9 Member
    Hellooooo the Uk!
    I'm new and one of you kindly saw my 'confused goal' posting and recommended Londonite me to here. Phew! Completely inspired by how much everyone has lost, but equally relieved to read the 'naughties'! I've gathered an unwelcome and lumpy extra stone over the last couple of years, I guess through general slippage into oversized portions, lack of exercise and one glass of wine never quite being enough! The final 6 lbs only loaded on about 4 weeks ago, after a particularly well catered shoot I worked on. So when the scales shot up, so suddenly did my head - out of the sand that is, and possessed with unbridled determination and powered by shame, I vowed to change. No longer would I listen to anyone who said I was fine as I was. I'm tallish and darn good at the whole big tops over jeggings disguise thang. I mean how were they to know about the dreaded bulging muffin top that lurked beneath! So here I am, having taken drastic action, beginning to see some hope (as well as a surprising emergence of something resembling tummy muscle!). The goal: a stone in 6/8 weeks. So far the gym actually recognises my face rather than a wasted direct debit. I trot or stagger in at some ungodly hour 4 mornings a week. I spent a revealing hour with a hypnotherapist to get my head in gear andsentenced my diet to 4 weeks of 'bodychef' deliveries. Just for good measure I bought a cold turkey pack - inspired idea - and proudly wear my bracelet, tick off the days on the cold turkey chart I downloaded. 12 days in, all was going swimmingly until my body completely revolted. I think it decided that meat deprivation (I signed up for the detox) was a step too far. The loo became decidedly over familiar. Before I knew it, I became a diet escapee and was found with a bunch of work friends in the local wine bar consuming volumes of wine and chorizo, pate and dream of dreams...fluffy White french bread. Bliss! Up went the line by 1.5 lbs on the MFP progress weight chart app and I hung my head in shame (and hangover) all day yesterday as I slopped back to the diet. Still, changed off the detox and onto 1200 caps a day package and rejoiced at the sight of previously forbidden goodies - ham, cheese and even a breadstick! The scales have slipped back down (6 lbs lost and it's day 15) so I guess no serious damage done and hey, a girls gotta live. I have to go it alone without the help of bodychef in a week, and this app is already a gosend and will undoubtedly become more so. What I hadn't bargained on, through my mad headlong rush into healthier ways, was the support from this site. Thanks to all those who post here and travel this funny ol' calorie controlled road. Lucy x
  • jodie_t
    jodie_t Posts: 287 Member
    ooo I only just noticed this! Team UK <<cheer>> :drinker:
    Can I play ? :smile:

    What are the rules?

    I need to lose about 15lb but it doesn't get easier mid life, your bod *really* doesn't wanna let it go :sad:

    BTW how do you post picson these threads, anyone?
  • lucy9994
    lucy9994 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi jodie, No idea how you add the pics (only just cracked a smiley!) as i'm a bit new too. However, I do share same weight loss goal. 15lbs. I've shed 6 lbs in just over 2 weeks - bit of roller coaster though (as per previous overly long post) so 9 lbs still to go. You're so right - was easy in my 20's but much harder now. Seems a long way to go until you read how much so many on this site have lost. Inspiring stuff. Anyway, loads of luck with your goal :smile: lucy
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    Jodie and Lucy (hope I got your names right!) think we all joined MFP for the same reasons. Much to my surprise I've managed to lose my weight despite thinking it was impossible since I hit 30! I've found that it wasn't necessarily what I was eating but how much. I started weighing things like pasta and rice and realised that I was cooking nearly twice as much for myself as I should have done. I've also been super good and prepared food to take into work rather than ending up eating sandwiches and crisps, this has also meant I've been eating breakfast as not being a morning person I could never face eating before I left for work.

    Lucy, if you haven't already, I'd suggest getting some digital scales so you can weigh food once you are cooking for yourself. I'm sure you'll be fine without bodychef. IMO it's all about making small but sustainable lifestyle changes so we can meet our goals but also keep the weight off long term. Good luck :happy:
  • James501
    James501 Posts: 148
    Just to prove i aint out i will post at 00.17 am lol First time in 4 weeks i haven't been drinking on a saturday night

    Have had a great week and soooooooooooooooo want the next 5 weeks to fly by with the same result as i have had the last 8 weeks. Not long now and every goal i set back in August 2009 will be completed.
    Don't want to start my emotional thank you to everone just yet but when you can see the goal weight it feels so good, Just the pick up i need.:happy:
    Anyway 5 weeks of hard work before my weight is what i will be happy with.

    In my personal life have had some great news this week, i am going to be an uncle. :smile:

    Welcome newbies this is by far the best ever turn out for team UK. One final push everyone before end of month check in. Good luck xxx
  • queenmedusa
    queenmedusa Posts: 247 Member
    Congratulations James! Great news on all levels. You'll be down to your goal weight in no time and will be fit and healthy and energetic when your niece or nephew arrives :smile:

    Have just had breakfast and looking forward to a brisk walk down to my parents house in a while. Thankfully the sun is shining as I have to carry their anniversary gift which weighs 4kg (I may or may not take their marble pestle and mortar which I need to return!) Have been off programme since Thursday so I really feel like I need the exercise as my system feels sluggish. Am being a good girl and taking a birthday box of chocs into the office tomorrow as I don't want to eat them myself (think there's about 40chocs in the box! Eek!) Have decided not to weigh in until next Saturday as I want my body to get back to where it was on Wednesday (according to the scale this morning I've gained 5lbs in 4days!)

    Gonna make a nice fruit salad and some houmous and crudites for lunch tomorrow to get some healthy stuff back in my body and start to cleanse. As well as lots of water of course! :bigsmile:

    Hope everyone else has had a great weekend.
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: Hi everyone

    Welcome Lucy and Jodie I'm quite new to this site too. Good Luck with your goals.

    Well done Yvonne Size 10 too big. :flowerforyou: I can only dream of fitting into size 10 but I suppose it is something to aim for.

    I agree that it is harder to lose weight the older you get. My weight gain snuck up on me in my 40s so now I need to get it under control. Unfortunately in my battle "weight" is winning at the moment it has joined up with "lack of willpower" and between them they are giving me a good pasting. I am trying not to be discouraged though and have asked "determination" to help me but he's a bit fickle and comes and goes :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Congrats James on the news you are to be an uncle, and well done on your good week, hope the next are as good for you.

    Queenmedusa I'm sure the weight gain will soon go once you start back on the programme and good on you taking the chocs in to work.

    Better go just noticed the time and I haven't started on dinner yet so better get a move on.

    Have a good Sunday.
  • sim247
    sim247 Posts: 354
    Hope everyone is having a good weekend and for once, the sun is shining!

    I am happy for those of you who have done well this week. And for those of you like me who haven't had the best of weeks, tomorrow is the start of a new week. I have had a really bad week (in my personal life) so I am really grateful for my mfp friends who were so supportive and kept me going when I could quite easily have given up. I lost 1lb this week and was pleased because I wasn't expecting a weight loss and almost didn't weigh myself.

    I am back at work a week on Wednesday so would love to lose a few more pounds by then! Might have to buy some new work trousers though.......
  • Kellbro
    Kellbro Posts: 4
    HI ALL

  • James_H
    James_H Posts: 48
    Monday morning weigh in and I've finally busted through the plateau I'd hit after my first week - I was stuck on 182 for about 3 weeks but I'm finally down to 180.

    Still some way to go but I'm glad to finally see some results! Have done more exercise this week (even if it was only walking most days) and I wasn't exactly perfect every day, but it just goes to show that even if you do go over one day it doesn't ruin your entire week!

  • Matt_S_1978
    Matt_S_1978 Posts: 150 Member
    Nice one mate, glad to see it's finally dropping off. Think I might be in the same boat, can't see it shifting this week either, had a heavy weekend. Still feeling better than 2 weeks ago, weight loss or not, feeling fitter is surely better than anything else.
  • terrijayne
    terrijayne Posts: 31 Member
    anyone from the bournemouth (boscombe/springbourne side) up to start jogging? im talking abut once a week for maybe half an hur to start and building it up from there? dont fancy doing it on my own but a little company would be great. if u do add me on friends and we can sort it out there
  • beckiboo
    beckiboo Posts: 32 Member
    James - well done!

    Mat - feeling fitter is definitely a good thing, even if the scales don't change.

    I had an off-track weekend - always happens when the boyfriend is off work because our routine goes out the window! So I've only lost 0.75 of a lb this week - but a loss is still a loss, right? I've still got a week to lose another 0.75lb and get to my August goal of 155lb
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Just checking in.... on day 2 of the DETOX... hope your all ok?
    Im a little lathargic but thats to be expected...

    sorry i havent got much to input.. im being a bit quiet at the moment... worst thing is.. there is a cinemon whirl thats been sitting on my desk since 13.00... still havent touched it... detox detox detox! haha :laugh:

    Love Katherine xx
  • emc2003
    emc2003 Posts: 29
    Hi all,

    I've had a bad couple of days - been decorating and hubby has bought in KFC tonight. In my defense, I haven't snacked and I have been very busy decorating - only just finished. We live in hope, eh? Weigh in tomorrow so I'm keeping my fingers crossed!
  • karen0210
    karen0210 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Everyone!!!

    Newbie here. Glad to find to Find Team UK!!. Have been doing Weightwatchers for ages but got a bit bored and found this on my Ipod. Have started again from Monday.

  • James_H
    James_H Posts: 48
    Welcome Karen, and good luck!

    I think if you're used to Weightwatchers you should find this quite similar, and very easy to use! Just remember to log your veggies here though, I know they're free on WW but a few calories here and there throughout the day can add up - I frequently hit 200 calories a day on veggies alone... not that I'm trying to discourage anyone from eating veggies...

    And, Mat, feeling better is definitely tons of it, I certainly feel a lot more lively and awake since I started eating better.

    The other day I carried a huge bag of potatoes home from the shops and as I struggled up the stairs with it, I realised that I'd lost more weight than that, and I'd been carrying it around permanently. It's no wonder we feel a bit rubbish with all that excess weight!
  • James_H
    James_H Posts: 48
    Come on guys, I can't be the only one who weighs in on a Monday morning... ;o)

    How've you all done this week?
  • emc2003
    emc2003 Posts: 29
    I lost 1/2lb when I weighed in yesterday, was hoping for more but being realistic I was pleased with that. We've had a couple of take aways this week so I'm trying very hard now.

    I can't believe it's almost the end of August!
  • Matt_S_1978
    Matt_S_1978 Posts: 150 Member
    Will weigh in tomorrow at the gym.

    Will be no loss again I bet. Have had a bad few days in this week, specially Sunday.

    Going gym all the time just makes me hungry ! I just wanna eat !! the wrong things though.